Will of



So Carolina )

Sumter District )


In the name of God Amen I Mary Johnson of theDistrict and State aforesaid being of sound mind and memory but beinggreatly indisposed in body do make this my last Will and Testamenthereby revoking and annulling all others by me heretofore made. Imprinte I leave and bequeath my new Carriage and a pair of Horsesunto Julia and Eveline Brailsford Daughters of Robt and ElizaBrailsford of the District and State aforesaid to them and theirHeirs forever--------------- I give and bequeath to TheodoreBrailsford Son of the above named Robt and Eliza Brailsford onethousand Dollars to him and his Heirs forever------------------ Igive and bequeath to Francis Johnson son of Josh and CatharineJohnson of Charleston and the state aforesaid one thousand Dollars tohim and his Heirs forever--------------------------------- I give andbequeath to each of my true friends Robert Brailsford and AlexanderV. Garden one gold Watch, Chain, Seal and Key as each of them maythink proper to purchase in token of the respect I have for them andtheir heirs forever -I give and bequeath to my friend Alexander V.Garden the note of hand of his now in mypofsefsion-------------------------------------- I give andbequeath to the said Robert Brailsford my new Waggon with the Giersthereunto attached to him and his heirs forever-Item it is my willthat my House with all the furniture therein contained be kept at theexclusive direction and in charge of my Friend Alexander V. Garden untill my son Thomas arrives at the age of twenty one years and nolonger Item I leave to Mrs. Mary Coleough widow of Alexander Coleoughdecd. all my wearing apparel and other parephernalia with theexception of my watch ------------------------ I give and bequeathto Mrs. Leucrecia Davis and Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan fifty Dollars to beequally divided betwixt them ----------------------------------------------------- I give andbequeath to my beloved son Thomas all the rest and residue of myEstate both Real and personal to him and his heirs forever but it ismy will that in case of the death of my son Thomas before he arrivesto the age of twenty one then the whole of my property bequeathed tomy son Thomas be divided into three equal parts the one third part ofwhich I give to my Friend Joseph Johnson of the City of Charlestonand State aforesaid to him and his Heirs forever - one other thirdpart I give and bequeath to my Friend Robt Brailsford of the Districtand State aforesaid - the remaining one third part I give andbequeath to the Commifsioners of the Orphan House of Charleston forthe use of that Institution to them and their Succefsors in Officeforever ------------------ I give and bequeath to my friend Docr.John Boyd two Silver Turenes to him and his heirs forever intestimony of my regard for him. I do hereby authorize my Executorsherein after named to give a reasonable compensation to my attendingServants for their attention to me during my last illness----------------------------------- Lastly I do hereby nominateconstitute and appoint my Friends Alexander V. Garden, RobertBrailsford and Joseph Johnson my only and sole Executors to this mylast will and Testament in witnefs whereof I have hereunto set myhand and Seal this 15th day of January in the Year of our Lord 1818and in forty second year of the Independence of the united States ofAmerica ----------------------------------------- Signed and Sealedin the presence of us who have hereunto in the presence of theTestatrix and of each other affixed our names as witnefs hereof-


Chris. McConalan

Mary Johnson(SEAL)

Thomas Morgan


Richard Davis


Recorded Will Book A A, Page 104


Recorded January 27, 1818


William Potts, Ord.S.D.


bundle 51 - Package 1.