Singleton Family Graveyard

Melrose Plantation in Manchester StateForest

Sumter County, SouthCarolina

transcribed by

Cynthia R.Parker

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Matthew Singleton came to South Carolina in themid-18th century and established the family burial site in 1752 forhis descendents. There are 43 known graves and it is supposed thatothers exist. The known graves date from 1796 to 1944. Surrounded bya stone wall, within the cemetery remain vestiges of a once carefullyplanted garden of dogwoods, crepe myrtles, oaks, roses, cedars, andbridal wreath plants. In 1969, the graveyard was owned by Mr. andMrs. Thomas Day Broun of Wedgefield. In order to receive help fromthe county for restoration, the Brouns deeded the 2.18 acre to theSumter County Historical Commission. One of the conditions oftransfer was that no more burilas would take place there. Thegraveyard became an entry on the National Historical Register in1975.

Sacred to the memory of Miss Martha A. Moore whodeparted this life this 26th day of Sept. 1796. Age 19 yrs, 7 mos,and 2 days.

Sacred to the memory of Mr. M.M. Moore whodeparted this life the 16th day of December 1802. Age 25 yrs, 7 mos,and 22 days.

To the memory of Capt. m.S. Moore, Senior, whodied on the 2n of July 1827. Aged 60 yrs. "Beloved and respecxted forhis many virtues, adn the numerous acts of benevoluene whichcharacterized his life."

By Sarah J.C. Moore who departed this life on the8th of June 1829 in the 33rd year of his age.

In momory of a beloved mother, "Sarah J.C.Elliott, born March 27th 1798; Died march 19th 1869. "He giveth hisbelobed sleep." Romans VI chapter 8th verse. "Now if we be dead withChrist, we believe that we sahll also live with Him."

Rev. Charles P. Elliott was born the 18th of Feb1796, and died the 24th of August 1851. "Heave, the element of lovewas prepared such as you."

Sacred to the memory of TabithaPolk.......daughter of Isham C. Moore and Nancy Moore whodapartedthis life on 22nd of Sept 1822 in the 59th year of herage.

Sacred to the memory of Col. Isham Moore who diedon the 21st day of April A.D. 1809 in the 63rd year of hisgae.

Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Ann Moore wife ofCol. Isham Moore and daughter of Col. Matthew Singleton who died the1st day of April A.D. 1803 in the 63rd year of her age.

To the memory of James B.R. Moore son of MatthewI.S. Moore and Sarah J.C. Moore who departed this life on the 12th ofJan 1829 aged seven weeks.

Sacred to the memory of Charlotte VideauSingleton, daughter of Anthony Ashby, Esq. born 1784, married toRichard Singleton May 27th 1802, deid October 14th 1804.

Sacred to the memory of James S. Singleton, whowas born on the 8th of November 1792 and died on the 22nd of Sept1831, aged 38 years, 10 months and 13 days. "He regarded andpracticed honesty and integrity as a true policy."

Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Rebecca Singleton ofSouth Carolina who was born July 2nd 1782 and died in PhiladelphiaMch 11th 1831. In accordance with her own desire and the wishes ofher children her remains were removed to this spot.

Sacred to the memory to the memory of JohnSingleton, Esq. who was born on the 1st day of Sept 1754 and departedthis life on the 5th day of Dec. 1820, in the 67th year of his age.To whom this tomb is erected by his affectionate consort.

Sacred to the memory of Harriott Richardson BrownSpann, who was born the 13th of march 1779 and departed this life onthe 2nd of June 1817, in the 39th year of her age. To whom this tombis erected by her affectionate mother.

Sacred to the memory of Robert Broun, Esq, whodeparted this life life on the 19th of Sept 1809 in 78th year of hisage. This tomb is erected to his memory by Mrs. Rebecca Singleton,consort of John Singleton.

Sacred to the memory of Robert Henry Broun. Bornthe 22nd day of Feby. 1809; died on the 16th day of December 1835.(Yellow fever in New Orleans.)

Sacred to the memory of Our Robert son fo RobertBroun and Carolina Belser Stannard. Born June 5th 1883 died Sept 24th1886. "A lamb of God returned unto its Shepard."

George McDuffie. Born August 12th 1790. Deid March11th 1851. "The history of his country is the monument of hisfame."

