Platte Co., NE - Monroe 1896 News NEGenWeb Project
    Monroe Looking Glass
    1896 Newspaper Extracts

Please note that these are selected articles only and I do not have access to the full year of newspapers. Also, I have retained the original wording and spelling from the articles. I realize they contain many typographical errors. A special thanks to Charlotte Morton for loaning me these newspapers!
January 16, 1896

Mrs. Dr. Evans of Columbus is very ill. John Sacrider went to Columbus Monday. ... Lou Stocks of Genoa was in our city Tuesday. ... Dr. Martin of Columbus was in our city Friday. ... Tom Shaffer of Oconee was in our city wednesday. ... Geo. Alexander went to Platte Center Tuesday. ... G.J. Averill was doing business in Monroe Monday. ... Jack and Eillis Williams were in Columbus Sunday. ... Miss Maud Naylor was visiting in Monroe this week. ... Fred Snyder and Bob Plants went to Genoa Saturday. ... J.J. Williams went to Columbus on business Tuesday. ... Os [sic] Williams was spending a few days in Monroe this week. ... Miss Mary White of Genoa was visiting friends in Monroe Sunday. ... Miss Bartholomew returned to her home in Stromsburg Monday. ... Wm. Cornelius of Columbus was doing business in Monroe Saturday. ... Peter Erickson of Lindsay was doing business in Monroe Wednesday.

Monroe was supprised by a little snow Wednesday.

We see that Chas Kelley has beat McFann out of his job.

Will Conard is building an addition to Joseph Websters house.

Call at Munter's furniture store and see his fine samples of carpets. ... The largest stock and finest selection of wall paper in Columbus at I.C. Echols. ... Stocks, Spear & Co. pay the highest market prices for Butter and Eggs. ... Parties wanting a few tons of first class millet hay at $5.00 call upon E.A. Gerrard. ... Drs. Voss and Miessler homeopathic physicians and surgeons. Columbus, Nebrsaka.

The Monroe Band has reorganized and will be on hand upon short notice.

The suprise party for Ed Dack was a grand success, a good crowd, and a good time was the result.

The M.W.A. lodge of Monroe were supprised last Monday evening by there wives, who gave them a good supper of cake and coffee.

There are some few young men of Monroe who would like to know whether or no the girls will require them to wear corsets and bloomers in the year eighteen-ninety-six.

We are in reciept of a card from our old time friend W.T. Caloway he is now located at Bards Dale Ventura, California. He is farming there, (or he will it if rains,) though the prospects are slim at present.

Dan'l Murdock of Oconee was in our city Tuesday, he reports nothing done in the east end of the irrigation district, but that he is going to work as soon as possible to get the signers, success to him.

we learn that Hans Elliot the new Co. Treasurer does not propose to be caught in any traps, he will reciept for only what he gets in actual cash. We ought to have U.S. Banks and each get a share of the profit on deposits, for U.S. revenue.

Mr. Sam'l Terry is trying to rais the funds for sinking a prospect, for artesian water. Mr. Peter Erickson offers his services and the use of his tools for just his expenses, that is cheap enough. Let us have an artesian well if it is in the ground.

We had quite a plesant chat with mrs. M.K. Turner on the train, last week, she looks exceedingly well and was making a visit to her sister Mrs. Geo. Brown of Cedar Rapids. We had not seen her for some time, the Looking Glass wishes both parties a plesant visit.

In Okl. they are having trouble over letting the colored children attend the public school in the town of Perry. We imagine their school superintendant, needs to be naturalized, so he will be an American. These up starts have not brains enough to know that a full blooded American is too proud of his country to want to make a distinction between her citizens. They are every one Princes and rulers in his right.

Religious. C.W. Talbitzer teaches the Bible class in Sunday school and has a big class. ... We hear that there is quite a revival going on at the Wattsville school house, may they prosper. ... On last Sabbath there were three persons recieved into the church here, all adults, and one infant baptism. ... The Sunday School is growing. Pastor Churchill teaches the young peoples class and has a large attendance. ... Mr. Geo. Smith officiated as superintendant of the Sunday School for the first time last Sabbath he seems quite efficient, and will that that new comers are introduced to the proper classes in future. ... The consecration meeting on Monday afternoon was a serious affair. There were fourteen that responded to the invitation to those who believe in prayer and that God answers prayer.

