Buckeye News Columns

January - June 1914

Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown

Buckeye Information


The Matagorda County Tribune
, January 2, 1914:


From Monday’s Daily.

     Dr. J. H. Vaughan and wife of Buckeye left this morning for an extended trip through the west including California. They will perhaps be gone a month or longer.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, January 9, 1914:



A Large Number of Teachers In Attendance

     The County Teachers’ Institute for Matagorda County convened at the High School Monday morning with Hon. Thos. H. Lewis, county superintendent, presiding.

     All the white teachers of the county, with the exception of the Bay City and Palacios faculties, are participating. The institute will hold for five days and is now well along with the work.

     [Among those attending were:]

District No. 14, Buckeye, Miss Willie Mae Colbert, Miss Matie Brewer.



     Mrs. Chas. Isham of Beadle, was the guest of Mrs. Yerxa a few days recently.

     The Christmas Cantata given by the children of Buckeye was enjoyed by a large crowd who gathered in the auditorium of the new school building Christmas Eve. A double quartet by some of the young people gave some excellent music, after which gifts were distributed from the Christmas tree to every one present.

     Mrs. Cully, who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Milnor, is reported to be improving.

     Mr. Frank Bond of Ashby spent the holidays with Buckeye friends, returning home Saturday.

     Miss Helen Beadle and Master Bell of Beadle, and Mr. Grover Moore of Bay City were at Buckeye Thursday calling on friends.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Matteson of Texas City spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, returning home Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Massachusetts, who have been guests at Hotel Plotner for a number of weeks, left for Houston Christmas Day.

     Mr. Henry Kenney visited in Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. Dodge was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and A. H., Jr., spent Monday at Bay City.

     The Misses Ethel and Anna Spence and Leone and Lucy Yerxa went to Beadle on the Collegeport train Tuesday, to be the guest of Miss Isham. Messrs. Eyers, Kenney and Glasser of Buckeye and Mr. Bond of Beadle drove out to spend the evening. Miss Isham returned to Buckeye the next day with the young ladies to attend the watch party.

     Miss Helen Beadle of Beadle was the guest of Mrs. John Reynolds in Bay City for the New Year’s festivities.

     Miss Myrtle Morris of Houston spent Wednesday at Buckeye the guest of the Misses Spence.

     Mr. F. Krauss spent Christmas with his family in Houston, returning to Buckeye the first of the week.

     Mr. Joe Harrison left for Duluth, Minn., last week to spend the holidays with his family.

     A jolly party of young people watched the old year out at the Spence home Wednesday evening.

     Mr. Chas. Knox of Boston, Mass., arrived last week and is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Vaughan.

     Mr. Ira Doyen is enjoying a visit from his father, who arrived from Massachusetts last week.

     Mr. Albert York visited in Houston a few days last week.

     Mr. Liggett of Collegeport spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James Spence.

     Mr. Burgess and family arrived from Central Texas last week and will farm at Buckeye.

     Mr. Glasser with his daughters, Miriam and Ruth, was here from Collegeport to visit his son Irwin, and spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. James Spence.

     Mr. Chas. Isham returned from Austin last Saturday where he went to accompany Miss Viola home for the holidays. She will return to Kenilworth Hall January 5.

     Miss Ethel Spence will return to Collegeport Saturday, after spending the holidays at Buckeye with her parents.

     Mr. Chas. Knox Jr. came over from Wadsworth to visit relatives this week at Buckeye.

     Mr. A. H. Yerxa, who was confined to his home for a few days, is much improved and on duty as usual.

     Mr. Julian, who has been spending the past month at Hotel Plotner, returned to Mission Monday.

     Mr. Jack Eyers, who has been at Hotel Plotner for several months past began the new year in his new bachelor cottage north of Buckeye in order to develop his farm.

     School will reopen Monday, January 5, after a holiday vacation of two weeks and will occupy the fine, new $5,000 building just completed.

     Miss Leone Yerxa returned from Bay City Monday, where she was the guest of Miss Emma Lewis for the New Year’s Ball and other festivities.


Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer
, January 23, 1914:



Was Organized at Buckeye Yesterday by Miss Warren

     Miss Elizabeth Warren, the county agent of the A. & M. Canning Department, yesterday made an interesting talk at Buckeye and organized a class in fruit and vegetable canning.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, January 30, 1914:



From Wednesday’s Daily.

     Mr. J. J. LeTulle of Buckeye was in Bay City yesterday. He stated to the Tribune that farming operations are in full sway in that “neck of the woods” and that he has over 100 acres in good condition for planting.



     Mr. Frank Bond and his guest, Mr. Magness of Ashby, were guests of friends at Buckeye last Sunday.

     Mr. L. E. Beadle and son, Billy and Mr. Chas. Isham of Beadle went to Galveston Tuesday.

     Rev. Selfridge was here Sunday and held Presbyterian services with a good congregation.

     Mr. Magill of Bay City, Master Lawrence Selfridge and Miss Metzger attended church services at Buckeye Sunday afternoon.

     Mr. and Mrs. James Spence and Miss Agnes returned from Citrus Grove Saturday where they went to attend the funeral of Mr. Tower who was an old friend when both families came south from Nebraska. Mrs. Venre Tower and little daughter will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Spence while her husband takes his father’s remains North.

     Mr. John Gore of Markham was a business visitor to Buckeye Thursday.

     Recent arrivals from Massachusetts to acquire land at Buckeye were, Mrs. E. W. Grogan and Miss Grogan of Boston, Messrs. H. H. Gibson of New Hampshire, C. M. O’Brien of Boston, Geo. Stinecker of New York, all of whom were charmed with this delightful climate and a number of sales were made.

     Miss Ethel Spence came from Collegeport Saturday and spent the week end with her parents.

     Mr. McFarlan of Galveston was a visitor to Buckeye Tuesday.

     There is no reason why anyone but a very recent arrival should be living on can food these days. In some of the gardens here are found onions, lettuce, radishes, turnips, spinach, cabbage, etc., and for fruit, ripe strawberries. Many have set out blackberry plants under the direction of Mr. Krauss, the park gardener, who has raised these berries in a practical way for many years and knows the best varieties for this section. As this country is settling fast, the wild dewberry is disappearing and the cultivated blackberry thrives even better.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa returned from Beadle Saturday where she was a guest of Mrs. Chas. Isham.

     Mr. Harvey Foster, who has charge of the work of installing new culverts in the levee around Buckeye, is ill with the good old-fashioned measles at his home near Markham.

     Mr. A. H. Yerxa went to Galveston the first of the week.

     Mr. Irwin Glasser went to Bay City Tuesday on business.

     Mr. Grover Moore of Bay City motored to Beadle Sunday to visit with friends.

     Dr. A. A. Plotner of Dayton, Ohio, was here several days this week to look after his business interest at Buckeye. Mr. E. H. Turner, one of Dayton’s prominent lawyers, accompanied Dr. Plotner to transact business for the firm of Plotner & Stoddard.

     Mr. Chas. Isham of Beadle visited friends at Buckeye Thursday.

     Miss Agnes Spence returned from Houston Monday.

     Mr. Dickert of Ashby was here Friday to transact business. Miss Lena accompanied him.

     The attendance at the Buckeye Sunday School is steadily increasing and the new quarters in the school auditorium is very commodious as well as a very attractive place to hold these gatherings.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, accompanied by Misses Leone and Lucy and A. H., Jr., left for Houston Wednesday to see the “Blue Bird.”

     Mr. W. C. Dahme, traveling salesman for the Hogan Allnoch Co. of Houston, was here on business this week.


The Daily Tribune
, February 7, 1914:



     Dr. A. A. Plotner who has been here for the...looking after his interest...Dayton, Ohio, the last...

     Mr. & Mrs. ...and little daughter of ...the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ...at Beadle Saturday and Sunday.

     Mr. Stuart went to Alvin with his family Saturday.

     A. H. Yerxa returned from Galveston Thursday night.

     Some of the young people of Buckeye enjoyed a dance in the new auditorium Monday evening.

     Mrs. LeFleur of Wharton was a Buckeye visitor last week, to renew old acquaintances.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa went to Bay City Tuesday and visited Mrs. R. P. Burke, who came from Athens, Tenn., to visit her son, George Burke, for a few weeks.

     Mrs. Madeline Irving was here from Bay City Tuesday to visit her father before leaving for Boston.

     Mrs. John LeTulle spent Tuesday in Bay City shopping.

     Mr. E. H. Turner returned to Dayton, Ohio, the last of the week.

     “The Sons of Honor,” and the “Esthers,” met at the auditorium Tuesday evening to discuss various topics of interest to the Sunday school.

     Mr. Jack Eyers has had his bungalow moved into town, from about a mile west of Buckeye.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle and Mrs. Chas Isham of Beadle were at Buckeye Monday to call on friends and to visit the public library, and announced their intention of donating some books —the first donation from outside since the library was opened.

     Mr. Qua and Miss Beatrice went to Bay City Monday where Miss Beatrice will attend school this winter.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, February 13, 1914:



     A. A. Plotner & John W. Stoddard to J. Aspacio Milnor; W. D. with V. L.; consideration of $150; lots Nos. 6 and 7 in block No. 20, in the subdivision of lands known as Buckeye Irrigation Farm.

     Ariadne V. Stewart et al to A. A. Plotner et al; W. D.; consideration $100; lot No. 7, block No. 28, townsite of Buckeye.



     Mr. and Mrs. Hardamon have as their guest Mr. Hardamon’s mother, who arrived last week to spend the rest of the winter.

     Miss Edith Thompson of Herrington, Kansas, arrived from Houston Wednesday on her way to Collegeport and spent the day with Misses Yerxa.

     Wednesday afternoon the members of the Esther class entertained the ladies of the community in the auditorium from three to five o’clock, and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Tea and cake were served.

     Miss Jeannie Vineyard of Houston arrived Wednesday to be the guest of Miss Leone Yerxa for a couple of weeks and a number of events have been planned for her pleasure.

     Mr. Francis Spence was a business visitor to Bay City Thursday.

     Miss Maggie Ryman arrived Sunday and is the guest of Mrs. Bundick, near Markham.

     Mr. Allan Spoor went over on the east side Tuesday to visit his aunt, Mrs. Watkins, who is very ill of pneumonia.

     Mr. Melvin Spoor of Ashby visited his brother here Tuesday.

     Mr. Irwin Glasser went to Collegeport Saturday to spend the week-end with his father and sisters.

     Mr. Liggett of Collegeport Spent Sunday with Buckeye friends.

     Miss Mildred Floyd of Don Tol, Miss Emma Lewis, Mrs. Lettie Himel and little Lettie Lewis Himel of Bay City are guests of Misses Yerxa last Saturday and Sunday.

     Miss Anna Spence went to Collegeport the last of the week to visit her sister, Miss Ethel.

     A number of Buckeye people went to Bay City to see the “Rose Maid” last Friday, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa and Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa, Matie Brewer and Willie Mae Colbert.

     Mr. Arthur Powers left for Houston Sunday.

     A number of young holly trees were set out in the park here last week.

     A valentine social will be given Saturday evening in the auditorium by the Christian Endeavor Society, and a large crowd is expected.

     Miss Blake Terry came up from Ashby to go to Bay City the last of the week.

     The young ladies and the men’s Bible classes are planning a banquet to be given in the near future, which will be a more elaborate affair than usual.

     Mr. Harvey Foster has recovered from his illness and has resumed charge of the work of putting in the new culverts in the water boxes along the Buckeye levee.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, February 20, 1914:



     Mrs. Harry Milnor returned last Friday from San Antonio where she spent several weeks visiting her son.

     Mrs. Swett and children arrived Monday from Massachusetts to join her husband who preceeded her several months ago.

     Messrs. James Lewis and Hayden McDonald of Markham and Frank Bond of Ashby will be week-end guests of friends at Buckeye Sunday.

     Master Arthur Yerxa entertained a number of his little neighbors Wednesday evening in honor of his seventh birthday.

     Mr. Dave Hardman was a visitor to Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. Irving was here from Bay City Saturday to visit his family.

     The young people’s valentine social held at the auditorium last Saturday night was well attended, about fifty young people being present, and an unusually good time was enjoyed. A valentine hunt and various appropriate games occupied the evening and coffee and assorted sandwiches were served.

