Ashwood Newspaper Columns



Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chastun and sister, Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and children of Bryan were visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun.

Mrs. Will Walker gave Mrs. DeRoche a dance Monday night in honor of Mrs. DeRoche.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson gave Mr. and Mrs. Chastun and DeRoche a Wednesday party and dance.

Mr. Norris Walker and Mr. Charles Duncan of Conroy, Pa., arrived from New Mexico to visit the Walker family.

The young folks gave the CCC boys a Friday night dance at Mr. and Mrs. Hanson’s home.

Mr. Geo. M. Walker gave a beach party in honor of his cousin and friend, Mr. Norris Walker and Mr. Charles Duncan of Conroy, Pa.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 12, 1934



Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dunbar graciously entertained with a dance Wednesday night. Music was furnished by Messrs. Johnny Rice and Luna.


Mr. Bill Zigo and Misses Louise and Avie Harvath of Pledger were callers here Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and Mrs. Anton Hanson were business visitors in Sweeny Wednesday.


A large number from here attended the closing school program in Van Vleck Wednesday night.


Mr. Dexter Hodge of Pledger was an Ashwood visitor Sunday afternoon.


Mr. W. M. Miller visited here on Tuesday evening.


Mrs. Della Gresham of Hempstead and Ralph Gresham, who has been residing with his sister here, left for California Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mrs. J. Fisher Smith were business visitors in Wharton Monday.


The little Bickham boys of Bay City visited their uncle, Mr. W. T. Orrell last week.


Mr. B. B. Hopkins of Alvin spent several days here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Sherry and daughter of Eagle Lake visited here last week.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, May 30, 1934




Mr. Jess Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker were called to Louisiana for the burial of their sister. Those that went are Mr. Jess Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker, Miss Bertice Walker, Charlie Walker, Mr. Miller and Mrs. C. E. DeRoche.


Miss Katherine Hanson entertained the young people of Ashwood with a dance Saturday night. All had a nice time.


Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker and Mrs. C. E. DeRoche went to Newgulf Saturday evening.


Miss Rose Ellen Hanson is now working in Wharton. She left Monday morning.


Mr. Buddy Hammond and Mr. Clifton Walters of Sweeny were visiting in the Hanson home Saturday night.


Mrs. Ollie Newman entertained with a dance Thursday night. Everyone had a nice time.


A group of young folks met at Mrs. Hanson's Friday night. Music was furnished by Tom Hunter and George Walker. Those present were Melba Jones, Tom Hunter, Bill Reese, Charlyn Reese and George Walker.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, October 4, 1934




The Ashwood Women's Home Demonstration Club met at Mrs. Hanson's home Tuesday. Plans for achievement day were discussed and committees were appointed. A nice crowd was present.


Mrs. C. E. DeRoche went to Bay City Thursday evening.


A group of young people from Pledger came down Thursday evening.


Misses Kathryn Hanson and Mildred Walker and Mr. George Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harvath of Pledger Thursday evening.


Mesdames Dave Harvey, Bill Orrell and George Walker, who have been on the sick list, are now improving.


Miss Rosalie Gernand, Mr. Ducros, Mrs. Miller attended the football game in Bay City Friday night.


Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and children, after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun, left Saturday for her home in Bryan.


Mr. and Mrs. Grady Puryear and sons of Austin spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher Smith. Miss Eva Smith returned to Austin with them Sunday.


Mr. W. M. Miller spent Sunday visiting his family.


Miss Rose Ellen Hanson, who spent the week-end in Wharton, returned home Sunday night.


Miss Elinor Petraska of El Scott and Miss Bertice Walker left Monday for the State Fair in Dallas.


Mr. and Mrs. Belcher of Bay City were visitors here Tuesday.


The Ashwood Home Demonstration Club's Achievement Day will be Oct. 19 at the home of Mrs. Walter Brown. Everyone is cordially invited.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, October 11, 1934




Mr. George Newman of Alvin is home for an extended visit with his mother, Mrs. Ollie Newman.


Mesdames Hanson and Chastun were business visitors in Bay City Thursday.


A group of young people including Misses Rosalie Gernand and Mildred Walker and Messrs. Gus and Clifton Walters, Coy Dean, Billie Wakefield, Archie Pious of Bay City and Billie Gernand, George Walker and Bill Walker gathered at the Hanson home and played games and danced Friday night.


Messrs. Bill Reese, Antone Kocurek and Edgar Huggins of Pledger were Ashwood visitors Saturday evening.


