Buckeye News Columns



January - June 1911

Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown

Buckeye Information



The Matagorda County Tribune
, January 20, 1911:



     Miss Smith of Brazoria is the guest of Miss Helen Beadle this week.

     Frank Long and son Haywood were at Markham on business Saturday.

     Henry Lloyd spent Sunday at Houston.

     W. F. Smith went to Markham to do some shopping Saturday.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa went to Markham Saturday to see Miss Byrnes, the music teacher.

     Wild geese are plentiful these days, and the hunters return well supplied after an hour or two of hunting.

     Mr. Yerxa is having some good sized trees set out in the park at headquarters which will add greatly to the beauty of the place. The trees were taken from the timber near Buckeye, liveoak, mulberry and hackberry, and the experiment will be watched with interest.

     Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Rhodes and little son drove to Bay City and back last Thursday.

     A. H. Yerxa was at the county seat Wednesday.

     Strawberries will be one of the new departures here this season, a thousand plants put in the headquarters garden this winter for home use.

     Burton D. Hurd and Mr. Eidman of Collegeport were at Buckeye Tuesday.

     J. J. Gillespie of Collegeport stopped off at Buckeye Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wangermann of Beadle went to Markham Tuesday.

     Chas. Isham returned from Bay City Tuesday where he had been courting.

     Deputy Smith of Markham here on business Monday.

     Mrs. B. F. Johnson returned from Bay City Tuesday.

     Miss Collins of Eros, Louisiana, and nephew, were guests at Buckeye Wednesday and Thursday.

     Joe Robertson of Markham was at Buckeye on business Wednesday.

     Will Glover drove out from Markham to transact some business at this place Wednesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, January 27, 1911:



     Mr. and Mrs. Baustion of South Dakota arrived Monday with their family and will spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. W. F. Smith.

     B. L. Rhodes moved his family to Palacios where he will be employed this winter.

     John Cain has been laid up with the grip for a few days.

     Ernest Brooks was a visitor at this place last week.

     Roy Barnes left for Oklahoma City last Thursday to be gone a couple of weeks visiting relatives and friends.

     Sterling Landers of Simpsonville was here Thursday to go to Bay City to attend court.

     John Gray of Texas City arrived Friday for a short stay.

     J. A. Brown was in Markham Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Armstrong are moving into the house owned by G. D. Armstrong north of headquarters.

     Supt. Williams of the Union Bridge and Construction Co. of Kansas City arrived with his wife Wednesday and they will make their home at Buckeye during the reconstruction of the Colorado river bridge.

     Owing to the south bound train being late last Friday a number of disappointed passengers on the Collegeport branch were delayed here twelve hours.

     Gordon Jones of Bay City was here Friday.

     Three car loads of excursionists with the Hurd Land Co. arrived Friday and were taken to Collegeport on the branch.

     Mr. and Mrs. LeCroix, Mr. and Mrs. John Nowell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lyons and Miss Phillips arrived Wednesday and will make their home here during the coming year.

     Among those who arrived this week in connection with the bridge work are Chas. Stewart, bookkeeper; E. S. Alexander, Ross Alexander, M. A. Lowe, Frank Kelley, Ed Ligon, E. D. Compton and Sam Gueran.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, February 3, 1911:


From Wednesday’s Daily

     Citrus Grove is a new postoffice just established in Matagorda county special service from Buckeye.



     Mr. and Mrs. Chas Isham drove to Markham Monday where Mr. Isham boarded the train for Wharton.

     Roy Barnes returned Monday from a fortnights vacation.

     A. H. Yerxa drove to Bay City on Monday.

     Mrs. Beadle with Miss Helen and Billy went to Bay City last Thursday.

     Mr. Wylie of Simpsonville was at Buckeye shopping Tuesday.

     Albert Smith visited the Bay City dentist Monday.

     K. W. Murphy arrived last week to be time keeper for the bridge company.

     A jolly party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heck and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bond and little son and Mr. and Mrs. James Jones went to Palacios Sunday via Collegeport.

     Henry Lloyd spent Sunday at Houston.

     Mrs. W. Yerxa and Miss Lucy visited Markham Saturday.

     A change in the Buckeye branch run is expected soon.

     Sterling Landers of Simpsonville was at Buckeye on business Friday.

     Conductor Waite captured a wild goose recently which has since recovered from its slight injuries and become quite tame. It enjoys life on the park lawns at headquarters now-a-days.

     John Cain, who has been slightly ill with a touch of jaundice, has resumed work again.

     W. S. Terry was a passenger to the county seat Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Luce returned from Markham Tuesday.

     The lawns at headquarters were burned off a short time ago with very good results as the new mass of green presents a very beautiful sight to the passers-by.

     L. E. Beadle returned from the county seat Monday.

     Mr. Cornelius of Markham was here on business the last of the week.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, February 17, 1911:



     [First 1/4th of column was not readable in this copy of the Tribune.]

     Mrs. Arthur Armstrong was on the sick list a few days ago.

     Grover Moore motored over from Bay City Sunday.

     Dr. Brooks came over from Bay City Saturday night in response to a hurry call.

     Mr. Dearlans of Port Lavaca spent the night here Tuesday en route Collegeport to visit with his daughter, of that place.

     Mr. S. D. Heyser of Kingsville arrived on No. 4 Tuesday in the interest of the St. L. B. & M.

     Mr. D. Williams of the Union Bridge and Construction Co. is on the sick list.

     W. M. Osmon “the candy kid,” from San Antonio was here Tuesday.


     The rain the last of the week laid the dust.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden and Mrs. Withers motored over from Pierce on Thursday to visit the estate.

     Miss Helen Beadle returned Monday from a short visit in Brazoria.

     A. Garner of Markham was at Buckeye on business Tuesday.

     B. M. Connor went to Dallas Saturday to visit relatives.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham went to Markham Monday.

     Bob Terry came up from Palacios Tuesday.

     A. H. Yerxa went to the county seat Wednesday.

     The long row of Spanish bayonet with several huge clusters of flowers above each plant attracts much attention at headquarters at present.

     Albert Smith, Jim Jones, Mr. Bond and John Nowell spent Sunday at Collegeport.

     Col. Simpson motored to Bay City the first of the week to attend the Mid-Coast Industrial Congress.

     Miss Yerxa drove to Markham on Wednesday.

     General Manager Rogers of the St. L. B. & M. was at Buckeye Thursday.

     Joe Robinson drove over from the neighboring town of Markham Thursday noon to board the Brownsville train going south.

     Dr. E. P. Stiles, state entomologist, was the guest of Mr. Yerxa last Saturday.

     A number of homeseekers on their way home to the frozen north stopped off at Buckeye Tuesday to see the park and orange grove at headquarters.

     Mr. Travis of Collegeport was a visitor here Tuesday.

     Mr. S. S. Price was made happy Sunday by the arrival of his wife and children whom he has been expecting from New Orleans for some time.

     Col. Simpson returned Monday from an extended trip east.

     If the indulgent parents on the east side who buy shot guns for their boys would see that they do not thoughtlessly fire at the insulators on the telephone poles between here and Bay City it would prevent the annoyance of having the interurban phone put out of commision every few days, and also save some expense.

     The Collegeport delegation bound for the Mid-Coast Industrial Congress at Bay City sailed through Buckeye with flying colors Wednesday, only slacking their speed long enough to salute the unfortunate stay-at-homes.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, March 3, 1911:



     Mr. Dudley of . . . of days here looking . . . view to buying later.

     Mr. and Mrs. Waite spent . . . evening at Bay City.

     Albert Smith and John . . . Houston Monday to ent. . .

     Roy Barnes went to . . . Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . . . spent the week end at Palacios.

     Messrs. Tew and Ferguson . . .City were in Buckeye on . . . Thursday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Baunstion motored to Markham with W. F. Smith ___day

     There was no holiday on Washington’s birthday in the school here this year as is the custom. Instead, school closed early Thursday and the teacher, Miss Willie Mae Colbert, went to Bay City, returning Sunday.

     Mrs. Fred Long and daughter, Nina, visited at Markham Monday.

     Mr. Chas. Stewart is at Houston this week.

     A. H. Yerxa transacted business at the county seat Thursday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isham were Markham visitors Tuesday.

     The recent rise in the Colorado river reached the protection levee on this side but did no damage.

     Henry Loyd went to Brownsville Sunday to visit friends.

     No. 4 was several hours late last Wednesday week owing to a slight wreck below.

     Mr. Knight of Citrusgrove Sundayed at Buckeye.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle returned from Houston Saturday.

     The light norther which struck us Monday night was a mild one.

     L. C. Stewart of Kansas City, president of the Union Bridge and Construction Company arrived here Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heck and little Miss Evelyn returned from a visit at Kingsville Monday.

     General Manager Rodgers of the Brownsville spent Tuesday at Buckeye.

     E. C. Burgess, civil engineer, was here Tuesday on business for the Brownsville.

     T. L. Dickert returned from Bay City Wednesday.

     T. E. Benedict came over from Bay City Wednesday.

     A number of men were here from Kingsville to hunt Sunday and returned with plenty.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
March 10, 1911:



     Mrs. D. C. Howard went to Bay City Friday to see the dentist.

     Miss Helen Beadle returned Friday from a visit with friends in Bay City.

     Mrs. D. Williams and her two little sons left for Houston Monday.

     Last week, Wednesday evening, a freight engine on the Brownsville ran into an open switch this side of the bridge, demolishing the work engine used by the bridge workers and doing other damage. No one was hurt.

     Henry Lloyd, fireman on the Buckeye branch, had the misfortune to sprain his knee Friday, and went to Houston for treatment.

     Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith and family returned from El Campo Saturday.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from a short business trip to Alvin and Galveston Tuesday.

     Col. Simpson motored to the county seat Thursday.

     Roy Barnes was a Markham visitor Sunday.

     Otis Robertson drove from Markham Wednesday to meet the noon train.

     A number of Buckeye residents went to Bay City Thursday night to witness the last play of the season, “Paid in Full,” and felt well repaid for the trip.

     Agent Howard of the Brownsville station has been obliged to employ an assistant, his duties having greatly increased the past few months.

     Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Yerxa drove to Markham Wednesday.

     A. P. Borden and party motored over from Pierce last Saturday.

     Mrs. Johnston is suffering from the effects of poison ivy, her face and hands being badly affected. Dr. Morton of Bay City was called in attendance.

     Chas. Stewart went to Bay City the . . . week.

     Jackson Willard arrived Monday and immediately began his duties at the depot.

     Fred Regan of Kingsville has been substituted as fireman during Henry Lloyd’s absence.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, March 17, 1911:



     . . . Roberts who stabbed Gen. . . Moore at Wilson Creek about . . . miles from here last Saturday night gave himself up to the authorities and was brought to Buckeye Sunday to board the train for Bay City. He claims self defence, being wounded in the arm.

     Strawberries set out at headquarters a few weeks ago are yielding fine ripe fruit.

     Work at the Colorado river bridge is progressing rapidly under the supervision of Mr. Williams, the steel work having been . . . inches at the present date.

     Mr. Tew of Bay City . . . to Buckeye on business. . .

     Fishing in the Colorado. . . excellent these days.

     Another gang of . . . with a car . . . assist in the grading . . .

     [Poor copy of above article; also full article was not visible in paper.]


he Matagorda County Tribune
, March 24, 1911:



Eight Cars Derailed and Passenger Train Detoured via Markham

     A freight train was wrecked about noon today on the main line of the Brownsville about five miles below Buckeye. Eight cars were derailed and considerable damage done to the road. There will be no passenger service over the Brownsville until the wreckage is cleared away except that which will be detoured via Markham over the Southern Pacific.

     It is supposed that recent rains put the road bed in bad shape, causing the wreck. No lives were lost, but quite a heavy loss was sustained by the road in the destruction of cars and track and loss of the contents of the cars.



     The surrounding country is in fine shape on account of the recent heavy rains and the outlook for good crops this year is very promising.

     Lysle Vandiver of Bay City visited friends at headquarters between trains Wednesday.

     Mr. Hartwell of Blessing was at Buckeye Monday.

     Mrs. Arthur Armstrong, who underwent an opertion for appendicitis at Houston a few days ago is on the road to recovery.

     Dr. Byars of Markham was at this place Monday on his way to Beadle.

     Miss Lula May Robertson of Markham came to Buckeye last Thursday to board the branch line for Collegeport.

     Mr. and Mrs. Waggerman of Beadle were here Friday on their way to Markham.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle of Beadle were at Buckeye shopping Wednesday.

     Frank Long transacted business at Markham Friday.

     Sterling Landers of Ashby was at Buckeye Tuesday.

     B. M. Connor and H. M. Beadle were visitors to Buckeye Sunday.

     Wm. Cash of Bay City visited at headquarters between trains Wednesday.

     Carey Smith, the energetic editor of the Matagorda County Tribune was at Buckeye getting acquainted Wednesday.

     Mrs. Thomas B. Waite left for Houston Wednesday to visit friends in that city for a short time.

     Hugh Bowers came up from his ranch near the bay the first of the week.

     Mrs. Chas. Isham drove in from Beadle Monday to visit friends here.

     Mr. Stewart went to the county seat on business Monday.

     Cotton planting is going on here this week.

     Some of those who replanted their gardens since the frost in January are now enjoying green vegetables every day—spinach, young beets, onions, redishes, mustard, lettuce, asparagus, etc.

     The Busy Boosters of Bay City discovered while en route that one of the most interesting points on the west side had been left out of their itinerary, and it was unanimously voted that the route be changed in order to visit the garden spot of Matagorda county, where they all expect to invest in town lots the minute Buckeye is put on the market.

     Traffic on the Brownsville was delayed Thursday by a wrecked freight train a few miles south of here. Passenger trains were detoured via the S. F. The branch line ran on as usual.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
April 7, 1911:



     The severe rain storm Monday night was accompanied by hail, an unusual occurrence in this section.

     Miss Beadle of Beadle was in Buckeye Sunday.

     At the school election Saturday W. F. Smith was chosen to take H. C. Howard’s place.

     Mr Roy Barnes went to Markham Monday morning.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham drove in from Beadle Sunday.

     Miss Nettie Colbert of Angleton spent the week end here with her sister Miss Colbert.

     Mr. Heck spent Sunday at Kingsville.

     Joe White arrived the last of the week to fill the vacancy formerly occupied by Jackson Willard as assistant at the Brownsville station.

     Col. Simpson went to Bay City the last of the week.

     A. H. Yerxa went to the county seat Saturday.

     B. M. Connor of Simpsonville visited at Buckeye Sunday.

     Mrs. Chas. Heck and little daughter Evelyn are visiting friends at Texas City and Houston.

     Mr. Harty came over from Bay City on business at headquarters Saturday.

     Master Otis Robertson drove out from Markham Saturday to meet his mother and sister who came up from Collegeport on the branch.

     Mrs. Price returned from Kingsville Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Bond and little son Leroy left for Houston where they expect to make their home this summer.

     Miss Helen Beadle and Bill made a visit to Brazoria returning Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Denny Williams left for Houston Wednesday, where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Williams will go on to Little Rock, Ark., for a visit with relatives.

     Mrs. Raby returned from Bay City Wednesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, April 14, 1911:



     Mr. and Mrs. Raby left for Houston the first of the week.

     Mrs. E. S. Price and little son went to New Orleans last Sunday for a few weeks visit.

     Dr. Byars was here last Wednesday on his way home to Markham from Francitas, where he made a flying visit.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle and Miss Helen drove to Markham last Wednesday.

     School closed last Friday for the summer vacation. The teacher, Miss Colbert, left the same afternoon for her home at Brenham.

     Mr. Roy Barnes went to the county seat last Wednesday.

     Miss Philips, who has been visiting her brother, B. C. Philips, for several months, returned north last week.

     County Superintendent Lewis came over from Bay City last Friday to visit the Buckeye school.

     Miss Gertrude Smith of Brazoria was at Buckeye Sunday.

     Col. Simpson returned from Bay City Saturday.

     A carload of land seekers arrived Friday in the Hurd car and were taken to Collegeport.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa visited at Bay City Friday.

