Platte Co., NE - Monroe 1903 News (Apr-Sep) NEGenWeb Project
Monroe Looking Glass
1903 Newspaper Extracts (April - September)

Please note that these are selected articles only and I do not have access to the full year of newspapers. Also, I have retained the original wording and spelling from the articles. I realize they contain many typographical errors. A special thanks to Charlotte Morton for loaning me these newspapers!
April 9, 1903

Arthur Fellers has the mumps.

Mrs. John Gleason was a Columbus visitor on Tuesday.

Bob Plants left for Colorado the first of the week.

The little child of Alfred McDonald is very sick.

Mrs. James Irwin returned from her Ill., visit on Tuesday.

County Att'y R.L. Latham was a Monroe visitor on Monday.

James North was up from Columbus the first of the week.

Good driving mare for sale cheap.-Enquire of Rev. T.J. Asmus.

Frank Eaton came down from Genoa today to paint the M.E. church.

Mrs. G.E. Lewis who has been visiting relatives in Howard Co., returned home yesterday.

The Fellers Bros., have a nice car of fat steers, but they want to make them top the market.

Fred Fussel is loading his houehold goods in a car today, he will locate near Arcadia, Neb.

L.H. Lee of Columbus passed through Monroe Monday on this way to his farm north-west of town.

If America must be an asylum for all nations don't let the lunatic run the asylum:-James Clement Ambrose.

According to the experiments of the Lincoln station the best way to work fruit trees is to work them well until midsummer and then sow them to millet. We have wondered if alfalfa would not be better.

A Great Find. It was a great find when Science made the discovery that headaches could be cured by the use of properly ground lenses. If you are suffering from this dreaded complaint call and see Dr. Beers the Optician if he does not cure your headache it will cost you nothing. He wil be at Monroe Hotel, Thur., April 30th And regular every 30 days.

T.W. Adams is a Monroe visitor today.

B.S. Thurston bought 40 acres of land from S.C. Terry at $80. per acre. We predict it will be worth $100. per acre this time next year.

The Base Ball boys are putting to their best licks to have a good diamond this year. It looks good to see the young men ready to work, for it takes work to make things go.

The Methodist Brethren are expecting a large crowd on the 19th, when the new church will be dedicated. The Program includes singing by Miss Lightner. Don't forget your money book, but go any way.

The Rev. Warner came over from Creston and preached for the Presbyerians last sabbath. A number of people were much pleased with his evening sermon and so expressed themselves.
    The Rev. Asmus has closed his services here. Many of us are sorry to have him leave. There is a disposition to wait until the Easter Services and the M.E. Dedication are past before asking another man to come.
    Elder Talbitzer goes to Presbyterry where he will possibly see some man for us. In the mean time the Trustees will rustle the subscription list to raise all the money they can so we can be prepared to pay a man if we get one.

Election. The vote was not quite full, 12 voted for Smith only and 5 for Hill only.
    We can understand why the 12 voted for Smith only, as had they voted for the other two they might stand a chance of defeating their man.
    We do not quite so well see through the other five unless they thought Slayton might be the lowest man, which might let Hill in any way.
    It is evident that the twelve in the ring would have turned Slayton down to get Smith in, we can almost count their noses with our eye shut.

Oconee Notes. R.S. Hilliard was in Platte Center Tuesday and brought lumber for culverts. R.S. is determined we will have a dry town in the future and dispense with the use of rubber boots. ... The Irrigation Co. have men here looking over the canal and tributaries in this vicinity, they will repair up everything in good shape for the coming season. ... Dorathy, the little daughter of S.M. Blore fell Saturday sustaining a fracture of the arm. ... The Ministrel show at the school house Saturday evening brought out a fair audience. ... Ed Mayburger has leased 5 acres of land from W.E. Wilson at $4.50 per acre.

April 30, 1903

H.J. Hendryx returned this week.

Dillon is putting up the new postoffice plant.

C.W. Zeigler shipped a car of hogs this week.

McDonald moved this work. He went into the Volz house.

Mr. Dillon has commenced to paint his house. It will improve it much.

For Rent--Six0room dwelling in east part of town. Enquire of F.H. Gerrard.

The heavy sleep on Tuesday night probably made the fruit crop short here.

Miss Lizzie Lightner started to Lincoln on Friday evening, coming back this week.

No school today, on account of the funeral of Mrs. Ezra Fellers. She was the mother of one of the teachers, Miss Gertie Fellers.

The Monroe people planted a number of trees of Arbor day. The main street is 100 feet wide so there is room for trees on both sides.

Mrs. Gates came up from Council Bluffs on Thursday last and stayed until Saturday. She says they are well pleased with Council Bluffs.

F.H. Gerrard lost a horse last week. Driven by another it attempted to jump a fence, alighting on a sharp post and tore it so badly that they had to shoot it.

The U.P. agent is still here, the man to succeed him does not seem to be easily found. If the company would raise the salary about $10 a month they would probably find a man easily.

For Rent--The building next to the barber shop. Is suitable for restaurant or confectionery; fronts street. Lower room 18x26, with 3 living rooms upstairs. Enquire of F.H. Gerrard.

The school lot has been supplied with trees. Mr. L.O. Williams contributed a number and Director Hollingshead brought a lot from the hills. P.H. Kelly was helping to set them out. There seems to be quite an interest taken.

The assessor for Monroe township was in town Tuesday rounding up the boys for next year's taxes. He says land is to be raised $1 per acre on the assessment roll; that is not much compared to the increase in the price that land sells for.

The carpenters are at work putting up the boxes and partitions in the postoffice. Postmaster Strother has bought the outfit that was in the Columbus office until recently. It is large for the present, but as Monroe is a growing child it will soon come to use.

Mr. Harry Crookham and Miss Minnie Crookham started for Colorado Monday. They will be missed; especially Miss Minnie, who has been in the Looking Glass office so long. They are going west of the mountains, south of Ouray, where they have acquaintances. They are not decided as to what they will do, but there is plenty of land and climate to spare out there, so they will probably be healthy.

Good Prices. The price of grain has much to do with the growth of a town and the grain dealers can build or tear down a town at pleasure if there is no competition.
    There has been comparatively little grain marketed here the latter part of the winter. If our grain dealers can wake up things in their line we would like to see them do it. Good live grain dealers help, and ours are supposed to be of the best.

Albion Gets a New Depot. Not by the grace of the U.P. railroad company, though they will have to build the depot, and it is reasonable to suppose they will build a good one while they are at it.
    The old depot was struck by lightning and burned down on Monday night last. Albion has had a little pen of a depot long enough. While we wish the railroad no loss we feel to congratulate Albion on the prospect of the improvement.

What You Need: What We All Need--Reviving. The Rev. D.D. Benedict, evangelist, is holding meetings in the M.E. church this week and next. He wishes us to extend a cordial invitation to everybody to attend. Now is the time we all want a revival.

Oconee Notes. R.S. Hilliard bought a Jersey heifer calf, a present to his son Glen. ... Hy Pahrman shipped his cattle over the B.& M. railroad from Columbus to South Omaha Sunday evening. ... Leon, the son of G.M. Hall who was kicked by a horse last Sunday and sustained severe bruises, is getting along nicely now. ... O.T. Weber has bought a driving team from W. Beckwith. ... They say in Malaga, Spain, the climate is the finest in the world. Hardly think we can class Nebraska as second on the list.

-Note from the transcriber-: Two articles were clipped from this newspaper. It's possible one article was an obituary of Mrs. Ezra Fellers, who was reported to have died. The other is unknown.

September 17, 1903

Sheldon has his car of posts, bought of Gerrards.

Born Sept 15th to Mr. and Mrs Johnson a son. Shorty is happy.

Mr. L.O. WIlliams is in Lincoln this week.

Mrs Anna Young went to North Bend for a visit last Monday.

MIss Ida Olean returned from Lynch last ewek.

Mr Chester Olean went to Bellevue this ewek, he will attend college there.

North Platte is to have an Agricultural experiment station.

There is no hope of good Government without good citizens.

Call at the Looking-Glass office and get a book about curing hog cholera.

R. Fiefield is building a stable on his land east of town.

Heavy frost Tuesday night, corn largely soft.

R.M.L. Braden was with us last Sabbath.

Elder Talbitzer represented the Monroe church at Presbyterry.

The tower on the church has been going slow because of the rain.

Presbyterry met in COlumbus on Monday, there appeared to be about twenty five members present.

Cards are out for the wedding of Mr Lawrence and Miss Bartholemew, at Stromsburg in the near future.

