Buckeye News Columns

January - December 1912

Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown

Buckeye Information


The Matagorda County Tribune
, January 17, 1912:



     Mr. Liggett and Mr. Glasser motored from Collegeport Sunday to visit friends at Buckeye.

     Mr. Wm. Knowles went to Houston Tuesday on a short business visit.

     The new hotel was thrown open to the public Monday, and has been well patronized from the start. The building is thoroughly modern, electric lights and steam heat, and is very attractively furnished. It is considered the best equipped hotel of its size this side of Houston.

     Messrs. Vaughan, Knowles, Hardaman and Eyres went to Bay City Monday to attend the good roads meeting.

     Mr. Von Dohlen of Bay City was here Sunday looking after his interests at Buckeye.

     Mrs. Vaughan was a visitor to Bay City Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Isham went to Bay City Friday.          

     A. H. Yerxa spent several days in Wadsworth this week.

     Mr. Chas. Tew motored to Buckeye Monday, accompanied by a number of traveling men.

     Mr. Ray Bigelow was here Monday in the interest of Swift and Company.

     Dr. Vaughan was a business visitor to Houston last Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harkin arived from Eagle Lake, Okla., Wednesday.

     J. A. Wilson was here Tuesday.

     J. M. Yarbrough, who recently bought a farm south of town arrived from Srpingfield, Mass., Wednesday.

     W. B. Watkins of Nokomis, Illinois, spent several days in Buckeye this week.

     Ross Trummel was here from Palacios the first of the week on business.

     Arthur Crampey arrived from Beverly, Mass., Tuesday.

     Messrs. Henry and Walter Carrington and Collie Bruno of Bay City are spending several days at Buckeye.

     Mr. Carrington of Bay City was a business visitor here this week.

     Mr. H. L. Riddle of Boston is expected here the first of the week, and will be accompanied by a good sized party of homeseekers, who has had their eye on Buckeye for some time. A social gathering has been planned  for Monday evening, when Mrs. Milnor will extend the hospitality of the new hotel to the community and their friends, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance. The big dining room will be cleared for those who wish to dance, while music and conversation will entertain others at this get-acquainted meeting. Friends from neighboring towns will be made welcome and a number are expected, if the weather continues favorable.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa with Miss Leone and Miss Lucy were guests of Mrs. Fisher of Markham Wednesday at a spend-the-day party.

     Mr. Hatchett of Bay City transacted business here the first of the week.

     Miss Louise Wortham spent the week end at Bay City with her sister, Mrs. Wilson.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 7, 1912:



     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden motored from Pierce last Wednesday to visit at the Borden estate.

     Dr. A. A. Plotner, of the firm Plotner & Stoddard, owners of the Buckeye property, was a visitor from Dayton, Ohio, the first of the week.

     Mrs. Robinette and children, who were guests of Mrs. D. C. Howard the past few weeks, left for Kentucky last week.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yeager, of Blessing, were here Monday between trains, on their way home from Collegeport.

     Miss Viola Isham and her guest Miss Charlotte Sands spent a few days at Pierce last week.

     The Misses Yerxa went to Markham Saturday, to attend the house party given by Mrs. Fisher in honor of Miss Lewis of Bay City.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle visited at Bay City Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Romig and children returned to Oklahoma the first of week, after visiting Mrs. Romig’s mother, Mrs. Symmonds, for several weeks.

     L. W. Matteson spent Saturday and Sunday at Markham, the guest of Mrs. Fisher.

     Mr. Powers & Miss Powers of Boston arrived Thursday to make their home at Buckeye.

     Mr. Riddle of Boston arrived this week with some excursionists who purchased farms at Buckeye.

     Russel Stoner of Dayton, Ohio, arrived Wednesday and expects to spend the summer here.

     Mr. George Burke of Markham and Mrs. Fisher were visitors at Buckeye last Wednesday.

     Jack Walker motored from Markham Saturday.

     E. H. Turner, attorney, was here from Dayton, Ohio, the first of the week to transact business for Plotner & Stoddard.

     Miss Vivian Roach came up from Blessing Saturday to attend the Fisher house party at Markham.

     Mr. Graham, of Massachusetts, who arrived last week, will put up a fine stucco home on his newly acquired property here a little later.

     Mr. Knowles’ fine little bungalow is nearly completed and he expects to bring Mrs. Knowles here after they visit the Panama Canal next month.

     Mr. McKissick of Ashby visited at Buckeye this week.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
June 14, 1912:



Buckeye, Texas, June 8th, 1912--

     At a meeting of the residents of Buckeye held last night at the school house plans were made which means much to the future prosperity and growth of Buckeye.

     A truck growers association to be known as the Buckeye Truck Growers Association was organized and the following officers elected: J. A. Brown, president; Tom Armstrong, vice-president and A. H. Yerxa, secretary-treasurer. The officers have all been residents of Buckeye for several years and are thoroughly familiar with the kinds of truck, produce and fruit which can be most profitably grown here. Both the officers and members of the association stand ready to aid and assist any new residents of Buckeye by giving them the advice and experience of old timers and practical farmers.

     During the course of the evening, informal talks on crops were given by the old residents. Mr. Brown spoke of the wonderful yield of figs that were secured, how crops of potatoes, cabbage, onions, etc., could be grown between the trees and the large returns consequently derived from an acre thus cultivated.

     Mr. Long, who has lived here several years, told what he had done on a few crops with melons, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, strawberries and small fruits.

     Mr. Armstrong, a successful grower of corn and cotton, said that in his opinion, this land at Buckeye was superior to any he knew of for the growth of cotton, and that a yield of from one-half to one and a half bales of cotton to the acre can be secured on this land.

     During the course of the evening, Judge J. B. Middlecoff gave a talk on the advantages to a community that accrued by reason of the operation of a truck growers association. He waxed enthusiastic over the climate of Buckeye, extolling its mild winters and cool summers. During the course of his talk he announced that he was no longer engaged as agent of the Buckeye Farms in selling land here. On the other hand he was such a firm believer in the future growth and prosperity of Buckeye and thought so highly of its soil and climate that he had become a buyer instead of a seller and had secured a building lot in Buckeye, a two hundred acre farm and two 10 acre tracts.

     Mr. H. L. Riddle of Boston who succeeds Mr. Middlecoff, in the handling of Buckeye Farms created a great deal of enthusiasm when he stated that construction work on a fine new concrete hotel building equipped with bathrooms and other modern conveniences would be commenced immediately. He also stated that he was about to let the contract for the grading of streets and the laying of concrete sidewalks. He will put in a nursery and open a demonstration farm which will be in charge of an agricultural expert.

