NEGenWeb Project - Burt County

1897 News Extracts
Oakland Independent, Oakland, Burt Co., Nebraska.

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Date of issue.

Jan 8, 1897

Reading: Tillie Swanson - "Peter the Great". Sidney Swanson, "Russia as a

Military and Naval Power.

Willie and August Engdahl held a party for a few of their Oakland friends at

the Engdahl farm, five miles south of town. Muddy roads, dark night. Those in

attendance were: Misses Rena Swanson, Tillie Swanson, Nina Swanson, Carrie

Johnson, and Mister Sidney Swanson,

Miss Marie Johnson of Omaha at party.

John A Swanson has been appointed administrator of the John Ring estate.

CO & GP Johnson of Wausa were stuck in Oakland due to blizzard.

Oscar Anderson went to Omaha last Saturday, and he will spend the winter there

going to school.

Jan 5, 1897

Agricultural Society met. J.P. Anderson vice president.

M. Blenkiron and son Joe came down from Bancroft Saturday to spend the Sabbath with the ladies of the family, who are stopping with Chas. Swanson.

Eugene Harding part of the M.E Church choir.

Petit jurors for Feb. term of district court: Gust Johnson among them.

Miss Tillie Swanson visited the first primary.

Misses Rena Swanson, Ina Uehling, Edith Swanson, Floyd and Iva Yeaton visited the high school room.

Jan 29, 1897

Old letters - Fred Johnson and Carl Johnson

City Directory: Alfred Gustofson, 1st Ward: WA Harding, 1st Ward: Andrew Anderson 2nd Ward.

German settlement (town name?) Wm Johnson spent last week hunting on the reservation.

Swaburg: Eric Olson, AL Anderson and Wilde Linn started north last week bound for Carrol, Wayne Co.

Emma Anderson and Esther Anderson mentioned doing well in spelling match.

Feb. 5, 1897

Rev. Gustafson,, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church, south of Pender, died at his home on Wed. Jan. 27th.

Bell Creek: William Johnson spent several days visiting with relatives on Silver Creek.

Bell Creek: Mr./Mrs. J. Johnson gave an oyster supper to a party of young folks.

Swaburg: Families of Eph and Joe Johnson had an attack of lagrippe last week but are improving.

Swaburg: Mats Anderson, who went up to Wayne county last spring returned.

Oakland schools - no tardies or absences: Grammar Dept. Fred Harding. Second Intermediate dept.: John Johnson, Primary: Wilbur Wallerstedt, Ila Wallerstedt.

Ed Wallerstedt was in Sioux City on business and it is reported will soon locate there permanently.

Chas. J. Swanson was confined to the house by a light touch of lagrippe.

Real estate transfers: Hanna Johnson to Andrew G. Johnson., lot 12, block B; Oakland Farmers Union to August Anderson, lot 12, block B. AL Cull to Alfred Gustafson, lots 5-7, block 37.

Feb. 12, 1897

Rena Swanson sang a solo for 20th Century club.

Baker Johnson served dinner to Woodmen of the World.

Charley Swanson in Tekamah on business.

Chas. J. Swanson went to Omaha to listen to Sousa's excellent band.

Herman Johnson also went to hear that band.

Chas. Johnson, living on the west side, hauled a car load of hogs to Omaha.

Frank Wallerstedt in Oakland for business.

Ed Wallerstedt closing out the remainder of his grocery stock at Wilkins' "cheap John" store.

Ed Wallerstedt left for Sioux City this week, where he will go on the road for one of the oldest grocery houses in the state. Mrs. Wallerstedt and the babies will remain here for the present, and Ed expect to go home every other week.

Miss Ethel Lyndell returned from her home in Iowa for a visit with old friends here.

Chas. Anderson, who lives one and one-half miles south of Oakland, will move his family to Omaha about the first of the month.

Miss Sara Johnson and Chas. E. Lunbery, of Oakland, were married in Tekamah Tuesday morning at the Brookings hotel by Judge Ward.

Mr. JP Anderson visited in the school rooms..

Old letters: Gust Anderson, Miss Anna Josephine Anderson, Miss Della Anderson

Feb. 19,1897

A marriage license was issued in Omaha, Monday to Peter E. Nelson of Burt country, and Selma A. Lindstrom (yes, spelled with an "i")

J.Johnson was hauling corn to Oakland last week for 15 cents a bushel to settle a book account.

Miss Ethyl Lindell visited the second intermediate.

Andrew Anderson was in Tekamah attending to business.

Chas. J. Swanson and WJ Holmquist were Omaha visitors.

Andrew Anderson, who is farming near town this year, had a nice baby girl come to his home to take up her residence on Monday.

WA Harding secretary of the school board.

WA Harding in trouble for allegedly selling wine for use on a little girl for providing relief from her illness.

Jean Harding arrived home from Wakefield for a visit with his parents and friends.

PJ Gustafson from the west side, went to Tekamah, to look at a district court case.

Old letters: Miss Christine Johnson.

April 23, 1897

VL Fried and CJ Swanson attended the Masonic Grand Lodge at Omaha.

County Clerk Anderson came up from Tekamah and spent time with his parents near Oakland.

AG Johnson shipped more hogs this week.

LA Anderson, son of Nels Anderson, who has been visiting in Oakland and vicinity for a time, returned to his home in Idaho Falls.

Frank Gustafson, brother of Alfred Gustafson, our leading harness maker, who has been visiting the latter for some weeks, returned to Omaha.

Burt C. Harding, who has been visiting with his uncle, Elisha Woodruff, in New York state the past two months has taken up a course in the Rochester Business University, of Rochester.

Ladies Aid Society of the ME Church, gave supper at the home of Mr./Mrs. Charley Swanson.

Mr. Will Johnson caught Miss Hannah Peterson who took suddenly ill with spasms during the Easter services at the Grace Lutheran church.

