Date of birth:  June 1, 1840 – Johnson County, Indiana
Date of death: May 5, 1895 – Needham, Johnson County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, May 10, 1895,
Vol XXXV Number 44, page 1 column 1



John Swift died at the home of his brother, Evan Swift, in Needham tow­nship, last Sunday morning, after a lingering illness of consumption. He was born in this county June 1, 1840. He was twice married, both wives having preceded him to the great beyond. He was the father of six chil­dren, four of whom survive him, one son and three daughters. Deceased had been a member of the Separate Baptist church for a number of years. The fun­eral took place at two o’clock Monday afternoon.

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, May 10, 1895,
Vol XXXV Number 44, page 1 column 3

John Swift, after a lingering illness with consumption, died Saturday night. The funeral occurred Monday afternoon at Union church.

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, May 10, 1895,
Vol XXXV Number 44, page 6 column 3





The funeral of John Swift, conducted by P. K. Parr, was held at Union church Monday. The remains were buried in the Mullikin cemetery.

Link to John Swift’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry