Newport Births


 These are taken from original records and the handwriting is very difficult to read. There are also births from other towns near Newport.  There is more information on the record than is listed here.

Name/father/mother-maiden name/address/birth date

Ackermann, Carl-s/o Joseph and Anna ____/1004 York; May 10 1907
Ahrmann, Arthur-s/o Phillip and Dina ____/Licking Pike; May 19 1907

Back, Julius Charles-s/o Julius E and Blanche (Jenner) 87 Grand Ave; Nov 21 1907
Ballard, Earl Thomas-s/o Frank and Ella (Morgan) 403 W 4th; Nov 21, 1906
Barbiea, Paul Matthew-s/o Paul Scholtz and Frances (Barbiea) 716 John German; Sep 8 1907
Bauer, Walter August s/o Geo and Georgia (Baldwin) West 6th; Dec 28 1907
Beiding, Sylvester Aug-s/o August and Annie (Gerdin) 315 W 6th Katurah; Oct 20 1907
Beiting, Herbert Joseph-s/o Joseph A and Bertha (Brill) 1011 Isabella; Oct 24 1907
Berhowitz, Sula-s/o Samuel and Fanny (Goldstein) 107 Southgate; Oct 8 1907
Biell, Edwin Gasper-s/o George and Anna (Schmittz?) 612 German; Nov 28 1907
Blanchard, Joseph-s/o Joseph and Eliz (Tucker) 1119 York; Dec 17 1907
Bogart, Alice E-d/o William and Viola (Fellows) 704 Columbia; Oct 29 1907
Brown, Clarence-s/o Joseph and Mamie (Shepard) James Alley; Nov 10 1907
Brown, John-s/o John and May (Ropseon) 232 W 5th; Dec 17 1907
Brown, William Donaldson-George W and Jennie (Donaldson) York St; Nov 10, 1899
Brownfield, Herman Sander-s/o Ray M and Andie (Sander) 555 E 2nd; Sep 13 1907
Bubenhofer, Mary-d/o Frank and Mary (Hochstrass) 1117 German; Oct 22 1907

Carmila, Ida-d/o Anthony and Helen ___/172 Schneider Ave; Mar 27 1907
Casson, ___-d/o Wm and Olive May (Bradley) 624 Monmouth; Sep 8 1907
Chapman, Earl-s/o Earl and Bertha (Hutchinson) Wash & 11th; Oct 5 1907
Coleman, Lourmetie M/Julius and Jenette ___/636 Saratoga; Sep 11 1906
Crosby, Mary Sophia-d/o Samuel and Sophia (Weideman) 105 W 4th; Aug 30 1890
Crosby, Samuel Joseph-s/o Samuel and Sophia (Weideman) 105 W 4th; Dec 31 1891

Dennemann, Edward Lawrence-s/o Edward and Stella (Iaster) 1210 Monmouth; Dec 9 1907
Dugan, Anna d/o John J and Stella (Kenny) 2d and Washington; Dec 10 1907
Duncan, Marie Virginia-d/o Oscar and Larana (Treance?) 525 E 3rd; Dec 8 1907

Edmonds, James-s/o James and Jane (Kenley) 735 German; 1907 Dec 30

Fahlender, George-s/o George and Emma (Staley) 415 Keturah; Dec 29 1907
Feldman, Helen F-d/o Rudolf and Lizzie (Lear) 340 Lindsey; Nov 27 1907
Feldman, Herbert-s/o Herman and E (Budde) Lick Pike; Nov 14 1907
Ferron, Domenico G-s/o Frank and Michelina ___/56 Buhl; Dec 25 1907
Ferron, Eleno D-Frank and Michelina ___/56 Buhl; Nov 28 1907
Ferron, Rosina-d/o Romolo and Felicita ___/36 Buhl; Dec 25 1907
Finneran, James s/o James and Sadie/ Southgate & Columbia; Dec 21 1907
Finneran, William s/o Wm and Ella T (McHale) York; Dec 28 1907
Fischer, Dorthy G-d/o Joseph and Frances ___/913 Saratoga; Feb 25 1907
Fisher, Lea Bernhart-s/o Henry and Kate (Mullenhaus) 1128 John; Oct 31 1907
Flickinger, Frederick J-s/o Fred and Margie ___/Newport; July 4 1905

