NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Raymond A. Alland
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

There are many men in Morris county, New Jersey, leaders in business circles, who have acquired a wide reputation as business men, but their energies have been devoted exclusively to the acquisition of wealth. In Raymond A. ALLAND, engaged in the general contracting business in Stirling, we find a man of well rounded character who, in spite of the manifold demands made upon him by business cares and responsibilities, finds time to devote to the cause of humanity.

Augustus Francis ALLAND, his grandfather, was born in France and emigrated to America many years ago. He opened a hotel in Stirling, New Jersey, and died in that town in 1905, at the age of seventy-four years. He married Marie Madaline ROBERT, also born in France, and they moved to Stirling in 1885. They had children:

  • Gabriel, of further mention;
  • Mrs. Gabrielle SIMONS, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, who is the mother of
    • Marguerite,
    • Jean,
    • Madaline, and
    • Annie.

Gabriel, son of Augustus Francis and Marie Madaline (ROBERT) ALLAND, was born in Conway, Franklin county, Massachusetts, in 1858, and died in 1890. They removed from Conway, but returned to Massachusetts in 1887. He married Selina ROLLET, born in Conway in 186o, died in 1890, a daughter of Xavier and Theresa (ROLLET) ROLLET, both natives of France. Mrs. ROLLET is still living, at Stirling, at the age of seventy-six years. Mr. and Mrs. ALLAND had children:

  • Raymond A. and
  • Cora,

both of whom received excellent educations.

Raymond A. ALLAND was born at Conway, Franklin county, Massachusetts, March 25, 1884, and became a student at St. John's School, Clinton, Massachusetts, and St. Mary's College, Dunkirk, New York. He has resided in Stirling, New Jersey, since 1890, and has been a very active and prominent member of that community. He gives his political support to the Republican party, and has served as postmaster of the town for three years. He is a member of the Passaic Republican township executive committee. He is in office as justice of the peace since May, 1910, and recorder since July, 1912, For two years he worked for and finally secured the electric light franchise for Passaic township, known as Lighting District No. I. He was also active in securing the grading and sidewalk lines in Stirling. He was at one time the owner of the Stirling Hotel, and is at the present time an extensive real estate holder of the town. He is now engaged in a general contracting business, and is president of the Stirling Construction Company, of Stirling, and has charge of the district office of the Commonwealth Water and Light Company. He is a member of Valley Lodge, No. 257, I.O.O.F. of Stirling, and is a charter member of the Young Men's Christian Association of the town. Mr. ALLAND has won the esteem and confidence of the entire community for his upright business dealings and for the numerous efforts he has made for the improvement and development of the town.

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