Boggy was in the area of the Sexton School and present day Wadsworth.


Here we are again Mr. Editor.

We are having much warm weather and rain is needed very badly.

We learn we are to soon have a new neighbor. Mr. Miller will soon move to the Franz place. He was down Sunday accompanied by W. R. Franz looking after the place he is to occupy.

Green Savage was looking after his horses Monday morning.

Hands have been set at work for Green Savage hauling cotton seed. He is getting an early start this year.

Mrs. M. A. Savage and her two grandchildren of Wharton are visiting Mrs. Savage's son, Green Savage and family. She will return in a few days to Wharton.

Frank Franz and John Thompson two Bay Cityites were in this neighborhood Monday.

A good sermon was delivered here Sunday by Rev. Payne, who kindly preached in Rev. Callway's place.

Miss Beulah Savage was quite sick Monday with fever. We hope she will recover in a few days.

Jno. Logan is on the sick list.

The young people enjoyed a candy pulling at Manly Sexton's Saturday night given by Lucian Gilmore and a good time was had.

Willie Eidlebach made a flying trip to Bay City Sunday afternoon--no not Bay City--but somewhere else.

Dr. Gober was called to Mr. Savage's Tuesday night to see Miss Beulah, who was quite ill, but is much better at the present writing.

We had a strong wind Tuesday night, but no rain.
Chas. Pope is complaining with a sore toe.

Mr. Allison stepped on a drake--no I mean rake and crippled himself, but is getting better.

Pelton Smith is down with fever.

Well I will ring off this time.


(Too late for last week.)


Hello! Here we come in full bloom for the first time.

Brother Dry Smith was out Wednesday eve taking a ride around our neighborhood.

Wedding bells are ringing in our neighborhood.

Days are short, hours are long and when I quit writing something will be wrong.

Green Savage and his hands planted corn in the bottom Monday.

Preachers Callaway and Payne held meetings here the past week. There was a large attendance.

Chas. Burkhart and Dea Baxter, from Matagorda, were in our neighborhood Monday.

Green Savage went to Bay City Tuesday on business.

Chas. Pope took a load of wood to C. Franz on Wednesday.

Rev. Callaway will preach at Boggy Church on the second Sunday evening.

R. M. Winston is having his house repainted.

O. E. Hatchett was in our neighborhood Monday.

Our Sunday School is going down hill. We must punch it up.

Preaching here every second Sunday by Brother Callaway and every fourth Sunday by Rev. Payne. Class meeting every third Sunday and Sunday School every Sunday. Everybody come and join the Boggyites and help in our meetings.

Watermelons are scarce in our neighborhood.

Green Savage worked cattle in B. A. Ryman's pasture Wednesday and in the Selkirk pasture also. 


Weekly Visitor, August 18, 1899



Pelton Smith and Willie Eidlebach were in Bay City one night last week.

Miss Nannie Smith and Gay Savage took a horse-back ride out to B. A. Ryman's wind mill last Saturday afternoon.

Lucile, the little daughter of Mr. Savage, is in the sick list. We hope she will recover in a few days.

Miss Nannie Smith is still in our neighborhood.

There was a crowd went deer hunting but they didn't kill any deer. We guess some of them went dear hunting too.

Jno. Serrill of Bay City, was in our neighborhood a few days last week.

Miss Strickland was at Savage's Sunday.

Miss Kate Deck of Port Lavaca, started to teach school Monday.

There was quite an enjoyable time spent at the residence of Mr. Green Savage Saturday evening. There was good music. Those present were Misses Myrtle and Lida Franz, Nannie Smith, Beulah and Gay Savage. We will omit the boys as they were plentiful.

Miss Keith has started her school at Mr. G. Savage's.

The wedding bells are about to stop their ringing from all reports.  BOGGY LILLIES


(Too late for last week)


There was quite a small number out to Sunday school last week.

The remains of Mrs. B. Pretrusha [Petrucha] were laid to rest in the new cemetery at the Catholic church in the lower neighborhood.

Miss Nannie Smith and Mr. Silas Franz were in the neighborhood Sunday. Miss Nannie will remain for a day or two at Mr. G. Savage's.

Willie Eidlebach made a flying trip to Bay City Sunday after medicine for a sick horse.

Frank Franz of Bay City was in our neighborhood Monday.

We had quite a strong wind Monday but no rain fell to speak of.

Mr. Louman and family went to Lake Austin Monday for a few days outing.