Messrs. Fred Gernand, Billie and Woodrow Gernand and Bill Walker and Misses Rosalie Gernand, Bertice Walker and Mrs. Walker were Bay City visitors Saturday night.


Mr. George Newman was a Houston and Galveston visitor Sunday.


Misses Rosalie Gernand and Rose Ellen Hanson and Messrs. Bill Reese and Edgar Huggins, Pledger, attended the show in Bay City Sunday night.


Messrs. Joe Pivok and Stanley Kocurek of Pledger were Sunday visitors in Ashwood.


Mrs. Della Gresham and son Ralph of Hempstead spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Smith.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orrell visited in Alvin Sunday.


Mr. Sparky Hale of Bay City was a business visitor in Ashwood Monday.


Mrs. Ollie Newman entertained with a dance Tuesday night. A nice time was enjoyed by all.


The Ashwood Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Walter Brown Tuesday and made out programs, collected reports and made final plans for their achievement day which is Thursday, Oct. 18. Everyone is cordially invited.


Mrs. Claire F. Pollard was a visitor in Ashwood Tuesday.


Mesdames C. L. Smith and J. Fisher Smith attended the show in Bay City Friday night.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, October 18, 1934




Mesdames J. Fisher Smith, C. L. Smith and Bill Orrell and Miss Rose Ella Hanson attended the achievement day program in Pledger and Van Vleck Thursday.


Those from here attending the show in Bay City Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, Mrs. J. Fisher Smith, J. Fisher Smith Jr., and Misses Rose Ellen Hanson and Rosalie Gernand and Messrs. Edgar Huggins and Bill Reese of Pledger.


Miss Rosalie Gernand, Mrs. Miller and Messrs. Ducros and J. Fisher Smith Jr., attended the football game in Bay City Friday night.


Mrs. Berryhill of Angleton visited her daughter, Mrs Bill Orrell last week.


Miss Mildred Morehead of Bay City spent the week-end with Miss Bertice Walker.


Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Pendelum are staying with Mrs. Pendelum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Guy, while Mr. Pendelum is working in the Pledger oil field.


Miss Eva Smith who has been visiting in Austin returned home Saturday.


Mrs. Ollie Newman is visiting relatives in Houston.


Mr. Harry Conger of Clemville visited friends here Saturday.


Mr. Wayne Barker of Newgulf and his mother, of Iago, were visiting with friends here Saturday.


Mr. Paul Hanson of Austin was a guest in the Smith home this week-end.


Mr. W. T. Orrell is visiting her mother at Angleton.


Mr. S. S. Allardyce of Beaumont is visiting his sister Mrs. J. Fisher Smith.


Messrs. Herman Luna, Woodrow Head, Bernard, Waddie and John Nubert of Bay City were Sunday visitors in Ashwood.


Messrs. D. B. and Clarence Hopkins of Alvin visited friends here Sunday.


Mrs. Jessie Walker of Bay City was a visitor in Ashwood Sunday.


Miss Helen Smith of Gonzales was honored at her home Sunday with a birthday dinner. She was presented a number of lovely gifts.


Mr. and Mrs. George W. Walker, George Walker and Misses Mildred Walker, Bertice Walker and Mildred Morehead were visitors in Pledger Sunday.


Members of the Ashwood Home Demonstration Club gave their achievement day program Thursday, Oct. 18. Several numbers were given by the rhythm band playing on tin cans. A parade of canned goods by four ladies who were dressed to represent cans of beef, chicken, spinach and carrots. The pantry demonstrators report of what she had accomplished during the season and the secretary's report showing over 11,000 containers filled. They had a lovely bride's table which was presented to Mrs. Daisey Newton. Delicious refreshments of punch and cookies was served to a large number of guests.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, October 24, 1934


Walking Tin Cans and Rhythm Band Feature Of Ashwood Program

Life-size tin cans that walked and talked and an imposing blue-costumed rhythm band, playing snappy tunes on tin cans, formed just a part of the Achievement Day program of the Ashwood Home Demonstration Club, held Thursday, October 18.

Cans of beans, beets, beef and chicken vied each other for fame until a battered, but usable, reflanged can appeared and told a tale of multiplied service and of money saved. Thereafter, the competing cans of meats, fruits and vegetables were silenced.