Gardner, Gladys-d/o George and Mamie (Kohloren) 327 W 7th; Nov 27 1907
Gastauer, Ralve-s/o Archbald and Barbara ___/1119 Isabella; July 12 1907
Gates, Henry Reuben s/o James and Sallie (McDaniels) S 2d; Dec 13 1907
Gaus, Elne?-d/o Al and Katie Sanders/1036 Hamlet; Nov 25 1907
Gelbhr, Geo s/o Curt and A (Runch) Dodge; Dec 26 1907
Gerding, Hyacinth Marcella d/o W J and Flora (Heckle) Central Av; Dec 11 1907
Gershkovilz, Izidore-s/o David and Rosa (Braslavsky) Alexandria Pike; Nov 15 1907
Gibson, Frances-d/o A L and Florence (Whaley) Pearl St; Dec 9 1907
Gilb, Elmes?/d/o Frank and Edith (Loreith) 526 W 10th; Dec 12 1907
Gillen, Chester Lee s/o Wm Henry and Ella (Seldonridge) Putnam; Dec 25 1907
Goebel, Edna A-d/o Ed and Mollie/224 E Frank; Oct 21 1907
Goldstein, Ediss?-Moneo and Eva/405 W 6th; Jan 26 1907
Golpe, Minnie-d/o John and Minnie (Heitzman) 232 E 9th; Nov 8 1907
Grogan, Deloris-d/o William and Francis (Aryer) 1123 Central Ave; Nov 20 1907
Grote, Alma Eliz d/o Henry and Anna (Machinot) Katurah & Paterson; Dec 27 1907
Grussbaum, Morris Berry-s/o Jacob and Blanch (Porte) July 19 1907
Guenther, Allen-s/o Robt and Anna (Stemler) Central & 13th; Sep 6 1907
Guerrea, George-s/o Joseph and Catherine/24 W 13th; Feb 3 1907
Gumender, Elmer-s/o John and Mary __/W 7th; Nov 27 1907

Hahn, Wm Bernard s/o Wm and Katie (Gassman) Central Av; Dec 11 1907
Hampton, James-s/o Henry and Annie ___/502 W 12th; July 3 1907
Hartman, Mary-d/o Gustave and Mary ___/929 Boone; July 8 1907
Haurer, Hyman s/o Abraham and Sarah/West 6th; Dec 26 1907
Hauser, Morris-s/o Morris and Emma ___/475 W 6th; Dec 26 1907
Heck, Marie H C d/o Frank and Anna/ Keturah; Dec 24 1907
Helling, ___-d/o Wm J and Mollie Pashs/718 Wash; Sep 30 1907
Herfurth, Augusta Redderson-d/o Jim and Freida (Rederson) 920 Ann; Nov 2 1907
Hermann, Peter Jacob-s/o Charles and Katherine ___/819 Dayton; Apr 25 1907
Herzog, Harry Frank-s/o Joseph and Eunice ____/230 Washington; Mar 2 1907
Hickey, Loretta M-d/o George and Nellie Rhoades/414 Columbia; Dec 17 1907
Higgs, Howard-s/o Charles and ___/409 12th; Nov 21 1907
Hine, Milton-s/o Reuben and Rebecca ___/631 Nelson Place; Sep 10 1907
Hodge, Henry D-s/o Scott and Arena ___/232 W Fourth; Oct 27 1907
Holtz, Albert-s/o Jos and Katie (Brown) 942 Ann; Sep 5 1907
Henefeld, Alice-d/o Emil and Amy (Davis) 408 Overton; Aug 6, 1906
Huenefeld, Margaret-d/o Emil and Amy (Davis) Katurah & Patterson/Feb 28, 1904

