The Seventieth Regiment contained a large quota of men from Johnson County. Besides Company I, which was composed almost exclusively of men from this county, there was a good representation in several other companies. Of the regimental officer, George W. Allison became quartermaster, and William A. Webb, assistant surgeon. In Company F, George W. Grubb was first lieutenant, and early in January, 1865, was promoted major of the Forty-second Regiment, United States Colored Troops. The officers of company I, were: Captains, William H. Fisher and John W. Thornburgh; first lieutenants, Thomas J. Morgan and S. Wesley Martin; second lieutenants, Stephen W. Dungan, S. W. Martin, John E. Clelland and Joseph M. Tilson. Of the ninety-nine men originally enrolled in this company, all but eleven were from this county, as were most of the twenty-nine recruits. The company lost nineteen by death. It was mustered into the service early in August, 1862, and during the remainder of that year and all of 1863, it did duty in Kentucky and Tennessee. In 1864, it was engaged in the Atlanta campaign, and went with Sherman to the sea. In 1865 it marched up through the Carolinas. The regiment was commanded by Benjamin Harrison, as colonel, and took part in some hotly contested battles, and performed much arduous duty. Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker