Blessing Newspaper Columns

1921 - 1925



Blessing Mattress Factory

We are making mattresses at pre-war prices for the next thirty days. All work guaranteed.

Palacios Beacon, May 27, 1921



Hawley Picnic To Be Friday August Third

Many people will be glad to know that there will be a Sunday School picnic at Hawley again this year. Hawley used to be the head of navigation on the Tres Palacios river. Before the day of railroads through this part of the country, merchandise of all kinds was brought in by boat and unloaded at this place to be freighted in wagons to inland towns.

The Hawley church twenty years ago was the scene of a big annual camp meeting where hundreds of people came to attend the services and camped out in the beautiful groves around the church during the two or three weeks of the meeting. Hawley now is a mile north of Tidehaven which is three miles east of Blessing on the Gulf Coast lines. The Hawley picnic has been an annual event for the last twelve years with the exception of two or three during the war. It has combined the features of a picnic and a convention and being an ideal spot for both it has been attended by hundreds of people each year.

At a meeting in Blessing Sunday afternoon for the purpose of planning the program for the Hawley picnic this year about sixty people were present and much interest manifested. Sunday schools from Bay City, Gulf, Citrus, Markham, Midfield, Clemville, Palacios and Blessing were represented.

After J. H. Barber, of Markham, had called the meeting to order it soon became evident that the plan of former years would be inadequate for this year. Bay City brought us a very cordial invitation to hold the convention at that place. After consideration and discussion, their invitation was unanimously accepted and plans set on foot to hold a big County Sunday School Convention in Bay City, September 7.

At the same time the Hawley picnic could not be given up, and plans were also  made to hold a county wide Sunday School picnic at Hawley, August 3. A committee was appointed to clear off the grounds and have everything in readiness for that day. Another committee was appointed whose business it is to see that there is something doing every minute of the time after the Sunday School folks arrive, about ten o'clock. A program of sports, songs, story telling and all the good times that happen at a picnic is to be expected. An experienced director of sports and a song leader have already been secured. There will also be the picnic dinner. Of course everybody is in on that. Nuff said. All Sunday School folks are invited. Remember the date Friday, August 3rd.

Palacios Beacon, July 20, 1923



Sunday School Convention - Hawley - August 1925


Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slone of Collegeport were in town Sunday.

Roy Hutson, accompanied by his brother and sister, left Sunday for Rio Vista, to make their home.

J. W. Black, of the Southern Pacific Lines, has been transferred to the station at Nordheim and will leave in a few days for that place.

A. B. Pierce went to Houston Saturday returning Monday night.

Mrs. A. W. Smith went to Palacios Saturday to visit her father, Mr. Ricelander, who is quite ill.

Miss Blanche McHugh has been on the sick list for several days.

O. A. Ellis made a business trip to Livingston Monday.

Mrs. Aiken of Midfield spent several days in town last week with friends and relatives.

Mrs. A. B. Pierce returned Saturday from a visit in Bay City, the guest of Mrs. A. S. Morton.

E. L. Hawley of Palacios was in town Friday on business.

Miss Nell Armstrong visited in Wharton over Sunday with her family and friends.

Mrs. H. B. Farwell of Palacios was the guest of friends here Thursday.

Mr. C. E. Lucas entertained the tenth and eleventh grades of High School on Friday night with a progressive "42" party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. White.

Mr. Kimball  of Palacios was in town Wednesday.

Mr. A. F. Foisey went to Palacios Thursday for a few days on business.

A. B. Pierce went to Victoria Thursday.

Mrs. Bedford and baby arrived on Thursday from Houston to visit her mother, Mrs. J. J. Gillespie.

Mrs. Bion Gill left Thursday afternoon for a visit in Houston with friends.

The "tea" of the Library last Saturday afternoon proved successful beyond all expectations. The rooms had been very tastefully decorated with greens and fall blossoms and the beautiful sunshiny day put every one in a joyful mood. A very pleasant social hour was enjoyed by a most congenial gathering of Blessing's loyal people. Mesdames Dunn and Duller are very appreciative of the patronage they received. Several new members were added to the Library list also. Next Saturday Mesdames A. B. Pierce and Richard Pierce will be the entertainers.

C. E. Lucas spent the week-end in Victoria with friends.

The ladies of Blessing are preparing for a large crowd at the County Federation which meets here on Saturday, December 5. Be sure and be "among those present." You will receive helpful ideas and meet your friends from all over the county.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 20, 1925


Harold Lucas went to Houston Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell of Palacios spent Sunday in Blessing with M. and Mrs. A. L. Dyer.

Mrs. Ben Hill has returned to her home in Kingsville.

Mrs. H. F. Walker went to Bay City Tuesday.

Miss Martha Wright of Palacios came up Thursday morning and visited her sister, Mrs. L. B. Parkins.

Mrs. J. E. Coleman of Bay City spent part of the week here with her mother, Mrs. Millard.

Miss Dorothy Duller went to Bay City Friday.

Miss Doris McHugh has returned to her home at Rockport after a three weeks' visit here with her sister, Miss Blanch McHugh.

Victor Logan came over from Bay City Thursday to spend the holiday with home folks.

Mr. A. B. Pierce went to Sargent Tuesday, returning Wednesday night.

Mr. Tine Pickel has accepted a position with the Bay City Ice and Electric Company and will move his family there as soon as a house can be obtained.

Misses Madge and Helen Yeager visited friends in Bay City several days last week.

Mrs. Curtis Wright of Palacios spent Thanksgiving Day with her sister, Mrs. Richard Pierce.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 4, 1925


Mrs. H. B. Farwell of Palacios returned to her home Sunday after several days’ visit here with friends.

Mrs. Westmoreland of Eagle Lake was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Beard, Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. A. B. Pierce returned Monday night from a short business trip to Houston.

Dr. A. S. Morton of Bay City was in town Monday between trains.

Q. B. McCain of Houston was here Saturday on a hunting trip.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lucas attended a Christian Science lecture in Bay City Monday night.

Misses Dorothy Rogers and Helga Jensen went to Bay City Saturday.

A. D, Peoples of Houston was in town several days last week.

Pierce Withers of Pierce and Clyde Runnels of Chicago were visitors at the A. B. Pierce home Friday.

John Reynolds of Bay City were in town Friday on business.

Mrs. Goodwin Sterne of Matagorda was the house guest of Mrs. A. B. Pierce Friday and Saturday.

Mrs. and Mrs. O. A. Ellis and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas E. Duller and Mr. O. A. Yeager attended the duck supper in Bay City Monday night, given by the K. T. Degree of Masons.

Mr. Deckert of Midfields, the Methodist preacher for this circuit, hold services here Sunday afternoon and night.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 11, 1925



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