We were all disappointed Sunday as our preacher, Mr. Payne, did not fill his appointment.

Miss Katie Deck of  Port Lavaca, who is to teach the school in our neighborhood this session is stopping at Mr. J. C. McGehee's.

Green Savage and little Willie Eidlebach are cutting winter wood this week.

G. Savage will finish hauling cotton seed from C. Zipprian's this week. 


Weekly Visitor, September 8, 1899



A fine rail fell in this neighborhood Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Miss Strickland visited Miss Keith Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Pigg's little boy was laid to rest in the Savage cemetery last Saturday.

J. C. McGehee butchered a fine hog Monday.

Mr. Barney Smith was in our neighborhood Sunday accompanied by Miss Eliza Hull.

Ed. Savage and his wife visited Green Savage and family Friday and left Saturday for Bay City.

Rev. Callaway delivered a fine sermon here on the first.

Geo. Williams spent Sunday at Green Savage's.

There is not much news this week, our little neighborhood is getting somewhat dull.

Next Sunday is Rev. Payne's day and we hope to see a large congregation.

Hay making has stopped for a while. 



Weekly Visitor, October 13, 1899



Mr. Herith is digging his potatoes this week.

J. C. McGehee is fencing a hay pasture this week.

Manley Sexton went up to Mr. Tol. Taylor's this week.

Miss Jane Harris spent Saturday night with Gay Savage.

Barney Smith was seen in our neighborhood Tuesday.

M. P. Cartwright is breaking his land for next year's crop.

Miss Deck spent Sunday night with Miss Keith and Gay Savage.

Misses Deck and Keith were in Bay City Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Mamie Cartwright paid Mrs. Laura Fisher a pleasant call Sunday in Bay City.

Miss Keith and Gay Savage called on Misses Strickland and Rugeley Friday night.

Rev. Callaway preached at Boggy church Sunday and there was a very good turn out.

Quite a crowd was at G. Savage's stock pen the other day to see little Willie Eidlebach ride a bad horse.

Well, well winter is coming and so are the ducks and geese. Plenty of ducks in our ponds but every body says I'm the biggest goose.

Master Beaumont McCain, who was attending school at G. Savage's has gone home. We are sorry he is gone for he is missed at home as well as at school.

G. Savage will move cattle to his lower pasture Wednesday for the winter, and will bring back three young horses for the boys to ride while they rest. 



Weekly Visitor, November 17, 1899



The weather is fine now.

The Mays made hay last week.

J. P. Smith was in Bay City Saturday.

May Savage is sick with fever this week.

Quite a heavy rain fell here Sunday night.

Next Sunday is Rev. Payne's day at Boggy church.

Ike Towell spent Saturday and Sunday at R. M. Winston's.

Barney Smith was seen in our neighborhood Saturday.

Miss Keith spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Strickland.

Misses Minnie and Eliza Hull were in our neighborhood Saturday and Sunday.

Lee Cartwright, Willie Eidlebach and Pelton Smith are breaking horses for G. Savage.

Misses Minnie and Eliza Hull, Jane Harris and Stella Gilmore spent Saturday night with Gay Savage.

There was quite a large crowd gathered at Joe Gavender's Friday night to attend a dance given by Willie Eidlebach and Mr. Lee Cartwright, quite a large crowd from our neighborhood attended the dance and report having a fine time.

Quite a crowd of young people assembled at G. Savage's home Saturday night and tripped the light fantastic until a late hour. Mr. J. P. Smith furnished the music. The following were present: Misses Gay Savage, Stella Gilmore, Minnie and Eliza Hull, Jane Harris, G. Harris, J. P. Smith, Willie Eidlebach and H. Cartwright and wife.


Weekly Visitor, November 24, 1899




News is scarce at present.

Barney Smith passed through our neighborhood yesterday.

Christmas is galloping upon us. Get yourselves ready for fun.

A fruit tree agent was in our neighborhood delivering trees this week.
There will be church in the Polish settlement Sunday. Let's all go.

Uncle Dry Smith went to Matagorda yesterday and has not returned at this writing.

J. C. Pigg is hauling pumpkins to Mrs. Fondon's place where he expects to stay the coming year.

We hear that Mr. Fitze is going to the German settlement on Buck's bayou next year.

We wish him success.

We hear that there is going to be another one of those little but everlasting candy pullings. May joy and pleasure attend it.

Green Savage has several children on the sick list, but I am glad to hear that they are improving, which brings relief to the hands of care.