JH Chapin and Mr. Aiken, accomapanied by Grandma Chapin drove over from Decatur and got in just before the heavy wind and rain storm. Mrs. Chapin will remain for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. WA Harding.

Alfred Gustafson informs us that the plans and specs for his new brick block have been submitted and approved and the work of erection will commence about the first of May. One story, 22x42, beautiful front.

MW Johnson has been repainting his bakery building.

CG Anderson wants to trade horses for good mulch (sic) cows. Call and see him first house south of Creamery.

Mayor Uehling appointed the following committees for the ensuing year: A. Gustafson, John Johnson and Andrew Anderson, finance committee. John Johnson and Andrew Anderson water works committee. Andrew Anderson, A Gustafson street and alley committee.

April 30, 1897

Miss Amelia Lantz of Stanton, Iowa, returned home after visiting families of JP Anderson and D. Colson for some time.

Andrew Anderson is a brickmaker.

CG Anderson's home sold at sheriff's sale, and bid in by JW Holmquist, the mortgagee.

WA Harding made chairman of meeting for GAR graves recognition. Miss Tillie Swanson on the flowers and decorations committee.

John M. Johnson of Craig paid for new subscription.

Rev. Swanburg married Mr. Wm. S. Holmer and Miss Emily C. Swanson at the Lutheran church in Swaburg, on last sabbath.

Miss Ida Johnson visited the high school room.

Rev. JH Johnson took ill at Glenco where he was assisting in missionary meetings. Went back home to Beemer.

May 7, 1897

Willie Swanson is up from Omaha for two weeks.

WA Harding and CK Cull in Tekamah on business.

Mrs. JE Blenkiron of Bancroft is a guest of CJ Swanson's family.

Charley Swanson bid $25/acre for the 80 farm of Hans Tumberg.

John A. Lindell was up from Omaha on business.

Gene Harding came down from Wakefield where he is engaged as a drug clerk to spend time with his parents and attend the Alumni society meeting.

Hulda Anderson had a party thrown for her by friends.

WM Johnson of Cherokee, IA, a friend of N. Butterfield, decided to open a short order house and restaurant in the old stand of Harry Condron.

AG Johnson lost part of two fingers while working on a planing machine at Holmquist & Co.'s elevator. More info...

CA Swanson and PA Thorn bought tickets of AL Neumann to Sweden.

Mrs. O. Handson, working at missionary work in Burmah, India for several years, and Mrs. Almquist of Oakland, Calif., stopped briefly at Gothenburg as guests of friends and then came here. They are daughters of PG Johnson. They also visited with Rev. N.E. Axling and Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson. : Gothenburg Independent.

Oakland Independent had been burned to the ground in a fire a few weeks ago. WF Brewster restarted the paper.

old letters: PJ Anderson.

Oakland School reports - no tardies/absences: First Intermediate: Ivan Swanson. Second Primary: Walter Johnson, Dora Johnson. First Intermediate: Louie Samuelson, Hannah Johnson. Second Intermediate: Jennie Johnson, John Johnson, Albert Johnson, Edgar Johnson. Grammar: Rella Anderson, Fred Harding. High School: Emma Anderson, Mary Johnson.

May 14, 1897

Miss Alma Johnson returned home from Omaha.

Miss Florence Johnson left for Sioux City.

Mrs. EJ Johnson came up from Omaha to visit with parents and friends.

Mr. Johnson's wagon shop the center of Danish resident party.

PJ Johnson putting brick sidewalk around his home.

FA Wallerstedt, our portly friend of Tekamah visits friends here.

Miss Marie Swanson, niece of Mrs. AL Cull, arrived before leaving for an extended trip to Sweden.

W. Colson in Lundstrom's addition is building an addition to his residence, as is Alfred Gustafson in the south part of the city.

Mrs. Swanson and children arrived from Cherokee, IA and staying with Mr. Butterfields family until their building is finished up.

Hans Johnson and family of Bancroft down with family here. His brother is Johnny Johnson and family.

Charley Johnson sent hogs to Omaha. AG Johnson did too.

Little boy of Mr./Mrs. Olof Anderson which has been ailing for some weeks died last Thursday and the funeral took place from the Lutheran church Fri. afternoon. Buried in Oakland Cemetery.

Alfred Ostrand among those in charge of party for Victor Allen, who leaves soon.

Miss Tilllie Swanson speaks on Greek Architecture.

Andrew Anderson, 78, found floating on the lake at Gothenburg, Neb. He was 78 years old and native of Stockholm, Sweden.

May 21, 1897

Excavation for Alfred Gustavson's building done.

John Johnson left for Beemer to canvass for the Peterson scoop board.

Mrs. Dena Johnson returned home to Omaha after visiting JH Hanson's family.

City council committees mentioned: John Johnson, Andrew Anderson, A. Gustafson mentioned many times.

May 28, 1897

Emma Swanson visited Omaha.

Miss Tillie Anderson returned from Omaha.

CJ Swanson went to Chicago with Joe Blenkiron of Bancroft.

Mrs. E. Johnson returned to Omaha after visiting with her parents Mr./Mrs. M. Swanson.

Mr./Mrs. CJ Swanson and Mr./Mrs. CK Cull went to Omaha for Masonic order banquet.

Alfred Ostrand, HA Oberg, Hans Hanson and Judge Bassman went to Tekamah to prosecute the tramp who stole clothing at Olander & Sons store.

Lots of Oakland people went to Sweden: Among them Miss Marie Swanson, Jonas Johnson.

Ladies Aid Benefit: Eugene W. Harding, tenor solo.

20th century literary club: Miss Rena Swanson.

Old letters: John Anderson.

Commencement program for high school includes: Herman Johnson, Esther A Johnson, Emma C. Anderson. Eugene Harding. Mary J Johnson. Emma C. Swanson.

June 4, 1897

CJ Swanson back from Chicago.

John Johnson doing business in Tekamah.

