Ashwood Newspaper Columns



Mr. J. P. Chastun went to Sugar Valley Wednesday.

Mr. Jeff Walker was a Sugar Valley visitor Wednesday.

The meeting here by the farmers will perhaps prove a success if the farmers will follow the advice given.

Mr. J. B. Delk of Bay City was here Tuesday.

Mrs. A. Easton and sisters visited Mrs. S. M. Geralds and Mrs. A. Walker this week.

Mrs. M. J. Chastun and daughter, Agnes, visited Mrs. Jerald Sunday.

Mrs. B. Evans’ baby has been very sick the past week.

Mr. G. E. Hill is on the sick list this week.

Miss Izora Toupes returned from Bay City to relieve her sister, who has been teaching school since Miss Izora’s absence Wednesday.

Mr. H. Schnider returned from Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. Bud Hall is “turning soil by the wholesale.”

Jas. H. Chastun is leading the truck growers here. He is also trying to persuade other farmers to follow.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 8, 1915


Mrs. J. P. Chastun and daughter  Agnes, went to Bay City Friday.

Mr. Thos. Bradford of Leesville, La., was here Saturday, looking at the land.

Mr. J. R. Hall and daughter, Mrs. Grover Potter, and children left Sunday for Pickering, La.

Mr. G. Potter and brother left Monday for Pickering, La.

Messrs. J. P. Chastun and J. H. Chastun and F. C. Gernand attended court in Bay City Monday and Tuesday.

Messrs. W. Brown and W. J. Sparks went to Bay City the first of the week to attend court.

Messrs. E. E. Johnson and W. B. Evans were called to Bay City Tuesday on court business.

Mr. Hankins of Bay City was here Wednesday, looking after cattle.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 26, 1915


Mr. Jno. Price of Palacios was here Wednesday buying cattle.

Bon H. Smith of Bay City was here Wednesday.

M. Scott of Wharton passed through Wednesday en route to Sugar Valley.

Walter Brown of Sugar Valley was a business visitor to Ashwood Wednesday.

R. F. Faickney of Van Vleck was here Thursday buying cattle.

Mr. J. P. Chastun went to Sugar Valley Thursday on business.

W. M. Belcher was at Ashwood this week looking over the condition of the roads.

Miss Izora Toups visited her parents in Bay City from Friday until Tuesday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gernand, Monday night, a fine girl.

Mr. Leo Pratt was summoning road hands Tuesday.

The road hands are called for Saturday to clear the timber off the right of way for the C. L. Smith & Son drain ditch.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker and son visited relatives here Tuesday.

Mrs. M. D. Hanson and daughter, Dorothy, visited in Ashwood Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 26, 1915


Mrs. Toups of Bay City was here several days the past week visiting her daughter, Miss Izora.

Mr. Harrison of Oklahoma is another addition to this place. He is employed as gardener here.

Mrs. E. E. Johnson was shopping at Ashwood Wednesday.

Mr. Walter Brown of Sugar Valley was here Wednesday on business.

Mr. Raymond Brown of Sugar Valley was gathering cattle here Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Walker visited their parents Thursday.

Mr. W. B. Wans and family moved from there to Bay City where he will be employed in the fish trade on the Colorado River. We regret very much to lose Mr. Wans’ family.

The Catholic Sunday school will open at 9 a. m. promptly each Sunday. The public is cordially invited to attend.

Crops are looking very good here although some of the land is very dry.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 16, 1915


Miss Izora Toups went to her home in Bay City Thursday, she being ill.

Mr. Walter Brown of Sugar Valley was here on business Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walker went to Van Vleck on business Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johnson, accompanied by Miss Magile Wigley and Master Fay Wigley, left for a visit to Goliad Saturday.

Messrs. Geo. Walker and Jas. H. Chastun went to Pledger on official business Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun, accompanied by their daughters, Margaret and Marion visited Mr. and Mrs. Antone Hanson of the Rugeley place Sunday.

Mr. J. K. Smith, accompanied by his brother, left for his home in Beaumont Tuesday.

Road Master Wise passed through Ashwood en route Wharton Tuesday.

Mr. Bert Carr passed through here on his way North Tuesday.

The dry weather has put all the farmers to work this week.

The hot weather has not caused any panic in the vegetable business so far.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 14, 1915


Roadmaster Scott and the work train were here Friday.

Mr. M. O’Connor of Van Vleck was here on business Friday.

Messrs. F. C. Gernand and Jas. H. Chastun made a business trip to Pledger Friday.

Mr. Lee Pratt left here to return to his grading camp near Bay City the last of the week.