Destroying a tradition, that the horn of plenty is made of gold, the Ashwood pantry demonstrator, Mrs. Walter Brown, displayed her "plenty" consisting of 953 cans of food in tin. Her imposing shelf covered an entire wall of the dining room. The two bottom shelves were enclosed and contained her canning equipment and reflanged cans.

Van Vleck rhythm band in their nifty blue and white band costumes, furnishes the rhythm appropriately with drumsticks and tin cans, under the direction of Miss Wilmuth McMinn.

Refreshments of home-made cookies and wild grape juice were served.

Club reports, given by Mrs. Anton Hanson, disclosed a total of 7,000 cans of food conserved.

Following the reports at the home of the pantry demonstrator, the guests adjourned to the home of Mrs. George Clark and Mrs. W. C. Sansing, where landscaping with native shrubs, including cherry laurel, holly, yaupon, yellow jasmine and others were viewed.

Palacios Beacon, October 25, 1934



Quite a number attended the Hallowe'en program at Van Vleck Wednesday night.


Mr. Miller spent from Wednesday to Friday in Bay City.


Mrs. Bill Orrell visited her mother, Mrs. Berryhill, in Angleton.


Miss Rose Ellen Hanson spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Bay City.


Miss Katherine Hanson spent the week-end with Misses Avie and Louise Harvath in Pledger.


Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougal spent Saturday in Houston.


Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith spent the week-end in Hempstead visiting Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gresham.


Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Whiddon and children of Brenham visited in the home of Mr. Whiddon's sister, Mrs. Walter Brown.


Mr. George Walker visited in Pledger Sunday morning.


Messrs. Edgar Huggins, Bill Reese and Antone Kocurek of Pledger were Sunday visitors here.


Mrs. Albert Rhodes of Boling visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Davis.


Mrs. Leola Cox Sides of Bay City was a visitor in Ashwood Tuesday.


Mrs. Claire S. Pollard visited with friends here Tuesday.


Messrs. C. L. Smith and Moreland were business visitors in Pierce on Tuesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, November 8, 1934




Misses Katherine and Rose Ellen Hanson and Mr. Clifton Walters of Sweeny attended the show in Bay City Friday night.


Messrs. Jack Beall and Wilford Lona? were visitors here Saturday.


Mrs. J. Fisher Smith and Miss Eva Smith were business visitors in Bay City Wednesday.


Miss Katherine Hanson entertained with a dance Saturday night.


Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougal attended a dance in Markham Saturday night.


Mr. Ralph Gresham is staying with his sister, Mrs. C. L. Smith and attending school in Bay City.


Misses Annie and Louise Harvath and Messrs. Bill Reese and Edgar Huggins of Pledger were visitors here Sunday night.


Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Kathryn Sue of Bay City were visitors in Ashwood Monday morning.


Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walker and Messrs. J. Fisher Smith, A. Hanson, F. C. Gernand and Will Walker were business visitors in Bay City Tuesday.


Mrs. B. N. Coke was brought home from the hospital Tuesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, November 14, 1934



Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and children and Mr. and Mrs. James H. P. Chastun and son of Bryan arrived Thursday night coming down to help celebrate their parents', Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun's golden anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Chastun celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Saturday with a large dinner at noon and refreshments of punch and cake in the evening. Their five children, 21 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren as well as friends and visited with them during the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougal attended a dance in Damon Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dunbar of Newgulf visited friends here Saturday.

Those attending the dance given by Miss Louise Horvath of Pledger Saturday night were Misses Rosalie Gernand and Katherine Hanson, Bertice Walter and Rose Ellen Hanson and Messrs. Fred and Billie Gernand and Charlie and Bill Walker.

Mr. J. Fisher Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith went to their farm and ranch in Louisiana to look after business matters Sunday.

Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and children and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. P. Chastun and son returned to their homes in Bryan Sunday.

Mr. Jack Beall of Bay City was visiting friends here Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Charles McDougal of San Antonio and Mr. and Mrs. Presley of El Maton were visitors in the McDougal home Sunday.

Mrs. Albert Rhodes of Boling visited with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Davis Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Orrell, Messrs. Herbert Bickham of Van Vleck and Weems Bickham of Taft left Tuesday to visit Mr. Orrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lakey.

Mrs. Ollie Newman visited in Newgulf Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 22, 1934



Mrs. J. Fisher Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Austin returning Sunday.


Mr. Ralph Gresham spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents in Hempstead. Mr. Julius Gresham returned with him Sunday.


Mr. Clyde Wolters of Robstown was a Sunday visitor here.


