Newport 1869 Directory


Published by C S Williams at the Cincinnati Directory Office
194 Walnut St. corner of Fifth, Cincinnati, Ohio

Wackman John, porter, h 267 York
Wages Hayden, tobacconist, bds Eli Eams'
Waggener John B. (P. H. Wilson & Co.) h 136 Columbia
Wagner Adam, b1acksmith and wagon maker 171 Monmouth, h 88 Rickey
Wagner B. blacksmith, h e s John b Tibbatts and Williamson
Wagner Henry, tailor, h 32 Walnut
Wagner Joseph, stone cutter, wks John C. Schroll's
Wagner Paul, laborer, h e s John s of Williamson
Wagner Robt. blacksmith, wks 88 Monmouth
Wagoner John B. carpenter, h 126 Columbia
Wagonfeld Jacob, cabinet maker, h cor Hubbard and Licking Bridge
Wahle John, sawyer, h 112 East Row
Wahler John, molder h 137 Orchard
Waibel Geo. tailor, h e s Isabella b McArthur and Ringgold
Wakemann Fred. shoemaker, h 101 Saratoga
Waldan Adolph, soldier, h 97 Mayo
Waldbillig John, laborer, h 21 Walnut
Waldenmeyer August, mold maker, h e s Columbia b Tibbatts and Williamson
Waldenmyer Adolph, clerk, h 227 York
Walker Mrs. H. widow, h n s Bellevue b Columbia and Cabot
Walker James, carriage smith, bds n w c Madison and Moss
Walkley Chas. S. lithographer, h 57 Saratoga
Wall Thos.. engineer, bds 93 York
Wall Wm. engineer, h s e c Williamson and Orchard
Wallace Alex. carriage. painter, h 59 Monmouth
Wallace John G. clerk, h s s Eglantine b Saratoga and East Row
Wallace Wm. engraver, h w s Cabot b Bellevue and Southgate
Wallin Wm. saddler, h 91 Orchard
Walls Lewis, molder, h 133 Front
WALSH A. B., Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, and Dealer in Lumber, w s Cabot b Madison and Levis; h w s Isabella b E1m and Goodman
Walsh Anna, seamstress; h w s York s of Williamson
Walsh James, cartman, h e s Putnam s of Williamson
Walsh James, merchant., h s w c Madison and Saratoga
Walsh John bds 105 Madison
Walsh Joseph, laborer, h e s Moss n of Bellevue
Walsh Maggie, seamstress, h w s York s of Williamson
Walsh Michael C. foreman, h 174 Harris
WALSH PATRICK, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, &c., also Saloon, and Justice of the Peace, n w c Madison and Cabot; h 105 Madison
Walsh Patrick, laborer, bds Christian Callahan's
Walsh Richard, grocer, bds 105 Madison
Walt Casper, laborer, h w s Saratoga b Tibbatts and Williamson
Walt Mary A. widow, h s s Bellevue b Moss and Hubbard
Walter Frank, molder, h e s German b McArthur and Ringgold
Walter John, cooper, h n e c Goodman and Patterson
Walters T. K. shoemaker, bds Mrs. H. Walker's
Waltz John, carpenter, h 43 Mayo
Walz John, carpenter, h 43 Mayo
Walz Valentine, laborer, h e s John s of Williamson
Ward Geo. w. h 170 York
Waring Robert, h w s East Row b Ringgold and Harris
Warnke Henry, paper carrier, h w s Columbia b Tibbatts and Williamson
Warren Mrs. widow, h s e Bellevue b Moss and Hubbard
Warren Wm. carpenter, h 137 Saratoga
Wasman Peter, collar maker, h e s Putnam b Tibbatts and Williamson
Wasser Catharine, widow, h 91 Rickey
Wasson Clinton, stereo-typer, h 168 Front
Waterhouse Henry, pattern maker, h n w c Cabot and Lewis
Waterhouse Wm. bellows maker, h e s Putnam s of Williamson
Waterman Elizabeth, widow, h 53 Robert
Waters Mrs. widow, h w s Cabot b Front and Southgate
Waters Ann, widow, h s s Elm b Isabella and Patterson
