Blessing Newspaper Columns

1903 - 1910




By J. H. L.

A rain is very much needed.

A. B. Pierce spent one day in Bay City last week.

J. H. Logan made a business trip to Bay City last week.

J. P. Pierce of Johnson Timber was in the city last week.

Captain Lewis and three sons were in the city one day last week.

F. L. Crawford passed through here Sunday on his way home.

Mrs. Duffy and children of Matagorda went to Palacios from here last week.

Hay making seems to be the employment of the people of this community.

Mrs. J. E. Blair of Carancahua called on Mrs. J. H. Logan Friday afternoon.

Mr. Eidman from Ashby met his mother here Sunday, who came from Palacios.

Gwynne Dixon has accepted a position as ex-boss of the leveling gang of the R. R.

George Dixon and wife came in from Houston Tuesday and are visiting relatives and friends of Matagorda County.

Wiley Kuykendall and wife left Monday after spending a few days with friends and relatives.

Julian Harvey of Palacios passed through here en route home and was somewhat under the weather.

J. E. Pierce shipped two car loads of beautiful calves to Taylor & Sons of New Orleans.

Our worthy editor of THE TRIBUNE passed through our town on his way to Palacios.

Arthur Wheeler of Tres Palacios was in the city last week and came near having a serious accident.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 16, 1903

Blessing Beatitudes.

By Felicia.

Guy Borden, of Galveston, was here buying stock to ship.

F. L. Crawford moved his house to Palacios the last of the week.

Mrs. J. F. Lewis, of Ashby, was here Saturday looking for freight.

J. E. Pierce shipped two car loads of nice calves to New Orleans, Friday.

Mrs. T. E. Partain and Miss Julia Cornelius were here one day last week for the mail.

J. L. Logan, Jr., went to Midfields to summon Dr. Clay Moore for Mrs. George B. Dixon.

Capt. Roach, of Ashby, boarded the train for Bay City, Saturday, and returned Sunday.

Miss Emma Lewis was in our city Saturday, on her way to Matagorda to take charge of her school.

Dawdy & Wheeler, the popular merchants of Palacios, were in our city one day last week for freight.

Mr. Ledbetter and Miss Evie LeCompte were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, Wednesday. Here’s best wishes.

D. N. Dunbar, of Ashby, boarded the train for Port Lavaca, Monday. He has gone in search of his brother, Howard, who is supposed to be drowned in coming from Port Lavaca to Palacios the night we had a quite a little storm.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 23, 1903

Blessing Beatitudes.

By Felicia.

Miss Annie Dunbar returned from Markham Saturday.

O’Neal Brothers of Ashby are shipping rice from this place.

F. Clap, the well man, of Ganado, spent Monday night here.

Mauritz Nelson of Palacios was here last week visiting friends.

John Gibson of Bay City is here painting the store for J. H. Logan.

Guy Borden of San Antonio was here this week looking for cattle.

T. J. Poole, Jr., took charge of J. H. Logan’s store during his absence.

Miss Viola Jordan spent several days with Mrs. J. H. Logan last week.

A. Ruthven of Palacios was here last week in search of two strayed horses.

Mrs. J. P. Pierce returned home Wednesday, after quite a lengthy visit to relatives.

J. H. Logan went to Houston Tuesday to purchase his dry goods. He returned Thursday.

Misses Annie and Kate Dunbar of Ashby took the train here for Markham one day last week.

Floyd Lewis of Ashby and Jno. Logan, Jr., of Carancahua boarded the train here Sunday for Bay City.

Dr. Clay Moore was called again Friday to see Mrs. George B. Dixon of Carancahua who is still quite sick of typhoid fever.

Joseph Pybus, Jr., came up from Palacios Sunday morning to spend Sunday with his parents. He returned Sunday evening.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 30, 1903

Blessing Beatitudes.

By Felicia.

John Gibson spent Sunday in Bay City.

J. E. Pierce is very busy repairing bridges.

R. L. Bronaugh spent Thursday night in Blessing.

Hal Rowlet was in our city writing up life insurance.