     Owing to the number of new families coming to Buckeye it is necessary that a new school house be built. Mr. Riddle agreed to give a lot in the town of Buckeye on which the building could be erected and as soon as the proper officials give their approval, work will be started on a fine new school building.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
June 21, 1912:


                                                      NOTES AND PERSONALS

From Saturday's Daily.

     Wanted - White cook for hotel in Buckeye. Wages $25.00 per month and room and board. Apply Jas. Powers, Buckeye, Texas.

From Thursday's Daily.

     W. H. Knowles and J. G. Harrison, of Buckeye, spent today in the city on business. These gentlemen are associated with the Plotner & Stoddard Company and are confident of being exceedingly successful in the development of that section.

     Mr. H. W. Riddle, the new manager of the Plotner & Stoddard interests in Buckeye, spent yesterday in the city on business. Mr. Riddle has just recently been placed in charge of this business and is preparing to do some valuable improvements at Buckeye. Some of these are a new hotel, a commodious and comfortable structure, a creamery, demonstration farm as well as many other well planned developments which are essential to the work he proposes to exploit.



     David Osborne of Bay City was a business visitor here Friday and Saturday.

     J. B. Middlecoff and son Hudson left for Houston Thursday.

     Dr. A. A. Plotner and E. H. Turner of Dayton, Ohio, left Thursday afternoon after spending a couple of weeks in Texas.

     Miss Rose Biehoffer left for Houston Thursday.

     Mr. Riddle returned from Galveston Saturday with a party of men who are interested in Buckeye property.

     Mr. Spence visited in Houston a few days this week.

     Miss Charlotte Sands, who has been the guest of Miss Isham, left for San Antonio Thursday.

     Mr. Powers, who recently came from Massachusetts, has assumed charge of the boarding house at headquarters until the new hotel is built.

     Church services will be held next Sunday, June 23, at three p.m. Rev. Selfridge of Bay City will preach.

     Miss Viola Isham and Miss Sands came from Beadle on the Collegeport train and spent the day with the Misses Yerxa Monday.

     Rev. Selfridge of Bay City visited at Buckeye Monday.

     Harry Foster was a caller from Ashby Monday.

     Miss Powers went to Bay City Wednesday.

     A. H. Yerxa went to Bay City and Wadsworth Monday.

     Mr. Hardaman and son of Massachusetts arrived Saturday to secure some land at Buckeye.

     Mr. Ayers, who recently came from Massachusetts, purchased a tract of land here last week.

     Messrs. Henry and Earl Laraway went to Markham Tuesday.

     Captain White of Bay City motored to Buckeye Monday on business.

     Mrs. Caroline Fisher of Markham visited friends here Thursday.

     Ray Bigelow was a business visitor here from Bay City Monday.

     L. W. Matteson visited at Beadle last Sunday.

     Dr. Clay Moore of Markham was at Buckeye on professional business last Monday.



     Messrs. Earl and Henry Laraway and Hudson Middlecoff returned Monday from the Roach house party at Blessing and reported a very enjoyable time. Guests from Houston, Algoa, Markham, Bay City, Collegeport and Buckeye were invited.

     The firm of Plotner & Stoddard have severed connections with J. B. Middlecoff, who has been sales agent for their farm here the past six months.

     It is reported that a fine stucco hotel is to be built in Buckeye in the near future.

     Mr. and Mrs. Swan and family who spent several weeks at Buckeye returned North the first of the week.

     Mr. Symmonds and daughters, Agnes and Jessie, left for Oklahoma Sunday where they will visit relatives for several weeks.

     A meeting of the residents of Buckeye was called at the school house last Friday, June 7, to form a truck growers association. J. A. Brown was elected president; T. L. Armstong, vice-president and A. H. Yerxa, secretary and treasurer. It was announced that a cannery was to be built soon in Buckeye, and the association voted to give its moral support.

     Miss Leone and Lucy Yerxa went to Blessing the last of the week to join the house party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roach.

     Mrs. T. L. Armstrong is on the sick list.

     Mr. Riddle spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Houston transacting business.

     Mr. Doyen went to Markham Saturday.

     Allan Spoor visited at Ashby Monday.

            Field corn at headquarters is over ten feet high at the present date.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
July 5, 1912:



     Jack Walker motored to Buckeye from Markham Sunday.

     Earl Laraway was a visitor to Markham Friday evening.

     L. W. Matteson attended the dance at Palacios Friday night.

     Rev. L. E. Selfridge of Bay City held services at Buckeye last Sunday.

     Miss Helen Beadle arrived from Kansas City the last of the week, after an absence of several months.

     Messrs. Bigelow and McMeans motored from Collegeport Monday to transact business.

     Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa spent Sunday and Monday at Markham the guests of Mrs. Fisher.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and Miss Leone and Miss Lucy went to Palacios last Thursday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Doyen and Miss Needy spent the Fourth at Palacios.

     Messrs. Earl and Henry Laraway went to Palacios to spend the glorious Fourth.

     Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and family drove to Ashby Sunday to attend church.

     Allan Spoor attended the Fourth of July excursion to Palacios this week.

     Capt. White was here from the county seat Tuesday.

     Miss Lizzie Powers and Mr. James Powers were among the excursionists to Palacios on the Fourth.

     A. H. Yerxa was a business visitor to Houston Monday.

     Chas. Isham went to Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. Spence of Collegeport visited his son who is in the lumber business at Buckeye.

     Reuben and Dave Brown were among Palacios celebrators.

     Mrs. J. W. Magill and children, and G. M. Magill motored over from Bay City last Sunday and attended church services at Buckeye.

     A number of families at Buckeye celebrated the Fourth with a big picnic at the Colorado river Thursday.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
July 7, 1912:


                                               BAND EXCURSION BIG SUCCESS

                                  Twenty-Five Hundred Visitors Entertained by Palacios

     Bay City Day at Palacios yesterday was a splendid success in every sense of the word. The day was ideal for just such an outing and every town in the county responded liberally with its quota of people to the big event. Nine coaches comprised a special train over the Southern Pacific, which left here at 9 o'clock, bearing 600 men, women and children, headed by the National Rice Growers' Band, for whose benefit the excursion was had.

     At Blessing and Markham good crowds augmented the crowd from Bay City, and swelled the number on the train to something like 900. Besides the train about fifteen autos from Bay City conveyed picnicers to the jolly scene at Palacios. Collegeport, Buckeye, Midfield, Citrus Grove and contiguous territory also furnished a large representation. It has been estimated that Palacios entertained fully 2,500 visitors.

