Ashwood Newspaper Columns




Mrs. Henry McCullough returned home from Fort Bliss as Sgt. McCullough left for California.

Sgt. H. D. Peabody of Camp Monmouth, New Jersey, arrived home Wednesday night for a short visit in the Hanson home.

Mr. M. H. Hanna went to Houston on business and stayed overnight with his mother and sister Sunday, returning home Monday.

Mrs. J. Fisher Smith, Jr. has moved to Harlingen to be near Private Smith.

Sgt. Peabody, Mrs. Peabody and Mrs. Hanna and baby were in Bay City to take the baby to their physician for a checkup.

Sgt. and Mrs. H. D. Peabody and three daughters went to San Antonio to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Peabody, Sr. for the week end.

Sgt. and Mrs. H. D. Peabody, Jr., will leave Wednesday for Avon, Kentucky, where Sgt. Peabody is stationed.

Daily Tribune, December 9, 1942

Visit In Ashwood

Lieut. and Mrs. Hugh D. Peabody are visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. Peabody's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hanson, of Ashwood, before leaving for Lexington Signal Corps Depot in Kentucky where Lieut. Peabody will be stationed.

The Lieutenant was commissioned on November 30 following his completion and graduation from the Signal Corps School at Ft. Monmouth, N. J. He enlisted at San Antonio April 8, 1942, and was stationed at Camp Crowder, Mo., at the time he was sent to the school. At that time he was a Corporal.

Mrs. Peabody, who was the former Miss Katherine Hanson, will accompany her husband to husband.

Daily Tribune, December 7 1942


Mrs. E. Smith and children who have been visiting relatives returned home Saturday morning.

Mr. Robert Hanna of Pledger visited his brother M. H. Hanna here Friday evening.

Mrs. George Walker and daughter, Mrs. Henry McCullough and Mrs. George M. Walker were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. A. Hanson, Mrs. Henry McCullough and Mrs. George M. Walker were shopping in Bay City Monday spending the rest of the day with Mrs. C. E. DeRoche.

Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and daughters Jane and Dorothy Nell of Bay City spent Monday night with her sister, Mrs. Anton Hanson.

The people of Ashwood feel like city folks with a nice shelled road going by their door.

Mrs. C. E. DeRoche and daughters Jane and Dorothy Nell of Bay City accompanied Mrs. M. H. Hanna to Bay City.

J. W. Puryear attending the basketball tournament at Van Vleck Saturday.

Daily Tribune, December 23, 1942


Mrs. Geo. W. Walker, Mrs. Geo. M. Walker, Mrs. Henry McCullough and Mrs. Jessie Walker of Bay City went to Velasco to a stork shower given in honor of Mrs. Wilson Bevers, Dec. 14.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bevers of Freeport are spending Christmas with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Walker.

Mr. and Mrs. William spent Christmas in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Walker and daughter of Velasco spent Christmas with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker and son Billie of Bay City spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker.

Mr. M. H. Hanna went to Houston for his mother Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. John H. Hanson to spend Christmas with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D Sanford and son Willie D. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Hanson.

Mr. and Mrs. Rout Hanna and son and daughter of Pledger called by the Hansons to see mother, Mrs. Clayton and sister, Mrs. John H. Hanson of Houston on their way to have dinner with Mrs. Hanna's mother, Mrs. Minken of Bay City.

Mrs. Clayton and daughters, Mrs. John H. Hanson of Houston were dinner guests with the Hanson and Hanna families.

Mr. Howard Redding were also dinner guests with Mr. M. H. Hanna and family and the Hanson family.

Mr. Sam Griffith of San Diego, Cal., spent Thursday night with his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gernand leaving next morning for Rosenberg to visit his mother and sisters before returning to California.

Mr. and Mrs. Mason went to Houston Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rout Hanna and family of Pledger came by Saturday p. m. for his mother and sister, Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. John H. Hanson as they were going to Houston, to visit Mrs. Hanna's sister Sunday.

Mrs. Will Walker visited her daughter and family in Velasco Sunday.

Daily Tribune, December 30, 1942


Mrs. Bever and son of Velasco visited her mother Mrs. Geo. Walker on Mother's Day.

Mrs. Sam Jarrel and sister, Mr. Norris Walker and sister and nurse visited their brother, George Walker.

Mrs. George Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. Barnie Boudat? and daughter of Houston Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Haune and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanford of Sweeny Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Peabody and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanford and son and daughter Sunday.

Mrs. Anton Hanson has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sanford and family of Sweeny.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker.

S 1/c Paul Hanson arrived home from Tacoma, Washington. He was discharged in Washington Friday.

Mrs. J. H. Clayton visited Mrs. Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanson on Mother's Day.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanford of Sweeny are the proud parents of a baby girl, Sandra Annette, born May 6, at Matagorda General Hospital.

Daily Tribune, May 31, 1946


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