NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Laird Hayes Bowers
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

One of the most popular and widely known citizens of Millington, Morris county, New Jersey, is Laird Hayes BOWERS, at present postmaster of the town, as well as prominent in its business life. Tracing his career we note the persistent purpose with which he has attended to the duties that various positions have entailed upon him, and find that his fidelity was rewarded from time to time by increased prosperity. At the present he ranks among the important citizens of the county, and his success is indeed creditable, as it has been acquired through his persistent, honorable effort and splendid business ability.

John BOWERS, a native of Germany, came to this country with his family in 1842 and settled in Warren township, Somerset county, New Jersey. He was a farmer all his life here, and had married in Germany, Julia _____.

Rev. Nicholas BOWERS, son of John and Julia BOWERS, was born in Germany in 1830, and died in New Jersey, in April, 1908. He received his early education in his native land, and was twelve years of age when he came to this country with his parents. For some years he assisted his father in the cultivation of the homestead farm, then commenced his theological studies, and was later ordained a minister. For many years he was an exponent of the tenets of the Methodist denomination, and for the last ten years of his life represented the Presbyterian denomination, and had charge of the Sterling church. He married (first) Mary Ann VAN WINKLE, born in 1832, died about 1876, whose parents came to this country from Germany. He married (second) Catherine McMURTRY, who is still living. Children: John, a resident of Somerset county, New Jersey; Laird Hayes, whose name heads this sketch; Mary Ann, married Charles FAULKNER, and lives in Pleasant Plains, New Jersey; Henry N., of Newark; Isaiah, of Bernardsville; Samuel, deceased.

Laird Hayes BOWERS, son of Rev. Nicholas and Mary Ann (VAN WINKLE) BOWERS, was born in Millington, Morris county, New Jersey, August 14, 1857. He was educated in the public schools near his home and then turned his attention to farming, in which he was very successful. For a period of thirty years he obtained excellent results from a farm he owned in Somerset county, New Jersey. During the past five years Mr. BOWERS has been a resident of Millington, Morris county, where he engaged in the livery and real estate business. Since attaining his majority Mr. BOWERS has consistently given his support to the Democratic party, and he served one term as assessor of Bernards township, Somerset county. He was appointed postmaster of Millington, January 12, 1914, and is managing this department to the satisfaction of all concerned. He has been a member of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian church for the past thirty-two years, and has been a liberal contributor to its support. He is the owner of a fine residence in Millington, and his fraternal connections are with: Ancient Order of United Workmen for eighteen years; Independent Order of Odd Fellows, eleven years. Mr. BOWERS married, in 1881, Margaret E. ALLEN, daughter of John J. ALLEN, a carpenter and builder of Basking Ridge, who died in 1906 at the age of seventy-eight years; her mother was Sarah De COSTER, who died in 1900. Mr. and Mrs. BOWERS have had one child: Mary Edna, who was graduated from High School, and married Joseph J. TWOHIG, a native of Morris county; they have one child, Laird Bowers TWOHIG. For the past eleven years he has held a position with the Hanover National Bank, and their place of residence is in East Orange, New Jersey.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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