MARKS AND BRANDS 1010 - 1099

Washington Franklin (Freedman) Brand

Mark - Two underbits in right ear and hole in left.

Recorded 18 June 1869

1011 Sam Jones
, (Freedman) Brand

Mark - Over and under slope in right ear, and split in left.

Recorded 19th June 1869

1012 Cyrus Odum
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - over and underbit in right ear

Recorded 19 June 1869

1013 Jupiter Jenkins
(Freedman) Brand

Mark Swallow fork in each ear

Recorded 19 June 1869

1014 Ed Norris

Mark  Right ear smooth crop with an overslope

and left ear Plain Smooth Crop

Recorded 19 June 1869

1015 Louis Nye

Poplar leaf in the left ear; Smooth crop in the right

Recorded June 19, 1869

1016 Jack Harquis
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Underslope in right and hole in the left

Recorded 19 June 1869

1017 Eliza Doss
(Freedwoman) Brand

Mark - Upper and under bit in right and crop off the left ear.

Recorded 21st June 1869

1029 Otto Sheppard
(African) Brand

Crop and split in right and crop off the left.

Recorded 10 July 1869

1033 Dolph Peareson
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Two underbit in each ear

Recorded 20 July 1869

This brand is transferred to John Culver March 1st 1871

1034 Turner Revis
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Under half crop in left & a crop and fork in right

Recorded July 27, 1869

1035 Mary Hardeman
(Freedwoman) Brand

Recorded 27th July 1869

1036 Dan Hardeman
(Freed boy) Brand

Mark - Crop, upper and under bit in right, underbit in left

Recorded 27 July 1869

1037 Britton Monroe
, (Freedman) Brand

Mark - Crop off the left and lancet point in right

Recorded July 27, 1869

1038 Perdo
, African, at Duncan 's Brand

Mark - For hogs & cattle - a hole in each ear

Recorded 29 July, 1869

1039 John Harrison
, (Freedman) Brand

Mark - for hogs and cattle; The underpart of each ear sloped off

Recorded July 29, 1869

1041 Omer Ree
(African Freedman)  Brand

Mark - A hole in and crop off right ear; two underbits in left.

Recorded 2d Aug 1869

1042 Sam Hill
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Crop off and two swallow forks out of right ear

Recorded 6 Aug. 1869

1043 Joe Rochelle
, (Freedman) Brand

Recorded 6 Aug. 1869

1045 Susan Randall
(Freedwoman) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop off right ear, split in left.

Recorded 16 Aug. 1869

1061 Jeptha Collins
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop and over bit in each ear

Recorded Oct. 8, 1869

1063 Henry Robertson
, (Freedman), Brand

Mark - Split in left ear & split crop and underslope in right.

Recorded 13th Oct. 1869


1064 John Robbins, (Freedman), Brand

Mark - Underslope in left ear; swallow fork in right.

Recorded 3d Nov. 1869

1065 Eli Linkum
, (Freedman) Brand

Recorded Nov. 4, 1869

1070 Benj. Rutherford
(Freed child) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop in right & 2 splits & swallow fork in left ear.

Recorded Nov. 30, 1869

1072 Henry Clay
(Freedman) Brand

Recorded Dec. 1st 1869

1073 Richard Hamblin
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop in each ear

Recorded 7th Dec. 1869

1074 Scott Morgan
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - An overslope in right ear & smooth crop, slit & hole in left.

Recorded 23d Dec. 1869


1075 Toby Harkliss (Freedman) Brand

Mark - Underslope in right ear, and hole & crop in left.

Recorded 8th Jany. 1870

1076 Walker Flescher
(Freedboy) Brand

          Mark - Smooth crop and split in right ear,

and smooth crop and swallow fork in left.

Recorded 24 January 1870

1077 Alex Flescher
(Freedboy) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop and split in ___ right ear,

and smooth crop and swallow fork in left.

Recorded Jany. 24, 1870

1078 Granville Pea
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - 2 smooth crops and under bit in left ear.

Recorded Feby 4th 1870

1079 Phil Pea

Mark is a slit in the right ear

Recorded Feby 4th 1870


1080 Sterling Austin (Freedman) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop off of left and underslope in right ear.

Recorded Feby 8. 1870

1082 George Simpson
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Underbit in right & half upper crop in left ear.

Recorded Mch. 7, 1870

1083 Andrew Wilkinson
(Freeman) Brand

Mark - One smooth crop each ear - & underbit in right ear

Recorded Mch. 10, 1870

1084 Patrick Rust
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Underbit in right ear & split in left.

Mch. 10, 1870

1085 Jack Wilkerson
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Underbit in right & smooth crop

in right ear, over slope in left.

Recorded Mch. 10, 1870

1087 Ransom Edison
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - is crop in right and a hole

Recorded March 22nd 70

1089 Christopher Columbus (Freedman) Brand

Mark: underslope and crop off the left ear

and an underslope in right ear.

Recorded 1st April 1870

1091 James Armstead
(Freedman) Brand

Mark - Smooth crop off of each ear-

Recorded 13th Apl. 1870

1093 John Kemp
        (Freedman) Brand

Recorded 19th April 1870

Washington Hawkins (Freedman) Brand

Mark - Swallow fork in each ear -

          Recorded Apl. 21, 1870


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 7, 2005
Jan. 7, 2005