     Miss Adele Moore of Bay City was the guest of Miss Yerxa the last of the week.

     Mr. R. Q. Ward of Blessing visited friends here Friday and transacted some business also.

     A number of young people have organized a whist club at Buckeye to meet once a week, the first regular meeting being held at the home of Miss Agnes Hardman Wednesday evening. The members are Misses Vera Powers, Agnes Hardman, Willie Mae Colbert, Matie Brewer, and Leone and Lucy Yerxa; Messrs. Powers, O’Brien, Kenney, Eyers, Hardman and Dave Hardman.

     Miss Ethel Spence came up from Collegeport to visit her parents between trains last Saturday.

     Mr. Swansey and family returned to Buckeye last week after an absence of several months.

     Mr. John Gore of Markham, has charge of a crew of men at Buckeye rebuilding the levee.

     Miss Brewer of Bay City was the guest of her sister, Miss Matie Brewer, for the past week-end.

     Mr. J. A. Brown was a visitor to Bay City Monday.

     Mr. James Lewis of Markham was host at a five-course dinner Tuesday evening complimentary to Miss Jeannie Vineyard who is the guest of Miss Leone Yerxa of Buckeye. The table was beautifully arranged with a violet scheme carried out in the place cards and decorations. The twelve guests were, Miss Vineyard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, and Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa, and Messrs. Lewis, McDonald and Nolte. Later in the evening Mrs. Brown was hostess for “five hundred,” with a chafing dish supper at midnight.



     Among the social happenings of Markham for the week was a beautifully appointed dinner given by Messrs. H. H. McDonald and Jas. C. Lewis, Tuesday evening at the Markham Hotel, in honor of Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa of Buckeye and their guest, Miss Jennie Vineyard, of Houston. At seven o’clock the guests were invited into the dining room where covers had been laid for twelve and a menu of many delectable dishes served. After dining, the party repaired to the hospital home of Mr. and Mrs. Sig Brown where a most enjoyable evening was spent at “Five Hundred.”

     Those enjoying this hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa, Miss Leone Yerxa, Miss Lucy Yerxa of Buckeye, Miss Jennie Vineyard of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Brown, C. A. Nolte, H. H. McDonald and Jas. C. Lewis.


Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer
, February 20, 1914:



Important Elections in the School Districts of the County April 4th and May 2nd.

Commissioners Court Proceedings

     Commissioners Court adjourned Saturday, after a week’s interesting proceedings. The News-Farmer published last Friday a report of the proceedings up to Thursday, including the list of election officers for the general election in November. We give here the officers appointed for the April election in the common school districts for trustees, district and county, and in the independent districts for the county trustees board, on the same day. The independent school districts elect their district trustees on May 2nd, while the common school districts elect trustees on the first Saturday in April.

     For the common school districts:  [Among those listed was:]

     In No. 14, at Spence & Son’s store, Buckeye, 2 trustees to be elected. Officers–J. W. Spence, W. E. Ridey, Allen Spoor.



Introduction of Good Seed and Improved Methods—County Agent Persons’

Big Corn Club Ready for Business

     . . . County Agent [W.R.] Persons has been very successful in organizing his boy’s corn clubs, having now enrolled some sixty members, including progressive boy farmers in nearly every section of the county, each one pledging himself to plant and cultivate one acre in corn under the especial directions they will receive. The club membership is as follows–and News Farmer regards it as a roll of honor:

     [Included in the list were:]

     Buckeye–Lewis Swett, aged 11 years; John Henderson, aged 16 years; Reuben Brown, aged 16 years; Mahlon Hodges, aged 15 years.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, February 27, 1914:



     The Matagorda County Sunday School Convention met at the Methodist Church in this city this morning, pursuant to the call of Pres. C. V. Snyder of Palacios for a two day session.

     [Among those attending were]

            Miss Agnes Spence of Buckeye, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lee.

            Mr. Hodges of Buckeye, secretary of the convention, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Magill



     A number of young people went to Collegeport last Friday to be present at the annual banquet given by some of the young ladies there, in honor of Washington’s Birthday, and a very pleasant evening was reported. About two hundred guests were present and the speeches were unusually good—as was the feast also. Those who attended from here were Misses Agnes and Anna Spence and Lucy Yerxa and Mr. Irwin Glasser.

