Salem German M E Church

Cincinnati Commercial Post, Monday, 25 June 1883, page 8

The dedication of the new Salem German M E Church, corner of York and Ringgold streets, Newport, took place yesterday with very imposing ceremonies. There was a Sunday School feast in the morning at 9 am.

The exercises were opened with singing by the children, which was followed by a prayer by Rev C G Fritsche, of New Albany, Ind. Charles Fritsche Jr. then read a passage from the scriptures. Rev G Guth, Elder of the Cincinnati district, then delivered a short address. At 10 am the dedicatory services began with a prayer from Rev Guth. The afternoon services were rendered in English.

An account of the expenditures for the erection of the church was ready by the Secretary of the congregation. Charles Wendt as follows: Lot-$3200; Church-$33,994; Pastorate-$44,409. Sale of old church-$3135; sale of pastor's residence-$3080; collections-$23,083. Collections taken during services, $8212.


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