     Mrs. Tom Waite went to Collegeport Friday.

     Henry Lloyd went to Houston to spend Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa spent the week end at Collegeport.

     Chas. Stewart went to Houston to transact business Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Mrs. . . . motored out from Markham T__day evening.

     D. Williams returned from Houston Sunday.

     Mr. R. O. Ward visited friends at Buckeye Wednesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, April 21, 1911:



     A heavy rain fell Monday.

     Messrs. David Osborne and George and they present the information in Friday evening to visit with friends at Buckeye  [Sentence is as written in paper.]

     Miss Cordia Phillips and Ed. Ligon, both recently of Buckeye, were married at Houston last week.

     Miss Nettie Bradshaw of Little Rock is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Denny Williams.

     Miss Leona Yerxa went to San Antonio Saturday to spend Easter with friends at St. Mary’s Hall.

     A. H. Yerxa spent Monday at the county seat.

     Jackson Willard of Kingsville was at Buckeye on business the last of the week.

     L. E. Beadle and Miss Helen were here from Beadle Friday.

     Joe Waite spent Sunday at Collegeport.

     Mrs. Baustian has recovered from her recent illness.

     Col. Simpson returned from Houston Monday.

     Mr. Parkin of Little Rock was the guest of D. Williams Monday.

     Roy Barnes was at Markham Saturday.

     D. Williams and little sons Brice and Stewart, left for Houston Thursday morning to visit Mrs. Williams, who recently underwent an operation at St. Joseph’s hospital. They returned Saturday.

     Chas. Heck went to Houston Sunday to accompany his wife and little girl home after a few weeks visit with relatives. They returned Monday.

     Dewberries are not very plentiful this year on account of the rank growth of grass not being burned during the winter in the pastures around Buckeye.

     A union Sunday school was organized last Sunday at Buckeye with a good number present at the first meeting. Mr. Arthur Armstrong was elected Superintendent and other officers and teachers were chosen. The hour will be 10 a.m. and every one in this vicinity will be welcomed.

     Miss Colbert of Brenham returned Monday to spend a few days here.

     Mr. and Mrs. Isham of Beadle were at Buckeye Monday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 12, 1911:



     A heavy shower fell Sunday afternoon.

     Mrs. Thomas B. Waite left for Donna last week where she will visit relatives for a few weeks.

     Roy Barnes spent last Thursday at Collegeport.

     Mrs. S. D. Heyser and little daughter, Martha Glenn, came up from Kingsville Saturday to visit Mr. Heyser for a short time.

     Supt. Flannigan was here Wednesday in the interests of the Brownsville.

     The roads around Buckeye are in good condition after these very heavy rains, on account of the excellent drainage in this section.

     Mrs. E. S. Price returned Thursday from Beaumont where she spent the past few weeks. Mr. Price and little son, Ed, went to Houston to accompany her home.

     E. C. Burgess was here a few days.

     Dr. Morton of Bay City was at Buckeye Saturday on his way home from Blessing where he was called on professional business.

     Mr. Mangeman of Beadle drove to Buckeye Sunday with his little sons.

     U. T. Smith and son, Clark, went to Bay City Sunday.

     Gordon Jones of Bay City spent Wednesday at Buckeye.

     A number of Buckeye residents went to Tidehaven at noon Monday. They reported a good time at the picnic, and a larger crowd than was expected this damp weather.

     Miss Leone Yerxa spent a couple of days in Bay City the last of the week. She was the guest of Mrs. T. C. Brooks.

     Traffic on the branch line to Collegeport was suspended for a few this [sic].

     Mrs. T. C. Brooks of Bay City was the guest of Mrs. A. H. Yerxa Saturday this week on account of washouts caused by the heavy rains.

     The many Cape Jessamine bushes at the park are loaded with blossoms and present a very beautiful sight against the green lawn.

     Fred Regan enjoyed a visit from his father the first of the week. Mr. Regan returned to Kingsville Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham of Beadle visited at Buckeye Sunday.

     Frank Long has been treating his friends this week to a mess of sweet corn.

     Mr. Long is a very energetic farmer and his crops make a very fine showing in spite of the cool weather.

     The attendance at the Sunday school has greatly increased. The hour is ten a.m.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from Wharton Wednesday where he attended the Midcoast Industrial congress. He says the Commercial Club of that city are royal entertainers.



     Mr. and Mrs. Isham drove to Markham Friday.

     Mrs. Arthur Armstrong spent Tuesday at Bay City.

     Mrs. Heyser and little daughter returned to Kingsville Monday after a two-weeks’ stay at Buckeye.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa went to Bay City Saturday.

     Jack Kelley went to Houston Sunday to spend a few weeks.

     W. F. Smith drove to Markham last Tuesday.

     Mrs. Denny Williams and little sons, Brice and Stewart, left for Little Rock, Arkansas, Wednesday for a month’s visit with relatives. Mr. Williams accompanied them as far as Houston.

     Miss Nettie Bradshaw, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. Williams, returned to Little Rock, Arkansas, Wednesday.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Bay City Wednesday for a few days’ visit with friends.

     Little Miss Lowe is here from Lometa visiting her sister, Mrs. LeCroix.

     Sunday school at ten o’clock Sunday morning. Everyone is welcome.

     Mr. Baustian returned from a short business trip to Houston the first of the week.

     F. M. Wilson drove here from Blessing Monday with his family, combining business with pleasure.

     Chas. Stewart was a passenger to the county seat Wednesday.

     B. M. Connor came up from Simpsonville Wednesday to board the north bound train.

     It is estimated that the work on the Brownsville railroad bridge over the Colorado river here will be completed in a few weeks.

     Mr. Morelend motored from Collegeport Wednesday on his way home to Wharton.

     Col. Simpson returned from Dallas Wednesday.

     Albert Conners departed for Louisiana Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa entertained a number of friends at Whist Tuesday night at Buckeye headquarters. Unique “button” score cards served as souvenirs for each guest. Mrs. Jack Walker and Mr. Brown were awarded the head prizes. The game was continued until a late hour after which pineapple sherbet, cake and nougat were served. The beautiful moonlight night added much to the pleasure of the guests who motored from nearby towns.


Will Contest For Prizes.

     Matagorda county has three contestants entered in the corn and cotton contest of the Texas Industarial congress. They are as follows: Arthur H. Yerxa, Buckeye; A. B. Head, Bay City; J. S. Thompson, Blessing.

     With such farmers as these Matagorda county has good a chance to . . . or more of the prizes as any . . . in the state.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 26, 1911:



     Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Waite returned Monday from a visit with friends and relatives at Donna, Texas.

     Mrs. Frank Long and children went to Markham Monday.

     Henry Loyd spent Sunday at Bay City.

     Denny Williams returned from Houston Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Yerxa spent Thursday at Bay City.

     T. W. Daley of Detroit, Michigan was at Buckeye Thursday transacting business for the D. M. Ferry Seed Co.

     Mr. Chas. Heck went to Houston Saturday returning next day.

     Rev. Chambers, with his wife and baby daughter, was a Buckeye visitor Monday while on his way home to Markham.

     Dr. Morton, of Bay City, came over on profesional business Tuesday.

     Mrs. Chas. Isham and Miss Helen Beadle were here from Beadle Wednesday.

     A. H. Yerxa was at the county seat the first of the week on business bent.

     Roy Barnes was a Bay City caller Wednesday.

     Mr. Tew motored from Bay City Monday.

     Mr. Mayer, of Houston, was here on busienss for Hogan-Alnoch Company Wednesday.

     Mr. Furber of Markham was a visitor here Wednesday.

     Will Glover and son, Owen drove from Markham on business Thursday.

     Conductor Shrier of the Brownsville, had the misfortune to break his arm while on duty here Thursday. He left for Houston to have it attended to.

     Mr. J. W. Stoddard, of Dayton, O., has placed a Brush runabout here for use on his property at this place.



     Jack Walker of Markham, visited friends at Buckeye Friday.

     Mr. W. C. Stowers, of Bay City, was here Friday on business for the Waters-Pierce Oil Co.