Here are deposited the mortal remains of MaryRebecca Singleton the wife of George McDuffie and daughter of RichardSingleton born .................... died the 4th of Sept 1830.Married 21st may 1829

In the grave covered by this stone rest theremains of Col. Richard Singleton and Robert Marion DeVeax, hisgrandson, who together were killed in an accident on the So. Car. RR.The daughter of the one and the mother of the other erects thismonument in their memory.

Richard Singleton, son of Rebecca Richardson andJohn Singleton was born the 2nd of Dec. 1841 and died 26th of Nov1852.

Unmarked grave by gate. Videau Marion Singletonwife of Robert Marion DeVeaux and daughter of Charlotte DeVeaux anddaughter of Charlotte Videau Ashby and Richard Singleton.

Sacred to the memory of Richard Richardson twinson of Richard and Rebecca Singleton. Born Sept 10th 1817 Died Aug18th 1833

Richard Singleton Moore, infant son of JohnBurchati Moore and Anne Peyre DeVeaux was born 7th of June 1857 anddied 22nd June 1858. Of such is hte Kingdom of Heaven.

This stone covers the remains of Rovert Marionsecond son of Robert Marion and ????? V. DeVeaux who died on the 25thof December 1841 aged 21 mos and 15 days.

Sacred to the memory of Robert Broun, son of AbbyHinman and John Peter Broun, born July 17th 1844, died May 31st1904.

Sacred to the memory of Floride Belser Broun,daughter of Caroline Belser Stannard and Robert Broun, born Apr. 4th1888, died Feby 18th 1918.

Sacred to the memory of Abby Hinman Day Broun,born June 9th 1813 and died August 8th 1889.

John Peter Broun, born March 12th, 1806 and diedOctober 19th 1905.

Sacred to the memory of our father, Powell McRae,born Jan 28th 1814, died Feby 7th 1844. By Mary Singlton Livingstonand Julia M. Mazel.

Erected to the memory of our grandmother, Mrs.Martha McRae born June 5th 1785, died 16th of Dec. 1863.

Erected to the memory of our aunt Arabella McRae,born Sept. ??? 1815, died Sept 13th 1822. By Mary SingletonLivingston and Julia M. Mazel.

Mary Martin McRae consecrates this tomb to herbeloved daughter Arabella, who departed this life the 17th of Sept1822, age 7 yrs.

Robert Singleton DeVeaux eldest son of RobertMarion Deveaux and Videau Marion Singleton. Was born 13th Dec. 1837and died 17th Aug 1848.

Charles Carter Singleton son of Richard R.Singleton and Annie Hinman Broun. Born Nov 29th 1876 Died June 29th1900.

Marie H. Singleton wife of James J. Williams DiedJuly 8th 1899

Our Katie. Born Nov. 17th 1878. Died Sept 2nd1877

Richard B. Singleton. Born Sept 9th 1840 Died Oct2nd 1900.

Mary Singleton Broun, June 15, 1840 - Feb. 28,1895. daughter of John Peter Broun and Abey Hinman Day

Harriott Broun

Notes: George McDuffie was a son-in-law of Richard Singleton.McDuffie served as govenor of South Carolina for two terms, as wellas in the House of Representatives, the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, andwas preident of the trustees of the University of South Carolina. Heserved as a major-general of the S.C. Militia.

Notes: A stone dedicated to Col. Matthew Singleton was found onAug. 1, 1980, when the Sumter County Historical Society was making asurvey of the Singleton Graveyard. The marker was quite old, but theengraving was of a different type than that used on the other stonesin the cemetery, so it had apparently been placed there in lateryears.

Reference: The above information was abstracted from files inthe Sherman Smith Collection at the Sumter County Archives, Sumter,S.C. by Cynthia R. Parker on June 23, 2000.

Directions to the Singleton Cemetery: which is in ManchesterState Forest: From Sumter, take Libery Street, west. Turn right ontothe Wedgfield Road, Highway 763. (This right turn in at the firstlight after crossing Second Mill.) Continue down Wedgefield Roaduntil it ends at the town of Wedgefield. Turn left onto highway 261.Continue for 3 and 1/2 miles. When you come to the fork in the road,bear right. Turn right onto Arthur Gayle Road; continue for about 2.3miles, take a right, then a aleft and go to the second road on theright. The cemetery will be about 0.3 mile down this road.

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