Charlotte Willis

Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 March 1918, page 1

Exercises will be held Wednesday, March 20, for graduates of Speers Hospital, Dayton, instead of May 8, because several members of the class are to go to France with Kentucky Base Hospital Unit No 40, now being mobilized at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville.

Anna Pracht, Delila Sparks and Marie Simon, members of the 1918 class will go to France for service with the Kentucky unit. Josephine Sullivan, graduate nurse, will also go. Bertha McClain and Rose Neiser, graduates left with a Cincinnati unit several weeks ago. Christine Fortlage and Charlotte Willis, members of this years graduating class are not contemplating foreign service because they expect to do cantonment work in this country.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 March 1918, page 1

Graduating exercises for the 1918 class of the Speers Memorial Hospital Training School, Dayton, will be held Wednesday night at the hospital auditorium. This date is earlier than the usual graduating exercises as some of the nurses expect to leave for France soon.

Miss Sophie Steinhauer is superintendent of the hospital and in charge of the training of nurses. Graduates of the Speers Hospital Memorial Training School, Dayton are: Delilia Margaret Sparks, Charlotte Willis, Marie Ann Simon, Christine Fortlage and Anna Marie Pracht.


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