     A number of Collegeportians came up on the branch line to join the excursion to Galveston the end of the week.

     Otis Robertson was a visitor from Markham Saturday.

     Chas. Stewart spent Sunday at Houston.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa spent Sunday and Monday at Houston.

     Mrs. Alice Scruggs is here from Houston visiting her mother, Mrs. D. C. Howard.

     Henry Loyd visited relatives at Houston Sunday.

     A. H. Yerxa and Miss Leona went to Simpsonville Tuesday afternoon.

     Col. Simpson arrived from Dallas Tuesday.

     A good rain fell here Saturday evening, making the fnest corn in Matagorda county grow another foot over night.

     Mr. and Mrs. Wangeman of Beadle drove to Buckeye Saturday to meet Mr. Wangeman’s father.

     Miss Helen Beadle came up from Beadle Saturday to take the train for Brazoria where she spent the week end.

     E. D. Singleton, of Dallas, was here Saturday in the interests of the Jones-Manville Co.

     A number of people from Buckeye motored over to Bay City Friday to attend the graduating exercises.

     Mr. Tew of Bay City was here on business Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barrett and little Margaret motored over from Bay City Friday on their way to Collegeport.

     Frank Long is busy these days doing the concrete work on the cotton gin at Simpsonville.

     Some of the residents here are beginning to realize how easy it is to raise bees, and are going into the business quite extensively.

     Grapes and strawberries planted this spring show the wonderful possibilities of the soil here.

     John Regan, of Kingsville is visiting his brother, Fred, at the Buckeye hotel.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
June 2, 1911:



     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle and family of Beadle, were at Buckeye Friday on their way to Bay City where they spent the day.

     A number of people from here attended the picnic at Palacios, going via Collegeport on the Buckeye branch.

     Mr. Hooks, of Brownsville, was here over Sunday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Tom Waite.

     Col. Simpson returned from Bay City Saturday.

     Jim Lewis, of Markham, was here Sunday on his way to Beadle.

     Messrs. W. Yerxa and A. H. Yerxa motored to Bay City Wednesday.

     Wednesday was one of the hottest days we have had for many a day in this Coast country, registering 95. Reminds us of what it must be like up North in some of the inland states, where they have no cool gulf breeze in summer.

     Miss Viola Isham returned from school at San Antonio to spend the summer vacation with her parents at Beadle.

     Manager Rodgers and Civil Engineer Burgess were at Buckeye Tuesday in the interests of the Frisco.

     Mr. Tew motored over from the county seat and later went to Collegeport, returning home in the evening.

     Dave Brown, who is helping build the cotton gin at Simpsonville spent Sunday with home folks at Buckeye.

     Chas. Heck went to Bay City Saturday.

     Ray Barnes visited friends in Bay City Sunday.

     Miss Olga Benedict, of Bay City, is spending the week at Buckeye.

     Dr. Brooks was called to Buckeye Saturday night on professional business.

     Mr. Arthur Armstrong was on the sick list last week.

     Mr. Baustian returned home from a short business trip to Houston the first part of the week.

     Sunday School will be held at Buckeye at ten o'clock Sunday morning.

     Angel Comache received the intelligence last week of the death of his brother, Tom Comache, who has been ill at Victoria for some time.

     Messrs. Jack Walker and Jim Lewis were at Buckeye Wednesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 9, 1911:



     Mrs. Chas. Isham and Miss Viola were here from Beadle Monday.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Bay City Wednesday to attend the weekly meeting of the Choral Club.

     Mr. Holt of Beadle transacted business in Buckeye Tuesday.

     Sunday school will be held here Sunday at 10 o’clock at the school house.

     Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Raby went to Kentucky Tuesday.

     Mrs. B. F. Johnson spent Monday at Bay City.

     Chas. Stewart returned from Houston Sunday.

     Denny Williams left Tuesday for Houston for a few days visit.

     Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Yerxa spent Monday at the county seat.

     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Waite went to Collegeport Wednesday to stay several weeks.

     Col. Simpson returned to Dallas Wednesday.

     Mr. Gaw of Seattle arrived last week to take charge of the books for the Union Bridge and Construction Works here.

     Claud Mullener of Sinton is one of the recent arrivals.

     Joe Waite, who spent the past month here, returned to his home at Regan, Texas, Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heck and little daughter left for Collegeport Wednesday.

     L. E. Beadle was here from Beadle Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith and family spent Sunday with Frank Long’s family.

     Sorghum growing at headquarters here measures ten feet in some instances, and there will be an excellent crop.

     Some of the farmers here are digging sweet potatoes, and report a splendid yield of fine, large ones.

     Mr. Tew of Bay City motored to Buckeye Tuesday.

     Col. Simpson of Dallas was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa at dinner Tuesday.

     Henry Loyd departed for Collegeport Wednesday.

     The Sunday school at Buckeye has been invited through the courtesy of M. A. Travis to join the Collegeport Sunday school in a picnic at Dunbar June 14. Picnic dinner, speaking, music, sports and baseball will be features. An invitation from Collegeport folks always means a good time and it is hoped many will be able to attend from here.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 30, 1911:



     Miss Lula May Robertson visited Buckeye Wednesday.

     Mr. Seltzer, of the Union Bridge and Construction Company, returned to Kansas Thursday.

     Otis Robertson, of Markham, met the Collegeport train Thursday.

     Lester Moreley was in Buckeye Thursday on business.

     Mr. H. Arroson, of Palacios, spent Friday here.

     Mrs. Scruggs and son, Edgar, were at Collegeport Monday.

     Miss Edith Armstorng, of Markham, spent Friday with friends in Buckeye.

     Mrs. A. W. Smith and little daughters were in Bay City Friday and Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Blanco and little daughter, Louise, left on Friday’s train.

     Mr. Whitfield Yerxa was in Bay City on business Monday.  

     Edgar Scruggs is spending a few days with his friend, Russel Owen at Alvin.

     Mrs. T. C. Brooks, of Bay City, was a guest at the Yerxa home Monday.

     Mrs. Scruggs returned to Houston after an extended visit with relatives here.

     Mr. Earnest Roberseaux returned to Kansas City, Mo., Thursday.

     Mr. J. Rankin, of Houston, a traveling salesman for Wm. D. Cleveland & Sons, was at Buckeye Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Beadle and family were here Sunday on their way to Bay City.

     Miss Leone Yerxa visited friends in Bay City Monday.

     Mr. W. F. Smith spent Monday and Tuesday in Bay City.

     Mr. R. Barnes was a Beadle visitor Sunday.

     Mr. T. L. Miller, who has been working with the Union Bridge and Construction Company for the past few months, returned to Kansas City, Mo., Thursday.

     Mr. Elmer Longuet, of Markham, made a short visit at Buckeye Tuesday.

     Melvin Spoor came over from Ashby on business Wednesday.

     Mr. Smith was here from the East Side Wednesday.




July - December 1911


The Matagorda County Tribune, July 7, 1911:



     Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Johnson left Saturday for Kansas City, Mo.

     Mrs. Charles Isham and daughter, Viola, are visiting with friends in Wharton.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle were at Buckeye shopping on Thursday.

     Mr. D. Williams left Sunday for Little Rock, Ark.

     Mr. and Mrs. Rob LeCroix are visiting relatives in Lomita.

     Miss Leona K. Yerxa spent several days in Bay City this week.

     Mr. Charles Isham was a Markham visitor Wednesday.

     Mr. Geo. Gaw returned to Seatle, Wash., the last of the week.

     Mr. Vance, of Kingsville, has been in Buckeye on business several days.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle and family are spending the “glorious fourth” in Wharton.

     Mr. and Mrs. LeCroix were Bay City visitors Thursday.

     Mr. Roberts, general manager of St. L. B. & M., has been here in his private car for the past few days.

     Mr. Edgar Scruggs just returned from a visit with friends in Alvin.

     Mr. Fred Evans, of Kingsville, spent Friday and Saturday with Buckeye friends.

     Mr. Ed Ligon has returned to Little Rock, Arkansas, after several months in Buckeye.

     Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lyons left Saturday for Lomita.

     Mr. H. E. Welland and family returned from Matagorda Tuesday.

