Louis Schneider

Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 August 1917, page 1

Exemption board examiners, working on testing men selected for the national army service in Campbell co. outside of Newport, sitting at Ft Thomas city hall, Friday were getting close to the end of their first call. The following were rejected because of physical disabilities.

Louis Schneider, 31 W Eighth st. Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 April 1918, page 2

The Newport Exemption Board received orders Thursday to entrain 45 men for Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, April 30. Louis Schneider, 31 W Eighth.


Kentucky Post,  Thursday, 10 October 1918, page 1

Louis Schneider, Corporal in Company 337, Signal Corps formerly stationed at Camp Custer, Mich. is in France, he writes his mother, Mrs. J Schneider, 31 W Eighth st. Newport. He says he is in the best of health.


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