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Faith Marie Scholz met Robert F. Gaskill at a street dance in Neligh.  She was the daughter of A. J. and Martha Scholz.  She attended Wayne State College and Robert was beverage company salesman.  He was the son of Ed and Mary Gunn of O’Neill.  His natural father died in 1918.  Robert was inducted into the Army in 1941. 

Robert and Faith were married on May 27, 1942.  He served in the Signal Corps spent overseas time at Alaska and the Philippines.  Faith taught business subjects in secondary school in Iowa and Meadow Grove, Nebraska.  When Robert returned from the War in 1946, he joined his father-in-law in the insurance business.  After A. J. died, he opened three more offices in Norfolk, O’Neill and Plainview.  They purchased Vivien’s Dress Shop and opened it as The Village Shop.  They were the parents of three children:  Renee Ellen (1946) married Djan H Irani, two children:  Connie Sue (1955) married John R Gulick; and Robert James (1956) married Brenda Lea Stewart, two children. 

Source Unknown: Originally submitted for this website in June 2007