We hear that Uncle Dry has stopped his children from school on account of the smallpox. Uncle Dry, you had better let them go again, as we see no danger.

T. J. Harris hauled a load of wood from A. J. Gillmore's field today but it seemed that the mud was too stiff for him; so he never returned for the second load.

We regret to hear that Misses Allie Keith and Lottie Strickland are going to leave our quiet little neighborhood and go to their homes to spend Christmas' but we are glad to note that Miss Katie Deck intends to remain with us during the festive season.

A small party went hunting last Monday. They report game terribly wild, and they came back empty handed. They said they had a nice time, even if they didn't kill any 'dear.' They expect to go again next Saturday and we wish them better luck.

(The following arrived too late for last week.)

Please admit a new comer into your happy circle of writers to The Tribune.

Very little sickness on Boggy now.

The schools of Boggy are progressing nicely.

From certain actions I think there are wedding bells almost ready to ring.

It seems like they think of tripping the light fantastic a great deal on our ridge.

We have been looking for an artist to come and sketch some of these pretty faces around here. We wish he would hurry up.

I can hear some hound howling. I do wish they would stop. I can't write; for I keep thinking they are in chase of a dear (girl) and might catch her.

What is a certain young man going to do since our Beau McCain returned to Wharton? He can't say, "Is Beau at home? I want to see him." But I guess he'll say "I wonder if Miss Gary will talk to me if I go over to see her?" Let me tell you; just go and try.

Barney Smith and Misses Eliza and Minnie Hull visited at Mr. Harris's Saturday. On their return home, Miss Jane Harris and Lucian and Clarence Gillmore went part of the way with them, and it is thought that our popular widower, C. S., went all the way. Look out, young boys of Bay City, for bachelors and widowers!

Well, I'll bid the dear old Tribune Good-bye.

The Matagorda County Tribune, December 2, 1899



Green Savage visited Wharton last week.   

Pelton Smith visited Bay City Friday.

Fred Vogg was seen on our streets last week.

Will and Elma May went to Bay City Friday.

Next Sunday is Bro. Payne's day to preach here.

Miss Jane Harris spent Friday night with Gay Savage.

George Williams was in this neighborhood Sunday.

M. P. Cartwright is banking turnips for winter use.

Will Alerson has moved to Big Hill where he will farm this year.

Will Alerson marketed a load of cotton in Bay City Tuesday.

Miss James, of Big Hill, visited J. W. Miller and family last week.

Green Savage, Jr. of Matagorda, was in our neighborhood Monday.

Green Savage is feeding several head of his Brahma bulls this winter.

Miss Minnie Hull returned home after a pleasant visit to Miss Gay Savage.

R. L. Cartwright and wife and Willie Eidlebach spent Christmas in Bay City .

Boggy Lillies has wilted and gone. We suppose they could not stand the cold weather.

M. P. Cartwright butchered a fine watermelon January 1st, 1900 . How is that for Boggy?

Little Hamilton, son of Green Savage, was severely scalded on the head Monday night.  


Weekly Visitor, January 5, 1900



Mr. Pigg is putting corn in the ground.

News isn't very plentiful in this part if the country.

Miss Alice Swansey is spending a few days at Mrs. Sexton's. Look out boys!

Mr. Delfraisse, the artist, is spending a short while at T. J. Harris's and is accompanied by his wife and child.

It has been some time since Wallflower has appeared in your paper, so she thought she would come again, just to see how her name would look in print.

A couple of our young ladies went to Matagorda last week and it had been so long since they saw any prickley pear bushes that they were frightened at the sight of them.

The Messrs. May spent the evening at T. J. Harris's several nights ago, all seemed to have an enjoyable time listening to the music. They had an organ, fiddle, mandolin and guitar. Come again, please.

There was quite a nice little hop at the residence of H. D. Ryman on last Saturday night. They tripped the light fantastic until twelve o'clock, and then the crowd began to scatter. All seemed to enjoy themselves. Just large enough crowd to have a nice time. Those present were Henry, Albert, Thomas and Jimmy Ryman, Manley Sexton, Sam Watkins, Pelton Smith and Jessie Wallace; Mesdames John and Albert Ryman, Jessie Watkins, Theresa Sexton, and Misses Alice Swansey, Mary Campbell, Mattie Ryman, and Jane Harris.

The Matagorda County Tribune, February 24, 1900



At Sexton school house preaching on the second Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 13, 1915


Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Apr. 28, 2007
Apr. 28, 2007