Private Charles H Hogle

Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 September 1943, page 1

Charles Hogle, 20, of 327 Thornton street, Newport, who was wounded in action in Sicily, has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital in North Africa, it was learned here this week. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hogle were notified recently by the War Department that young Hogle was wounded by shrapnel.

The young Newport soldier entered the service in February this year. He has a brother, Earl Hogle with an Army detachment now in China. Earl Hogle is 22.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 September 1943, page 4

Pvt. Charles Hogle, 20, has received the Purple Heart medal for being wounded in the Sicilian campaign, the War Department notified his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogle, 327 Thornton street, Newport, recently. The extent of the injury was not described.

Entering the Army Feb 4, Pvt. Hogle took his basic training at Ft McClellan, Ala. and arrived in Africa in May. Prior to entering the armed forces he was an employee of Victor Brown, Newport florist. Pvt. Hogle's brother, Pvt. Earl C Hogle is stationed in India.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 November 1943, page 13

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogle, 327 Thornton street, Newport, received word Wednesday from the War Department that their son, Pvt. Charles "Buddy" Hogle, 20 was missing in action. Pvt. Hogle, who entered the Army last February was awarded the Purple Heart, having been wounded in the leg Aug 4 during the Sicilian campaign. He was attached to the infantry.

Before entering the Army he was employed by Victor Brown, Newport florist. A brother, Earl Hogle, is with the Medical Corps in Chinga.


Ft Thomas Matters Newspaper-no date

For the second time in six months, Pvt. Charles H Hogle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogel, 327 Thornton Street, Newport, has been reporting missing in action. Pvt. Hogel, who is 21 years old, was first reported missing in action in Italy in October. In December his parents received word from the War Department, he has now been missing since Jan 28.

A member of an infantry division, Pvt. Hogel was wounded in action in August and received the Purple Heart award while in a base hospital in Africa. He has been overseas since the latter part of May. A brother, Earl Hogle, is serving in China.


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