Mr./Mrs. John Lindell and Mrs. Tunberg and children moved here from Omaha.

PJ Johnson now repairs cars in the MP yards at Omaha. Spent a few days here with his family.

EW Harding down from Wakefield for social events. Runs in musical circles.

CG Anderson drunk on Memorial day, and jailed.

Mrs. Anderson and Johnson both drunk, jailed.

Old letters: Mr. NA Johnson.

AM Anderson spoke at Alumni reunion. OH Anderson too. Alumni present: '88 Eugene W. Harding. '93: Tillie Swanson. 94: Oscar Anderson. '95 Nina Swanson, Sidney Swanson. 96 Rena Swanson. Invited guests: Miss Johnson, Tony Johnson. '97 Grads: Miss Esther A. Johnson, Emma G. Anderson.

Neither absent or tardy, school report. High school: Emma Anderson. Grammar: Rella Anderson, Fred Harding. First intermediate, Hanna Johnson, Louie Samuelson, Anthon Johnson. Second Intermediate. Edgar Johnson, Olga Johnson. First Primary: Rosa Anderson, Ben Johnson, Bertha Swanson, Sina Johnson, Ida Ray Swanson, Laura Swanson, Ivan Swanson. Second Primary: Albert Anderson, Eva Lundstrom.

June 11, 1897

Charles Swanson left for Omaha where he resumes his duties.

John Anderson pays for 1 year of paper.

Frank Anderson, a Wausa pedagogue, who has been visiting at Wahoo, stopped off for a few days stay with friends.

Mrs. Helen Anderson of Wakefield who has been visiting her parents on the west side returned home.

Charles Johnson taking hogs to market

Mrs. WA Harding went to Omaha to visit with friends.

EW Harding of Wakefield returned home after visits with friends.

Alfred Ostrand and Miss Hulda Hedquist took the train to Omaha.

Arthur Johnson returned to Lincoln, where he attends college.

FA Wallerstedt of Tekamah visited, looking for a republican county clerk for this fall. Frank is a good fellow and has stood back a long time to let the other fellows less deserving, have the plums.

Lyons graduation speakers: Emelia Anderson.

Mr./Mrs. Nels Anderson arrived from Idaho Falls, where they went to live a couple of years ago, partially on account of Mr. Anderson's health. Their household goods arrive and they will occupy their fine Thomas Avenue property. They are good people and the citizens gladly welcome them back.

20th Century Literary club: Miss Emma Swanson: Physical Geography of Italy. Sidney Swanson, Rome.

John Anderson and Andrew Johnson were drowned in the Gothenburg lake while seining.

Jun. 18, 1897

A. Gustafson playing bachelor as his wife is visiting in the country and the painters and decorators have charge of his home.

Messrs. Will Jackson, Charles Johnson and Emil Johnson of Sioux City, have been visiting with their friend CJ Beckman. They brought their kodack (sic) along.

Oscar Anderson left for Lincoln where he will attend normal school this summer. Studious young man, considered a great teacher.

County Clerk Anderson was up to see his father, JP Anderson who has been sick for a week.

Andrew Anderson of Wakefield stopped off long enough to say "howdy" to his father, while on his return trip from Chicago where he was with stock.

Miss Hulda Gustafson is a late arrival from Sweden, she is a cousin of Miss Larson who makes her home at AO Fords. Miss Gustafson will probably remain permanently.

old letters: Robert Johnson.

Tax of John F. Johnson refunded as per reassessment.

Jun. 25, 1897

John A Swanson was a Tekamah visitor.

Charles J. Swanson, the west side farmer, was an Omaha visitor.

Eph Johnson, one of the wide awake Swaburg boys, was in town.

Gust E. Johnson, one of the model Burt county farmers, reports crops fine in his section northeast of town.

WA Harding went to Omaha to have his eyes examined by an oculist.

Swan Lundstrom captured a hive of stray bees.

Herman Johnson received a concert clarinet valued at $64.

Oscar Samuelson was one of many boys accompanying a cattle shipment of A. Renard's to Chicago.

Little Miss Pearl Swanson is visiting her Uncle Joe Blenkiron's family at Bancroft.

A.G. Anderson and Swan Johnson and others all living in separate directions each had one head of cattle killed by lightning last week.

July 2, 1897

Swan A. Lundstrom in Omaha.

Joe Blenkiron of Bancroft was the guest of CJ Swanson and family.

P.J. Johnson up from Omaha, where is works at railroading, and returned the next evening accompanied by wife and son.

Mrs. Johnson of Omaha arrived for a few days visit with Mrs. Palmquist and family.

Among those attending the county normal institute at Tekamah this week from Oakland are: Miss Anderson.

Meadie Johnson took morning train for South Omaha where she goes to see her sister.

Visiting clergy meet with Mission church people. PA Swenson of Wakefield was one clergy.

Old letters: Chas. J. Johnson.

WA Harding declines to be candidate for school board, after 10 years of service.

City Council: Andrew Anderson, A. Gustafson, John Johnson.

Mrs. Nils Johnson of Fremont here for a visit.

Eph Johnson and Andrew Moreen visited Fremont.

Mrs. Karen Johnson returned from her visit among friends near Oakland.

July 9, 1897

A Gustafson in Omaha for visit.

Gus Swanson of the popular mercantile firm of Snygg & Swanson, Wausa, was here for the celebration and to visit friends.

Tony Johnson and Frank Rinquist up from Omaha.

John A Lindell & family of Omaha here for celebration and visit friends.

Mrs. Swan Lundstrom, Martin Lundstrom and others were passengers for Wausa to celebrate the 4th and visit with friends.

WA Harding's prognosis on his eyes wasn't god, ordered to give his eyes 2-6 months rest or much longer if necessary.

Representatives from various denominations met at Burt County Sunday School Association: Oakland M.E. - WA Harding and others, Oakland Swedish M.E. - Lydia Gustafson. Oakland Swedish Lutheran: Lillie Swanson.

