John Corry and Frank Gudgren


The Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 9 May 1862, page 3


IMPORTANT ARREST-Last night, about twelve o'clock, Deputy United States Marshal Bennett, accompanied by Jailor Horsfall, Marshal Clint Butts, of Covington and several others, repaired to a place known as Mexican House, situated about four miles up the river, nearly opposite the town of California, where they arrested two men, named Frank Gudgren and John Corry, who stole a horse and buggy from a livery stable in Batavia, Ohio.

The stolen property was recovered and upon asking an examination of the premises the officers found a large quantity of counterfeit money secreted under the bed occupied by one of the parties.  The bogus stuff consists of "threes" on the State Bank of Ohio and is miserably executed.

The men arrested are from the United States Army, one from Colonel Mundy's regiment and the other from the Second Kentucky.  The officers expect to make other developments in a few days, as the place has been suspected as a haunt of counterfeiters and thieves.  The parties were brought to Newport about daylight yesterday morning, and immediately placed in charge of officers from Cincinnati, who conveyed them across the river.

They will undergo an examination today.


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