R. A. Partain was seen to take the train for Bay City.

Dr. Lothridge of Georgia took the train Friday morning.

F. M. Moore of Ashby boarded the cars for Bay City Friday.

H. E. Moore of El Campo spent Friday night in our city.

The toothpick tobacco drummer was doing our city last week.

Quite a number of cars of rice have been shipped to El Campo from this point.

After spending a while with home folks, Ernest Fleury returned to Bay City Sunday.

Dawdy and Wheeler of the firm of Dawdy & Wheeler made a flying trip to Bay City one day last week.

Quite a number of prospectors were in our city inquiring as to property, and we hope to soon have the town laid off.

Mrs. Ed Reynolds, of Markham was over visiting her mother, Mrs. Duffy. On her return home she was accompanied by her sister, Miss Tinie Duffy.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 13, 1903

Blessing Beatitudes.

By Felicia.

T. Gyle was in our city on his way to Ashby.

Dick Lewis of Ashby boarded the train for Bay City.

Floyd Lewis passed through here on his way home from Bay City.

Mrs. E. A. Dixon took her departure for her home in West Plains, Mo.

J. L. Jordan and J. H. Logan made a business trip to Bay City Friday.

J. H. Logan expects a fine lot of nuts, candies and fruits for Christmas.

Mrs. E. M. Yeamans passed through on her way to and from El Campo.

J. H. Logan and wife drove over to Hawley for a few roses Sunday evening.

On or about the 7th of December we will have railroad mail services, we are happy to say.

John Gibson has finished painting the store, and took his departure for Bay City Sunday morning.

J. C. DeBruin’s surveying outfit of the Rice Belt R. R. was loaded in a car and billed for Port Lavaca.

A. B. Pierce was in the city and informed us that he had been damaged considerably by prairie fire on the east side of the Tres Palacios.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 20, 1903

Blessing Beatitudes
By Counter Hopper.

Jno. Logan went to Bay City Monday.

J. H. Logan was away on business last week.

S. F. White took the train Monday for Midfields.

J. E. Pierce and Jno. L. Logan made a business trip to Galveston last week.

This country was visited by a good rain, which was time for the oats crop.

J. H. Logan has a fine line of candies, nuts, fruit and fancy groceries in stock.

Jos. Pybus and son Lacy and their wives took the train for Bay City Monday.

Railway mail service was inaugurated on the 7th for Blessing. What a Blessing for the country!

One more house in view of Blessing. Keep right on with the good work and some day we will have a town.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 11, 1903



Blessing Begorras.
By Shaker.

T. J. Poole, Jr., and wife and Miss Mae Wheeler spent Friday in Bay City.

Joseph Pybus Jr. is in Palacios enjoying the pleasures of that little coast resort.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moore and their interesting little son went to Bay City one day during the last week.

J. H. Logan bought cattle from Mr. Bunge Tuesday. Business will take Mr. Logan to Bay City tomorrow.

Henry LaBauve, after a pleasant ten days visit with his sister, Mrs. E. M. Yeamans, returned to Houston Sunday.

E. E. Dawdy of Tres Palacios made…

Matagorda County Tribune, May 5, 1905



Blessing Notes

Blessing News.

Within the next two weeks the new Presbyterian church will be finished and the heavy oak pews, large organ, carpets and gas lights will all be in the place.

Shipments of beans have been going out at a lively rate lately and the returns are highly remunerative, an average of $1.50 a bushel being realized. One of our farmers remarked to the writer that at this price he was not making money but "simply picking it up."

The News is informed that a Nebraska gentleman who has just moved west of Blessing; has average $7.50 per day for the past three weeks picking wild dewberries and selling them to our own people. We do not question the truth of this information since it happened near Blessing and it was a Nebraska man who picked the berries.

We are highly pleased to state that the proposition of establishing a canning and preserving factory at Blessing is assuming proportions that are going to result in the real thing. The particulars of the enterprise are not quite ripe for publication, but the necessary steps are being taken to insure the success of the venture and within a short time we will see the factory being completed at a six-cylinder gait. The broom factory proposition is still running on two cylinders with, a diminished supply of enthusiasm.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 18, 1910


Blessing News:

Misses Myrtle Morris and Ethel Fay of Collegeport were guests of Mrs. Chas. E. Duller Sunday.