     Band music, dancing, bathing and other diversions furnished the amusements for the day, all of which were thoroughly relished by the merrymakers.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
July 12, 1912:



     Mr. and Mrs. Baustian and family visited relatives at Buckeye last week.

     Captain White of Bay City was a business visitor here Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Carr and children went to Palacios the last day of the week for a day's outing.

     Mr. Glover and family came from Markham to spend July Fourth at Buckeye.

     The Misses Yerxa visited friends in Bay City a couple of days this week, returning Saturday.

     Miss Viola Isham of Beadle was the guest of friends Monday and Tuesday.

     Dr. Pressley motored over from Bay City Saturday on professional business.

     Mr. Spence is having a store built on his property and will put in a stock of hardware.

     Mr. Tew of Bay City motored from the county seat with a party of men on business bent.

     Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker of Markham motored to Buckeye Saturday evening and visited friends.

     A. W. Yerxa motored to Wadsworth Tuesday.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle and family returned Saturday from a visit at Wharton.

     Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Markham were here Sunday to meet the afternoon train.

     The Truck Growers' Association will hold a business meeting at the hotel office Saturday evening.

     Mr. Eyre and David Hardaman went to Bay City Tuesday to do some shopping.

     Ray Bigelow of Bay City was a business visitor Tuesday.

     A. P. Borden and Pierce Withers motored from Pierce Monday to vist the Borden estate.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, July 25, 1912:



Corrected List of Auto Owners in Matagorda County, Texas,

Together With Their Post Offices Addresses

 [The following Buckeye residents were included in the 215 names.]

            W. F. Smith, Buckeye                                                  A. H. Yerxa, Buckeye

                        John N. Simpson, Buckeye                                           J. B. Middlecoff, Buckeye



The Matagorda County Tribune, September 6, 1912:



     Miss Spence of Collegeport spent the week end at Buckeye, returning home Monday afternoon.

     Allan Spoor went to Markham Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Tew motored over from Bay City Wednesday.

     Burton D. Hurd of Collegeport was here Monday.

     A. H. Yerxa is having the Plotner and Stoddard buildings at head quarters re-painted this week. Mr. Miller of Bay City has charge of the work.

     Hugh Bowers motored up from the bay Wednesday to go to Bay City.

     J. A. Brown went to the county seat Thursday to sell his cotton.

     F. K. Goodman motored up from Collegeport Wednesday on his way to Matagorda.

     Misses Leone and Lucy returned from Kingsville this week after a very pleasant visit with Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Harrington.

     Messrs. Holbert, Riddle, Yerxa, Hardaman and Parks left Thursday for Alvin, Houston, and Galveston to visit different nurseries and to investigate truck growing for the benefit of the Truck Growers Association at Buckeye.

     Mr. H. L. Riddle of Boston, who has charge of the land sales here, returned to Buckeye this week and is well satisfied with the way his enterprises are being pushed. Several new cottages for new comers were finished last week, and are spoken for. The new office building is nearly completed and material is on the way from Houston for the fine new hotel which will be put up at once.

     Mr. Holbert of the Holbert Nursery at Arcadia, was here Wednesday to look into the fig growing industry, and gave a very interesting talk to a good sized audience at the hotel Wednesday night. Most of the land in this vicinity is well adapted to this industry and any man can raise figs here who will cultivate his orchard properly. There are only a few Magnolia bushes planted here, and they are yielding some very fine figs. There will be many orchards put in this winter.

     L. W. Matteson and Erle Laraway visited at Simpsonville Sunday.

     Mr. Harrison motored to Markham Thursday.

     Henry Laraway went to Markham Wednesday to be gone several days.

     Will Riley and W. F. Smith went to Markham Wednesday.

     Messrs. McMeans and Bigelow of Bay City were here Monday on business.

     A. J. Harty motored over from the county seat Thursday.

     Mr. Cookenboo of Matagorda was here Wednesday in the interests of Wm. D. Cleveland & Sons of Houston.

     Mr. Powers was a visitor to Bay City the first of the week.

     Dr. Pressley of Bay City motored over to Buckeye Friday evening.

     A. P. Borden motored from Pierce Thursday to visit the Borden estate near Beadle.

     Chas. Isham of Beadle was here Wednesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 13, 1912:



     Mrs. Cobb and Miss Emma Dunn of Blessing were at Buckeye between trains Saturday.

     H. L. Riddle returned to Boston Saturday.

     Mrs. Rhodes and children of Simpsonville was at Buckeye Sunday on her way to Markham.

     Hugh Bowers was a visitor to Buckeye Monday.

     Messrs. C. M. Anderson, Sig Brown and George Burke motored from Markham Sunday, and Mr. Burke left on the Brownsville train for his old home in Tennessee.

     Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Russel and Mr. Hall arrived Friday from Massachusetts to purchase a tract of land at Buckeye and will make their home here.

     Two extra train loads of homeseekers passed through on the Frisco Friday.

     Rice, Egyptian wheat, and corn are being harvested in this vicinity this week.

     Mrs. Chas. Isham and daughter, Viola of Beadle, visited friends here Wednesday.

     Mr. Henry Laraway and A. H. Yerxa returned from Wadsworth Monday night.

     Miss Leone Yerxa was the guest of Mrs. Fisher at Markham Monday.

     The many Cape Jasmine bushes is Lucialeone Park are again in full bloom.

     At the annual meeting of the Buckeye Truck Growers’ Association last Friday night the following directors were unanimously chosen: Messrs. Brown, Yerxa, Hardaman, Doyen and Lampson.

     Mr. Hardaman reported for the committee who had just returned from an investigating trip to the fig groves up the line and gave a glowing description of the success of the Carpenter and other fig preserving and canning plants of that district.

     The demand for the output of this industry far exceeds the supply at present and raising figs is a safe proposition. Ten acres of figs can keep one man busy.

     Mr. Hardaman explained the very simple process of preserving figs and told of the excellent market for the output at good prices. A glass can of four preserved figs sells for twenty-five cents on the dining cars, and the factories are not able to supply the great demand for this dainty.

     Mr. Riddle mentioned the great and unsupplied demand for preserved figs in the east and agreed to dispose of the output of the cannery.

     The association expressed the sentiment that orange raising can be made profitable. Several important details in the construction of the new canning factory were then taken up and decided upon, and other important matters were discussed.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 20, 1912:



     Messrs. Hardaman and son, David, went to Brownsville and Matamoras Saturday, returning Monday.

     Edwin Hall was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

     Miss Viola Isham returned to her home at Beadle after spending a few days here with Miss Lucy Yerxa.