Waters Enoch, currier, h 3 Saratoga
Waters John, coachman, James Taylor's, Sen
Waters John, molder, bds Ann Waters'
Watters W. H. general agent, Adams Express Co., h 97 Monmouth
Wayland Francis H. cabinet maker, h 139 Ringgold
Weaver Adam, laborer, wks T. W. Livezey & Co's
Weaver Catharine, widow, h 11 Todd
Weaver Gottfried, h 46 Madison
Weaver Henry, cabinet maker, h e s Isabella, b McArthur and Ringgold
Weaver John, carpenter, b rear 226 Front
Weaver John, teamster, h 207 Madison
Weaver Susan, h 63 Saratoga
Webber Daniel, laborer, h 162 Front
Webber Otto, laborer, bds 7 Saratoga
Webber Phillipina, widow, h 7 Saratoga
Weber Adam, huckster, h n e c Elm and Lowell
Weber Adam, laborer, h 41 Isabella
Weber Caroline, widow, h w s Goodman b Patterson and Brighton
Weber Chas. h n s Powell b Brighton and Lowell
Weber Chas. tailor, h w s Putnam s of Wi1liamson
Weber Chas. L. carpenter, h w s Putnam s of Williamson
Weber Fred. cigar maker, h 40 Madison
Weber Fred. watch maker, h 289 York
Weber Henry, furniture repairer, 20 Jefferson, h 92 Isabella
Weber Henry, laborer, h n s Madison w of Hubbard
Weber Hobart, tailor, h 74 Robert
Weber James L. painter, bds 159 Bellevue
Weber John, h 127 Monmouth
Weber Lewis, engineer, h 159 Bellevue
Weber Martin, tailor, h 59 Chestnut
Weber Michael, tailor, h 10 Rickey
Weber Wm. painter, h 104 Madison
WEBSTER F. M. Attorney at Law, Office s e c York and Bellevue, up stairs; h 115 Madison
Wedderstrand Theodore, notions, 116 Eglantine
Wehner John, laborer, h 83 Rickey
Wehner Michael, laborer, h 23 Robert
Weiber Barney, laborer, h 36 Chestnut
Weibert Jacob, grocery, 54 Columbia
Weichter E. laborer, bds 226 Front
Weidbecker T. machinist, h e s German b McArthur and Ringgold
Weideman Joseph, finisher, h 121 Cabot
Weier Henry, grocery 48 Chestnut
Weiland Paul, tailor, h e s Isabella b McArthur and Ringgold
WEINGARTNER JOSEPH, Planning Mill, Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c., also Carpenter and Builder, e s Monmouth b Tibbatts and Williamson
Weiper Bernard, teamster, h 36 Chestnut
Weirs Henry, h n s Elm b Isabella and Patterson
Weise David, cigar maker, bds 118 Cabot
Weise Fred. baker, h w s Columbia b Harris and Tibbatts
Weise Henry, h 18 Jefferson
Weise Henry A. book-keeper, h 18 Jefferson
Weise John, h 118 Cabot
Weise Wm. b rear 18 Jefferson
Weisenborn David, musician, h 63 Walnut
Weisling D. laborer, h w s Ann b Harris and Tibbatts
Weitz John, laborer, h w s Saratoga b Tibbatts and Williamson
Welch Chas. collar maker, h 94 Orchard
Welch Geo. G. machinist, h s s Locust b Brighton and Lowell
Welch Michael, stone mason, h w s Southgate b Isabella and Moss
Welch Thos stone mason, h e s Moss n of Bellevue
Welling Barney, watchman, h 36 Walnut
Wellinger Lorenzo, cabinet maker, h 107 Orchard
Wellmann Asa, clerk, h 84 Bellevue
Wells & L. Steward bds 134 York
Wells Taylor P. pilot, h 123 Madison
Welsh Catharine, widow, h rear 131 Front
Wempe Wm. blacksmith, b 21 Robert
Wendel Geo. laborer, h 23 Walnut
Wenderoth John A. furnaceman, h 148 Front
Wendt Chas. clerk, h s s Tibbatts b York and Putnam
Wendt Frederick, blacksmith, h 23r York
Wendt Frederick, jr. clerk, bds 234 York
Wendt Henry, blacksmith, h 128 Monmouth
Wentworth Samuel S. platter, h 26 Chestnut
