NEGenWeb Project


From the 1917 Standard Atlas of Colfax County
Mr. Kovar was elected Postmaster of Schuyler, and was appointed as such July 7th, 1915, taking charge of the office Aug. 1st, 1915. By birth Mr. Kovar is a Bohemian, born in Austria Sept. 23, 1862, crossed the Atlantic Ocean on June 12, 1874, and landed a few days later at Schuyler, Nebraska, with his parents, where they located on a farm eight miles North of Schuyler. This farm is now owned by his brother, John F. Kovar. At the age of 17, Mr. Kovar entered the harness business in which he remained for a period of 35 years. During his business career he also served several years in public life, being County Treasurer of Thomas County, Kansas, and Councilman and City Clerk of the City of Schuyler, which offices he has filled with credit to himself and his fellowmen.

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