     Ray Bigelow was a business visitor Monday.

     The Misses Yerxa and Master Arthur spent a few days with friends at Beadle the first of the week.

     Messrs. Laraway and Matteson drove to Beadle Wednesday.

     Messrs. Harrison and Parks returned Tuesday from Matamoras.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa spent Wednesday at Matagorda and report a most delightful time in that hospitable town.

     Jim Powers spent a few days at Brownsville and Matamoras the first of the week.

     R. R. Lewis of Bay City was here Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Knowles and little son, Haskell, of Massachusetts, arrived Saturday after a trip to the Panama Canal and will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Doyen for a short time before moving into their new bungalow.

     Mr. and Mrs. George Riley and Mr. Cook and family drove to the bay Saturday, returning next day.

     Miss Spence of Collegeport was the guest of Miss Lizzie Powers the first of the week.

     A reception was held at the Powers hotel last Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Knowles to welcome them to Buckeye and about fifty were present. Mr. and Mrs. Lampson and Mrs. and Mrs. Russel were the guests of honor, being newly arrived bridal couples from Massachusetts. Mr. Spence gave an address of welcome and after a musical program, conversation and dancing was indulged in. Maple nut cream and assorted cake and lemonade was served by the ladies. The dining room was prettily decorated with asparagus vines and crimson prince’s feather and presented a very festive appearance. Thse good people are a very welcome addition to Buckeye society, and already feel at home. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Doyen, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Howard and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, Mrs. Neeley, Mr. and Mrs. Yorke, Messrs. Powers, Jim Powers, Hardaman, David Hardaman, Hall, Eyers, Laraway, Erle Laraway, Spence, Matteson, Spoor, Will Riley, and Misses Powers, Yerxa, Lucy Yerxa, Spence and Isham.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 27, 1912



     Rev. Selfridge conducted Presbyterian services at Buckeye last Sunday.

     School will re-open next Monday, Sept. 30th, with Miss Murfree of Dallas as teacher, who comes highly recommended.

     Mr. Tew motored over from Bay City on business Tuesday.

     Frank Bond of Ashby visited friends at Buckeye Sunday.

     Hugh Bowers of Hook’s Switch was here Sunday.

     A. H. Yerxa spent several days at Wadsworth and Bay City the past week.

     Mr. Gore of Markham was a business visitor here Tuesday.

     Ray Biglow of Bay City motored to Buckeye on his weekly trip the first of the week.

     Frances Spence spent Sunday at Collegeport with homefolks.

     J. W. Miller returned to Bay City Monday after several weeks stay at Buckeye, were he fulfilled his contract to paint the Plotner and Stoddard buildings.

     Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker and Mrs. Caroline Fisher visited at Buckeye Thursday evening.

     Rev. Selfridge and Thos. Lewis of Bay City motored to Buckeye Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Perry and Miss Woolsey accompanied them.

     Messrs. Reuben and Dave Brown, Erle Laraway and Lewis Matteson went to the Trespalacios Sunday.

     Miss Lizzie Powers returned Wednesday from a weeks outing at Collegeport.

     Henry Laraway returned from Wadsworth to spend Sunday at Buckeye.

     Frank Robertson was a Markham visitor Sunday.

     Miss Viola Isham went to Wharton last Saturday and will be the guest of friends there and at Pierce for several days.

     Messrs. Jack Walker and W. A. Furber and Miss Lewis of Bay City motored to Buckeye Sunday.

     Mr. Carr was a Sunday visitor from Markham.

     Mr. and Mrs. George Riley moved out on to their farm last week, where they recently put up a new house.

     Two northers . . . brought delightful . . .

     A. H. Yerxa made . . .trip to Houston the . . .

     A. P. Borden and . . . motored from Pierce Saturday.

     Sul Ross Harrington of Kingsville spent Wednesday at Buckeye visiting friends.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Bay City Monday to visit friends.

     The St. L. B. & M. station at Buckeye caught fire at 5:30 a.m. last Sunday, presumably from a passing train, and burned to the ground. A number of Bay City people were at the station to flag the early train a half hour before, but having no light were unsuccessful and returned to the hotel. They saw no trace of fire as they left, and the blazing building awakened them soon after. Four empty cars burned and the track was damaged. This is the first fire here since the town was started a few months ago, and it is hoped a fine new station will soon be built, as this is quite a loss.



     Having been annoyed recently by some over ambitious land agent using my name erroneously to help sell his land, I take this means to announce that I have not purchased any farm land outside of Buckeye property and have no intention of doing so.

     Not that there are no lands as good but that I consider Buckeye property the best paying investment.                                                                                                            A. H. YERXA


The Matagorda County Tribune
, October 4, 1912:



     Miss Margaret Muir was here from the north the first of the week to purchase some of the Buckeye lands.

     Wm. Knowles was a business visitor to the county seat Friday.

     Mr. Russel, who recently came here from Massachusetts is putting up a new residence on his property north of town.

     Mr. Fullin of Bay City was here on business the first of the week.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and Jr. went to Bay City Friday.

     Mrs. Spence of Collegeport was here Saturday to visit her husband and son who are engaged in the lumber and hardware business.

     Messrs. Paul and Jean La Pierre of Massachusetts arrived Saturday and will make their home here, having purchased land for farming on a former trip.

     A. P. Borden motored from Pierce Tuesday accompanied by Miss Ray Collins of Pierce and Miss Viola Isham of Beadle.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson and A. M., Jr., motored over from the “Northern” last Sunday and visited friends here. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sig Brown of Markham and Mrs. Howard Blake of Houston.

     Chas. Isham of Beadle was a visitor to Buckeye Monday.

     Linn Gillespie was here from Beadle Monday.

     Tom McKissick of Ashby drove to Buckeye Tuesday.

     School opened September 30 with a good attendance, and still more pupils will enter Monday. It is hoped the new school house will be built very soon as there are many more families coming from the north this fall, and the building at present furnished by Plotner & Stoddard will be outgrown.

     A number of Buckeye people went to Markham Saturday evening to attend the oyster supper given by the ladies of the Methodist church of that town.

     Mrs. Cobb of Citrus Grove was here between trains Monday.

     Miss N. L. Murphree of Dallas arrived Sunday and assumed her duties as teacher of the Buckeye school. The school board are to be congratulated in securing the services of this capable young lady.

     Mr. Jenal of Oklahoma City returned to Buckeye Monday on his annual trip to Texas to look after his cotton and rice farms in this part of the country. Although he has many important business interests in other states he could not overlook a bet like owning farm lands in good old Texas.