January 23, 1896

Skates at Matson's ... Groceries at S.S. & Co's. ... Real Estate Loans At the Bank of Monroe.

F.H. Gerrard when to Columbus Sunday. ... Bob Plantz went to Platte Center Monday. ... Chas Kelley went to Columbus Monday to attend to some important business. ... Frank Kenyon went to Columbus Monday. ... Eis Williams started for New York Tuesday. ... Lou Stocks of Genoa was in our city Friday. ... August Johnson of Oconee was in our city Friday. ... Mrs. Chas. Hart went to Columbus last Thursday. ... H.J. Hendryx went to Columbus on business Saturday. ... County Treasurer Elliot was on our streets Saturday. ... F.A. Matson took the noon train for Lincoln Wednesday. ... John Hilyard of Oconee was doing business in Monroe last Thursday.

We see Geo. Alexander had his new cutter out this week, it looks fine.

The Columbus Creamery Co. has bought the Genoa Creamery, they are getting into quite an extensive business apparently and seem to be very successful.

Mrs. H.J. Hendryx returned home Saturday last from her visit to Chicago Ills. where she had been for the last three months. She looked well and seemed happy to get home.

The grandest surprise party of the season was given at Sam'l Terry's last Thursday evening in honor of his son Charlie. A large crowd and a good time, grand refreshments at twelve, everybody enjoyed themselves.

Water. Mr. Sam'l Terry is circulating a subscription paper with a view to having Mr. Peter Erickson come and bore as deep as he can with his apparatus. Probably seven or eight hundred feet. Let us know what we have below us here.

Coal. H.J. Hendryx says he will give any parties the right to prospect on his land and they may have anything they find except water. More than this he will give them one acre of land upon the surface in case they find anything worth working. We think this a liberal offer.

The Farmers Elevator Association will hold their annual meeting on Monday Jan. 27th at 1 o'clock P.M.

Religious. The meeting in the evening were interupted on Wednesday evening by the sickness of Pastor Churchill. ... We hear of four person who intend to unite with the church at the next meeting of the session. There ought to be many more. This is a matter that every person is interested in, and cannot be attended to; to soon. Pastor Churchill preaches excellent sermons every time, and the people listen with intense interest.

Irrigation. Danl. Murdock was up Monday and is very hopeful that the Canal will be ready for business the coming season. He is preparing leases with irrigatio provisions in them, those renting land should have these leases.

Artesian Water. Isaiah Lightner says he will be one of ten to put in one Hundred dollars each, to sink a prospect hole for Artesian water, with a view to having a Grist mill at Monroe that will grind for toll. Mr. Lightners head is level, as a Grist mill to grind for toll would be a large thing for the neighborhood especially the farmers. Who will be next on the list.

On Sep 8 1888 there appeared in the Columbus Journal the following item.
    Fannie a high grade morgan mare that J.R. Smith has owned for the past 27 years, died suddenly on last Saturday. She had attained the respectable age of 30 years and 4 months, was a great-great-grandmother and stood at the head of 38 of her family, the Smith family feels in the loss of their aged family horse the death of an old and much loved friend.
    J.R. Smith also mourns the loss of a very valuable and noted (horse,) which occured one day last week. Tom was a general favorite of the famikly and the admimration of all who saw and knew him. He was noted for his inteligent disposition and beauty, was 15 years old, and would work equally as well with out lines as with them, being governed entirely by love, which goes to show the necessity of gentle and right treatment and what a power love has over the animal kingdom. I am glad to say that the Smith Bro's. have always adopted this method of training their horses, and can point with admiration to a strain of Morgan horses which has been kept in the Smith family since the year 1861. -G.C.S.

January 30, 1896

Chas Kelley is back at his old trade, punching cattle.

Jonas Welch believes in artesian water at Monroe five dollars worth.

S.W. Lightner took the noon train for Omaha Tuesday. ... J.P. Mahoney of Platte Center was on our streets Tuseday. ... Henry Carrig of Platte Center was doing business in Monroe. ... Mrs. Stever and Miss Emma Gerrard were visiting friends and relatives in Monroe Sunday.