Kehn, Charles-s/o Charles J and __/Dec 21 1901
Kehm, Charlotte-d/o Charles J and __; Jan 17 1900
Keyler, Grace-d/o Clifford and Nora (Kaufman) Columbia & Court Place; Dec 4 1907
King, Christine-d/o Richard and Anna ___/1042 McHougton; Dec 26 1907
Kleinberg, (female) d/o John and Anna (Heihm) /Isabella;  Dec 6 1907
Knoblock, Harlan-s/o John and Clara (Peters) Orchard & 10th; Nov 15 1907
Kock, Helen Katheryn-d/o William J and Helen (Hott) 336 Walnut in Bellevue; Oct 14 1907
Krebs, Louisa/d/o Louis and Alma (Kilmer) 1018 German;  Nov 1 1907

Lanier, ___-s/o Edward and Nannio (Monroe) 262 1st; Sep 13 1907
Lasso, Martin Anthony-s/o Luigi and Rose ___/188 Schneider; Nov 8 1907
Leopold, Louis Frank-s/o Ernst and Anna (Schufer) 608 Washington; Nov 6 1907
Liddington, Harry Ed-s/o Thomas and Lydia (Schorry) 420 Lindsey; Sep 30 1907
Lockwood, Thelma Virginia-d/o Claude and Lillie (Dover) 215 Columbia; Nov 6 1907

Madden, Catherine A-d/o Thomas and Mary ___/332 E 9th; Mar 3 1907
Matz, Marvin LeRoy-s/o Jacob and Ella (McCartly) 842 Ann; Sep 12 1907
McCormack, Morris s/o H W and ___ (Smither) City; Dec 14 1907
McMahan, Wm-s/o Wm and Eliz (Sloch) 8th & Saratoga; Sep 21 1907
Mildemayer, Alice V-d/o Albert and Marie ___/844 Ann; Feb 21 1907
Monroe, Vera M-d/o Merle and Clara (Kiefer) 13th and Isabella; Dec 20 1907
Moore, Lillian-d/o John and Josephine (Meyer) 535 W 6th; Nov 12 1907
Moran, Andrew-s/o Andrew and Elizabeth ___/211 Central; Apr 16 1907
Moreland, Loraine-d/o David and Eliz (Blankemper) 532 Elm; Nov 17 1907
Morton, Alice E-d/o Russell and Clara ___/430 W 11th; Oct 4 1907
Morton, Fannie Eliz-d/o John and Eliz (Parnell) 1120 Vine; Dec 9 1907
Muchasowki, Lawrence Charles-s/o John and Katherine ___/833 Isabella; May 24 1907
Mueller, Stella-d/o George and Mary (Flick) 826 German; Dec 21 1907

Nahrup, Cath Elvira-d/o John and Catharine (Mertes) 1029 Ann; Sep 20 1907
Neuman, Ida Katherine-d/o Walter and Eliz (Ashford) 918 Washington; Sep 20 1907
Nichols, Emma Nadine-d/o Cassus and Juliane ___/20 E 1st; Oct 7 1907
Nolan, Thomas-s/o John and Anna/229 E Southgate; Dec 29 1907
Nuncry, Lilian-d/o Frank and Eda M ___/315 Isabella; Oct 27 1907

Owings, Geo M-s/o Wm and Alice (Huff) 513 Isabella; Oct 4 1907

Piccissille, Angela Michele-d/o Giovanni and Caroline ___/McHenry St; Apr 29 1907
Pierce, Thelma E-d/o Herbert and Eliz (Knipher) 928 Putnam; Nov 3 1907
Poe, ---/d/o Clarence and Bertha ___/413 Saratoga; Dec 7 1907
Prouse, ___-d/o Grosvenor and Olive (Johns) 203 E 7th; Oct 8 1907

Raoher, Eliz Doretha-d/o William and Rose (Senesz) 317 E 5th; Dec 26 1907
Rave, Mary A-d/o W H and Anna S (Chill) 1113 German; Sep 23 1907
Rebholz, Celeste Marie-d/o Peter and Augusta (Ritter) 923 Isabella; Sep 24 1907
Reinhart, Joseph F-s/o Jacob and Anna ___/1121 Vine; June 24 1907
Reising, Madolin-d/o Frank and Lena (Reitz) 620 German; Nov 26 1907
Ritter, Alvira Marcia-d/o Edward and Annie ___/917 Isabella/Oct 2 1907
Ritter, ___-d/o Arch and Eliz (Voll) 840 York; Oct 25 1907
Ross, Lillian Mary-d/o Oliver M and Alice M (Gleason) 707 Munroe; Nov 1 1907
Roth, Charles-s/o Louis and Frida (Ulrich) 217 W 5th; Nov 25 1907
Rudolf, Comelia-d/o George and Louisa ___/1123 John; Nov 8 1907
Rudolf, Helen-d/o George and Louise ___/114 Putnam; Aug 14 1907