Stockholders of Farmers Union company met in annual session. Directors elected: OK Johnson, PG Johnson.

July 16, 1897

CO Anderson and family of Wausa, visited friends here.

Wm. Johnson, the restaurant man, left for Cherokee, IA, where he will remain a month.

Brick work on A. Gustafson's building is done. Awaiting roofers/plasterers.

Cards sent out announcing the marriage of Miss Kate Knollin and Mr. F.W. Harding, at the brides parents, in Decatur, Wed, July 21. Rev. Clark will officiate.

Oscar Anderson of Oakland, who is now attending school in Lincoln and was recently reported seriously hurt in a bicycle accident, writes us that he was not severely hurt and that the accident was exaggerated by the Lincoln papers. He gives us the facts as follows: Wile running from Panama to Lincoln, the wheel became unmanageable while coasting down a steep hill, the handle bars getting loosed. It threw me, and for some time I was unconscious. A fellow picked me up and took the wrenched wheel and bruised rider into to Bennett, where I took the morning's train for Lincoln. My right knee is badly bruised and also the left shoulder, but no further or serious injuries.

CG Anderson (Jockey) is in trouble again and this time up to his ears. He hasn't been behaving very well of late and went home the other night to clean out his own home. He got dangerously familiar with his family an flourished a big knife around like an Apache indian. A complaint was filed by his son for threatening to kill, and after thinking the matter over till the next morning, Judge Smith bound him over till the next term of court. Bail set at $200, and he had no cash and has run out of friends to sign his bond, so he was conveyed by Marshal Hanson to the county jail.

A. Gustafson is Alf. Gustafson.

Mr. Herman Anderson and Miss Mary Johnson were married at the pleasant farm home of Mr./Mrs. J. Lindborg, one and a half miles north of the city on Sunday July 11, 1897, Rev. P.J. Falk of the Swedish Mission church, this city, performed the marriage ceremony which united the young people in the holy bonds of matrimony. There were but few of the near relatives in attendance and the wedding was very quite and most pleasant. Miss Mathilda Johnson sister of the bride and Mr. Alfred Anderson, brother of the groom acted as second best. The young couple are well known to many Oakland people. After the ceremonies, at the Lindborg home the young people departed for their new home, which will in future be on a farm fourteen miles northwest of Oakland. Those in attendance at the wedding are: Mr./Mrs. CA Johnson, Swen Johnson, Miss M. Johnson, Mrs. Ellen Larson, PJ Lindstrom, Betty Olson, Mrs. J. Ebbeson, Gust Anderson, Alfred Anderson and Albert Carlson.

N. Eric Anderson of Bega, Stanton county was visiting in Swaburg among friends.

Swaburg: Andrew Wedergren and family, and Miss Hattie Johnson visited with friends in the vicinity of Craig.

Rev. JH Johnson said he was willing to remain in Beemer another year if the people wanted him.

July 23, 1897

EW Harding returned from Wakefield.

Miss Emma Anderson was a visitor from Tekamah.

Charley Anderson and Frank Osberg went to Leigh, with EE Shackleford's goods.

Miss Anderson, a relative of Rev. Winell of the west side ME Church, left for her home at Omaha after a visit here.

Mrs. John A Lindell returned to her home at Omaha after having visited a couple of weeks with old acquaintances and relatives.

Gusta Erickson and a friend from Omaha are visiting with Charles Anderson's family, east of Oakland and will remain for 2 weeks.

Hugo E. Nelson has accepted a position as pharmacist in a Wakefield drug store, where he succeeds EW Harding. People hope he returns here soon.

CG Anderson came back home from Tekamah where he had spent a week in the county jail, having been sent there in default of a $200 bond to keep the peace. Attorney Bowes secured his release by habeas corpus, on the ground that Police Judge Smith exceeded his authority in this case.

at high noon on Wednesday (July 21, 1897) at the bride's parents at Decatur, Rev. Clark of Oakland solemnized the wedding of Miss Kate I. Knollin and Mr. Eugene W. Harding, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Nothing known of maids of honor. Miss Knollin has taught the primary dept. of our schools for several years and always gave the best of satisfaction. She is very popular in social circles. Mr. Harding is the son of WA Harding, one of our druggists, and is a bright young business man and the graduate of one of the best schools of pharmacy in the land. He is well known to all our people for his many good traits. The couple will make Oakland their home.

July 30, 1897

Miss Hilda Anderson visited Wakefield friends the past week.

Miss Pearl Swanson returned from Wausa after an extended trip.

Mrs. Sarah Swanson departed for Minnesota where she goes to visit among her children.

John P. Anderson has so much recovered from his serious illness of several weeks past as to be able to be out again and drove to town.

Mr./Mrs. EW Harding returned home after a brief visit with Omaha friends. Mr. Harding will associate himself in business with his father for the future.

Mr./Mrs. CJ Swanson were visitor in Omaha where Mrs. S. spent the day and Charley remained for initiation into the mysteries of Ak-Sar-Benism.

Andrew Anderson is preparing to start up his brickyard full time, and will employ about 10 men until the weather is cold.

Aug. 6, 1897

Andrew Anderson, who resides on the west side, went to Wakefield for a short visit with his daughter.

Swan Anderson of Argo, is reported very sick with lung fever.

Alfred Gustafson's building is complete. He moves in within days.

WA Harding preparing to bring out a son that says, "Harding & Son".

Frank Anderson of Wausa with us this week.

Swaburg: Oliver Olson and family of Oakland visited with Joe Johnson and family.

Swaburg: Miss Agusta Erickson and Jennie Swaburg, of Omaha, were visiting friends.

Aug. 13, 1897

Mrs. Swan Anderson of Argo is recovering from her long illness.

Miss Nina Swanson went to Omaha to visit.