Call at Munter's furniture store and see his fine samples of carpets.

C.H. Sheldon is willing to pay five dollars toward prospecting for water at Monroe.

Parties wanting a few tons of first class millet hay at $5.00 call upon E.A. Gerrard.

Isaiah Lightner has been quite sick for a few days was reported better Tuesday eve. ... Mrs. W.T. Strother was sick on Tuesday, Mrs. Mabel Matson came down to stay with her during the day. ... Frank Nansel fell from a horse while driving a calf and broke his colar bone. He was in town Monday, Dr. Hansen was called.

Miss Mary White has gone back to H.J. Hendryx, where she will have a good place to work.

Bennetts Electric Belt Concert Advertizing Co. will give free Concerts at Monroe Hall all week Feb. 3rd.

A. Quackenbush was talking about our prospecting for water, he says he believes we will succeed and if he does not leave the locality shortly he will help.

Mr. Tho's Adams and wife returned form Fremont on Tuesday, Mr. Adams sold his driving team for a good price while there, also sold some other horses.

Henry Carrig was over on Tuesday, he proposes to push the irrigation petition for all that it is worth. Every effort adds to the number of petitioners, and Henry Carrig is anxious to see it go.

The lame will walk, the deaf will hear, and sick people made well. No charges will be made for cures during the Concerts at night. Drs. are invited to investigate before condeming our methods. Free Concerts, Monroe Hall all week, Feb. 3rd. 8.15 each evening. Seats _ cents.

C.W. Zeigler was showing his new bycicle seat on our streets on Tuesday he thinks it a dandy. It drew quite a crowd, and one man wanted one forthwith. If it is as much advantage as Zeigler seems to think we will all want one. It should be seen to be appreciated it is double, and has a cane bottom and is handsomely plated. Come round and we will tell you about it.

John Gleason still wants to prospect for coal and is in dead earnest, he fully believes there is coal at no great depth. No man can say he is not right. And we hope he may succeed in getting the parties to help. Sooner or later John will succeed in having a prospect put down on his place, and dont forget it. John Gleason is the kind that sticks right to his text all the time. Success to him.

Farmers Elevator Association held their annual meeting and election of officials, in the elevator office. On Monday Messers Sheldon and Welch of Columbus having become share holders were present. The old officers were re-elected except that Jonas Welch was elected a director in place of M.N. Hollinshead. The Agent reported 35,000 bus. of grain as passed through the elevator. Making an income of $87,50 the agent was instructed to take out one thousand dollars insurance and pay the taxes. The remainder to be paid out as a dividend amounting to about 2 per cent.

Religious. Pastor Churchill was out on Tuesday for the first time since his illness. We hope he will be able to resume service next Sabbath. ... Preaching in German at the Oconee Presbyterian church Sunday, Feb. 2nd, at 10 a.m. The oconee choir will have charge of the music. ... Report says the seventh day Advents have made several converts in their meetings at the Smith school house, and that they started a sabbath school on Saturday last. These people appear to be very much in earnest. We hope they may do much good. ... The W.C.T.U. lecturer Mrs. Mary E. Teets, failed to come either evening. Quite a number of people came in on Tuesday evening and were disapointed, but accidents will happen and most people have met with accidents at time that have been very annoying. The W.C.T.U. do not often make appointments that are not fulfilled.

Irrigation. Reports says Patrick Murry is in favor of an irrigation ditch provided the people own it themselves, and the water goes with the land. Mr. Murry usually knows which side his bread is buttered on. And we think his idea is good and we stand for the same thing.

February 6, 1896

Dan'l Mudock of Oconee was in our city Monday. ... H.J. Hendryx took the noon train for Fremont Wednesday. ... Stephen Lightner returned home Saturday from Lincoln. ... Geo. Cooley of Oconee was doing business in Monroe Tuesday.

The Grip has been quite prevalant but seems to be passing.

BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoar an eight pound girl Saturday.

BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. George Blodgett of Oconee a nine pound boy Friday.

Several of the Monroe boys attended the O'Kay literary last Saturday evening.

Mr. Reel of Linwood Neb. was in Monroe Wednesday, he talks of buying out the butcher business.

We noticed Max Babel of Platte Center on our streets Wednesday, shaking hands with old friends.

