Steamer Isaac Shelby

The Licking Valley Register, Saturday, November 30, 1844
The Steamer Isaac Shelby

The steamer was again at our landing yesterday morning having returned from her first trip up the Kentucky River.  She went to Mundy's landing, 60 miles above Frankfort.  The officers of the Louisville boats appear to have been somewhat annoyed at having a superior craft embark in the trade of that river, and taking time by the forelock, it had been reported that the Shelby was too long to pass thru the locks, and the owners had abandoned the enterprise.

Her appearance in their upper walks removed all doubts on this point.  As there is but a moderate business above Frankfort during the winter months, she will only run to that point til spring.

Her delays of departure from Cincinnati will be Tuesday and Friday, and from Frankfort on Wednesday and Saturday.  With the increase of travel in the spring, an additional boat or boats will be place upon the line and the route extended to a higher point.


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