     Mr. E. C. Barges, chief engineer of the St. L. B. & M. railroad, spent several days here the last of the week.

     Mr. Luther Massey, was a Buckeye visitor Friday from Markham.

     Mr. E. C. Phillips returned to Lomita this week.

     Mr. and Mrs. Kimble Roberts drove to Buckeye Saturday.

     Mr. Claude Mullinder left Tuesday for West, Texas.

     Mr. E. S. Price is spending a few days in Seadrift.

     Mr. L. S. Stuart, of Kansas City spent Friday and Saturday here on business.

     Mr. Roy Barnes went to Markham Saturday.

     Mr. I. Shaw, from across the river was in town Tuesday. Mr. Shaw is just recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever.

     Independence Day was celebrated in a beautiful Live Oak grove near Buckeye by a large crowd of patriotic people. Baskets filled to overflowing with yellow legged chickens, cakes and pies were well cared for, ice cream and soda water, among other things were enjoyed by all.

     Mr. Hollenhead has recently taken up his duties as engineer on the Collegeport line.

     Mr. Berry Watkins from the East side spent Tuesday at Buckeye


The Matagorda County Tribune,
July 28, 1911:



     Mr. and Mrs. Holt welcomed a fine little son at their home in Beadle last Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Ed Savage and Ed, Jr., motored over from Bay City Saturday evening.

     The new motor car which went through on the Brownsville railroad Monday caused a good interest here. It is hoped one will be put on the Buckeye line in the near future.

     Miss Helen Beadle and Viola Isham were visitors from Beadle Friday.

     Mr. E. S. Perry who was recently employed by the Bridge Construction Company left for Texarkana Wednesday. Mrs. Perry with the children will visit relatives in St. Louis for a short time.

     Mr. G. W. Smith went to Houston Wednesday.

     Mrs. Weland and children went to Matagorda Wednesday.

     Sunday school will be held at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. Everyone is invited.

     Mr. B. M. Conner, of Simpsonville and Mr. Flint were visitors at Beadle Sunday.

     A. H. Yerxa was a business visitor at Bay City part of the week.

     Jack Walker, who has been recreating at Rockport returned Tuesday and drove to his home at Markham.

     The noon train on the Brownsville was three hours late Wednesday, caused by a derailed freight train near Brazoria, and passengers going to Houston from the branch line missed connections and spent the night at Buckeye.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and Miss Leone visited friends at Beadle Sunday.

     The boarding house at Beadle caught fire Sunday morning and burned to the ground. The contents of the building were saved, except in the kitchen where the fire originated. It is supposed to have started from a defective flue, as there was no one in that part of the house at the time. There was no insurance.



                                                                                    Buckeye, Texas, July 14, 1911

To whom it may concern:

     This is to notify all persons concerned that the Colonial Land Company, its agents and representatives, have no authority to represent Messrs. Plotner and Stoddard, a firm composed of A. A. Plotner and Jno. W. Stoddard, or either of them, in connection with the land on the west side of the Colorado river in Matagorda County, Texas, known as the Buckeye property, or the land on the east side of the Colorado river adjacent to the town of Wadsworth and known as the Kemp property, the said Plotner and Stoddard having previous to this date cancelled and terminated the contracts existing between Plotner and Stoddard and said Colonial Land Company with reference to both Buckeye property and said Kemp property.

     All inquiries regarding this property, or any matter in connection there with, should be addressed to Mr. A. H. Yerxa, Buckeye, Texas.

                                                                                                PLOTNER & STODDARD

                                                                                    By A. H. YERXA, their agent and manager.



     Many of our public minded citizens went to Markham last Saturday, but it seems there were not enough of us.

     Miss Viola Isham of Beadle visited Buckeye Saturday and Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden were at Buckeye Saturday on their way from Pierce to the Borden estate.

     Mr. Gibler of Illinois was a visitor here Saturday.

     Roy Barnes went to the county seat Friday to witness the ball game.

     Miss Leone Yerxa spent the week end with Miss Osborne at Bay City.

     Mrs. Caroline Fisher and Mrs. Jack Walker of Markham were at Buckeye Tuesday calling on friends.

     Mrs. Baustian drove to Markham Monday.

     A. H. Yerxa spent Saturday at Wadsworth.

     W. H. Smith returned from Markham Monday.

     Mr. Chilton of Houston was a business caller Tuesday in the interest of the Oliver Typewriter Co.

     Max Flaxman of Houston was here on business Friday.

     Sunday School will be held as usual Sunday morning at 10:30. Everyone welcome.

     Frank Long and his family spent Sunday at the Brown home.

     Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong entertained at dinner Sunday, the following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Baustian, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, and Mr. Whitfield Yerxa.

     The sad intelligence was received here of the death of A. B. McKissick, which occurred last Monday at Houston, where he had gone for treatment. He was formerly a resident of Buckeye, but has lived at Ashby for the past three years. His youngest son Tom was at Houston when his father died.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, August 4, 1911:



     Mrs. Jules Ducros of Bay City visited friends at the park here between trains Saturday.

     Mrs. Isham and daughter went to Markham Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa and Miss Leona and Miss Lucy went to Markham Thursday night to attend the progressive anagram party given by Mrs. C. B. Fisher for Miss Paxton of Temple.

     Col. Simpson returned to Dallas Saturday.

     Mr. Tew motored over from Bay City Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Long and family spent Sunday with Eugene Wadkins’ family on the East Side.

     Otis Robertson came over from Markham Friday to take the train to Collegeport.

     Mr. J. W. Magill motored over from the county seat on his way to Collegeport Sunday.

     J. A. Brown drove to Markham Friday.

     R. Q. Ward was a business visitor from Tide Haven Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds with Misses Adele and Grace Moore and . . . Moore visited friends here Sunday.

     Messrs. . . ., Yerxa and Whitfield Yerxa motored to Caney the first of the week to secure field hands.

     Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa have . . .

     Mr. Dickert of Ashby was a business visitor Monday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, August 11, 1911:



     Cotton picking is the order of the day at Buckeye and there is a good yield.

     Miss Thompson of Iowa was a Buckeye visitor this week.

     Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa entertained Thursday evening in honor of thier house guests and young people from Bay City, Markham, Blessing and Simpsonville were present. Music and progressive Bunco were features of the evening, and light refreshments were served on the porch. Mr. Brevard Connors secured the men’s head prize, a St. Mary’s Hall pennant, while Miss Lula Walker and Doris Young cut for the ladies’ head prize, a dainty fan. The consolation prizes were awarded to Miss Pauline Huebner and Mr. Jno. Roach.

     Mrs. Dick Robinson and daughter came over from Markham Saturday to meet Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robertson who arrived on the noon train.

     Jack Walker motored out from Markham Sunday evening and took a number of young ladies from Buckeye for a spin to Bay City and back.

     Mrs. Jake Wilson and children of Markham spent Sunday with Mrs. D. C. Harwood of this place.

     The Brown children went to Palacios Thursday with their cousins Ola and Bell Brown, who have been visiting at Buckeye.

     Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa went to Bay City Wednesday to attend the party given by Miss Adele Moore.

     Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Beadle and Miss Helen drove to Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden and Miss Ray Collins motored over from Pierce Friday to visit the Borden estate. Miss Collins will remain for a few days and be the guest of Miss Viola Isham.

     Hugh Bowers came up from the bay on the Buckeye branch to go to the county seat on important business.

     A bevy of young ladies chaperoned by Mrs. Arthur Yerxa went to Collegeport Saturday to attend the hop, returning overland next day. The following were among the guests: Misses Pauline Huebner, Doris Young, Lula Walker, Marie Burns, Leone and Lucy Yerxa. They were guests at the Collegeport hotel, and were well entertained during their stay.

     Roy Barnes returned from a visit to Collegeport Sunday.

     Mr. Rankin made a business trip to Buckeye Tuesday in the interest of the Wm. D. Cleveland Co. of Houston.

     Ellis Ives of Collegeport spent Sunday at Buckeye.

     Ed Kilbride motored over from Bay City Friday with his family in the “Yellow Peril.”