The man that has his spring wheat in the ground in February is pretty safe for a crop.

Sam Terry's baby was very ill Saturday, but has improved greatly under the care of Dr. Hansen.

The W.C.T.U. meets with Fannie H. Lightner on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock P.M. on Feb. 19th, do not forget the time and place.

Mr. Walter Murdock the merchant of Oconee has gone to Boston to visit his parents. He expects to be back about the last of the month.

The Artesian Prospect lacks one name so far of being a success so far as raising the means goes. Who will be the tenth man, we ought not to let this chance pass.

We noticed two teams breaking prarie on Saturday the first day of Feb. The earliest we ever saw before, was in 1860 which was one month later, and a very dry spring.

Notice that Mr. A. Luth says he will provide entertainments for those attending the Co. Convention that have to stay over, it is on the 7th. at the Court House in Columbus.

Fisher had a lady passenger the other day, when he had gotten her well fixed on his cart ready to start he discovered he had not the mail. Then he rushed back to the Post Office and said the female was all right, but he had to have the mail.

Mr. Dan'l Murdock was up on Monday and set the day for presenting the petition for an irrigation district to the Co. Commissioners for Feb. 21st. In the meantime he proposes to push the petition with characteristic energy, so as to have all the electors signatures if possible.

Ed Willman and John Munter Jr. departed between two days last week. This is a poor way to leave and these parties would have been better fixed financially to have done the square thing, to say nothing of the sacrifice of moral. It is another case of the delusions of satin that tell a man he annot succeed and be honest.

The Joe Bennett Concert Company are reported to have given much satisfaction to those who have heard them. But the promise for Saturday night throws all the rest in the shade. Saturday night will be the combination of good things in all their lines of good things, and we anticipate that the Monroe Hall will be as full as though it was a Populistic rally.

We heard a M.W.A. remark that there was one less M.W.A. in Monroe after Willman left. Another remarked that the Devil could be a M.W.A. if he had six dollars and fifty cents. We imagine this to be an exageration, nevertheless the M.W.A. should do their best in a brotherly way to keep their members staright, as we understand the matter it is part of their duty, and every member should strive to mantain a high standard of honor for the order.

    Steers, top: $3.30 to $3.59
    Cows: $1.60 to $3.15
    Feeders: $2.45 to $3.55
    Hogs: $3.85 to $4.00

    Is hereby given that the following petition for the organization of an irrigation district in accordance with the progvisions of an act to provide for the organiztion and government of irrigation districts approved March 26th, 1895. Will be filled with, and presented for action, to the Commissioners of Platte County, on Feb. 21st. 1896 as follows.
    To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Platte County, Nebraska

    Sign. - Acres.
    Arthur Bishop - 160
    Dan'l Murckock - 800
    Chas Chapin - 220
    Claus Mevis - 80
    Fredrick Krumland - 160
    John Blodgett - 200
    Rufus Dodd - 100
    Geo. Murie -80
    Wm. Graham - 120
    E.A. Gerrard - 1040
    J.E. Sallach - 80
    C.W. Hollingshead - 27
    C.W. Talbitzer - 162
    Tho's Conner - 243
    Boyd Dawson - 240
    John Quinn - 240
    John C. Dawson 0 240
    W.J. Newman - 320
    Wm. Meays - 240
    Wm. G. Meays - 80
    Geo. W. Moskert - 80
    H.B. Reed - 40
    J.E. Nichol - 160
    R.W. Young - 40
    Carl Meyerberger - 200
    Geo. Doske - 80
    John C. Dineen - 160
    John Omelia - 120
    Pius Poffel - 320
    John Ebner - 120
    John E. Gates - 160
    Alvis Mitsch - 80
    F.K. Strother - 1 lot
    G.F. Alexander - 1 lot
    John Munter - 10 lot
    W.T. Strother - 1 lot
    J.A. Douglas -1 lot
    D.W. Zeigler - 2 lots
    C.S. Jencks - 2 lots
    R.A. Vickers - 1 lot
    Chas Kelley - 1 lot
    W.H. Murdock - 1 lot
    W.D. Wilson - 1 lot
    Wm. Webster - 2 lots
    Ed Willman - 1 lot

February 20, 1896

Sam Terry attended the sale at Hans Elliots on Shell creek on Monday.

