St Johns Lutheran Church


The following information comes from LDS film #1550343

1847-The first burial was made in the St John Cemetery.

1860-The first services were conducted by the reverend Christian Dingeldey, Lutheran missionary, in an old schoolhouse on the John Weidinger farm.

1861-The St John congregation was organized as a German Evangelical Protestant church.

1866-The first building of the congregation was built adjoining the cemetery on ground given by Peter and Catherine Schreier.

1879-Ground next to the church property was purchased for the purpose of a parsonage and school.

1888-The Ladies' Aid was organized on Ascension Day.

1890-The parochial school of the congregation was closed and a church steeple was added to the building.

1903-The present parsonage was built and dedicated.

1912-A resolution was passed by the congregation that henceforth no free preacher of the German Evangelical Protestant Church shoule be called as pastor.

1914-The English language was first used in the worship service.

1917-The church building was renovated and modernized. New furniture was installed throughout the building and the stained glass windows were added.

1922-The congregation voted unanimously to unite with the Evangelical Lutheran Church and become a synodical member of the United Lutheran Church in America.

1933-Extensive repairs were made both to the inside and the outside of the church building.

1941-Two hundred persons were in attendance for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the building and the eightieth anniversary of the congregation.

1953-Additional ground was purchased by the congregation for an extension to the cemtery.

1961-The old church demolished and new building begun.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 January 1902, page 6


The German Protestant Evangelical St John's congregation at Tug Fork, Campbell County Ky. elected the following Church Directors:

President-John Hieber
Secretary-George Scheffing
Treasurer-John Heiert
Trustees-H Schnabel, H Dillhardt, William Ziegler and George Warth.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 June 1903, page 9


The St John's Evangelical Protestant Congregation of Tug Fork, Ky. will give a grand picnic at John Hieber's Grove, Tuesday July 14.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 1 Oct 1917, page 12


Celebrates Golden Jubilee

St John's Lutheran Church, Tug Fork, renovated and remodeled, was reopened yesterday with golden jubilee services at 9:30 am and 2:30 pm.

Addresses were made by Rev Charles Schoenwandt, former pastor; Rev L J Motschman of St Mark's Church, Newport; Rev E R Wagner, Rev E A Born, Rev H W Little, Rev J C Schubert and Rev John Frederick.

Captain John Sauser is the only surviving charter member of the congregation. He is 83 years old.


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