     Work has begun on the fine new hotel at Buckeye and will progress as fast as the railroads are able to deliver the necessary materials to complete it.

     A business meeting of the Buckeye Truck Growers’ Association was held Tuesday night at the Powers’ hotel.

     Miss Viola Isham of Beadle spent a few days at Buckeye this week, visiting friends.


Experienced Gas

Engine Man

To Run Tractor.   Call on or Address

C. F. PARKS,          Buckeye, Texas


The Matagorda County Tribune
, October 11, 1912:



     Henry Laraway returned from Wadsworth Saturday to spend Sunday with his brother at Buckeye.

     Miss Adele Moore of Bay City spent the week end at Beadle the guest of Miss Helen Beadle.

     Mesdames Howard, York and Riley spent Monday at Bay City.

     A. P. Borden of Pierce visited the Borden estate Tuesday, returning home the same day.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from Wadsworth Saturday evening.

     Messrs. Jack Walker of Markham and Jules Ducros of Bay City motored to Buckeye Sunday to view the new developments.

     Mr. and Mrs. Rathburn are among the new residents at Buckeye, being the fifth “newly-weds” during the past few weeks.

     Since the Brownsville station here was destroyed by fire, a couple of box cars have been fitted up for temporary use, which does not add to the attractiveness of our trim little spotless town and it is to be hoped “the powers that be” will soon decide upon a station which will be a credit to its surroundings.

     J. G. Harrison was a business visitor to the county seat Monday.

     Miss Viola Isham entertained the following guests at dinner Sunday at her home at Beadle: Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa and Messrs. Laraway, Erle Laraway and Jack Eyers, all of Buckeye.

     Mr. and Mrs. Knowles and little son, Haskill, Mrs. Nelley, and Mr. and Mrs. Doyen drove to Bay City last Thursday, and spent the day.

     Messrs. Robertson and Dixon were visitors to the county seat Monday.

     The Bachelors of Buckeye are planning to have a husking bee in the near future and are saving red ears.

     L. E. Beadle and son, Bill, were here from Beadle Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. John Bundick and Mrs. Bundick, Sr., and Mrs. Hawkins of Markham motored to Buckeye Thursday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Ira Doyen and Miss Powers, assisted by neighbors, served a regular old time new England supper in the new Riddle office building last Saturday evening, and about forty guests were present, the majority of whom were formerly residents of Massachusetts. The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Littlefield who were married earlier in the day at Bay City. Mr. Littlefield has the contract for a number of fine buildings here, among which are the Riddle building, new hotel, school house, natatorium [sic], and several residences. Both Mr. and Mrs. Littlefield are from Massachusetts and are welcome additions to Buckeye society.

     Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa entertained a number of friends Thursday evening, the happy occasion being Miss Lucy’s eighteenth birthday. The rooms were decorated with the feathery plumes of crimson Prince’s feather and asparagus vines. “Puzzle post” occupied the earlier part of the evening, and prizes were awarded to Miss Thomas, Miss Powers and Mrs. Walker and Messrs. Bond and Hall. Refreshments were served in the dining room at the conclusion of the games. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, Mrs. Fisher of Markham, Misses Murphrees of Dallas, Isham of Beadle, Powers, Jones, Thomas, Yerxa and Lucy Yerxa; Messrs. Bond of Ashby, Jenal of Oklahoma City, Lewis of Markham, Laraway, Erle Laraway, Eyers, Matteson, Spence, Hall and Harrison.

     Miss Maggie Symonds went to Lometa Tuesday.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, October 18, 1912:



     Mr. Bridges, who recently accepted a position here was called to Alvin Wednesday by the illness of his wife.

     It is rumored that a new concrete station will be built at Buckeye in place of the one burned, this would be fully in keeping with the beautifully kept grounds adjoining the right of way here, and every one hopes the Frisco will put up an artistic building.

     Rev. Selfridge of the Bay City Presbyterian church will hold regular services here Oct. 27.

     Mr. Burditt of Le Ward was at Buckeye Sunday last renewing old acquaintances.

     Allan Spoor went to Ashby Sunday to visit home folks.

     Messrs. Harrison and Yerxa went to Houston and Galveston the last of the week on business, returning Sunday with the machine which was shipped to Mr. Harrison by Mr. Riddle from Boston, via the boat San Jacinto, to be used in his business here.

     Mr. Wm. Knowles was a visitor to the county seat Saturday.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Bay City Monday.

     Work on the new hotel building is progressing finely, and will add materially to the appearance of our new little town.

     Mrs. Benedict and daughters came up from San Benito Wednesday to go to Citrus Grove where Mr. Benedict has a farm. Miss Myrtle has been engaged to teach school at Citrus Grove this year.

     Messrs. Erle Laraway and Lewis Matteson went to Bay City Wednesday on important business, returning on the late train.

     Mr. and Mrs. Henderson arrived Saturday from Kentucky to make their home here and are the latest applicants in the “honey-moon settlement.”

     Mr. Mitchell of Oklahoma City was here Tuesday to meet his business partner, C. D. Jenal.

     A wet norther arrived Tuesday to supply the needed moisture for fall planting, so no one has a kick coming at the temporary inconvenience.

     Gene Littlefield was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

     The afternoon train on the Brownsville was several hours late Wednesday.

     Henry Laraway returned to Wadsworth Monday.

     Mrs. Isham and Miss Viola visited friends here Monday.

     C. D. Jenal spent Sunday at Bay City.

     Ray Bigelow was a business visitor here Monday in the interst of Swift & Co.

     A goodly number of families have located at Buckeye during the past few months and all are enthusiastic concerning the future of this section of the Mid-Coast country. Mr. Riddle, of Boston who is deeply interested in all things pertaining to Buckeye, reports there are many families simply waiting until the new hotel is completed before coming, in order to be accommodated until they can get homes built. Every available man is at work here and many more good carpenters could find employment at Buckeye for some time to come.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, October 25, 1912:



     L. W. Matteson visited friends at Beadle Sunday.

     Mr. Henry Laraway returned to Wadsworth Tuesday after a short visit here.

     Messrs. Yorke and Wm. Riley were visitors to the county seat Tuesday.

     J. C. Carrington motored over from Bay City Tuesday to transact business.

     Mr. Sam Lowry of Kansas who formerly was connected with the land company here was a visitor at Buckeye Saturday.

     Mr. Hoffine of Kansas spent Saturday at Buckeye.

     Miss Lizzie Powers went to Bay City Saturday.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from Wadsworth Saturday.

     C. G. Hamil motored over from the county seat Saturday to attend some business on the West Side.

     Rev. Selfridge of the Bay City Presbyterian church will hold regular services at Buckeye next Sunday, October 27.