H.J. Hendryx had a whole train of teams hauling ice yesterday.

There was a surprise party at Chas Kelley's last Tuesday on honor of Chas.

Clarence Gerrard is experimenting on the Cyanide method of extracting Gold.

Gordon Cross and sister from Columbus were visiting Pastor Churchill Monday.

E.H. Borders will do the fair thing by customers, notice his ad in another column, we know him.

Alfred Williams of Postville took the noon train last Monday for Iowa where he expects to find work.

We hear that Munte has heard from his son in Kansas, he reports green fields of wheat.

Clarence Gerrard of Columbus was up on Monday. He is on the Committee for sinking the Artesian prospect.

Monroe is usually chock full of teams. The cold wave on Wednesday eve caused some of them to go home at a lively gait.

We hear that the R.R. Recievers have ordered the Telegraph service discontinued here. We do not see how they can afford this, as there is considerable business in sight, 75,000 bushels of oats here now to ship.

Gold. Our office force went prospecting this week, they panned out some sand, and got one color. There was quite an excitement about it for a time. Charlie was the big gun.

The Matson school will have an entertainment on Saturday evening next, the exersizes will consist of recitations, singing, music etc. No doubt it will prove a first class entertainment for all who attend.

We have fifteen acres of land, that has a ditch for irrigation, that we want to rent for a share of the crop. We want a man that understand roots and vegetables. A man that can be recomended as a carful thorough cultivator. The land is sandy loam and adjuoins the town of Monroe.

J.N. Taylor left for Hamilton, Mont., today, where he goes to accept a position which gives him charge of the shipping department of the Bitter Root Developement company. This is one of the largest western lumber companies. Mr. Taylor is an old vetran in the lumber business, having been constantly engaged in the business since he was 22 years of age, except the past few years he has been engaged in the grain business. For a number of years Mr. Taylor was one of our leading local lumber dealers. It will be decided later when the family will follow him to his new home.--Argus.

School Building. we were talking with our school director yesterday, he says the building is full and three in a seat. Says we will have to have another room or turn out part of the scholars.
    The first thing people enquire about when locating in a new place is the school facilities. It pays every time and many times over to have a first class school and good roomy buildings. Monroe cannot afford to be without a graded school, let us have the building forthwith. Parents should especially take hold to urge this, let us build.

Religious. There were two more additions to the church on last Sabbath. ... Geo. C. Smith and C.W. Talbitzer were elected Elders in the Presbyterian church here last Sabbath. ... The Presbyterian church here now has twenty one resident members, which is the largest number ever up on the roll. Every member is expected to be a worker for the master "Let every one that heareth say come." ... Pastor Churchill made some pertinent remarks about amusements last Sabbath. The Presbyterian church has few rules regulating the life. All the same it is expected that each member will be strict with themselves, that they bring no reproach upon the church, which is the bride of the Lord. Let each member walk carfully as in his sight.

March 5, 1896

It is a christian duty to have a prohibition paper in the family.

George Alexander went to Platte Center on Tuesday last. ... Lou Stocks of Genoa was doing business in Monroe on Tuesday last. ... Rob Wiley of Columbus was doing business in Monroe last Monday. ... Dan'l Wilson and Fred Peterson were doing business in Columbus on Monday last.

Will Sipple was hauling lumber last saturday for his new barn.

Mr. Oline west of town has been seriously ill for several days.

Dan'l Murdock was up on Tuesday on the irrigation matter he proposes to stick it through.

White Highland oats, free from mustard seed, for sale at 20 cents per bushel by weight, at John M. Kelley.

C.S. Jencks and family were visiting at J.R. Smith's on Sunday last. Walter Eastman acted as cook at the hotel during their absence.

Chas Kelley informed us that he was going to Omaha on business last Monday eve, but we discovered later that he went on the hog train.

The cob web sociable at C.S. Jenck's was postponed until Friday evening March 6th, on account of the stormy weather. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Do not forget your pocket books.

Mrs. Madington reports a letter from Mrs. Vorhees, in Ills. She says they are well, have not had much cold or snow but plenty of mud, wants to be remembered to all, and to know if we miss them, which we do and we wonder when they will come back.