At the meeting of the Trespalacios River Farmers Club last Saturday, it was decided that the organization should be united with the Rarems' Institute.

The Ward Cattle Company will ship seventy carloads of cattle to Cotulla, Texas, Sunday. This is the heaviest single shipment of cattle that has been made here in a long time, and there will be three trains here to handle them. The shipment will be made over the Southern Pacific.

W. K. Keller was over from Midfield Friday and stated that the matter of selling the Midfield school bonds was being rushed as much as possible. The Hurd Land Company has donated a site for the building and when finished it will be a credit to the town and the enterprising Midfield people.

With a few exceptions the rice crop has been planted and much of it is several inches high and needing rain. The canal company is furnishing water to all of its farmers to want it and several hundred acres have been watered this week. The pumps at the canal plant are running like clock work and no trouble is anticipated by anyone from breakage of machinery.

Wednesday afternoon this section was visited by a slow rain that lasted several hours and was followed yesterday morning by a heavy downpour that amounted to about 2 inches. As we go to press with this issue, the indications are very promising for a still greater precipitation before the day is ended. Many of the ricers and truck growers are in town today with a dee-lightful smile. For good rains at the proper time old Texas takes the cake.

The News was honored this week by a visit from J. L. Ladd who is well known to many of our old residents as editor of The Tribune at Bay City for several years and it was mainly through his untiring effort and versatile pen that the saloons were voted out of this county. About three years ago he disposed of the business to a company of Bay City citizens and moved to San Angelo where he has retired from active newspaper work. His visit to our sanctum was thoroughly enjoyed by the writer not only because he was an old friend who came but because we could air our troubles before him and the chord of sympathy was in perfect time.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 3, 1910

Unnecessary Worry.

Blessing News.

There are several newspapers in the coast country right now that are doing a lot of worrying unnecessarily about the rice crop failure in Matagorda county on account of the Colorado river going dry, and they are doing it in such a smooth way that this section is calculated to be the sufferer. It is true that rice is the chief crop in this county and those people who have not planted, other crops are going to come out at the small end of the horn, but the Blessing section has distinguished itself as an exception. Much of our rice is watered by deep wells and the crop on our canal is far from being a total failure. But this is a diversifying country and if there has been no rice raised we would have got along pretty well. We are not suffering at all thank you, and we don't need your sympathy. A community that raises its hogs and feed stuff garden truck and fruit, broomcorn, oats, etc., is a good community to stay with and this is just what we are doing at Blessing.

The rice crop shortage throughout this county is going to prove itself of inestimable value. It is going to turn the attention of the rice farmers to diversification and the great possibilities of the fruit industry for which this county is especially adapted.

This year has demonstrated that this is a great corn country and that a fortune awaits the planter of cotton.

There are going to be great changes brought about throughout Matagorda county as a result of the rice failure; in fact, many preparations to plant oranges and figs this fall are on foot now and farmers are stocking up their farms with good breeds or hogs and cows.

The present condition is only temporary. Our people look at matters in a philosophical way and have already seen to work with the determination and hustle that means success. There is plenty of time yet to raise fall crops.

We have every reason to be thankful. The experience is worth 100 cents on the dollar to every man that has enough ginger in his system to prove thereby, and we hardly believe there is a very large percentage of them who are not able to pull through.

If all the newspapers in the coast country would attend to their own knitting they would have plenty to do. That which will benefit one section will indirectly benefit the whole country and it is the height of folly to feel envious of or knock any particular locality.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 16, 1910


TEXAS newspaper for sale cheap--Only newspaper in Blessing, Matagorda county, Texas; cylinder press and plenty of material; everything as good as new; doing splendid advertising and job business. Town has two railroads, rich lands and growing very rapidly. Come down and investigate. Low excursion rates on sale December 6th for opening of Francitas, Texas. The Blessing News, Blessing, Texas

Lincoln Daily News, Nebraska, November 29, 1910



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