Joe Blenkiron called down from Bancroft by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father. His wife came down two days later.

Len Blenkiron and family of Belden, Cedar county are here at the bedside of their sick father this week.

Miss Emma Johnson of St. Joseph Mo., has been visiting her brother's here.

20th Century Literary club: Vocal solo, Miss Rena Swanson. Paper, Mr. Sidney Swanson.

Jurors for September term: Arizona Twp: Joe Johnson. Everett Twp: AM Anderson. Oakland Twp: CJ Swanson, Alfred Gustafson. Riverside Twp, Surn Swanson.

Bucktown: Mrs. Chas. Anderson's brother of Omaha visited.

Chas. S. Johnson, now a resident of Sitka, Alaska, but formerly a resident of Wahoo, Neb. was appointed United States district Judge for Alaska by President McKinley last week.

Aug. 20, 1897

JP Anderson is recovering from his recent illness and was out Saturday attending the Burt County Veterans Association's reunion.

Miss Ellen Johnson came up from the Omaha to meet her sister Mrs. Swan Johnson on the west side.

Mrs. A. Gustafson went up to Emerson for a weeks visit with friends.

Cyrus Lindell the colored orator, who spoke at the reunion returned to Lincoln.

Miss Ida Samson who has been attending the Normal University at Lincoln, during the summer returned home quite sick, owing, doubtless to the hard studying she has been doing. She was accompanied by Oscar Anderson who is attending the State University.

LA Anderson was arraigned in police court to answer to the charge of being drunk and resisting an officers on show day, and as there was no evidence against the prisoner he was discharged.

Mesdames Knowlin, Benton and Kennedy of South Riverside, Calif., arrived last week in answer to a telegram announcing Mr. Blenkiron's serious illness, and are at the home of CJ Swanson.

Andrew Anderson's brickyard work started, employing twenty men at good wages for about two months.

Chas. Swanson who moved to Brainard, Minnesota, some two years ago died at that place on August 10th, leaving a wife and two small children to mourn his departure. Mrs. CA Swanson of this place, was present during his sickness and death and will bring back with her the young widow and two children. His sickness was typhoid fever.

Hereafter the drug business of the Old Reliable Drug and Book Store of W.A. Harding will be conducted under the firm name of W.A. Harding & Son.

Miss Carrie Anderson went to Tekamah Wednesday to attend the wedding of her brother at that place.

Hulda Hedquist, who has been making her home in Oakland for some months past departed for her home at Salina, Kan., and was accomapanied as far as Omaha by Alfred Ostrand.

Our genial county Clerk Arthur Anderson was married on Wednesday to Miss Nellie Workman of Tekamah.

Died - Swan Anderson, at his home near Argo on Saturday August 14th after a lingering illness of heart trouble. Funeral services were held Sunday, conducted by Rev. J. Hedlund of this place. Deceased was 38 years of age and leaves a wife and a number of small children to mourn his loss.

Wausa: MW Blenkiron went down to Oakland to be at the bedside of his father who is reported to be quite seriously ill.

Wausa: A 10-year old boy, son of Clause Johnson, living three miles northeast of town was bitten by a mad dog last Friday. The cur came wandering into the front yard of Mr. Johnson's place late in the evening when the boy in a friendly mood to the brute offered to give it something to eat. In doing this the dog snapped at him and bit him quite severely in the hand. It then went into the cattle yards of CO Johnson, chasing the cattle and hogs in its spell of madness, trying to bite the animals, showing clear signs of hydrophobia. Mr. Johnson took the boy to Omaha the next day and placed him in care of skillful physicians who extricated the poison from the system by means of a mad stone.

Sept. 3, 1897

Oscar Anderson leaves this week for Panama, a small town near Lincoln, where he will teach school beginning Monday.

Mrs. M. Blenkiron departed for Bancroft, where she will be met by her son-in-law, Dr. Harker, of Mitchell, S.D., and go on with him to his home to spend a short time.

Albert Johnson made a business trip to Omaha.

Miss Tillie Anderssen [sic] of Omaha is visiting her friends, J.F. Nelson's family.

Willie Johnson of Omaha, who has been spending his summer vacation here with the family of John H. Hanson returned home.

Jonas Johnson returned from his trip to Sweden, by way of Sioux City.

A surprise party thrown for Miss Emma Swanson at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John A. Swanson last Saturday evening. Those attending are: Misses May Forcelund, Bell Wangberg, Bessie Moyer, Esther Johanson, Ellen Forcelund, Anna Boyd, Ida Salander, and Messr Van Boyce, Chas. Larson, Axel Johanson, John Wangberg, Will Force, Emil Force and Alton Palmquist.

Mrs. CA Swanson, who returned last week from Brainard, Minnesota, where she buried a son received word the first of the week that her oldest daughter Mrs. Clara Rocksburn living at the same place had died on last Saturday, Aug. 28th of pneumonia, leaving a husband and nine children. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson have surely had their share of trouble and affliction for out of nine children born to them only one is now living.

John Johnson, our popular wagonmaker was in Omaha on business.

Letter of thanks from Mr./Mrs. CJ Swanson for kindness and sympathy expressed during the illness and death of their father, Mr. M. Blenkiron.

Swaburg: Mrs. Joe Johnson was visiting the country surrounding Craig last week.

Swaburg: Julus Johnson has been staying with Andrew Frost for a few weeks and returned to his home in Fremont.

Swaburg: Joe Johnson went to Fremont on business.

Swaburg: Peoples Independent Party Caucus held at Fremont. Eph Johnson, Andrew Frost and Andrew Wedegren were selected and all attended.

