Frank Wasser

Submitted by Carol Sanman 14 June 2019

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 30 January 1866, page 2


Fatal Result of Injuries-On New year's evening, a lot of drunken rowdies, some fifteen or twenty in number, entered a beer saloon on Monmouth street, and without any provocation whatever commenced a general onslaught about a party of peaceable Germans who were present. In the melee one of the Germans, named Frank Wasser, was terribly beaten about the head and face.

He died from the effects on Saturday and was buried on Sunday by the Druids and Red Men. Two men named Reuben Tedrow, jun. and Lewis Helm, have been arrested on the charge of being concerned in the murder.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 15 March 1866, page 3


ARREST-A young man named George Primstone was arrested yesterday on the charge of being concerned in the row at a drinking saloon on Monmouth street, on the night of 1st of January, which resulted in a man named Wasser being so severely beaten that he subsequently died.


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