I Shearwood James of Saint Marks Parish PlanterBeing Sick and weak in body but in perfect mind and memory Thanks begiven to God Calling to mind the Mortality of my body, and knowingthat it is Appointed for all men Once to Die, I do make and Ordainthis My Last will and Testament that is to say Principally and firstof all I give and Recommend my Soul in the hand of Almighty God thatgave it, and my body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in aDeceant Christian Burial at the Discresion of my Executors hereafterAppointed Nothing Doubting but at the general Resurrection I ShallReceive the Same Again by the mighty power of God and as touchingSuch worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me with inthis Life I give Demise and Dispose of the same in the followingmanner and form as follows Viz. Imprimis, I Lend unto my Loving WifeMartha James During her widowhood all my land and negro Stock of allkinds. Household furniture that I shall hereafter give and bequeathunto my two Sons Talefero and Sherwood James, I lend the same to herDuring her widowhood but in Case she should marry she shall be cutout of every thing except one hundred pound good and Lawfull money ofthe State of South Carolina to be paid her out of my two Sons EstatesAnnually for a maintenance During Life.

Item, I give and Demise unto my Loving DaughterMartha James two negroes named Alec and Tabby and also one Gray HorseCall.d Dalphin also one Cow and Calf Likewise one feather Bed &Furniture I give the same to her and her Heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Loving SonTalefero James one trac of land Containing three hundred Acres moreor lefs being the trac I formerly lived on also nine negros Viz DickCharity Joe Jacob Jinney Isaac Dery Jessy & Adam also my will andDesire is that when my son Talefero James Arives to the age of twentyone that all the remainder of my Estate such as Stocks of all kindHousehold Furniture Plantation utensials, Except such as I hereaftergive and Bequeath to and Amongst my Other Children &grandchildren to be equally Divided Between my two Sons Talefero andSherwood James by my Executors hereafter Appointed I give the same tohim and his Heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my Loving SonSherwood James my manner Plantation whereon I now live Containing twohundred Acres Also one other trac of land being on Raffting CreekAdjoining M.r Robert Darrington Containing one hundred Acres alsonine Negros Viz. Roger Nanney Jim Sam Tom Nelley Charles Jordan &Jerry also an equal Dividend with my son Talefero of my other Estateas above mentioned I give the same to him and his Heirsforever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson WilliamRees son of Mary Rees my Daughter one Negro named Abram a Boy Iformerly lent to my Daughter Mary Rees I give the same to him and hisHeirs forever.--

Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson RechyRees Son of my Daughter Sarah Rees one Negro Girl named Luce I givethe same to him and his Heirs forever-

Item I give and bequeath unto Nancy BrunsonDaughter of Peter Brunson one Negro Boy named Robin I give the sameto her and her Heirs forever-

Item I give and bequeath unto my Loving DaughterElizabeth Singleton two Negros Bess & Lucky I give the same toher and her Heirs forever-

Item I give and bequeath unto my Grand DaughterSarah Singleton Daughter of my Daughter Elizabeth Singleton one negrogirl named Eve I give the same to her and her heirs forever-

And I do hereby Constitute make ordain my lovingWife Martha James and Joseph Singleton Executors of this my last willand Testament and making Note and Void all every other formerTestaments Wills legacy bequeath and Executors by me made in any willbefore named willed or bequeathed ratifying and Confirming this andno other to be my last will and Testament in witnefs whereof shallhereunto set my hand and seal this 9 November 1782


Shew.d James (SEAL)


Signed Sealed Published and Declared by me theSaid Sher.d James as this my last will and Testament in the Presentsof us who have Presents Subscribed,

Sam.l Tynis

Wm Hood

Richard Singleton

Thomas Andrews

(Not recorded in Will Book)

Proven May 4, 1784

Wm Murrell J. P.

Bundle 119, Pkge 12