Matthew Blenkiron, 80 years, 1 month, 7 days, died Aug. 25, 1897. Son of William and Elizabeth Blenkiron, born near Richmond, Yorkshire, England. His father died when Matthew was but a youth. At 22 years old, he and his mother emigrated to America, landing in New York in 1839, then by rail and stage to Chicago, and then on by stage and foot to British Hollow. Mentions early days of Wisconsin, then becoming the first slag smelter in the US. After British Hollow, he and his mother moved to New Diggins twp. He married Mary Harker on 13 Jul. 1846. Her father was Jas. Harker, who came from England at the same time, they being among a colony of 75 to come to the new world. Lots more mentioned.

13 children: William Blenkiron, born May 14, 1847, drowned at the age of fourteen months;, Matthew W. Now resides in Wausa, Neb. Elizabeth A Harker, Mitchell, S. Dakota. Mary E. Nowlin, Isabella Burton, Esther Kennedy, South Riverside, California; John C, James Harker, and Leonard, Belden, Neb; Sarah JC Swanson, Oakland, Neb; Joseph E., Bancroft, Neb; Emeline Forbes, Colorado Springs, Co.

Very long obituary for Matthew Blenkiron found in Oakland Independent, Sept. 3, 1897, pg. 4. Lists his 13 children and details his life.

Sept. 10, 1897

AM Anderson and wife arrived at the family home after a bridal tour east of a couple of week's duration.

AF Swanson, the Bertha blacksmith, was in town.

Rev. JH Johnson of Beemer will preach at the ME church next Sunday evening.

Old Letters: Mr. Ernie Anderson

Swan August Swanson, the son of SP Swanson, who live five miles northeast of Lyons, died after a ten-days illness, Thursday, Sept. 2 at the age of 17 years and 6 months. The funeral was held at the home, and conducted by Rev. PG Falk of Oakland. Remains buried in Lyons cemetery. Deceased is mourned by his parents, one sister and seven brothers.

Swaburg: Mrs. Nils Johnson of Fremont, spent a few days with relatives.

Sept. 17, 1897

John Swanson went to Omaha on business.

Herman Von Essen and Gust Anderson were Tekamah visitors.

C. Johnson left this week for Chicago where he expects to attend an M.E. college till next May.

Sim Wallerstedt paid for a subscription for a year.

Jonas Johnson left for Wausa, to look after his farm near there.

Mrs. Nollin, who was several weeks ago called here by the illness of her father, M. Blenkiron, left for her home in California.

District 48: Charles Johnson and family visited Craig Monday.

A.M. Anderson and wife returned to Tekamah, after a brief visit at Father Anderson's Art has been off several days and was anxious to get back to the county clerk's office.

Charley Swanson orders the paper from Chicago.

Harry G. Johnson nominated as one of the delegates from Oakland for the peoples independents caucus.

Sept. 24, 1897

LA Anderson, who lives five miles north of Lyons, was down to the town and bought a new wagon at Newlean's.

LP Anderson and family of Swanburg made a visit with friends here.

Miss Esther Johnson left for Omaha where she expects to remain for some time.

FA Wallerstedt up from Tekamah selling life insurance.

Peter Johnson and family went to Thurston, where they spent the day visiting Mr. Johnson's brother, who is a section boss there.

Victor Johnson, one of the old residents of this vicinity of former days, came down from his Pender home, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Arvidson.

CG Dalstrom and August Samuelson of Ceresco, Neb. attended the gospel meetings at the Free Mission church; also Victor Johnson of Pender and John A Carlson of Wausa.

Miss Pauline Swanson returned to Omaha after a few weeks visit. Her mother and brother accompanied her to Omaha, from which point they will got to Gothenburg on a business trip.

Matts Anderson of Cuming Co. was down this way.

Eph. Johnson and others chosen to represent the Independents of Logan twp at Fremont.

Oakland Teachers and patrons association met. Esther Anderson among them.

Oct. 1, 1897

MW Johnson and wife, owners of the Oakland Bakery, made a trip to Millard, Neb for a visit.

Len Blenkiron of Belden, and Joe Blenkiron of Bancroft, were in Oakland for a few hours.

Arthur Johnson, one of our popular young men of the west side, left for Lincoln, where he will attend school.

Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Anderson are the happy parents of a new baby boy, born last Saturday.

Andrew Anderson informs us that he opens a new kiln of brick, containing 175,000 bricks.

Mrs. M. Blenkiron, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Burton left for California and will stop for a short visit in Colorado.

Oct. 8, 1897

Gene Harding went to Laurel for about a week.

Miss Mary Johnson visited Lyons friends.

JP Anderson attended the Burt County Fair.

August Johnson left for Sioux City, IA, where he will remain a few weeks.

Miss Anderson and Mr. Albert Westling, young people of Swaburg, were married one day last week.

Andrew Anderson drove to Scribner, where he viewed the brickyard and works at that place.

Christian Anderson stopped by.

John W. Johnson and L. Christianson, life long friends of Ole Larson were up from Washington County last week paying Mr. Larson a visit. Mr. Christianson and Mr. Larson were soldiers together in the rebellion.

Teachers and Patrons association at Oakland high school: Bernhardina Johnson.

OK Johnson's horse became frightened while tied in front of CJ Swanson's store, and broke loose and took a lively spin around a block or two, coming to a stop at Oak's place, where it ran into and went head long over a fence. No serious damage, but some narrow escapes.

Gus Johnson, a young man who is learning to ride an untamed bicycle, got started down a hill south of town when the pesky thing got the best of him and run into a barbed wire fence, tearing the flesh of his legs badly, besides bruising him up considerably. It required a good lot of stitches to cover the tears and MR. Johnson is now lying at the Oakland Bakery for repairs.

NP Anderson, who lives eight miles NE of Emerson, overcome by foul air while cleaning a well, and was taken out dead two hours later. He leaves a wife and seven children.