Irrigation. The Murdock's petition for a district lacks some names. Murdock will circulate it farther in the near future and the board will send it through all right. It will not come up on the 10th. as Murdock now has it in circulation.

George Alexander's dray team broke loose from where they were tied, last Tuesday afternoon about 3 o'clock and ran away, stringing the wagon and harness out for about half a mile, it took Dan the balance of the afternoon to gather up the wreck.

The new firm that has taken the business of Brad Thurston, are making quite a showing. The manager Mr. J.T. McLain takes right hold with the people we notice his name aong the charter members of the Lodge of the I.O.G.T. We noticed him taking part with the christian people on last Sabbath, we think he is likely to proven live factor for the good in our midst.

J.T. Swain D.C.T. came to Monroe and gave two lectures, at the close of the lectures he instituted Monroe Lodge No. - I.O.G.T. with 27 members, the officers elected and installed are

    C.H. Churchill C.T.
    Ester Matson, V.T.
    J.T. McLain P.C.T.
    E.A. Gerrard Chap.
    lizzie Lightner Secy.
    I.C. Olean Asst. Secy
    Mrs. C.J. Douglas F.S.
    S.W. Lightner Treas.
    C.T. Terry Marshal.
    Miss Bertha Obrist Asst. Marshal
    F.A. Matson Lodge
    W.J. Kelley Guard.
    V.E. Oline Sentinal.
    T.B. Gerrard Supt. of Juvinile Temples

Religious. Last Sabbath one person was recieved by the Presbyterian church of Monroe, upon letter, and one minor baptised. There are more to come.

Oconee Happenings. Mr. T.W. Shaffer is having a turn with lagrippe but is on the mend. ... Born to Mr. and Mrs. Studley on March 1st 1896, a 9 1/2 pound girl. all are doing well. ... George Duskey living 3 miles east of Oconee sold his farm consisting of 80 acres, he will go back east. ... Mr. John Schiltz had a valuable horse seirously injured by jumping onto a hitching post the other night. ... What is known as the Shaffer house in Oconee has changed hands. A man from south of Columbus being the purchaser. We understand that he is going into the celery business on the Carrig and Lunch farm south of Oconee.

Irrigation District. On Wednesay we attended the meeting of the County board, to hear the report, of the committee, and to see what action the board would take regarding the petition for a district. The committee asked for more time and were given until March 10th. to report.
    The first thing we heard was that the board wanted a larger bond. Murdock having presented one for double the estimate of G.W. Phillips. Which was $100.00, at the suggestion of John Wiggins he had made it two hundred, but now the obard asked for three hundred more which was furnished.
    Then the board decided to hear the interested parties. We presented our case, giving the board a full list of all the land owners in the District and the sections in which their land was situated. And asking the board to take action as soon as possible, in the interest of the farmers interested.
    Atty Woosley then appeared (we suppose in the interest of Mr. Babcock who has a rival project and wants to own a canal.) he presented written and oral objections As he had neither common sense, common justice, logic, or law, upon his side, he had to depend upon miss statements, legal quibles, and oratorical display. He was in fine feathers, and swelled up with importance and continued to sell. Had not it been for the escape of gass, and wind, and noise, from the ample hole in his head, no one can tell but there might have been an explosion.
    He was followed by Johnnie Byrnes, who punctured several of the bubbles of Woosley nicely. He was followed by James Gally who in an able argument claimed that he did not want irrigation, as he had raised 85 bushels of corn to the acre last year, because his land was low enough and got water enough. Mr. Gally was refered to the law, that provides for taking land out of the District that will not be benefited by irrigation, the idea that it took large gall for a merchant who has amassed a fortune from his dealings with the farmers, to oppose them in trying to get water so they could also raise 85 bus. had never entered his had. nor had the fact that if all the farms could raise 85 bushels of corn to the acre he could afford to give them his farm and still make money from is increased trade.
    It was a clear exposition of the penny wise, idea of saving his tax, even though the farmers starved out, and his city continues to go down hill. We were sorry to see Mr. Gally shew himself in so unenviable a light.
    Then we called attention to the fact that the law expressly provided for all these cases. And that the state law was in point blank, conflict with (Attorney Woosleys) law. in that it contemplated taxing the lots in villages, and gave the resident owners electors a vote. Also that the Columbus people could come into the district and vote if they prefered to do so, but that they could not stay outside letting the city escape taxation and then vote in district matters.
    There were several that wanted their land taken out of the district and others that wanted to get in. Babcock was present and was the probable stop cock, that cause the delay. As we said before, Atty. Woosley covered himself all over with glory, in his efforts to stop the farmer from getting water, as well as Columbus from doubling in business. That the mass of the people in Columbus want us to succeed is to the credit of their business sagacity. Columbus generally knows butter and which side of the bread it is on we thnk the board will be ready to help the irrigation District at the next meeting.