Wenzel & Co. (Henry W. &. Fred. Buning) mineral water makers, n w c Jefferson and Monmouth
Wenzel Henry, (W. &, Co.) res Covington
Wenzel Wm. L. riverman, h 61 Columbia
Wesemann Henry, carpenter, h 38 McArthur
WERPUP HENRY, Bread and Cake Bakery, n e c Tibbatts and Saratoga
Wesseilman Frances, widow, h s s Walnut b Lowell and Licking River
Wessels John, (John W. & Co.) h 97 Bellevue
Wessels John & Co. (John W. & Henry Leiding) stable, 95 Bellevue
West David M. painter, bds 26 Rickey
West Lizzie, widow, res l38 Taylor
West Wm printer, h s w c East Row and Mayo
Westby Sarah, widow, h n w c Mayo and East Row
Westermann Z. carpenter, wks Joseph Weingartner's
Weston Thos. foreman Bernard Dowling's, h e s Isabella b McArthur and Ringgold
Westwood Thos. engineer, h n w c Isabella and Elm
Wetzel Anthony, finisher, h n s Ringgold b Columbia and Cabot
Wewer Henry, clerk, h n e c Tibbatts and Saratoga
WEWER, JOHN B., Dealer in Family Groceries, Produce, &e., s e c Saratoga and Williamson
Whalen John, laborer, h s s Bellevue b Isabella and Moss
Whaley John, teamster, h 174 Front
Wheeler Geo. P. railroad agent, h 79 Madison
Whelahan Wm. laborer, h e s Cabot s of Williamson
Whelan Richard, molder, h 13 East Row
Whip Geo W. tailor, h n w c Madison and Moss
Whitaker Wm. machinist, h n s Southgate b Cabot and Isabella
White Andrew, molder, wks C. Wolff & Co's, h Cincinnati
White Mrs. C. grocery, h n s Taylor b Columbia and Cabot
White J. W. laborer, wks Swift's Iron and Steel Works
White John, boiler maker, h 92 Bellevue
White Kate, teacher, Seminary School Building
White Margaret, widow, h 94 Bellevue
White Mary, widow, h 198 Madison
White Wm. machinist, h 403 Putnam
Whitaker Frederick, machinist, h 263 York
Wittemore Thos. mattress manufacturer, h 75 Rickey
Whitten Chas. H. engineer, bds 9 Monmouth
Whitten Hiram, hostler, h 213 Madison
Whitten I. S. engineer, h 213 Madison
Whitton Jane, widow, b 58 Monmouth
Whitton Richard L. painter, bds 58 Monmouth
Wichert Herman, messenger, h w s York b Ringgold and Harris
Wick C. C . book-keeper, h 161 York
Widrig T. A. (T. A. W. & Co.) h 66 Cabot
WIDRIG T. A. & CO., (Tobias A. W. & David Hengelbrok) Dealers in Flour and Feed of all kinds, e s York b Bellevue and Madison
WIEBE WM. H., Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 121 Monmouth
Wieck B. boots and shoes, n w c Saratoga and Mayo
Wiederhold Joseph, whitewasher, h 57 Chestnut
Wiegel Lorenzo, merchant, h 146 Saratoga
Wiegler Christian, millinery, 119 Monmouth
Wieland Matilda, widow, h 95 Monmouth
Wiemeier Andrew, laborer, h 16 Robert
Wienold Henry, finisher, h 118 Saratoga

Wiesman Joseph, blacksmith, h n s Chestnut b Isabella and Patterson
Wiggeringloh Edward, carpenter, h e s' Hubbard near Madison
Wigston Wm. brick layer, h 8 Robert
Wildt Chas. painter, h e s Ann b Harris and Tibbatts
Wildt Christian, painter, h e s Ann b Harris and Tibbetts
Wilkemeier Herman, blacksmith, h n e c Saratoga and Ringgold
Williams J. S. steward, h 120 Ringgold
Williams Evan, brass finisher, h 56 Columbia
Williams Henry, laborer, h n s Powell b Brighton and Lowell
Williams J. Taylor, (W. & Spence) h n s Jefferson b Monmouth and Saratoga
Williams John jr., plasterer, res John Williams' sen
Williams John sen., engineer, h n s McArthur b Columbia and Cabot