     What might have been a serious accident occurred Thursday evening at Buckeye when a party of young folks were enjoying a short spin. In crossing a little bridge at a sharp turn in the road the heavy car ran over the side into the ditch and was overturned, throwing the occupants some distance. Two young ladies, Miss Burns and Miss Doris Young were slightly hurt and the others escaped unhurt. The car was badly damaged.

     The house party at the home of the Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa disbanded the rest of the week. Miss Huebner and Miss Walker returning to Bay City, Miss Burnes to San Antonio and Miss Young to Houston. Mr. Connors and Mr. Flint went to Simpsonville and Mr. Roach to Blessing.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, August 18, 1911:



     F. Long and W. F. Smith who are employed on the west side spent Sunday at Buckeye.

     Mrs. Isham of Beadle and Miss Viola drove to Markham Thursday.

     Roy Barnes went to Houston Monday to spend a few days.

     Mr. Bowers of Oklahoma was the guest of R. Barnes one day this week.

     Mr. Moreland, traveling salesman for Ullman, Stearns & Kraus, was a caller at headquarters Thursday.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa of Buckeye, spent Wednesday at Bay City.

     Mrs. Joe Robertson accompanied by her daughter Viola, drove from Markham Monday to meet her sons, Otis and Luther, who have been visiting at Collegeport the past few weeks.

     Little Miss Dorothy Brooks of Bay City is visiting at the Yerxa home this week.

     L. E. Beadle and his family of Beadle were here Saturday to take the train to Bay City where they spent Sunday.

     Little Bird Long is on the sick list this week. Dr. Reed of Bay City was called in attendance.

     A. W. Yerxa spent part of the week at Wadsworth.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden motored over from Pierce last Thursday.

     Miss Ray Collins, who has been the guest of Miss Viola Isham returned to her home at Pierce Thursday.

     T. L. Armstrong and Arthur Armstrong went to Bay City with their cotton last Thursday.

     Judge Hornsby of Houston came from Citrus Grove last week.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 15, 1911:



     Mrs. Charles Isham and daughter Viola were here from Beadle Monday on their way home from Bay City where they spent the day.

     Lester Smith was a visitor from Markham Monday.

     J. W. Magill of Bay City motored to Buckeye on his way to Collegeport the first of the week.

     J. A. Brown returned Sunday for a visit with his family.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and Miss Lucy spent Tuesday at Bay City.

     W. F. Smith who has been employed on the east side returned with his family last Saturday.

     Melvin Spoor of Ashby was at Buckeye Wednesday.

     Mrs. T. Waite was here from Blessing between trains Monday.

     Mrs. Carl Himel came up from Collegeport on the Buckeye branch Saturday on her way home to Bay City.

     A number of girls from here leave next week to go to school in San Antonio.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa returned Saturday from Port O’Connor where they attended the Midcoast Congress. Mr. Yerxa says the program was excellent each session and that the guests were also well entertained by the Port O’Connor Comemrcial Club.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle returned from Victoria last week where she went to place Miss Helen in school at that place.

     The families of Frank Long and W. F. Smith and Mr. Baustian are camping down at the bay for a few days fishing this week.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
September 22, 1911:



     Mr. Paige of Algoa was a Buckeye visitor the first of the week.

     Mrs. Joe Robertson of Markham drove to Buckeye Saturday to meet her relatives, Mrs. Luce and Ora Luce, who came up from Collegeport on the branch line.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham returned from Bay City Sunday.

     A. H. Yerxa returned Wednesday from Houston where he went for a brief business trip.

     Mrs. Frank Long received the sad news Monday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Pearl Barrett who died of consumption at Wichita, Kansas.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa left for San Antonio Sunday where she will attend school at S. M. H. Miss Leone accompanied her sister and will spend a few weeks visiting former school friends at San Antonio and Luling before returning home.

     Allen Spoor drove from Ashby Tuesday and spent a few hours here while on his way to Dayton, Texas.

     Henry Foster, the genial store man of Ashby was here Tuesday enroute to the county seat.

     Mr. Abbott of Bay City stopped at Buckeye Tuesday.

     Roy Barnes was a Markham visitor Wednesday.

     Miss Viola Isham returned to San Antonio to resume her studies for the coming year at S. M. H.

     W. J. Smith left Tuesday with his family for the east side where they expect to spend several days.

     Lester Smith and Mr. Maxwell returned from Brownsville and Matamoras Sunday and drove on to their home at Markham.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 29, 1911:



     Messrs. Hybarger and Pernell were here Monday afternoon on business, driving from Bay City.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham were here from Beadle Sunday.

     Mrs. Baustian and little daughter spent a few days at Markham this week.

     Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Vandiver and children were over from Bay City between trains Sunday to visit with friends here.

     A. H. Yerxa spent Monday at Houston transacting business.

     Local showers in this vicinity are almost a daily occurrence the past ten days.

     W. F. Smith and family returned from over the river Tuesday.

     Frank Long visited his family at Buckeye this week.

     A. P. Borden of Pierce was a visitor at Buckeye Tuesday.

     The beautiful grounds at Buckeye near the station was recently christened “Lucialeone Park.”

     Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Clapp of Collegeport were here Monday and called on friends before taking the train for Bay City.

     Mr. Bigelow motored over from the county seat Monday.


The Matagorda County Tribune, October 13, 1911:



     Attorney Lewis of Bay City and J. H. Lewis of San Antonio were at Buckeye Wednesday on business.

     Miss . . . returned Monday after . . . several weeks visiting friends at San Antonio and Luling.

     Mr. C____ of the Mayes Land Co., of ____ton . . . here a few . . . .

     [Paper torn – will skip 6 lines here.]

     Mr. and Mrs. R. Dixon of Citrus Grove, were at Buckeye the last of the week.

     A. P. Borden came over from Pierce the first of the week to visit the Borden estate near Beadle.

     Mr. Guy Hutchins of Collegeport, spent a few hours . . . Thursday while on his way to Corpus Christi.

     Mr. Hybarger of Bay City motored to Buckeye with a party of men.

     Duck hunting is a popular pasttime with . . . who have the time and . . .get . . .

     Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Yerxa who have . . . year at Buckeye with . . . A.  H. Yerxa returned to . . . Thursday. They will be . . . and it is hoped they will . . . south again.

     J. A. . . . to Markham yesterday.

     Mr. Middlecoff of Minnesota . . . Thursday.

     [Unable to read]


The Matagorda County Tribune
, October 20, 1911:



Watch Buckeye Grow.

     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long spent Thursday at Bay City.

     A number of Russians arrived the first of the week and went out to the Borden estate near Beadle where they will be employed.

     Mrs. Joe Robertson and children drove over from Markham Friday to go to Robstown on the Brownsville where they will make their home for the future. Mr. Robertson preceded them a few days.

     Mr. B. M. Connor came up from Simpsonville Friday and spent the day at the county seat.

     Mr. Luce of Collegeport was at Buckeye Friday.

     Hugh McKissick of Ashby was a Buckeye visitor last Friday.

     Miss Lila Smith of Markham went to Robstown Friday.

     Miss Helen Beadle who has been at Victoria the past two months returned to her home in Beadle Monday.

     Haywood Long went to Bay City Saturday to do some shopping.

     Mr. Shuey of Citrus Grove was here Saturday and bought a binder of Plotner & Stoddard.

     Mr. Ubank came over from Wadsworth on business last Saturday.

     Miss Leone Yerxa and Master Arthur Jr. spent Wednesday at Bay City.

     Mr. Miller of Markham motored to Buckeye last Saturday.

     L. E. Beadle came up on the branch line Saturday to go to Bay City.

     Heavy rains the past week delayed the cotton picking.

     Mr. and Mrs. Baustian went to Markham the last of the week.

     J. A. Brown spent Saturday at Markham.

     A. H. Yerxa spent part of the week at Wadsworth.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 3, 1911:



     Mr. Miller of Markham motored over to meet the noon train Monday.

     Chas. Heck spent Sunday night at Buckeye.

     Robt. Dixon and family of Citrus Grove were here last Friday.

     Dr. Scott of Bay City was called to Buckeye Saturday on professional business.

     Arthur Armstrong returned from Bay City last Thursday.

