NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Henry Beach
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

For many years Henry BEACH, now deceased, was connected with the agricultural interests of Montville township, Morris county, and was a man of splendid business ability, positive character and sterling worth, whose commendable life won him the regard of all with whom he came in contact. He was born in New York city, December 29, 1800, and was a son of Daniel and Abbie BEACH, of Scotch ancestry. He acquired his education in the schools of his native city and when a young man engaged in mercantile pursuits. He joined Mr. Updiyke and Mr. Toulain, who owned mercantile establishments both in New York and New Orleans, and of the latter Mr. BEACH had charge for sixteen years, managing its interests with marked ability and fidelity.

On the 20th of November, 1838, he was united in marriage to Miss Maria Louisa, daughter of Ezekiel and Phebe (Kitchell) Gaines. They began their domestic life on the homestead farm in Montville township, and where Mr. BEACH carried on agricultural pursuits until 1852, when he went to California, spending tow years on the Pacific slope during that period when mining excitement was at its height with its attendant dangers, hardships, anxieties and pleasures. In 1854 he returned to the east and again took up his residence on his farm in Montville township, Morris county, where he continued to engage in agricultural pursuits until his life's labors were ended in death. He built the residence which is now the home of his children and made other improvements on the property.

Mr. and Mrs. BEACH were the parents of five daughters and two sons:

Adelaide, who is residing with her mother on the old homestead, Antoinette, wife of Archibald DeWITT, or Morristown; Isabella EWEN; Julia ELY; Laura Augusta, who died April 8, 1874; George, who married Martha Christopher, and died March 22, 1892, leaving one child, Edwin ELY; Walter Gaines, who married Caroline MAGIE and died July 14, 1866, leaving two sons, Walter Herbert and Henry MAGIE.

In his political convictions Mr. BEACH was a Democrat and took an active interest in the growth and success of his party, but would never consent to become a candidate for office. He held a membership connection with the Masonic fraternity and his life was in harmony with the teachings of that benevolent order. In all his business elations he was strictly honorable and commanded the confidence and respect of those whom he met. He passed away June 7, 1865, and the community mourned the loss of one of its best citizens. His faithful wife, who was born April 5, 1816, long survived him and reached the ripe old age of eighty-one years, her death occurring on the 22 of January, 1898.


Transcribed by C.M. Cresta

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