It is natural for a Christian to turn to God in time of affliction. When some bewildering disaster enters our life, we know that only in the eternal love of our heavenly Father can we find understanding. When our hearts are crushed and our grief seems unendurable, then we turn to him who loves us, and seek patience and courage which only he can bestow.  Of course, it is also true that in times of disaster, human beings are tempted to turn against God in rebellion and despair. Many view the misery that is in the world and behold the heartache and injustices that mar human happiness and blame God for the evil that stalks the earth. What a marvelous insight St. Paul must have had of God to be able to say no matter what happened in this life, whether of happiness or hardship, it was all to the good of his soul’s salvation. At birth, every human being being started with the gift of existence. Our task is to make life out of existence, and only by surrendering to Christ can man experience the life indeed. Then at death it changes from an abundant earthly life to an eternal, blissful life.
"Let us not think of our departed dead
As caught and cumbered in a grave on earth,
But think of death as of another birth,
As a new freedom for the wings outspread;
A new adventure waiting on ahead,
As a new joy of more ethereal mirth,
As a new world with friends of nobler worth,
Where all may taste a more immortal bread."
In the life of Mr. Gottlieb Isaak, we can and should see the benevolent dealings of God. It was God who permitted him to be born on November 7th, 1883, in the sunshine state of South Dakota. He had nothing to do with his coming into the world, yet when he arrived, there was a place all prepared for him by the loving care of his parent’s, Mr. Christian and Katharina Isaak. Although the physical birth is wonderful, more mysteriously wonderful is the spiritual life that is bestowed in the solemn sacrament of Holy Baptism. It is as if the heavenly Father stretched forth his arms and said, "From now on I am your heavenly Father and you are my son; your name is inscribed in the Book of Life. Remain true to Me, and some day we shall be together forever.” His name “Gottlieb” meaning “God Loves” seems to  be the keynote of the long life which came to a close, August 25th, 1961.

As a flower unfolds under the gardener's care, so the life of
Gottiieb developed and was enriched. The parents cooperated with
God, not only by  supplying the bodily needs of the growing boy, but
also by teaching him to pray and to be spiritually concerned. His
conformation instruction must have made a lifelong impression on
him, for he always remained in close contact with his church.
Marriage brings new responsibilities and demands, but also its
great joys and blessings. Mr. Isaak was united in holy wedlock to
his Regina Kittler with whom he lived in faithfulness, loyalty, and
love until_her passing in July of 1950. Together they worked the
soil, rejoicing when the harvest was good, and never losing hopes
when it was dry or the crop a failure. He was also interested in
civic alfairs. With his executive ability, keen judgment, and abil-
ity to win friends, he served as senator for years. He always en-
joyed good health, happiness, and prosperity in his service to the
public and in the sanctuary of his home. With his second marriage
to Mrs. Gertrude Flueger he found renewed companionship and happiness.
It was a full life that Grottlieb Isaak lived, and with his
sudden death from a heart attack, it seems that he merely stepped
behind the thin veil that separates physical life from eternal life.
“Straight as an arrow cleaving to its mark, his soul went home to
God." Mr. Isaak attained the age of 77 years, 9 months, and 18 days.
Surviving are his widow and the following children: Arthur and
Alfred of Dodge, Erna (Mrs. Arnold Richau) and Erma (Mrs. Ed Seidel);
and 8 grandchildren; one brother, two sisters, 5 step children and 15 step
grandchildren, besides a host of neighbors and friends.
Blest be his memory!

Funeral Services Lutheran Church, Golden Valley;
Internment: Dodge, North Dakota.





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