March 19, 1896

Mike Nansel Alex Voltz were doing business in Columbus last Monday. ... Wm Warren & Leon Wightman were doing business in Columbus last Monday. ... S.S. Sanford and Wm. Graham were doing business in Columbus on Monday last. ... On Tuesday last the sister of Mrs. Wm Graham arrived from the east, to visit with Mrs. Graham, she brought two children.

Go to L.W. Weavers for your spring harness. It will pay you. He is selling good sweat pads at 25 cents. L.W. Weaver intends to lead in good goods and low prices call and see him. 13th. street Columbus Nebr.

Bargains in spectacles for the next thirty days 50 cent eye glasses 5 cents $1.00 eye glasses 10 cents $1.00 spectables 10cents. $4.00 solid gold spectales $1.90. Ed Niewohner, sigh of big wather. Columbus Nebr.

Notice of Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing under the name of Steinbaugh and Truelove (being a Blacksmith business,) is this day dissolved by mutual agreement, Truelove taking the tools and building furnished by him, and renting the shop for six months, with the good will of the business which he continues. Ohe Steinbaugh, John Truelove.

Monroe, Nebr., Mar. 17, 1896
    Whereas, in the providece of God, He has seen fit to lay hands of affliction upon our brothers Victor E. and J.E. Oline, taking from them their loved father.
    Therefore be it Reolved.
    That we (the I.O.G.T. of Monroe, No. 32) extend to our brothers our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of affliction, and commend them to our God and His comfort.
    Resolved, second.
    That these resolutions be spread on the records of our Lodge and a copy of the same be placed in the hands of our brothers and also be published in the Monroe papers.
    Committe: C.H. Churchill, F.A. Matson, E.A. Gerrard

March 25, 1896

Os Williams was on our streets last Friday. ... Dan Zeigler and wife were in Monroe on Friday. ... The Babcock men are at work on their big ditch. ... Lee Ray lost one of his work team lately, he wants another. ... Ed Spear of Genoa was doing business in Monroe Friday. ... Dan'l Murdock was up on irrigation business on Monday eve. ... Phil Bender of Humphrey was doing business in Monroe this week. ... Mrs. Cary Wells is spending a few days with her parents near Monroe. ... Hute Warren and Harry Beach went to Columbus on business Tuesday.

The Monroe Bridge Co. started to put in the bridge at Monroe last Monday.

Mr. Quackenbush informed us that he is going to Omaha to live in a few days.

Harry Crookham went to Columbus on Friday where he will go to work for Geo. Barnum.

O'Kay had their last literary of the season on Saturday night, the school house was crowded.

The Monroe Irrigation ditch men are at work on their ditch, it will be extended about a mile this season.

Geo. Isenhauer and John Rup from the south side of the river was doing business in Monroe Monday.

The W.C.T.U. will meet at the house of J.M. Kelley on Wednesday April 1st. a full attendance is desired.

Monroe was surprised Sunday morning by the largest snow of the season, the snow being about two inches deep.

The band boys say that they will not play for another dance unless they get their supper before four o'clock in the morning.

Hendryx is thoroughly converted to the Babcock scheme. Babcock would probably give Murdock more than Hendryx to win him over.

I can save you money on guns, amunition, bicycles and all kinds of sporting goods. Repairing a speciality. L. Phillips Columbus Nebr.

Peter Erickson is on the ground this morning to go on with the Artesian propsecdt. We hope the weather will permit its successful completion now.

We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Jas Irwin is seriously sick, she was taken to the hospital at Columbus in order to be near the Physician we hope to hear of her speedy recovery.

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