     Rainy weather Monday interferred with the cotton picking in this vicinity.

     The little three year old daughter of Mr. Clements was on the sick list this week.

     Chas. Isham of Beadle was a Buckeye visitor Sunday.

     W. F. Smith spent Tuesday at Bay City.

     Mr. Holt who recently had his shoulder broken was at Buckeye shopping Monday and is improving rapidly.

     J. W. Magill motored over from the county seat Tuesday on his way to Collegeport.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and Leone spent Wednesday at Bay City.

     Mr. Keith of Ganado was here Tuesday to see about renting land for next year.

     Mr. Biglow motored over from the county seat Tuesday on business bent.

     Mr. Montgomery visited Buckeye Tuesday in the interest of Dissen & Schneider last Tuesday.

     Capt. White of Bay City was a caller at Buckeye Tuesday on his way home from the bay.

     Mr. and Mrs. Baustian and children drove to Markham Saturday.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle and Master Bill went to Houston Tuesday and will be absent several days.

     No serious damage was done at Buckeye Hallowe’en.

     H. R. Bently of Los Angeles was here last Thursday representing the S. L. Allen Co. of Philadelphia.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 10, 1911:



     Mr. Brahmer was here a few days this week on telephone business.

     T. L. Armstrong was a visitor to the county seat last Friday.

     Sam Holt went to Bay City Friday.

     J. W. Magill motored over from the East Side with a party on Thursday.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa went to San Antonio Sunday to spend a few days with Miss Lucy who is at school there.

     The norther here the latter part of last week was mild compared with what the northern part of the State experienced, and our roses continued to bloom.

     Miss Leone Yerxa is visiting friends at Bay City this week.

     David Osborne came over from Bay City the first of the week to give some assistance to the book-keeper for Plotner and Stoddard.

     The fields around Buckeye are posted this year.

     Chas. Isham was a visitor to Markham Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong drove to Markham Wednesday.

     Dr. Scott of Bay City motored to Buckeye Saturday to attend the little child of Mr. Clements.

     The smiling countenance of Mr. Jenal was seen at Buckeye Saturday extensive property on the Trespalacios and comes to Texas every fall to look after his interests. [This sentence is as it appeared in the paper.]


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November ___, 1911:



     Another norther struck last Saturday night, tho’ it is now but a memory.

     Miss Mattie Shearer of Nebraska and Miss Daisy Ursdom of Houston spent Sunday at Buckeye while on their way to Citrus Grove.

     A number of people came up from towns on the branch last week to go to the fair at Blessing.

     Messrs. Hugh and George McKissick of Ashby were Buckeye visitors last Friday.

     Mr. Black of Collegeport was here between trains Saturday.

     The ball team from the vicinity of Collegeport came up on the branch line to attend the Blessing fair last Friday.

     Mr. Ross of Collegeport was here Friday.

     Col. Simpson of Dallas was at Buckeye on his way to Beadle.

     Chas. Isham returned from Bay City Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long spent Monday at Bay City.

     L. E. Beadle and family drove up from Beadle Sunday to take the train for Houston where they will visit during the No-Tsu-Oh Carnival.

     Mrs. D. C. Howard went to Bay City Monday to do some shopping.

     Mr. Jenal of Oklahoma was here last Friday.

     Among the new arrivals here are Mr. Kussman and family of New Orleans. His mother also is with them.

     W. F. Smith was at Bay City Saturday consulting his lawyer.

     Mr. Batch of Collegeport was a Buckeye visitor Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Clements who recently moved back to Bay City from here mourn the loss of their little nine months old baby which died of intestinal trouble last week.

     Marshal Boney of Bay City was here last Friday.

     A. H. Yerxa left Sunday for a business trip to Dayton, Ohio, and expects to be back some time next month.

     Mr. Highbarger was here last Saturday with a party of men from the north to see the park at headquarters.

     W. S. Terry and family returned to their palatial home on Buckeye, near Wilson Creek, after a years absence and will farm here this coming year.

     Mr. Biglow transacted business here Monday.

     Several renters secured farms around Buckeye for next year.

     A car load of excursionites are expected next week at Buckeye to look over the lands and it goes without saying that many sales will be made.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 24, 1911:



     The trustees of Common School Distict No. 14, Buckeye, Texas have secured the services of Miss Aileen Brown of Brenham as teacher. All of the schools of the county are now supplied except two very small schools, which probably will not begin until after Christmas. Three school districts now have bond issue matters under way, and the record will be made as soon as possible for submission to the attorney general for approval. Two other districts have election, and this will be acted upon as soon as the lapse of time requried by law will permit.



     Mr. J. Roetzel was at Beadle Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isham.

     Mr. and Mrs. Horne are at Buckeye for a few weeks. Mr. Horne is emplyed by the Brownsville R. R. Co.

     Miss Grace Smith and Miss Morris of Collegeport were guests of Miss Leone Yerxa Thursday.

     Mr. Jenal of Oklahoma was a guest at headquarters Sunday.

     Mr. Magill of Bay City and Mr. Malone of Houston motored from Collegeport Tuesday to call at Buckeye.

     Mr. Levi of Dallas called at Buckeye Tuesday in the interest of Sanger Bros.

     Mr. Biglow motored over from Bay City Monday.

     Miss Brown of Brenham arrived Sunday and will be employed as teacher for the Buckeye school term.

     A. H. Yerxa returned Tuesday from a brief business trip in Ohio.

     Mr. Shire of Kansas City was a business visitor to Buckeye the last of the week.

     Mr. Parmeter, recently of Ohio, is located here for a while as time keeper on the Brownsville.

     Mrs. Yerxa and Miss Leone visited friends in Bay City over Sunday.

     Miss Lene Dickert returned from Bay City Sunday and visited at Buckeye before going to her home at Ashby.

     Thomas White was at Buckeye Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Beadle and family returned from Houston Saturday afternoon.

     J. A. Brown and children drove to Markham Monday.

     Mr. Frank Robertson of Citrus Grove was at Buckeye on a business mission Wednesday.

     At a recent business session the owners of the Buckeye Farms, Messrs. Plotner and Stoddard, decided to rent their lands for cotton, corn or rice, and the water for rice will be furnished by the Moore-Cortez canal.

     P. J. Flinn, district manager for the Jesse French piano company of San Antonio was here on business Tuesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, December 8, 1911:



     Mr. Kussman and family left for Louisiana last Thursday.

     Mrs. D. C. Howard entertained at dinner last Thursday Miss Brown of Brenham and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long and children.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle and family returned Saturday from a short visit at Wharton.

     Captain White motored over from Bay City Monday to transact business at headquarters.

     Mr. and Mrs. Hybarger drove over from Bay City Thanksgiving Day to visit at Lucialeone Park, having with them Mrs. Woods and Miss Woods, recently of Nebraska.

     Mr. Millard and son of Ashby were here Saturday to secure land for next year’s farming.

     Mr. Wilkinson of Kingsville visited at Buckeye Monday.

     L. W. Matteson and A. H. Yerxa motored to the county seat Saturday.

     Mr. Charles Ives came up from near Collegeport Tuesday to see about renting land here.

     Messrs. Biglow and McMeans motored over from Bay City on business Monday.

     Miss Rose Beihoffer of Minneapolis arrived the last of the week and took up her duties as secretary for Judge Middlecoff.

     A number of people from Buckeye will attend the fair at the county seat.

     Colonel Pierce of Blessing was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa at dinner Monday.

     Mr. Knowles and Mr. Peddis drove over from Wadsworth Friday to rent farm lands on Buckeye for next year’s crops.

     Robert Dixon moved to Buckeye last week and will farm here this coming season.

     Frank Robertson, a former Buckeye resident, returned last week and will put in a . . . here.

     Mr. So____ drove over from the county seat . . . Monday to secure a tract of land for farming at Buckeye.

     Jack Walker of Markham was a Buckeye caller last Thursday.

     Thanksgiving was observed around Buckeye in the good old-fashioned way . . .[unable to read film]


Will Rent Land.