Mr. Anton Hanson is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. M. D. Hanson and her daughter, Dorothy, visited their parents and grandparents on the Valley View Farm Monday.

Crops of all kinds are flourishing in this locality. No cases of charbon has developed so far; and the farmers and stockmen, generally, are guarding against it.

Cucumbers squash and tomatoes began moving from this place.

Several cars of potatoes were loaded at Pledger last week.

Blackberries are ripening very fast and are finding a ready market.

The farmers here are putting up nice lots of produce for winter use.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 4, 1915

Ashwood Locals

Miss F. C. Gernand and Jas. Chastun went to Boling and upper county on business Thursday.

Mr. S. W. Kites of Pledger passed through the place enroute to Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. C. L. Smith and niece left this place for a visit to Refugio Saturday.

Messrs. J. H. Chastun and F. C. Gernand attended business in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. O. Newman left for home in Beaumont Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johnson went to Bay City Saturday.

Rev. J. Manor and Rev. Gould of Pledger filled his regular appointments on Sunday.

Miss Pauline Malvern was visiting at this place Sunday.

Rev. McGraw and daughters, Peres and Inore, are spending the week here attending the revival which closes Sunday July 4th.

Rev. Hardy of Bay City is attending the revival here.

Mr. J. K. Smith of Beaumont arrived here on a visit Tuesday.

Messrs. Jas. H. Chastun and F. C. Gernand were called to the vicinity of Iago on business Tuesday.

Mr. Jesse P. Chastun went to Bay City on business Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Theo Patrick attended the revival here Monday and Tuesday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 6, 1915


Miss Lavala Toups of Bay City visited in this city Tuesday.

Rev. Hardy of Bay City arrived Monday to attend the revival.

Miss Izora Toups of Bay City arrived here Wednesday to attend the revival now in progress.

Mrs. Frank McGraw of Iago attended the revival Thursday.

Mr. F. C. Gernand and wife were business visitors to Van Vleck Saturday.

Mr. C. L. Smith returned to Beaumont Saturday.

J. F Smith went to Wharton Saturday.

J. F. Smith went to Wharton Saturday.

Mr. Thad Patrick of the South plantation was here Saturday on business.

Mr. J. M. South of Odey, Texas was here Sunday, looking over his farm.

Rev. Geo. McGraw, accompanied by his daughters, Nora and Pearl and Mrs. F. McGraw, went to Bay City Sunday.

The Baptists had services all day Sunday with dinner on the ground. There were many visitors and all had a nice time and went away happy.

Rev. J. Malmor, after spending a week of zealous work with the Baptists, left for his home in Pledger Sunday.

Messrs. F. C. Gernand and Jas. H. Chastun went to Pledger on business Tuesday and observed the charbon situation.

Mr. George Walker and family went to Van Vleck Wednesday.

Mr. George Walker has the finest patch of melons in this section. On one vine of banana mushmelons there were over 20 feet of large melons and ten small melons which would average from one to one and one-half feet each.

Matagorda County Tribune, early July 1915



Mr. Alex Blackburn and sister, Miss Bessie, motored over from LaGrange one day last week. On their way home they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and their daughter, Mary.


Mr. Miller of Linwood was here this week on business.


Mr. and Mrs. Thad Patrick have moved to Angleton, where Mr. Patrick is employed on the State farm.


Rev. G. M. McGraw and Rev. J. Mahnor of Pledger filled their appointments here Sunday.


Mr. Antone Hanson went to Bay City Tuesday.


Jas. H. Chastun and sister, Miss Margaret, went to Pledger Tuesday on business.


Mr. S. H. Cates of Pledger passed through Ashwood en route Bay City Tuesday.


Mrs. Sarah A. Powell visited her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Chastun, this week.


Matagorda County Tribune, August 6, 1915



 On last Friday, E. S. DeLoach of El Campo and Miss Izoria Toupes, a popular young lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Toupes of this city, were united in marriage at the bride's home by Rev. O. B. Falls of the Baptist church officiating.

The bride was teacher the past two years at Ashwood, where she has hosts of friends, joining those here to wish her unalloyed happiness and a good share of prosperity.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, Bay City, Tuesday, August 17, 1915



Mr. Jas. H. Chastun went to Galveston Tuesday on business.


Mr. Raymond Brown left here for Beeville Saturday to attend his little daughter's funeral, but when he reached there the baby had recovered and has come back to life.


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Walker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun.


Mrs. Sarah Paull is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Chastun.


Miss Margaret Chastun has been on the sick list this week.


Mr. Walter Brown returned to Sugar Valley from a visit to interior points this week.