Schneider, Carl George-s/o Charles and Anna (Deho) 309 Lindsey; Oct 26 1907
Schneider, John-s/o John and Lizzie (Rothers) 722 Ann; Oct 10 1907
Schorle, Pauline Celeste-d/o William and Carrie (Matthews) 405 W 5th; Oct 29 1907
Schoultheis, Helen May-d/o John S and Fannie (Bley) Clifton Heights; Nov 14 1907
Schulte, Ruth-d/o John and Theresa (Koehen) 412 W 10th; Dec 17 1907
Schulz, Veronica Louisa-d/o Valentine and Veronica (Rheinecher) 7th & Central; Nov 5 1907
Schumacher, Joseph A-s/o Alex and Theresa ___/917 Orchard; Mar 18 1907
Schwikert, Garnet-d/o Edward and Carrie (Bartleman) 22 E 9th; Oct 3 1907
Shafstall, Howard-s/o Geo and Laura (Riegler) Poplar St; Nov 7 1907
Shassenberger, Eliner-d/o William and Mabel ____/8th & Saratoga; June 8 1907
Silverman, Mac-s/o Sam and Rosie (Rosenthal) 429 Chestnut; Sep 1 1907
Silverman, Nathan-s/o Abraham and Mary (Krewitz) 412 Isabella; Nov 22 1907
Simons, Blanche-d/o Wm and Missie ___/746 German; Nov 10 1907
Smith, ___-s/o Percival and ___ (Widrig) 717 Central; Nov 1 1907
Smith, Doloros B-d/o Ed and F (Keefer) 4 W 13th; Nov 8 1907
Smith, Ella May-d/o Charles and Mildred (Stanley) 124 W 5th/; Dec 5 1907
Snider, Harry Eugene-s/o Harry and Anna M (Kock) 11 W 13th; Oct 26 1907
Steinhauer, Wilbert-s/o Wm and Elsie (Camphausen) 8 E 6th; Oct 12 1907
Stier, Freda-d/o Ross and Mary ____/932 Saratoga; Aug 26 1907
Stuerenberg, Alice d/o Albert and Clara/ Central; Dec 27 1907

Theis, Sylvia-d/o William and Amelia (Baumback) Southgate; Nov 7 1907
Trautman, ___-d/o Gus and Lucy (Fink) 421 Thornton; Dec 2 1907

Veith, Edward-s/o Edw and Charlotte (Jansen) 1023 Isabella; Nov25 1907
Vocke, William C-s/o Ben and Catherine ___/926 Orchard; Mar 28 1907

Wade, Helen d/o Harry and ___ (Meyer) W 9th; Dec 16 1907
Wagner, Alma-d/o John and Lou (Geier) 1017 John; Nov 5 1907
Welsh, Louise-d/o Edward and Emma (Herrick) Glen Park; Dec 9 1907
White, Leona M-d/o J C and C ___/Newport; July 19 1907
Wiener, Joseph-d/o Joseph and Anna (Hiller) /Isabella; Dec 6 1907
Wilhaus, Mila Emily-d/o M R and Emil (Fietz) City/Dec 1 1907
Williams, ____-s/o Albert and Mary (Yelton) 11 E 2nd/Nov 16 1907
Williams, Robert Syme-s/o Henry and Kate ___/114 E 2nd/July 12 1907
Wilmot, Margaret Janet-d/o Clyde and Margaret (Henn) 1st and Berry; Dec 17 1907
Woods, Helen Maria-d/o L J and Freida ___/913 Putnam; Nov 23 1907

Young, Wm-s/o Wm and Anna (Hess) Finchtown; Sep 21 1907

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