     A telegram received from Mr. A. H. Yerxa, of the Plotner & Stoddard (Buckeye Farms) who is now in Ohio attending to some business of the company, announces, that at a business session of the owners of the property, it was decided to rent their lands for cotton, corn or rice. Anyone wishing a good proposition should write or see Mr. A. H. Yerxa, at Buckeye, Texas.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, December 22, 1911:



Buckeye Property to Be Sold, Town Platted and Hotel Renovated.

     J. B. Middlecoff, accompanied by his son, R. H. Middlecoff, and stenographer, Miss Rose E. Biehoffer, of Duluth, Minn., arrived in this section last week to take charge of the 16,500 acres of land at Buckeye, which is known as the Plotner & Stoddard holdings. Mr. Middlecoff informed the writer that the property is to be cut up into tracts of various dimensions for actual settlers, the principal feature of which will be ten-acre fruit and truck farms.

     He has also assumed control of the hotel and is now engaged in renovating that hostelry preparatory for the accomodation of the expected tourists and prospectors of this winter and next spring.

     The town of Buckeye will also be platted and city lots put on the market within the next few weeks. Tenants for the farm lands are also desired.

     The town of Buckeye is located on the St. L. B. & M., seven miles south of Bay City, and is an ideal location for the purposes for which it is being exploited.



     Mr. Jenal, who has been in this vicinity for the past few weeks, left for his home at Oklahoma City a few days ago.

     Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isham spent Friday and Saturday in Houston.

     Miss Yerxa had as house guests Monday and Tuesday Miss Vivian Roach of Blessing and the Misses Lee of Iowa.

     Mr. Baustian and family of Markham visited W. F. Smith’s family a few days this week.

     Mr. Ives of Citrus Grove was here Tuesday to see about renting land.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Blessing Wednesday, to attend the farewell dance given in honor of the Misses Lee, who have been the guests of Miss Roach for several weeks.

     Mr. Cash came over from the county seat on business Monday.

     L. E. Beadle and family spent the week end at Bay City.

     Mr. Bond of Ashby recently of Nashville, Tenn., was at Buckeye Saturday.

     Mr. Lake of Collegeport greeted friends here Saturday.

     Colonel Simpson of Dallas was at Buckeye between trains Tuesday.

     Mr. Kennedy of Duluth, Minn., arrived the first of the week and will assume charge of the boarding house temporarily while waiting for the townsite to be put on sale.

     Civil Engineer Mitchell of Eagle Lake is at Buckeye this week completing the details in laying out the townsite.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa spent Saturday at Houston returning Sunday.

     An abundance of rain has fallen and a rise in the river is expected.

     Lewis Matteson attended the dance at Bay City last Thursday night.

     Mr. Hagen and Mr. Irwin of Wadsworth were guests of Mr. Yerxa Wednesday.

     Quite a sensation was caused at Buckeye Wednesday when a colored woman who had just come from Markham showed evidence of insanity. She was taken back to Markham at once.

     Miss Rose Beihoffer went to Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. Gunn and Mr. Hodges are here from Bay City doing carpenter work.

     Mr. Yerxa exhibited some fine honey from Buckeye at the Bay City fair last week, which was awarded first prize.



     School has closed for the holidays.

     Mr. Kennedy went to Bay City Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Quinby were at Buckeye Tuesday to see about renting land for the coming season.

     Mr. Ives of Citrus Grove visited at Buckeye last Saturday.

     Mr. Ogden of Bay City spent Wednesday at Buckeye.

     Mrs. Yerxa and little son were at Bay City between trains Monday.

     A wet norther struck Tuesday, but did not last long, and on account of excellent drainage the roads around Buckeye will soon be in good condition again.

     Dr. Brooks of Bay City motored over to Buckeye Monday on professional business.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from Bay City and Wadsworth Tuesday.

     David Osborne of Bay City came over the first of the week to attend some office work for Plotner & Stoddard for a few days.

     Mr. Knowles of Wadsworth was here Sunday to look over the Buckeye farms.

     Miss Brown left Sunday for the teachers’ institute, which is being held at Bay City, and will spend the holidays at her home in Brenham.

     Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isham went to the county seat Saturday for Xmas shopping.

     Mr. and Mrs. Clapp of Collegeport were at Buckeye Saturday on their way home from Chicago.

     Miss Holman of Bay City visited Mrs. Isham Sunday.

     L. E. Beadle and son were visitors to Bay City Saturday.

     Captain Lewis of Bay City transacted business at Buckeye Monday.

     Mr. Dudley came over from Bay City Monday on business.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown welcomed a new little son at their home Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long went to Bay City Tuesday for Xmas shopping.

     On account of the recent heavy rains the Collegeport train was delayed at Bay City a couple of hours Saturday afternoon while the track was being repaired. The damage was caused by a heavy freight train.

     Game Warden Stevenson visited at Buckeye Monday.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa is expected home from school in San Antonio Friday to spend the holidays with her parents here.



     Our paper of one day last week contained an article in reference to the Buckeye holdings which created an erroneous impression and which we take pleasure in correcting. In writing of the arrival of Mr. J. B. Middlecoff we stated that he had assumed charge of the Buckeye lands. Mr. Middlecoff has a contract with those people for the sale of their lands and has charge of the hotel at Buckeye. Mr. A. H. Yerxa continues in charge of the land as heretofore, both at Buckeye and at Wadsworth, and is Plotner & Stoddards’ representative in these holdings. Mr. Middlecoff is in no wise [sic] responsible for this mistake as it was written in this office and published as a local news item purely.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, December 29, 1911:



     It was reported here yesterday that Buckeye, across the river from Bay City on the Brownsville, had suffered the ravages of a storm and that the school house had been blown down and other property injured. We phoned Buckeye to have the report confirmed but were told that all was serene at that little city and that no disturbing influences had visited them at all.



     Santa Claus visited Buckeye as he always does.

     Trains on the Brownsville have been very irregular this week and some days were several hours late, on account of soft tracks caused by the abundance of rain recently.

     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long had as guests Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith and children and Master Edgar Scruggs.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa entertained at dinner Christmas: Messrs. Kennedy, Hudson Middlecoff and L. W. Matteson.

     Mr. J. B. Middlecoff went to Houston on important business Friday and will return in a few days.

     Mr. Kennedy returned Sunday from a business trip to Corpus Christi.

     A. H. Yerxa spent several days this week at Wadsworth and Bay City in the interest of Plotner & Stoddard.

     Mr. Rathburn of Nebraska was a Buckeye visitor last week to look at land and was much impressed with this part of the country and will return to Buckeye.

     Mr. Alexander of North Texas was here the first of the week to look at land.

     James Possey of Fort Worth visited at Buckeye Tuesday and Wednesday.

     Messrs. Emil and Carl Sjoberg of North Texas were here Monday to look over Buckeye farms.

     Mrs. Charles Isham went to Wharton Thursday, where she went to meet her daughter, Miss Viola, who returned from St. Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, Friday, to spend the holidays with her parents.

     Mrs. T. L. Armstrong and Mrs. Arthur Armstrong went to the county seat Friday to do some Christmas shopping.

     W. C. Stevens of Houston was at Buckeye last week looking after some hunters from North Texas, who were hunting with no license.

     Charles Isham was a Bay City visitor Friday.

     The outlook for the water supply for next year is very promising and the rice farmers are rejoicing.

     Mr. D. C. Howard, the popular station agent, has been indisposed the past week, but was faithful to his many duties just the same, which is characteristic of this gentleman.

     Dr. Lipsitt of Blessing called on friends at Buckeye Christmas Day.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa returned from school at San Antonio Friday to spend Christmas with her parents and partake of the holiday festivities. She will go back the latter part of next week.

     The Misses Yerxa entertained the following guests at lunch Tuesday: Miss Helen Beadle and Miss Viola Isham of Beadle, Mr. Bond of Ashby and Messrs. L. W. Matteson and Hudson Middlecoff of Buckeye.

     Mr. D. Osborne came over from Bay City Wednesday on business.

     Miss Rose Bierhoffer spent Christmas at Houston, returning Thursday.

     Misse Leone and Lucy Yerxa went to Blessing Wednesday to be the guests of Miss Vivian Roach for the dance given by some of the young men of Blessing.



Copyright 2008 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 12, 2008
Dec. 12, 2008