NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

John A. Egbert
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Among the enterprising and progressive business men of Dover, John A. EGBERT holds distinctive prestige as a strictly self-made man. Here he is president of the board of water commissioners and sole owner of a large contracting and building concern, the same having erected many fine structures in Morris county, including several magnificent churches and schools.

October 18, 1866, at Marcella, Morris county, New Jersey, occurred the birth of John A. EGBERT, who is a son of John A. and Elizabeth (ALLISON) EGBERT, the former of whom is deceased and the latter of whom is now a resident of Marcella. The father was a prominent farmer in Morris county during the great part of his lifetime and he was summoned to the life eternal in 1902. He and his wife were devout members of the Methodist church and she is still connected with the church of that denomination at Marcella. Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. EGBERT and following are their names in respective order of birth:

  • Peter,
  • Amida,
  • John A., of this notice,
  • Bertha,
  • Viola,
  • Jane,
  • Melvin,
  • Evelina,
  • Bannesse,
  • Harry,
  • Inez.

To the vigorous disciplines of the old homestead farm, John A. EGBERT was reared to adult age. His education consisted of such learning as he was able to glean in the neighboring district schools and when he reached young manhood he entered upon an apprenticeship to learn the trade of carpenter. He followed that line of work until his arrival in Dover, in 1896, and later opened offices as general contractor and builder, his partner in this line of enterprise being Halsey M. HILLER. This firm was established in 1903, and conducted under the style of Hiller & Egbert, Contractors and Builders. They employ an average of twelve men the entire year around and among the prominent structures erected under their supervision may be mentioned the First Methodist Episcopal Stone Church and the Church of the Sacred Heart, both of Dover. Since 1912 Mr. EGBERT has been president of the Dover board of water commissioners and in that connection has helped wonderfully to improve the water system of this section. He is public spirited and active in his civic attitude and in politics maintains an independent position, preferring to give his support to men and measures meeting with the approval of his judgement rather than to vote along strictly partisan lines. He exercises a decided influence for better government and improved conditions in his home community.

In 1892 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. EGBERT to Hannah E. ZEEK, born and reared in Morris county, daughter of William C. and Harriet (WITTIE) ZEEK. Mr. ZEEK was engaged in farming operations during his active career and he and his wife had six children:

  • Eliza,
  • Ann,
  • Minerva,
  • Margaret,
  • Augusta,
  • Hannah E. (Mrs. EGBERT), Ward.

Mr. and Mrs. EGBERT have one daughter,

  • Christina, whose birth occurred in 1898.

In a fraternal way Mr. EGBERT is affiliated with the Junior Order of United American Mechanics and with the Royal Arcanum, both at Dover. He was reared a Methodist and still owns allegiance to the doctrines promulgated by that denomination. He has lived a life of usefulness such as few men know. God-fearing, law-abiding, progressive, his life is as truly that of a Christian gentleman an any man’s may well be. Unwaveringly, he has done the right as he has interpreted it. His life has been exemplary in all respects and he has ever supported those interests which are calculated to uplift and benefit humanity, while his own high moral worth is deserving of the highest commendation.


This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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