NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

George H. Maxfield
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

This citizen of Butler was born in Boonton, New Jersey, June 16, 1857. His father, Charles MAXFIELD, who has been a resident of Butler since 1866, was born at Long Bridge, Deverill, Somersetshire, England, In 1829, and in 1836 came to the United States. He was attracted to Boonton by reason of the fact that it was the home of his uncle, John MAXFIELD, who was prominently connect with the Boonton Iron Works, being in the service of the company for a long period of forty-seven years. In 1858 Charles MAXFIELD removed to Morristown and from that point enlisted in the Union service during the Civil war, becoming a member of Company C, Fifty-eighth New Jersey Volunteers, which command was attached to the First New Jersey Brigade, Second Division, Sixth Army Corps. He participated in much of the had fighting of the Army of the Potomac up to the battle of Spottsylvania, in which engagement his left leg was broken and a portion of it carried away by a piece of shell. He was then placed in the Mount Pleasant Hospital, and though afterward discharged as "cured", his injuries have caused that limb to shrink until it is now two and a half inches shorter than the other. Both before and since the war Charles MAXFIELD was engaged in house-painting, but for a long time has been unable to work, and is now living with his son, George H.

Before leaving his native land he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah SMITH, who died in 1865, leaving five children, namely: Sarah A., wife of Frank BULLOCK, of Millville, New Jersey; George H.; M. Amy, who married Harry FURHRMANN, of Trenton, New Jersey; Rachel, wife of August CRAMER, of New York; and Charles J., a barber, of Port Norris, this state.

George H. MAXFIELD, of this review, spent his youth in Vliettown, Somerset county, where he was reared to farm life. On the 26th of February, 1879, he came to Butler and secured a position in the finishing department of the Butler Hard Rubber Works. As he learned the business and became and efficient and competent workman he was advanced from time to time in 1887 was made foreman of the polishing department, and at present has full charge of the comb department, in which capacity he has since served, winning the commendation of the company and the respect of those who serve under his direction. He is diligent, steadfast and trustworthy, and while he desires that men of his department shall do their best work he is always just and ever ready to encourage and aid those who wish to secure advancement through fidelity to duty.

Mr. Maxwell is well known as an ardent Republican, being a man of firm convictions, which he readily expresses as proper occasion offers. He is ever found on the side of such measures as will promote the public good, whether secular or religious, and is one of the leading members of the Methodist church, having heartily co-operated in securing the location of the new tabernacle on Bartholdi avenue, Butler.

In Hunterdon county, New Jersey, in 1882, Mr. MAXFIELD married Miss Emma, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth SUTTON, and to them were born three children-John S., William E. and Emma J. The mother died in 1890, and Mr. MAXFIELD has since married Amanda J. Haycock, the marriage being celebrated in July, 1894. Their home is a beautiful residence situation on a splendid site at the head of Bellville avenue, overlooking the city, and was constructed after plans made by the subject of this review.

Transcribed by Christopher Cresta

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