WILLIAMS & SPENCE, (J. Taylor W. & P. B. S.) Dealers in Coal; Offices, s w c York and Bellevue, and s e c Monmouth and James Alley
WILLIAMS T. H. Confectionary and Ice Cream Saloon, and Dealer in Ice, e s York b Jefferson and Mayo
Williams Wm. E. varnisher, h w s Orchard b Mayo and Ringgold
Williams Wm. H. boiler maker, h n e c; Mayo and Robert
Williamson John A. (Air & W.) h 166 Madison
Williamson Leroy, molder, h e s Cabot s of Williamson
Williamson Mary, widow, h 9 Monmouth
Williamson Mary K. widow, h s w c Front and Monmouth
Williamson Robert, laborer, h 108 Columbia
Williamson Saml. pilot, bds 3 Monmouth
Willis James, upholsterer, bds 44 Monmouth
Willison Frank, laborer, h 64 Madison
Willison Wm. Leander, stone mason, h 84 York up stairs
Wilson A. J. railroad agent, h 147 Madison
Wilson Catharine, widow, h s s Elm b Brighton and Lowell
Wilson John, teamster, h 28 Robert
Wilson John H. shoe cutter, h e s John s of Williamson
Wilson Joseph, h 85 Madison
Wilson Mary, 184 Madison
Wilson P. H. (P. H. W. & Co.) h w s York b Taylor and Southgate
WILSON P. H. & CO., (P. H. W. & John B. Waggener) Contractors, Carpenters and Builders, s s Southgate b York and Monmouth
Wilson Thos. R carpenter, h 106 East Row
Wilson W. F. merchant h 89 Rickey
Wiltser Henry, boiler, h s s Main opp Wolff's Rolling Mill
Windhaus Wm. laborer, h 15 Robert
Windram Thos. gardener, h n s Sandy Lane e of East Row
Wines James M. engineer, h s e c Madison and Cabot
Wingerter Geo. laborer, James Taylor's, sen
Winkler Fred. blacksmith, n s Jefferson b York and -Monmouth h 206 Bellevue
Winkless Wm. foreman, h w s Monmouth s of Williamson
WINSOR & GERAGHTY, (John W. & Hugh G.) Carpenters Contractors and Builders, e s Orchard b Mayo and Ringgold
Winsor John, (N. & Geraghty) h 138 Monmouth
Winston Eliza A. widow, h 88 Columbia
Winston J. M. brick layer, h 13 Columbia
Winston John L. engineer, h w s Monmouth b Madison and Jefferson
Winston L. C. bds 88 Columbia
Winston Mrs. Mary F. h s s Taylor b Monmouth and Saratoga
Winter Chas. cook, h 51 Robert
Winterhalter Conrad, shaving saloon, n c c: York and Taylor
Winters Augustus, cigar dealer, h 47 Robert
Winters Joseph S. engineer, bds 11 Columbia
Winton Mary A. widow, h 24 Columbia
Wirsing August, gunsmith, h 12 Todd
Wirsing Mrs. C. widow, h 12 Todd
Wirthlin Thaddeus, clerk h 11 Columbia
Wise John C. varnisher, h 73 Columbia
Wise Michael, cigar packer h w s German b McArthur and Ringgold
Witherspoon James, brass molder, h 80 East Row
Witherwick Richard, wire worker, h e s Isabella b Ringgold and Harris
Woesner Richard, scissors grinder , h rear 139 Front
WOHLFAHRT JOHN, Contractor, Carpenter and Builder, n w c Cabot and McArthur
Wolf Alfred J. Secretary and Treasurer Kenton Iron Company, Front east of East Row, res Cincinnati
Wolf Danl. rolling mill, h 114 Front
Wolf Geo. baker, bds Farmers Exchange
Wolf Geo. barber shop, 69 Mayo
Wolf John, shearer, bds 69 Mayo
Wolf Simon, laborer, h 69 Mayo
Wolfel John, finisher, h 66 Walnut
Wolff C. & Co. (C W., D. Wolff and H. Runck) stove foundry, s s Front e of East Row
Wolff C. (C. W. & Co.) res Cincinnati
Wolff Chas. A. (D. Wolff & Co.) res Cincinnati
Wolff D. (C. Wolff & Co.) res Cincinnati
Wolff Daniel, (D. W. & Co.) h Front street