Messrs. Stanley and Antone Kocurek and Joe Pivok of Pledger visited in the George Walker home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harvath of Pledger were business visitors here Tuesday.


Mesdames A. Hanson, J. P. Chastun and Fred C. Gernand were business visitors in Bay City Tuesday.


The Ashwood Woman's Club met with Mrs. B. N. Cocke Tuesday. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. B. N. Cocke, president; Mrs. T. C. Dodd, vice president; Mrs. Gregg Lawrence, secretary-treasurer and reporter; Mrs. Walter Brown, council delegate; Mrs. George Clark, bedroom demonstrator; Mrs. A. Hanson, yard demonstrator.


Mr. Jones of Pledger and Mr. Ernest Stringer of Newgulf were business visitors in Ashwood Tuesday.


Follow the crowd to Van Vleck school house Friday night, Dec. 7 and see Pete the hired hand woo Maggie Noils off the rock pile and see how Nifty Nan solves the family problems and is suspected by her own husband. Come and see how it all works out. Admission 10 and 25c.


Miss Eva Smith spent Tuesday night with Miss Melba Ewing who returned with her Wednesday morning.


Mr. George Newman is in Louisiana now on his work.


Mr. C. L. Smith has taken a position in Newgulf.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, December 6, 1934




Miss Rose Ellen Hanson visited in Bay City from Thursday to Sunday.


Mr. D. B. Hopkins of Alvin is visiting friends here.


Messrs. Clifton and Gus Walters of Sweeny were Ashwood visitors Friday night.


Mr. Jones of Pledger visited here Saturday.


Mr. Ted Middleton, who is visiting his brother in Bay City, visited in Ashwood Sunday.


Mr. Edgar Huggins of Three Rivers and Mr. Antone Kocurek of Pledger visited in Ashwood Tuesday.


Mrs. Fred C. Gernand is in the hospital with her baby son who is very low.


Mrs. Albert Rhodes of Boling visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Davis, Wednesday.


Mr. Jesse Walker went to Wadsworth Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chastun and Messrs. George W. Walker, Jesse Walker and George M. Walker were business visitors in Bay City Tuesday.


There is to be a performance of the play "The Girl in the Fur Coat" at Van Vleck school house Friday night. Be sure and be there. Admission 10 and 25c.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, December 13, 1934




Mrs. Della Gresham of Hempstead arrived Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Smith and returned Sunday.


We have some new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker of Bell Bottom and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dunbar and family of Newgulf.


Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith of Raymondville spent the week-end in the Smith home. Miss Eva Smith returned with them Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gresham and daughter of Newgulf visited their sister, Mrs. C. L. Smith Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougal and son, and Misses Rose Ellen and Katherine Hanson were Bay City visitors Saturday night.


Mr. Jimmie Johnson and father of Houston were Sunday visitors.


Mr. King and family of Iago were in Ashwood Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougal, Mr. J. Fisher Smith and Misses Rose Ellen Hanson and Katherine Hanson spent Sunday at Sargent fishing.


Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. J. P. Chastun, Messrs. Jesse Walker and Fred Gernand were Bay City visitors Monday.


Mrs. Fred Gernand returned Tuesday evening from the Loos Hospital with her small son who is on the road to recovery.


Miss Alene Fondren of Van Vleck spent Tuesday night with Miss Bertice Walker.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, December 20, 1934




Miss Eva Smith returned from Raymondville Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and family came in to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chastun.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chastun and son of Bryan are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chastun.


Mr. and Mrs. Chastun, Mrs. DeRoche visited Mrs. Gernand and baby who is still in the hospital with her baby who is much better.


Miss Ovis Harvath is visiting Miss Bertice Walker.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown returned from spending Christmas with relatives at Brenham and Chapel Hill Tuesday.


Mrs. Maggie Hart spent Christmas day with Mrs. Val Stafford.


Mr. Marion Guy, age 56, died suddenly at his home Dec. 25. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Guy, two sons, William and Pat Guy and one daughter, Mrs. Dewey Penland, two granddaughters and one grandson. Services at 2:30 Thursday afternoon at Taylor Bros. Funeral Home, burial in Cedarvale Cemetery, weather permitting.


Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougal and son, Francis, who spent the holidays in Austin returned home Tuesday.


Miss Helen Smith of Gonzales arrived Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher Smith.


The little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar has been very ill this week.


The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, December 27, 1934



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