Louis H, Sarah Ann and Louisa Smith


Information comes from the Campbell County Court Guardian Book 2006-000-0416. page 186, at the Campbell County Historical & Genealogical Society in Alexandria Ky.


WHEREAS, Christina Smith, has been appointed by the County Court of Campbell County, and has qualified as Guardian to Louis H, Sarah Ann and Louisa Smith, minors of deceased Catherine Smith.

NOW, we Christina Smith as principal, and Thos W Gideon and Edward M Bailey, her sureties, do hereby covenant to and with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, that the said Christina Smith, will faithfully discharge the trust of Guardian to said minors, in all respects as required by law.

Signed this 7th day of April 1862. Christina Smith, Edward Bailey, Thos W Gideon

ATTEST: Jno J Thomas Clk

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