     Messrs. Harrison, Hardaman, Jenal and Mansfield motored to Palacios and vicinity last Sunday.

     Mr. Mansfield, of Salem, Massachusetts, was here this week to purchase land and was very much impressed with this part of the country.

     Chas. Tew motored over from Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. Harrison spent several days at Houston this week.

     Miss Ray Collins, who has been the guest of Miss Viola Isham for the past week, motored to her home at Pierce Tuesday with A. P. Borden.

     Mr. Holbert left for Nebraska Thursday and it is rumored he will not return alone.

     Mr. Mitchell who was here from Oklahoma City, returned home Friday.

     Mr. Jim Lewis was the guest of L. W. Matteson Monday night, returning home to Markham Tuesday.

     Miss Lila Berg of Matagorda and Miss Dorris Young of Houston are guests of the Misses Yerxa.

     Hayward Long returned from Bay City Monday.

     Robert Dixon was a visitor to the county seat Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham entertained for Miss Viola Monday evening at their home at Beadle, the happy occasion being the seventeenth anniversary of Miss Viola’s birthday. Dainty programs were distributed soon after the guests arrived, and Mr. Yorke, Buckeye, played for the fourteen numbers. Those who enjoyed this hospitality were Misses Rae Collins of Pierce, Helen Beadle of Beadle, Leone and Lucy Yerxa of Buckeye, Dorris Young of Houston and Lila Berg of Matagorda; Messrs. Bond of Ashby, Lewis of Markham, Moore of Bay City, Laraway of Wadsworth, Matteson, Eyre and Laraway and Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa of Buckeye.



From Thursday’s Daily.

            Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, chaperoned a jolly crowd of Buckeye’s fair ones to the circus today, several of whom remained over to hear Elbert Hubbard tonight.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 1, 1912:



     Mr. Cookenboo and son Gene of Bay City were here transacting business Saturday.

     Ray Bigelow and Mr. McMeans motored over from the county seat Wednesday.

     Miss Lizzie Powers and Mr. Spence attended “School Days” at Collegeport Friday evening.

     Mr. and Mrs. Littlefield were visitors to the county seat Friday.

     A merry party motored over from Pierce Tuesday and were joined by friends from this locality at a most delightful spot along the Colorado on the Borden estate, where a picnic was held in the grove. Those who enjoyed the day’s outing were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden, Mrs. Frank Borden and daughter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Collins and daughter, Rae, and Mr. Garrett of Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Procter and son, Fred, of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Isham and daughter, Viola, Mr. Beadle and son Billy, of Beadle, and Misses Helen Beadle of Beadle, Leone and Lucy Yerxa of Buckeye and Frances Storey of Houston.

     A number of young people met at the home of the Misses Yerxa Wednesday evening and enjoyed a chafing dish supper.

     Misses Annie Murfries and Lizzie Powers and Messrs. Spence and Powers went to Bay City Thursday evening to attend the circus.

     Miss Spence and Mr. Glasser of Collegeport were here between trains Thursday.

     Mrs. Hanks and family were here from Markham Sunday to attend church.

     Mr. Bridges returned from Alvin Monday. Mrs. Bridges accompanied him.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa were the guests of Mrs. Fisher at Markham Sunday evening.

     Erle Laraway went to Beadle Tuesday.        

     Rev. Selfridge of Bay City held Presbyterian services here Sunday with an increasing attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins, Thos. Lewis and Miss Reba Rugeley accompanied him and attended church.

     Mesdames Howard, Sherriff, Yorke and Riley were passengers to Bay City Friday morning.

     Mr. Allen Spoor went to the county seat Thursday.

     Miss Viola Isham of Beadle visited friends here this week.

     Messrs. J. G. Harrison and A. D. Jenal motored to Bay City Thursday.

     Frank Bond of Ashby was the guest of friends Thursday and Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa and Miss Leone went to Bay City Thursday evening to attend the Hubbard lecture.

     A. H. Yerxa made a short trip to Houston and Alvin the first of the week.



From Friday’s Daily.

     The following from Buckeye were in Bay City last night to hear Elbert Hubbard: A. H. Yerxa, Mrs. Yerxa, Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa and Master Arthur, Jr., Francis Spence, Jim Pollard Miss .....Murphries, Miss Lizzie Pollard, J. G. Harrison, C. D. Jenal and Mr. Bond.


The Daily Tribune,
November 9, 1912:


                                                      NOTES AND PERSONALS

     Mr. J. R. Middlecoff, former manager of the Buckeye interests...through the city yesterday...to Houston on his return from...Lower Rio Grande Valley. Middlecoff still holds consider...in the Matagorda section.


The Daily Tribune,
November 11, 1912:


                                                               $10.00 REWARD

     One bay suckling mare, no white, about 1200 pounds weight; long mane and tail; clipped fore-top; straight back and hind legs; wire scar on front and back foot; unshod newly trimmed horse. She is now between Buckeye and El Campo.                    DAVID B. HAIDMAN, [HARDMAN?]

                                                                                          Buckeye, Texas.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
November 15, 1912:



     Mrs. L. E. Beadle and family are spending the week in Houston.

     Miss Murfries was a visitor to Bay City Saturday.

     Mr. Thos. Frick is here from San Antonio installing the electric plant in the new hotel.

     Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Littlefield went to Bay City Wednesday.

     Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn arrived from Boston last Monday, and will make their home here, where he has many interests. They will occupy a suite at the new hotel as soon as it is ready and plan on building a fine new home opposite the park in the near future.

     The school is increasing at such a rate that a second teacher is necessary, and Miss Louise Wortham of Bay City has been engaged to teach first, second and third grades.

     Mr. Norvell of Bay City motored over from Bay City Monday with a party of sightseers to see the developments at Buckeye.

     Messrs. Laraway and Matteson drove to the Trespalacios Sunday.

     Allan Spoor was a Markham visitor Tuesday.

     Frank Bond of Ashby attended the hop at the Powers hotel at Buckeye Hallowe'en.

     Mrs. Isham and Viola of Beadle visited friends at Buckeye Thursday.

     Mr. Burns was here last week from New Mexico with a carload of saddle horses and a number of people took advantage of the opportunity and purchased.

     Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are here from the North to visit their daughter, Mrs. T. L. Armstrong.

     The new hotel at Buckeye is rapidly nearing completion and will be a credit to its surroundings. It will be equipped with steam heat and lighted with electricity.

     Harvey Foster of Ashby was here Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa spent Thursday at Collegeport.