No tardies/absences: High School: Meadie Johnson. Grammar: Olga Johnson, John Johnson, Martin Lundstrom, Emma Anderson. Second Intermediate: George Swanson, Esther Johnson. First Intermediate: Eva Lundstrom, Minnie Swanson. First Primary: Bertha Swanson, Fred Johnson. Second Primary: Ivan Swanson, Laura Swanson, Reuben Swanson, Segurd Johnson. Miss Mary Johnson visited the high school. Mr. JP Anderson a visitor to several rooms.

Oct. 15, 1897

Amos Anderson, new subscriber

John A. Swanson in Omaha last week.

Mr./Mrs. Lindell returned from a visit to Omaha.

Miss Elizabeth Anderson, ordered the newspaper for a year.

Peter Swanson and Frank Carlson, young men from Illinois, and friends of SP Sunberg, were here last week looking over the city, going to Pender, but expected to return.

Misses Elizabeth Anderson and Tillie Swanson waiting upon guests for the wedding of Miss Edla M.C. Oberg of Oakland and Mr. AM Hypse of Ganado, Texas Guests included Gust Johnson.

EW Harding returned from Laurel.

Swen Johnson came near meeting an untimely end last Friday, as he was coming up from the mill. He drove a pair of mules and as they acted skittish and ugly, Mr. Johnson applied the whip to them quite liberally. On reaching the top they were running at full speed when the tongue came down and struck in the ground, throwing Mr. Johnson onto the ground violently. He was picked up unconscious and it was some time before he recovered his senses. He was taken to JP Anderson's where he has since lain, but he will recover in a few weeks it is hoped. Later- We learn that Mr. Johnson died at 1 o'clock yesterday, and funeral services will be held at the M.E. church on the west side.

Miss Laura Larson and JP Johnson of Craig, were married the 6th of Oct.

Oct. 22, 1897

Mrs. Andrew Anderson and Alma Swanson went to Bancroft Friday for a few days visit.

JP Anderson and WD Smith did business in Tekamah.

Swen Johnson was laid to rest Friday (last). Mr. Johnson's death was chronicled in last week's Independent as the result of a runaway accident. He was 64 years and 7 months old and leaves a large family to mourn the loss of a good husband and father. He located on his farm in eastern Cuming county about 20 years ago, and has accumulated considerable property by hard toil and saving. His funeral took place at the West Side M.E. Church where Revs. Winell and Falk officiated at the service.

Mr. AP Anderson, living four miles west of town was in Tuesday. The wife, son, husband and daughter having a family group taken at Jacob's Photograph Gallery. Mr. Anderson has been in poor health for a number of years and it was his first trip to Oakland in four years. He said he felt much improved in health and was now able to be out of doors considerable of the time. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are now in a position to enjoy life, health permitting, as they are blessed with an abundance of this world's goods and have both their children married and comfortably settled near them.

Old letters: Miss Adelia Anderson.

Rella Anderson, a member of the 8th grade will be absent for the next month.

Swaburg: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson, and son, of Wakefield, were here several days visiting with relatives, O. Lindquist's and departed for home.

Swaburg: A tubular well was put down to 180 feet at PA Anderson's.

October 29, 1897

CJ Swanson in Omaha.

John Johnson visited Fremont on business.

Mrs. Marie Swanson left for Omaha where she enters a hospital.

Ed. Swanson, a nephew of F.A. Hill, returned to his home at Holdrege after a short visit here. He has been up to South Dakota for several months past.

Mr. Oscar Johnson has old letter waiting.

Party at Lawrence Peterson's home, in honor of Mr. John Renner. Guests included Ida Johnson, Mary Johnson and Willie Johnson.

Mr. Theodore Anderson and Miss Olive Blomquist were united in marriage by Rev. Johanson yesterday morning at 8 am. They left on the passenger for Omaha where they take a short vacation.

Nov. 5, 1897

Prof. Welland, the Fremont optician, is occupying rooms at M. Swanson's home during his stay at the city.

Miss Dena Johnson returned home form her Omaha visit.

O. Samson of Kerl and others went to Tekamah, with the votes of their precincts.

Voting: Oakland Town Assessor, tied: H.G. Hohnson and M. Swanson. Bell Creek Twp: Township Assessor, John A. Anderson lost to Chas A Seberg.

School, no absences or tardies: High School: Meadie Johnson. Grammar: Olga Johnson, Martin Lundstrom. Second Intermediate: Edgar Johnson, George Swanson, Esther Johnson. First Intermediate: Pearl Swanson, Jannah Johnson. First Primary: Laura Swanson, Ray Swanson, Mable Lundstrom, Reuben Swanson.

Harry Johnson broke a tie with M. Swanson by drawing lots. for Township assessor.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Anderson were tendered a reception by their friends at their home on the west side.

Nov. 12, 1897

CJ Swanson in Bancroft on business.

John P. Anderson painting his home, barn and outbuildings.

Peter Johnson of Argo, new subscriber.

Miss Hulda Anderson went to Omaha where she expects to remain awhile.

A. Lundstrom with others as witnesses in district court.

PJ Johnson, one of our former merchants came up from Omaha to attend to some business.

Miss Annette Johnson went to Omaha Tuesday morning.

To Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ostrand, a baby boy born of usual weight and dimensions.

Mrs. AW Gustafson returned from a visit in Lincoln.

Party for Theo. Anderson and Miss Ollie Blomquist's marriage last Thursday. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Anderson, Arron Anderson, Gust Johnson, Mary Anderson, Henry Anderson, Edie Anderson, Carrie Anderson.

Mr. Ed. Snygg and Miss Anderson, daughter of P.G. Anderson, drove to West Point yesterday morning where they were quietly married. They will spend the remainder of the week with Cuming county relatives before returning.

Miss Elizabeth Anderson was an Omaha passenger.

N.A. Johnson, new subscription.

Nov. 19, 1897

JP Johnson took trip to Omaha.

Little baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Swanson on Monday.

Mrs. Jennie Johnson arrived from Omaha Saturday in answer to a telegram announcing the dangerous illness of her sister, Miss Tillie Swanson.

