Arthur Paul Bruegger

Ft Thomas Living

Arthur Paul Bruegger, 18 son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bruegger, 711 Fifth Avenue, Dayton, graduated with honors last week from the Great Lakes Naval Hospital Pharmacist School. Immediately after his graduation he and his class members were shipped to various hospitals and assigned to the Marine Corps. Pvt. Bruegger was sent to St Alban Hospital, Long Island NY to serve his internship.

Later he will be assigned to a hospital ship in some war theater, front line hospital or actual battle field. The young recruit is a former student of St Bernard School, Dayton; a graduate of the Covington Latin School and was attending Xavier College when he enlisted. The graduation was attended by his mother and his aunts, Mrs. William Birsinger, New Castle Ind. and Mrs. W F Carmichael Silverton O. They remained in Chicago several days before returning home.

Pvt. Bruegger graduated with an average of 94.02. The highest average was 96. The class completed a one year course in six weeks by attending day and night classes. The commanding officer of the Chicago base praised the young recruits for their hard efforts. The need for medical men is so urgent, he said that volunteers who undertake this shortened course deserve the praise heaped upon them.


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