Charles Terry will move onto the Terry farm north of town, the home farm.

The new bell is large and looks well, weight of bell and outfit ten hudnred and ten pounds.

W. Wycoff and wife from the east were visiting with Wm. Webster and wife during the week.

Good News. The Presbyterry of Omaha has directed the Home Mission Committee to appropriate not to exceed $275 toward the support of a Minister for Oconee, in connection Monroe for next year.

The papers yesterday morning said the Fremont power canal was reported to be a go, and the Columbus project not feasable.
    All the same the Loup valley will have water for Irrigation, whether the Fremont canal gets enough or not.

Quite a number of Democratic Committee men attended the meeting on Tuesday, Jonas Welch was Chairman and c. Grunther Secretary.

A Columbus financier says he is more afraid that both the projects for the Power Canal will fail, than that Fremont will get the plant away from Columbus.

Rev. Herbert M. Course will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, with a view to supplying the pulpit for the winter. Come and hear him.

Miss Keating returned to her home in North Bend Monday after a couple of weeks visiting with relatives and friends around Monroe.

Miss May Zeigler was sent as a delegate to the Platte County Sunday School Convention by the Monroe S.S. this week.

Ed Chambers of the firm of Beecher Hockenberger and Chambers was on our streets last Friday.

The Junior League of the M.E., church will give an ice cream cake, and coffee Social on Sept., 16th in Reislands Hall commencing at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Mr Shoemaker of the Friends Society who came out here in 1870, and purchased land north of the seed farm was a Monroe visitor Monday, Isaiah Lightner brought him in to see us at Looking-Glass Office, he says the country has improved so much it would be very hard for him to locate his land.

Ralph Holcomb sold his dray business to Sax Percy, and has gone to Norfolk to look up a location,

SCHOOL NOTES. Fridry afternoon immediately after the school the L.T.L., holds a meeting in the primary room.
    Judging from the vigor in which the little people repeat the various rallies, we suspect that the saloon element of Nebraska, will some day bump up against a rock.
    The Primary Dep't has received two new scholars the past week. The number enrolled is now forty-two.
    The beginning class is a very bright one and in each, seems to be the making of bright, diligent students.
    We are glad to see the interest that each scholar in the school has manifested.
    Milton Miller and Raymond Gibon of the sixth grade, Lillie Swanson of the fifth grade, and Warren Dillon and Willie Draper of the fourth grade, were enrolled as members of the Intermediate room during the past week.
    The pupils of the Intermediate room have been attending very regularly since the opening of school.
    Ora Draper enrolled in the higher department this week.

Mrs. John Keller was in town Monday arranging to have Wm. Webster investigate the matter of the estate that comes to her through property willed to her father, Mr Bacon by Senator Wright of New York. we hope they may be able to secure all the good things in store for those who are born lucky.

Anniversary of Founding. Forty-seven years ago today William E. Lee, E.H. Barnard, Leander Gerrard and J.A. Koontz started a log house and prepared to lay out the site for the town of Fremont. The spot where they built their hut is now the site of the First Congregational church. All of these four gentlemen are sill living. The first two reside here in Fremont, where Mr Gerrard's present home is at Columbus and Mr. Koontz lives in New Mexico. State Journal.

The Bartholemew wedding is scheduled for next Wednesday. They have the good wishes of the community in advance. May they be happy and prosperous.

Clarence Gerrard returned Sunday 10th evening from a sojourn of four weeks in the west He attended the national conclave of the populist parties in Denver the first of August and since then has been stopping in the mining districts about Grand Encampment. Wyoming. He believes the Columbus people who have mining interests there will realize good returns as soon as the transportation facilities are improved. Under the present sytem ore from the vicinity must be hauled by team and wagon for a considerable distance, and the cost of transportation just about consumes the profit on the stone. Railroads are pushing into the country and he predicts that before long Columbus will be the home of several genuine cooper kings. Telegram.

Rev McClenaghan went home on Monday, he goes east next Monday. The people of Monroe feel very kindly toward him.

Our village was honored Tuesday by the Democratic Central Committee holding their first meeting since the Convention here
    Among those present were Jonas Welch, Chairman of the Committee Chris Grunther See, Editor Johanas of the Beine, Edgar Howard of the Telegram, John Graff Mr Drinnin, L.H. Leavey, Judge Ratterman, Dennie Roberts of Shell Creek, Mr. Maher of Platte Center, Frank Kernan of Woodville and Thomas Gleason of Monre.
    The Committee fixed the representation on the average vote on the County and Judicial ticket all the members spoke highly of our little village. Come again.

