At a ceremony Sunday (Dec. 20) performed by the bridegroom’s brother, Rev. Reinhold Arndt of Sykeston, Miss Frieda Ziemann of Bismarck became the bride of Edwin Arndt of New Effington, S.D.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Ziemann of Krem and Mr. Arndt is the son of Mrs. Maria Arndt of New Effington. The double ring service was solemnized at 4 p.m. in Krem and attendants for the couple were Mrs. Reinhold Arndt, the bride’s sister, and Emmanuel Arndt, the bridegroom’s brother.

“Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin and Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” were played by Leonard Whalfielt of Hazen. The bride’s sister, Miss Lorine Ziemann san “Jesus Lead Our Way” and “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.”

The bride wore a two-piece suit of resoda green wool trimmed in velvet bows of a darker green. Her accessories were black and her corsage was of talisman roses. Her matron of honor was dressed in a daytime frock of gold alpaca crepe with black accessories and a gold cross, given her by the bride. Her corsage was of orchid pompons and white roses.

Places were laid for 19 guests at the wedding dinner given by the bride’s parents. The refreshment table was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake.

Following the dinner the bride and bridegroom left for a wedding trip through the state. They will return Dec. 28 to New Effington and will be at home on the bridegroom’s farm.

The bride, who made her home at The Tribune Apartments in Bismarck, was employed for several years at the A.W. Lucas Company. She attended schools in Hazen and Mr. Arndt was educated in Hankinson schools.

~Source: The Bismarck Tribune, December 24, 1942








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