WOLFF D. & CO. (Daniel W., Chas. A. Wolff and Charles Schank) Proprietors Wolff's Rolling Mill east end of Main
WOLFF'S ROLLING MILL, D. Wolff & Co. Proprietors, east end of Main
Wood Alfred, clerk, h s s Taylor b Saratoga and East Row
Wood Chas. B. clerk, 125 York, bds James Wood's
WOOD JAMES, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter and Grainer 127 York h 70 East Row
Wood Joseph, core maker, h 192 Front
Wood Joseph, painter, h w s East Row b Tibbatts and Forest
Wood Samuel, painter, h 135 Monmouth
Wood Wm. F, paper hanger, bds 70 East Row
Woodend John, cupola tender, h rear 200 Front
Woodin Joel, cook, h s s Walnut b Isabella and Patterson
Woodin Mary, widow, h s s Walnut b Isabella and Patterson
Woodruff Caroline, widow, h n s Madison b York and Monmouth
Woodside Alex, h n s Bellevue w of Moss
Woodside James, laborer, h n w c Bellevue and Cabot
Woodward Wm. brick layer, h 102 Orchard
Woodworth D. B. h 96 Eglantine
Worcester Henry, carpenter, h 10 Mayo
Worcester Joseph, pattern maker, h w s Cabot b Ringgold and Harris
Worland Wm. H. laborer, h e s John s of Williamson
Worthington Andrew, belt maker, h 69 Madison
Worthington  James A. teamster, h 84 York, pp stairs
Worthington Wm. laborer, h n e c Tibbatts and John
Wortmann Elizabeth, widow, res Geo. Thule's
Wright Chas. agent Kentucky State Lottery, n s Madison near York, h 117 Saratoga
Wright Rebecca , h e s Ann n of Ringgold
Wright Sarah, widow, h 44 Monmouth
Wright Wm. L. bookseller, h s s Front b York and Columbia
Wrightson Thos. printing office, h s c Taylor and Monmouth
Wyans J. W. engineer, wks Swift's Iron and Steel Works


Yager Martin, painter, h w s Columbia b McArthur and Ringgold
Yarnell David F. teamster, h e s Monmouth b Madison and Jefferson
Yenger Mattias, laborer, h e s Isabella b McArthur and Ringgold
Yeo Frank. clerk, h 51 Madison
Yeo W. F. clerk, h n s Todd b Cabot and Isabella
Yordan Wm. finisher, h 59 Walnut
York Street School, w s York s of Williamson, Miss Emma Gerhard, Principal
Young Alfred N. tobacconist, b 113 Front
Young Andrew, carriage maker, h s s Chestnut b Isabella and Patterson
YOUNG CHARLES, Tool Manufacturer, n s Walnut b Isabella and Patterson
Young Chas. J. book-keeper, h 49 Taylor
Young Henry M. clerk, bds Caroline Woodruffs
Yung August, tailor, wks Chas. Mauget's
YUNGBLUT J. R., Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, &,c., n e c York and Bellevue; h 156 Bellevue


ZAHNER JOSEPH, Physician and Surgeon; Office and Residence, 63 Columbia
Zenner John, molder, h w s Saratoga b Harris and Tibbatts
Zilch Paul, shoe maker, h 16 Todd
Zimmer Anton, laborer h 58 Walnut
Zimmer Frank J. cigar maker, h n s Goodman b Isabella and Patterson
Zimmerman Anthony, shoemaker, h w Moss n of Bellevue
Zimmerman E. tin ware, 187 Monmouth, h 59 York
Zimmerman Lindorf D. tinner, bds 59 York
ZIMMERMANN JACOB, Wine and Lager Beer Saloon, s w c Bellevue and Isabella
Zink Gustav., carpenter; bds Farmers Exchange
Zoelleis Geo. laborer, h 59 Robert
Zoeller August, cigars and tobacco, 218 Monmouth
Zoeller Philip, butcher, h n s Elm b Patterson and Brighton
Zuber John A. clerk, h w s Saratoga b Tibbatts and Williamson
Zwick Emanuel, tobacconist, h s w c Chestnut and Isabella


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