Will of

Charles Spann


The State of South Carolina

I Charles Spann of SumterDistrict and State aforesaid do make and ordain this my last Will

and Testament ö

I give to George W. Lee, the plantation whereon Inow live two tracts, one originally granted Heli Howard

and the other to Frederic Jones, these two tractstogether make eight hundred or a thousand acres of land,

Also the following Negroes, (Viz.) Nelly and herfour children named Maria, Sucky, Abram and Jim, Jacob

his wife Juanna, and her two children named Elcyand Galloway, Sampson and his wife Mary and her two

children named Paul, and Edward, also Charlotte,Ned, Randol, Anthony, Tommy, Sarah, Emily, Belinda

and her child Ellen, Sam, and his wife Jane, Davy,Simon, William, Amy and little Sam, children of the

above named Jane, Allen and his wife Sophy and herthree children, named Emma, Nancy, and Jane, Jack

and his wife Nelly and her children named Arra andJack, Simon, Nancy and her four children called Mary,

Lydia, Arnold and Patty also a motherless infantby the name of Davy ö with all the future issue of said

female slaves in Trust, nevertheless that my sonRichard R. Spann shall be permitted during natural life to

have use and enjoy the annual rents issues andprofits arising from the lands and the proceeds of the labour

of the slaves in this clause given in Trust, thesaid Lands and Negroes not to be subject to his debts or

encumbrances in any manner, whatever, and at thedeath of them, my said son Richard R. Spann the lands

and Negroes mentioned in this clause shall go,free from Trust, to his issue, including such of his children

hereafter to be born ö his children taking equallythe children hereafter to be born by his present or any

future marriage taking absolutely as each onemarries or comes of age, but such of his children as are now

living taking to them during their natural livesrespectively, as each one marries or comes of age and after

their death to their issue, the issue of adeceased child taking by representation, - but should either die

without leaving issue, the part allotted to thedeceased shall go to the surviving Brothers or Sisters and the

issue of such Brothers and Sisters now living, butwho may be dead ö the said issue to receive the Fathers

or mothers part ö I give to the children of mydeceased son William Spann, the following Negroes which

were in his possession at the time of his death(Viz) old Caleb, Winny, Jupeter, Gilbert, March, Hagar,

Lydy, Ephraim, Young Caleb, Mima, Siller, Ezekiel,Paul, Nancy, Amanda, Kate, Lusy, Molly, and Isaac,

together with their present and future increase,Also, the following Negroes (Viz) Jack and his wife Dilcy,

and her four children Milly, Moses, Peter andMary, Esses and his wife Esther and her child, Joe and his

wife Priss, Sam Penny, Grace, Will Hagar, Donus,Frank, Siller, Caroline, old John, and Alfred ö Also one

thousand acres of land embracing the settlementwhereon my said son William lived at the time of his

death, and the lands Eastwardly laid off from myother lands by a line running South 65 West, surveyed by

Mr. Hastin Jennings the 14th day of Oct 1837, Allthe personal property above named I give, together with

all the future increase of said female slaves tobe equally divided between the children of my deceased son

William aforesaid, as each on marries, or comes ofage to them during their lives respectively and after

their death to their issue, children takingequally and the children of a deceased child by representation ö

But shall either die without issue, in that casethe part allotted to the deceased to revert to the surviving

Brothers or Sisters and the issue of any that maybe dead the said issue to receive the Fathers or Mothers

part ö

I give to the children of my deceased son John R.Spann the following Negroes (viz) old Bitsy, Betty, Jack,

Milly, Bob, Theresa, Harry Bell, Syloy, Ben,Charity and Major, and Randol ö with the future increase of

said female slaves, to be equally divided betweenthe children of my deceased son John R. Spann as

aforesaid each one marries or comes of age, tothem during their lives respectively and after their death to

their issue, children taking equally and the issueof a deceased child by representation ö But should either

die without leaving issue, in that case the partallotted to the deceased to revert to the surviving Brother or

Sister and the issue of any that may be dead, thesaid issue to receive the father or Mothers part ö I give to

the children of my deceased son Charles Spann thefollowing Negroes VIZ Tamer, Anthony, Joe, Susanna,

Mary, Martha, Paul, Doll, Luke, Jim, Judy, LittleFrank Henry and his wife Hannah, Joe, Eliza Betsy Tom,

and Jefferson, with all the future in crease ofsaid female slaves, I give to be equally divided between the

children of my deceased son Charles Spann asaforesaid, as each on marries or comes of age, to them

during their lives, respectively, and after theirdeath to my issue ö children taking equally, and the issue of a

deceased child taking by representation ö Butshould either die without leaving issue in that case the part

allotted to the deceased to revert to thesurviving Brothers or Sisters and the issue of any that may be dead,

the said issue to receive the Fathers, or Motherspart I give to the children of my deceased Son James G.

Spann the following Negroes (VIZ) Isaac and herwife Jane Daniel and his wife Hannah and her two

children Aaron and Lewis, Galloway and his wifeSiller, Dick, Aggy, little Jacob, little Henry, Sam, Lethe,

Amanda, Gilbert, Cuffy, Bill, and January, to themand their Heirs forever ö

My Daughter Mary E. McConnico I have alreadyprovided for Also the Children of my deceased Daughter

Sarah E. Knox ö

I give to my niece Sarah S. Spann five hundredDollars for her affectionate attention to me ö The Estate

Real and personal given to the children of mydeceased Son Wm Spann I wish held in Trust for them until

each one marries or comes of age by my son R. R.Spann as Guardian ö

I charge the children of my deceased son John R.Spann with the payment of two thousand and seventeen

35/100 dollars ($2017.35/100) for money lent andadvanced him in his lifetime with Interest from 1st

January 1842 I charge the children of my deceasedSon Charles Spann with the payment of fourteen

hundred and fifteen 54/100 dollars ($1415.54/100)for money lent and advanced him in his life time, with

Interest from the 1st January 1842. I charge thechildren of my deceased son William Spann with the

payment of ten hundred and forty seven 74/100($1047.74/100) for money lent and advanced him in his life

time with interest from the first January 1842. Icharge my son Richard R. Spann with the payment of forty

nine hundred dollars ($4900) for money lent andadvanced him with interest from the first of January 1842.

which said money charged to my son R. R. Spann andthe children of my deceased sons, John R. Spann,

James G. Spann and Wm. Spann I wish divided in thefollowing Manner-

(VIZ) The one sixth part to the children of mydeceased Son John R. Spann ö one sixth part to the children

of my deceased Son James G. Spann ö one sixth partto the children of my deceased Son Charles Spann ö

one sixth part to the children of my deceased sonWilliam Spann and the two remaining sixth parts to my

son Richard Spann-

All the rest and residue of my property both realand personal not here in before Mentioned or disposed of,

I give to my son Richard R. Spann. I appoint myson Richard R. Spann my Executor to this my last Will

and Testament

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and sealthis the second day of April, in the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred and forty two, being thesixty sixth year of the Independence of the United States.


Henry Spears, Chas. Spann(SEAL)

Wm. T. Crosswell

Lawrence L. White


Recorded Will Book D-2, Page 161

Recorded June 19th, 1844.

W. Lewis ö O.S.D.

Bundle 116 ö Package 1.