Buckeye News Columns - 1904 - 1906

Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown

Buckeye Information


The Daily Tribune,
August 23, 1904:


     C. F. Chillson of the Buckeye and Manager Ullrich of the Northern went down to Houston yesterday--we have an idea, on business of public importance.


The Daily Tribune,
August 27, 1904:


                                                          'RAH FOR BUCKEYE!

                                           Brownsville Road Will Go By That Big Farm

Houston Post Special

Markham, Texas August 26.--z

     A wire from Manager Yoakum of the Brownsville railroad company directed the engineer to locate that road to cross the river at the Buckeye farm, which is two miles further south, and will miss Markham four miles.


The Daily Tribune,
September 8, 1904:


                                                                  LOCAL JOTS

     C. F. Chillson, general manager of the Buckeye property, came in on the Cane Belt today.


The Daily Tribune
, September 10, 1904:



     C. F. Chillson came over from Buckeye headquarters this morning, accompanied by Jno. Summerfield.


The Daily Tribune,
September 16, 1904:


                                                                  LOCAL JOTS

     Judge J. W. Stoddard and Dr. A. A. Plotner, owners of the splendid Buckeye property and other lands in this county, came in from Dayton, Ohio, on the Cane Belt today.


The Daily Tribune,
September 19, 1904:


     C. F. Chillson came over from Buckeye headquarters today with Dr. Plotner and Judge Stoddard, who left this afternoon for their home at Dayton, Ohio. The Tribune acknowledges a pleasant visit from all of these distinguished gentlemen, who are doing much for the development of our greatest industry, of which more will appear tomorrow.


The Daily Tribune,
September 28, 1904:


                                                                  LOCAL JOTS

     Rev. J. E. Fowler, of the Buckeye farm, passes through here this morning en route to Houston, to meet his wife and children on their return home from Iowa.


                                                               TRES PALACIOS

     E. E. Dawdy, the Tres Palacios butcher, is kept very busy lately, supplying beef for the many workmen employed during the rice harvesting at Ashby and the Buckeye.


The Daily Tribune,
October 22, 1904:


                                                                  LOCAL JOTS

     T. W. Phillips of Buckeye is a visitor to our city today.

     W. M. Combs of Buckeye was a visitor to our city today.

     W. I. Bettis of Buckeye is a business visitor to our city today.


The Daily Tribune,
August 1, 1905:


                                                        TODAY'S LOCAL NEWS

     Gen. Manager Chillson of Buckeye was in the city today en route to Houston. He tells us that Buckeye begins to look like a town. The Gulf Coast Line has built a very neat section house, and that a school community has been organized with a scholastic enrollment of 35. With characteristic liberality Messrs. Plotner & Stoddard have agreed to donate a school house, and now Mr. Chillson is looking for an ambitious, wide-awake young man to teach the school.


The Daily Tribune,
August 4, 1905:


                                                        TODAY'S LOCAL NEWS

     G. L. Reed of Buckeye returned today from a trip to Waller County and went over home at 3:10.


The Daily Tribune,
August 14, 1905:


                                                        TODAY'S LOCAL NEWS

     Mrs. J. W. Gray of Buckeye came over this morning and spent the day with Mrs. J. E. Fowler of this city.


The Daily Tribune
, August 16, 1905:



     Chas. Cabaniss and wife of the Northern and W. M. Cowles of Buckeye, both of whom have 15-bag crops of $3 rice, were over today on business.


The Daily Tribune,
August 23, 1905:


                                                        TODAY'S LOCAL NEWS

     Gen. Mgr. Chillson was over from Buckeye today. Besides reporting the arrival of a diminutive boarder of about 9 pounds left at the Buckeye hostlery to remain the permanent guest of mine host A. S. Gunn and wife, he said work was begun yesterday on the new school building and that it would be ready for use about September 10.


The Daily Tribune,
August 26, 1905:


                                                        TODAY'S LOCAL NEWS

     J. J. Blake, foreman of the Buckeye farm, was in the city this afternoon.

The Daily Tribune,
February 24, 1906:


                                                        TODAY'S LOCAL NEWS

     Mrs. Frank Carr arrived from Buckeye this morning.

            Misses Carrie and Susie Paige returned this morning from Buckeye, where they have been for several days visiting their aunt, Mrs. Chillson.



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All rights reserved

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