Abridged Obituary - The Oakdale Sentinel December 1, 1938


Elmer C. MALM was born in Stromsburg, Nebraska, January 23, 1894, and departed this life November 21, 1938, about 9:30 in the evening. After completing the ninth grade in school he served an apprenticeship of several years in a drug store. He attended Creighton University in Omaha in 1914 after which he worked in Grand Forks, ND. until he came to Tilden. In 1916 Miss Theo BURNER became his bride at West Point and then made their home in Brunswick. At the out break of W.W.I, he volunteered for service as a soldier or sailor but since he could not enlist in this way he applied as an ambulance driver, one of the most dangerous places to serve. After the Armistice he re-entered his profession and, with his family, established a residence and business in Oakdale where the people of this town have come to know and love them He is survived by his wife, daughter Patty Lou MALM and son John MALM, two sisters, Miss Edith MALM of Stromsburg and Mrs. Dana DEEDS of Lincoln. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Allan MARTIN. Interment was in the Oakdale cemetery.