Mrs. J. P. Chastun was on the sick list the past week, but is somewhat improved at this writing.


Mrs. Geo. W. Walker and little son have been ill the past few days.


Mrs. Leo Pratt left this week to join her husband at Angleton.


Mr. Antone Hanson went to Bay City this week on business.


Mr. and Mrs. Antone Hanson and daughter, Dorothy, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun Sunday.


The crops are growing fine on the Valley View farm.


Mr. Geo. W. Walker is getting his ground in readiness for a fall garden.


Matagorda County Tribune, August 20, 1915



Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Fred Gernand were in Van Vleck Sunday.

Miss Ethel Smith left to meet her mother, Mrs. Smith, in Bay City, this week where she has been visiting her sister.

Mrs. Sarah Paull was a visitor to the Valley View Farm Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and daughter, Dorothy, was a Valley View visitor Monday.

People of Ashwood had Sunday school in Ashwood Sunday.

We have received news from Mr. Jas. Chastun in Galveston saying that they experienced something during the storm which lots of people would never experience.

We have received news from Mr. Fred Gernand stating that his home place suffered badly during the storm.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 27, 1915


Mr. F. C. Gernand has returned to Galveston where he is employed.

Mr. K. Smith is here from Beaumont.

Mr. B. Pratt has been gathering his corn.

Mr. J. P. Chastun was a visitor to Bay City this week.

Mrs. B. Pratt visited the little sick child at the Valley View Farm this week.

Little Freddie Gernand has been very ill the past three weeks.

Mr. F. C. Gernand was here from Galveston this week at the bedside of his little son, who is ill.

Mr. J. P. Chastun has been very busy making syrup this week.

Mrs. Sarah A. Paull visited her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Chastun at the Valley View Farm, this week.

County Demonstrator Persons of Bay City was at the Valley View Farm looking at crops and syrup-making.

Mr. George Walker was in Van Vleck this week on business.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 17, 1915



Mr. C. L. Smith left Tuesday on a business trip to North Texas points.


The teacher and pupils of Ashwood school are improving the school grounds, cleaning off the yards and planting flowers after school hours.


Mr. Raymond Brown was a business visitor here Wednesday.


Mr. Fisher Smith went to Bay City on business Wednesday.


Rev. Goode failed to fill his appointment here Sunday but will be here the first Sunday.


Valley View farm has been shipping truck this week.


Smith & Sons are having some work done on this part of the Bay City and Pledger road, leveling and cutting weeds.


Mrs. Hanson shipped some nice string beans and turnips to Galveston this week.


Mrs. C. L. Smith went to Bay City shopping Wednesday.


The fall gardens and truck patches are looking fine since the rain--if everybody would plant a garden, times wouldn't be so hard.


Brown Bros. are breaking ground to plant about 20 acres of ribbon cane.


Mrs. Agnes Gernand of Valley View farm was here shopping Tuesday.


Miss Ola Rainey visited her parents in Van Vleck Saturday.


Matagorda County Tribune, October 1, 1915



J. Fisher Smith was a business visitor to Pledger Saturday.


Miss Ola Rainey visited in Van Vleck and Bay City Saturday, returning Sunday.


Mrs. C. L. Smith received a telegram Wednesday, stating the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Huddleston, at Refugio.


Miss Ola Rainey's sister, Miss Emily, spent the day with her Sunday and they were the guests of Mrs. C. L. Smith.


Everybody is invited to attend Sunday school at Ashwood Church every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Let's everybody come and have a good Sunday school.


Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith motored up from Bay City Sunday and spent a pleasant day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Pratt.


The farmers here are now planting their fall crops of rape, oats and other things.


Matagorda County Tribune, October 15, 1915


Little Clara Mae Gernand was scalded very badly last Wednesday on the back. She succumbed to her injuries Friday at 6 o’clock.

Mrs. Fred Gernand and little daughter, Mary Agnes, came in from Hitchcock this week.

Mr. Jas. H. Chastun of Galveston came Friday to attend the funeral of his little niece.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 11, 1916


Mr. J. P. Chastun and daughter, Margaret, went to Bay City Saturday.

Mr. F. C. Gernand and family arrived at this place Sunday. Mr. Gernand is employed by the Valley View Farm.

Mrs. M. D. Hanson went to Wharton on business Monday.

Mrs. J. F. Smith went to Brazoria Monday on business.

Mr. Lysle Allidice went to Brazoria Monday.

Mr. G. Walker went to Van Vleck Tuesday on business.

The farmers are very busy preparing to plant their spring potatoes.

The Valley View Farm made a fine or fancy vegetables Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 4, 1916


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