     C. E. Anderson spent Sunday at Palacios.

     Mr. Rhodes of Blessing was at Buckeye Thursday.

     Mr. Heath was here Thursday in the interest of the Meridian Fertilizer Co.

     Messrs. Harrison, Jenal, Spoor, Matteson and Yerxa motored to Buckeye Thursday evening to hear the election returns.

     Mrs. Yerxa and daughters went to Bay City Wednesday to attend the Keller-Davant wedding.



From Saturday’s Daily.

     Mr. J. B. Middlecoff, former manager of the Buckeye interests, passed through the city yesterday en route to Houston on his return from the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Mr. Middlecoff still holds considerable faith in the Matagorda section.


The Daily Tribune,
November 22, 1912:



     Mrs. Chas. Isham and Miss Viola were here from Beadle Tuesday visiting friends.

     Mr. Spence and Miss Powers spent Sunday at Collegeport.

     Messrs. Henry and Erle Laraway went to Bay City Wednesday.

     Ray Bigelow of Bay City was a business visitor here Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Russel have moved into their new home north of town.

     Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa were guests of Miss Vivian Roach at Blessing the first of the week to attend the leap year ball given by the young ladies of that town.

     Dr. Vaughn of Houston was in Buckeye between trains Monday.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and Miss Leone returned from Houston Thursday.

     Mr. E. B. Wells motored over from Bay City Sunday evening accompanied by Miss Louise Wortham, Miss Kilbride, Mrs. W. D. Wilson and Billy Foster.

     Miss Lizzie Powers entertained a number of young folks last Saturday evening in honor of his sister, Miss Vera.

     Mr. and Mrs. Keller, Hugh Keller and Mr. Murphy of Bay City visited friends here last Sunday.

     Rev. Selfridge of Bay City will hold services here next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock and a large crowd is expected.

     Mr. Yorke was a business visitor to Markham Friday.

     Mr. R. O. Ward of Tidehaven visited friends here Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Holbert arrived from Nebraska and are the newest applicants among the newly weds, being the eighth couple who have come to Buckeye during the past few months to spend their honey-moon, and, like the rest bought land and will remain.

     Messrs. - - Dizsen of Diszen & Schneider of Houston and Mock were guests of Mr. Yerxa for a week-end hunt.

     Messrs. Jenal, Matteson, Harrison, Yorke, Laraway, Doyen and Brown attended the Blessing fair last week.

     Miss Vera Powers arrived from Massachusetts last week and will remain for the winter.

     Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and family arrived from Massachusetts last week and will make their home here, having purchased a farm at Buckeye on a former trip.

     Mr. Carrington of Bay City motored to Buckeye the first of the week.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
November 29, 1912:



     Ray Bigelow of Bay City was a business visitor here Tuesday.

     Mrs. Littlefield and little Miss Gertrude visited at Bay City Friday.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa visited friends at Markham Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown drove to Bay City Friday and spent the day.

     Mr. Garner of Kentucky was here for several days last week.

     H. L. Riddle was here from Boston the first of the week looking after the numerous interests.

     W. F. Smith is moving his family to Markham.

     L. W. Matteson and Dave Brown spent Sunday at Oyster Lake.

     Dr. & Mrs. Vaughan of Boston were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Yerxa.

     A number of Buckeye young folks, chaperoned by Mr. & Mrs. Doyen, enjoyed a 'possum roast on the banks of the Colorado last Monday evening.

     Mrs. Milner and son, S. Milnor, are here from Nashville, Tennessee, and will open the new hotel as soon as it is ready for occupancy.

     Miss Wortham spent the week end with relatives at Bay City last week.

     A Xmas program is being prepared by the Sunday school pupils.

     Rev. Selfridge of Bay City preached at Buckeye last Sunday, and an increase in the congregation was noticeable.

     Mrs. Poole and family motored to Buckeye Sunday and attended Church.

     The Baustian twins, Ramont and Lamont, were here from Markham to spend Sunday with relatives.

     Allan Spoor, who has been ill with the grip, is improving.

     Hugh Bowers was a visitor here Wednesday.

     J. C. Carrington of Bay City visited Buckeye Wednesday.

     C. D. Jenal left for his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after spending several months here.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham and Miss Viola of Beadle spent Sunday at Buckeye the guests of friends.

     Frank Bond of Ashby was here on his way home from the county seat Monday.

     Mr. Jas. Spence went to Collegeport to spend the week end with his family.


he Matagorda County Tribune
, December 6, 1912:



     The young people here enjoyed a hop at the Powers Hotel Thanksgiving night.

     Mr. J. G. Harrison and Mrs. and Mrs. Yerxa and family motored to Collegeport Thursday evening.

     Mr. Highbarger was here Tuesday with a party of homeseekers.

     L. W. Matteson spent a few days at Houston the first of the week.

     Mr. Roy Roach of Blessing spent Tuesday night at Buckeye.

     Mr. James Lewis and Hayden McDonald of Markham visited friends at Buckeye Sunday.

     Messrs. Holbert, Harrison, Yorke and Milner were visitors to the county seat Friday.

     Miss Louise Wortham went to Bay City Thanksgiving day and was the guest of Miss Kilbride.

     The committee on arrangements for the Xmas entertainment met with Miss Yerxa Monday evening, Miss Murfries, Miss Wortham, Mrs. Lamson and Mr. Spence.

     Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Foster of Ashby were here Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Landers were visitors to Buckeye the first of the week.

     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Waite and Thomas B., Jr., were here Tuesday en route to Collegeport.

     Mr. J. G. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa and Miss Wortham motored to Bay City and Matagorda Sunday.

     Messrs. Henry and Erle Laraway went to Simpsonville Tuesday on business.

     Mrs. Milnor and Aspacio Milnor are spending a few days at Palacios.

     Miss Murfries and Miss Vera Powers were visitors to Bay City Saturday.

     Frank Long is moving his family to Markham. The farm he has occupied the past season, having been sold to the Messrs. Laraway, who will take possession next week.

     An interesting little Thanksgiving program was given Friday afternoon at the school house by the pupils of Miss Murfries and Miss Wortham.

     Miss Viola Isham of Beadle was the guest of the Misses Yerxa Wednesday.

     A deal has just been closed for a cotton gin, which will be of great benefit to the farmers around Buckeye, as a great deal of cotton will be raised here the coming season.

     Mr. Anderson of Palacios will put in the gin at Buckeye which will be good news to more than one community from nearby towns.

     Excellent rains during the past week were appreciated by the cabbage growers in this vicinity.

     Mrs. Chas. Isham was a visitor from Beadle Tuesday.

     Miss Spence of Collegeport was the guest of Miss Powers last Thursday.



