Franklin County, Nebraska

For Another Day

By Rena Donovan
Transcribed by Carol Wolf Britton

Franklin County Chronicle, February 20, 2001
Chapter 11

Mary Hill, the daughter of A. C. Anderson, reminisces about her early years. From her handwritten noted she remembers: " Dr Sumner and Dr Ella Sumner were always our doctors. I had pneumonia when I was about 9 or 10 years old, Dr Ella would come out. I think they had cars, but she came often, and finally I wasn't getting any better, so she said. ` If you will get better, I'll bring you a doll,' I just had to get better. When I was sick, I remember lying in bed. The window never had a curtain on it, and I saw a man looking in the window. I hopped out of bed and ran to the living room into Dad's lap. He picked me up and carried me back to bed and said there was no man, but I thought I could see one. It must have been the fever."

Dan and Mom used to have a great tall cottonwood trees along the Mill Race, about every time it stormed, lightning would strike on of them; I'd go and crawl in bed with Mom."

Mary talked about the Morlans saying, " Mr. Henry Morlan was old and had one black mule and one white mule. He had a son named John. Bill and I loved to help him and thought of him as a grandpa. He planted potatoes with a planter and we would get to ride on it and drop cut potatoes down into the row, and then the planter would cover them. I think we helped him pick then up in the fall. We also helped him pick apples too, and then he'd put them in a spring wagon and take them up north to the Macon Prairie area and sell them. He advertised for a wife, one lady answered his ad from the hills of Missouri, and she came up and they got married. She asked us if we ever ate possum and we said, `no' so they caught one and she baked it and brought it up, but Dad wouldn't let any one eat it."

Rena Donovan, For Another Day.

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