Highbank Catholic Cemetery

Highbank Catholic Cemetery sign, Falls County, Texas Reagan, Texas

GPS Coordinates 31.18321, -96.80706
From Reagan, take FM 413 southwest to CR 214. The cemetery has a sign with specific instructions on how to access.

This is a small, private cemetery.
Last First Birth Death Notes/Inscriptions
Catalano B 23 Dec 1855 31 Jan 1921 Baldassare
Loria Angelo 8 Apr 1921 18 Oct 1925 son of Frank and Katherine
Messina Anthony 3 Nov 1868 Aug 1915 "born in Poggioreale Italy"
"died in Marlin Texas"
"age 46 years"
Salvato Catarina 28 May 1879 6 May 1915 This stone is broken.