Oconee Notes. Farmers report very little damage done to late corn by frost Wednesday night. ... E.E. Fellers and Wm. Joy were county seat visitors Tuesday. ... August Seibler was here Sunday enroute to Primrose. ... Dan Thayer is hauling old corn from here to finish feeding a car load of fat hogs. ... Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin were here Saturday. ... Grant Delarm will sell his property here and may go south this fall.

The Rev Thos L. Sexton was in attendance at the meeting of Presbyterry in Columbus. He is a splendid speciemn of vigorous manhood, looks younger as the years go by.

September 24, 1903

Emerson has gotten in 125 steers to feed.

Miss Ida Olean went to Lincoln Monday to study music.

On Tuesday J.H. Smith moved into the house recently vacated by Mr Reisland.

Mr. Ed Watts returned from Colorado on Tuesday. He likes the looks of the country quite well.

Mr. Holcomb sr. returned from his trip south on Monday and reports a grand time.

Emerson took his seed seperator on wheels, up on Monday, but it was not perfected.

Haying is in progress on every side, it is late on account of the many rains.

Miss Cora Olean went to Columbus on Monday to take in part of the S.S. Convention.

Miss May Zeigler was in attendance at the S.S. Convention in Columbus a the delegate from Monroe S.S., this week.

The M.E. Church subscription is half due, Sept. 1st 1903, being past due. Please call and pay same to Joseph T. Cole at residence.

F.H. Gerrard and Marshall McWilliams started north Tuesday, with a bunch of horses. They will take in Lindsay on the way.

Dr. Frank will occupy the rooms vacated by Mr. Smtth next to the barber shop. It will make a nice office.

The young child of August Swanson died this week, the remains were taken to Nebraska City for interment on Tuesday.

R.V. Muir of Brownville Neb., will answer questions about The Christian Workers Union Home Correspondence Department, write him and send a stamp for an answer,

Saturday the Hard Ware business was sold to King and Nilson of St Edwards, we hope they will make a success here.

The hogs do not like the cholera medicine, they even do not like the big signs we have on the office, they seem bent on destroying them, we suppose it is the hoggish nature.

Sunday Rev Course of the Omaha Seminary was with us and preached two excellent sermons, He will make his mark high in the future.

Rev McClenaghen went east Monday, he was in hopes to hear the bell on the church before going, but he will have to trust to his imagination for the sweet music of its first peal.

Hog Cholera Notice. The Looking-Glass goes to all purchasers of a case of Snoddy Remedy, in order that we may exchange information as to what the results are, it is included with the medicine. Please drop us a card telling how the treatment works with you.

Mansfield and Smith say that if the parties who got into their store last night, will return the keys to the cash register, they will say nothing about the money taken.

The young fellows on the street pretending to be drunk at night should be run in by the Marshall, and be made to pay a fine, what is a Marshall for anyway if he is not attending to such nusances.

James Irwin sold his farm last week to Mrs Schram from Looking-Glass Creek.
    The Irwins have lived here long they go to Oklahoma, we are sorry to loose them.

Daniel Murdock was up on Tuesday, he is full of enthusiam over the improvement and growth of the country where he visited during the summer, his former home.
    He formerly lived at Cambridge adjoining Boston, there is no use to attempt a description of what he tells, you should make him a visit and he will entertain you in a way unusual with his account.
    The entertainment will be worth your while, and of a quality hard to match, almost makes us wish to visit the hub and see for ourself, and he looks as though the trip had made him strong.
    Then he is full of confidence over the Power Canal for Columbus, says there is one man will put in all the money required, wants all the stock and asks ten per cent commission. Murdock says it is a go.

SCHOOL NOTES. Johnnie and Raymond Terry enroll in the intermediate department this week increasing the number in that department to forty-three.
    The supplies for the school arrived Thursday. We are now supplied with books enough to accomodate all pupils who may enroll.
    Russell Studley was necesarily absent two days this week, assisting with threshing.
    Pupils of the intermediate grade by way of busy work are preparing some decorations for their school room.
    Miss May Zeigler spent two days of the week attending S.S. Convention at Columbus. J.R. Alcock.

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