

Submitted by Robert Maxwell 3 February 2017


East Side of Persimmon Grove Pike, south of the intersection of Jerry Wright Road

These burials are probable since there are no longer any headstones on the site.  They were destroyed years ago and used for another purpose.  There are some remnants of headstones but we are not able to read any names or dates.

Baker, John W 1847-1848; son of Rebecca & James Baker
Baker, Rebecca Ann Graden 1822-1847; wife of James Baker
Baker, Thomas L 1843-1849; son of Rebecca & James Baker

Boyles, Henry 1750-1822
Boyles, Martha Fulton 1748-1842 wife of Henry
Boyles, Henry Junior 1788-before 1850; son of Henry & Martha

Graden, Infant 1831-1831
Graden, Matilda Maxwell 1803-1831; First wife of George Graden

Maxwell, Agnes Nancy Boyles 1776-1864; wife of John (she was married to a McDaniel in 1849)
Maxwell,  Almira Whirl 1810-1840; wife of John B Maxwell
Maxwell, John 1767-1829
Maxwell, John Boyles 1809-1849; son of John & Nancy

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