The Daily Tribune, December 10, 1912:


                                                      NOTES AND PERSONALS

     Mr. Will Carr of Buckeye was sightseeing in town today.

     Dr. Evertt and lady, of Buckeye, were in the city yesterday for a few hours on a shopping expedition.


The Matagorda County Tribune,
December 13, 1912:



     Three extra train loads of homeseekers from the north came through Thursday, for points along this line. These excursions are constantly growing heavier.

     Mr. Irwin of Wadsworth was a business visitor Saturday.

     Mrs. Jules Ducros and her house guest, Miss Holman of Weimer, visited friends at Buckeye Saturday.

     Every available building in Buckeye has been sold for homes to newcomers, and more houses are to be built as soon as material and carpenters can be secured.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham of Beadle were here Saturday on their way home from Bay City.

     Mr. Cookenboo of Bay City transacted business at Buckeye Saturday.

     Mr. Hardaman, who recently came here from Massachusetts is putting up a substantial residence and expects his family here before Christmas.

     Mr. Gillespie of Collegeport was a Buckeye visitor Saturday.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa visited Miss Isham at her home on the Borden estate at Beadle last Thursday.

     Miss Louise Wortham went to Bay City Saturday.

     A good sized party from Buckeye are planning to go to see "Madame Sherry" at Bay City Thursday night.

     L. W. Matteson was a business visitor to the county seat Saturday.

     Judge Jones of Collegeport was here between trains Saturday.

     Mr. Yerxa went to Houston the first of the week on a short business trip, Mrs. Yerxa accompanied him.

     W. F. Smith of Markham was here Saturday.

     Mr. Jas. Spence went to Collegeport to spend Sunday with his family.

     Mrs. Ira Doyen returned home from Blessing Saturday.

     Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn returned from Houston Tuesday and will occupy a suite at the new hotel until their new residence is completed.

     A serious accident was narrowly averted Tuesday when the South bound passenger on the Brownsville and the Collegeport nearly met on the long railroad bridge over the Colorado just east of Buckeye. The trains were both running slowly over the trustles, and the trainmen stuck to their posts, though there was little time to apply brakes.



The Matagorda County Tribune, December 20, 1912:



     Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Harrington of Kingsville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa Friday and Saturday.

     Ripe strawberries are seen at Buckeye now-a-days, meanwhile our friends up north are shoveling snow off their sidewalks, and figuring on how long the last ton of coal will hold out.

     Mr. J. C. Carrington was here on business Saturday.

     Mrs. Milnor and son, Aspacio, returned from a week's visit at Palacios Saturday.

     Mrs. Isham and Miss Viola returned Saturday from a visit to Houston.

     Harvey Foster of Ashby was a visitor here Saturday.

     School closed Friday for the holidays and will reopen January 2. Miss Murfries will spend Christmas at Thomaston and Miss Wortham at Bay City.

     Mr. and Mrs. Russel were at Bay City Saturday to attend their Xmas shopping.

     Miss Leone Yerxa returned Sunday from Bay City where she was the guest of Mrs. R. R. Lewis who entertained most delightfully with a birthday dinner Saturday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Carmen Autrey, of Houston.

     Mrs. Ira Doyen spent Saturday at Bay City.

     Mrs. Vera Powers returned from Bay City Saturday.

     A party from Buckeye went to see "Madame Sherry" at Bay City Thursday and included the following: Misses Louise Wortham, Leone and Lucy Yerxa, Messrs. J. G. Harrison, Erle and Henry Laraway and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa.

     A business meeting of the Buckeye Truckgrower's Association was held Saturday evening and strawberry and fig raising were discussed.

     Gathering mistletoe to send northern friends is the very pleasant occupation this time of the year at Buckeye.

     Mr. Lamson has started building his new residence north of the townsite.

     Mrs. Gene Littlefield and Master Walter spend Monday at the county seat.

     Mr. Rathburn began his new house this week and expects to have it completed soon.

     The new hotel is about completed and will soon be ready for occupancy as soon as the furniture arrives.

     The Messrs. Laraway were business visitors to the county seat Wednesday.

     Mr. Paul LaPierre returned Monday after spending several weeks with his brother.

     Frank Bond of Ashby visited friends here Saturday.

     Dr. H. H. Harrington, agricultural expert for the Frisco, was here Friday evening and gave a very interesting and instructive talk before the truck growers association on "Potato Raising in Texas." About forty people were present, including a number of ladies. The meeting was held in the lobby of the new hotel and a log fire in the big fire place added to the occasion.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from Wadsworth Tuesday.

     Miss Spence and Mr. Glasser of Collegeport spend Sunday at Buckeye.

     Mrs. D. C. Howard spent Wednesday at Bay City.

     Mrs. Vaughn and Mrs. Milnor motored to Bay City Thursday.



The Matagorda County Tribune, December 27, 1912:



     Allan Spoor went to Ashby Thursday to spend Christmas with home folks.

     Erle Laraway visited at Markham last Tuesday.

     The infant son of J. A. Brown was seriously ill the first of the week.

     Dr. and Mrs. Vaughan were visitors to the county seat Saturday.

     Christmas day was observed at Buckeye and the beautiful summer day seemed very unusual for the Christmas season to the transplanted ones.

     Mr. J. G. Harrison went to San Antonio to spend Christmas.

     Arthur Armstrong, a former Buckeyeite, was the guest of T. L. Armstrong for Christmas.

     Mr. Bridges was a visitor to the county seat Saturday.

     Mr. A. H. Yerxa is suffering with lagrippe.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Bay City Wednesday evening to be the guest of Miss Emma Lewis for the leap year ball.

     L. W. Matteson returned from Bay City Thursday where he was a guest at the leap year ball given by the young ladies.

     The Christmas tree exercises at the school house Tuesday night were well attended and the little folks gave an interesting program. Santa Claus appeared on schedule time and greatly added to the children's pleasure in assisting in the distribution of gifts from the beautiful tree.

     Mr. Jean LaPierre arrived from Dayton to spend Christmas at Buckeye.

     The Misses Yerxa and L. W. Matteson went to Bay City Monday to attend the ball given by the Young Men's Club.

     Mr. Jean LaPierre arrived from Dayveston (sic) Friday where he went to meet his wife and children who arrived from Massachusetts via the "San Jacinto."

     Mr. and Mrs. Hardamon are a welcome addition to Buckeye society, and their family of children who are thoroughly in accordance with Rooseveltian views will do their share in agitating the movement for a larger and better school building at once.



Copyright 2008 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 12, 2008
Dec. 12, 2008