Emanuel Johnson was up from Omaha in attendance at the funeral of his sister-in-law, Miss Swanson.

Harry G. Johnson and M. Swanson went to Tekamah to have a redraw on lots again. Harry lost this time, says he will outlive this defeat.

Miss Marie Johnson of Omaha was in attendance at the funeral of Miss Tillie Swanson, Tuesday.

Gust Schnell, of Wakefield who has been working for the Ostrand boys this fall, returned to his home.

Card of thanks from Mr. and Mrs. M. Swanson and family over the sickness and death of daughter Matilda.

One of the most touching deaths that has occurred in Oakland for some time was that of Miss Mathilda Wilhelmina Swanson, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Swanson, on last Sabbath morning, after but few day illness with pneumonia. There was not a more widely known or more universally admired young lady in the community. She had all the accomplishments, the beauty and pleasant disposition that goes to make young people popular with their associates. Miss Tillie had been reared here, had graduated from our schools and was an active member of many of the societies of the city. For some weeks her health was poorly, but until a few days ago she was about and but little was thought of approaching disease of a fatal character. She was always strong and robust and just in the primer of her life, being 21 years, 4 months and 24 days old at the time of her death. The funeral services were held Tuesday at the Lutheran church, Rev. Swanberg officiating, and the large church was crowded to its utmost

capacity, by her friends and relatives. The floral offerings were most beautiful. The relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of their large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. Following are the resolutions of the Young Peoples Society of the Lutheran church, of which Miss Swanson was a member. (more not written)

Axel Johnson is the new drug clerk at Dr. Simian's pharmacy. He is quick, neat and correct with his work.

No School on Tuesday afternoon. The children were accorded the privilege of attending the funeral service of Miss Tillie Swanson and paying their last respects to their friend. It was made up Saturday morning.

Gust Swanson, one of Wausa's rustling merchants, was down Tuesday.

Wausa: Rev. PJ Swanson of Wakefield and Rev. P. Hedlund of Oakland came up yesterday to preach funeral service of John Wahlund.

Herman Johnson, 7th grader, left school the first of the week on account of work.

Nov. 26, 1897

Mrs. Emanuel Johnson returned home in Omaha.

Miss Nina Swanson, attending college at Omaha, came up to visit her parents.

L. Swanson and mother of Wakefield visited P. Palmer and family over Sunday and went to Herman Monday for a short visit.

PJ Johnson and family moved back from Omaha and are now occupying their nice home in the north part of town.

Miss Elizabeth Anderson returned from a weeks sojourn in Omaha Friday.

JR Anderson of Decatur paid for subscription.

Mr. and Mrs. CJ Swanson went to Omaha where they were entertained.

Henry Tunberg and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lindell were passenger for Tekamah to spend Thanksgiving at Carl Wallin's.

Albert Johnson had a pig stolen from him.

Oscar Johnson entered the 5th grade this week.

Whereas it has pleased the Great Creator to remove from our midst our beloved vice-president, Miss Tilly M. Swanson, and Whereas, in her death the Alumni loses one of its most ardent and aggressive workers, be it therefore Resolved, that we humbly submit to the will of the Almighty in this the hour of bereavement and be it further Resolved, that we do express to the bereaved relations the deep sorrow which we feel at her sudden demise and be it also Resolved, that copy of these resolutions shall be tendered the family also that they be recorded in the minutes of the Alumni Association and that they be published in the Oakland Republican and Oakland Independent, Oakland High School Alumni Association Neb. Nov. 19, 1897. Committee.

Whereas, It has pleased our all-wise Heavenly Father to remove from our midst, Miss Tillie Swanson, a member of our Twentieth Century Club, there be it Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to Him who maketh no mistake but doeth all things well; we as members of the Club, will ever remember her as one of its originators, and as ever faithful and earnest coworker in the same. And be it Resolved, That as we feel a deep loss we realize that the immediate relatives feel a deeper one; and we extend to them our sincere sympathy in this their time of bereavement and be it further Resolved, That we present a copy of these resolutions to the family, and that they be entered in the minutes of the club, and also be published in the Oakland Independent, and Oakland Republican.

Dec. 10, 1897

Eph. Johnson and wife were up from Swaburg.

Charles Johnson and Amos Anderson, new subscribers.

Mr. and Mrs. EW Harding drove to Decatur, and were accompanied by Grandma Chapin, who has been at the Harding home some time.

Rev. Swanson and daughter of Wakefield were here taking part in the conference at the Mission Church.

Notice by Christ Anderson saying all persons are forbidden from hunting on his 160 acres of land 6 miles NE of Oakland.

Oakland lodge of the M.W.A elected officers, of which WA Harding was one.

O.O.U.W lodge elected officers: WA Harding again.

Mrs. Swenson, returned to her home in Omaha, after a brief visit with Charles Johnson's family on the west side.

Andrew Anderson, brickmaker, purchased the residence and 16 acres of James Askwig.

Fire broke out in the barn of old Mr. Johnson, one-half mile south of town. Building consumed, chickens, grain, etc.

Dec. 17, 1897

Gene Harding confined to his home for a badly sprained back.

Charley Anderson in Omaha this week.

AJ Gustafson back from Omaha.

Old Letter: Mr. A.L. Swanson

Mrs. JP Anderson a visitor to the school.

Dec. 24, 1897

Frank Gustafson left for Omaha.

Miss Anna Johnson up from Omaha to visit relatives.

John C. Anderson, new subscriber.

A. Samuelson departed for Western Kansas, where he will probably remain.

AF Swanson, the up-to-date blacksmith of Bertha, new subscriber.

Peter Norby, who resided with his parents in Lundstrom's addition, died Tuesday morning after an illness of eight days. His illness commenced with pneumonia and quickly developed into consumption. Funeral took place Thursday.

©1998-2000 Justin Masters

Updated 18 August 2017 by Dianna G. Curtis