     Messrs. James Lewis and Hayden McDonald of Markham and F. B. Bond of Ashby spent the past week-end at Buckeye.

     The Whist Club met at the home of the Misses Yerxa Wednesday.

     A number of people attended the dance given in the school auditorium last Saturday evening from eight until ten thirty.

     Mr. Allan Spoor visited his parents over Sunday at Ashby.

     Mr. Ray Bigelow and Mr. Raymond Cookenboo were guests of friends here over night, Wednesday, being unable to motor to Bay City, as the bridge has not yet been put in on the country road since the dredging machine cut through near LeTulle’s, several weeks ago.

     Miss Leone Yerxa and her guest, Miss Vineyard, went to Bay City Monday evening to see “The Little Millionaire.”

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa went to Bay City last Thursday to attend the bridge party given for Mrs. Autrey of Houston at the home of Mrs. Dick Lewis.

     A banquet for the members of the two Bible classes of the Buckeye School school, Sons of Jonathan and Esthers, will be given next Tuesday evening, and about seventy-five invitations are out, which includes about twenty-five former members who are absent.

     There were no church services held here Sunday, though it was the day appointed for Rev. Selfridge to come from Bay City. If the bridge over the county road between here and Markham is put in by that time, there will be church next Sunday afternoon, March 1.

     Owing to the tender leaving the track, the noon train on the Frisco was delayed here an hour and a half Wednesday—no damage was done.

     The Misses Yerxa and Miss Vineyard returned from Bay City Wednesday afternoon where they were guests of Miss Frances Poole.

     Mr. Russell Ward of San Antonio was a visitor here Wednesday.

     Owing to the delay in putting in the small bridge over the irrigation ditch on the county road, automobiles are compelled to go nearly 25 miles to get from Buckeye to Markham a distance of but four miles.



State of Texas,

County of Matagorda

     Whereas, by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Matagorda County, Texas, on a judgment rendered in said court on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1913, in favor of Plottner & Stoddard and against Clifford Lamson, No. 3414 on the docket of said court, I did, on the 16th day of February, A. D., 1914, at 10 o’clock a. m., levy upon the following described tracts and parcels of land situate in the county of Matagorda, State of Texas, and belonging to the said Clifford Lamson, to-wit:

     Lot No. 5, in block 125, in the subdivision of certain lands in Matagorda County, Texas, known as the Buckeye Irrigation Farm and fully described in a deed dated August 7, 1912, from A. A. Plottner et al to Clifford Lamson, recorded in Vol. ____ page ____, deed records of Matagorda County, Texas, to which deed and its record reference is here made for a greater certainty: The amount of judgment being ($610.50) with all costs and interest.

     And on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1914, being the first Tuesday of said month, between the hours of 10 o’clock a.m. and 4 o’clock p. m. on said day, at the court house door of said county, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, all the right, title and interest of the said Clifford Lamson in and to said property.

     Dated at Bay City, Texas, this the 16th day of February, A. D. 1914.

                                                                                                FRANK RUGELEY

                                                                                                Sheriff Matagorda County, Texas.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, March 6, 1914:



[County Sunday School Convention – see paper for full article]

     Vice-President, Mr. Francis Spence, Superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday School at Buckeye.



     The Sons of Honor, the men’s Bible class, joined by the ladies of the Esther class, of the Buckeye Sunday school, held their first annual banquet at Hotel Plotner on Thursday evening, March 3, and forty-two were present.

     Despite the threatening weather of the afternoon, almost every invitation issued was responded to in person and merriment and good feeling reigned supreme throughout the evening.

     Tables had been laid in the spacious dining room and there were appropriate and pleasing decorations and souvenir place cards in the class colors.

     To the strains of the march rendered by Miss Anna Spence at the piano, guests filed into the banquet hall where they were not long in beginning to do justice to all the good things, after an invocation by Mr. Spence.

     The menu consisted of oyster cocktail, waldorf salad, oyster, scallop and deliciously prepared turkey and all that goes with it to make it truly a relish, after which came excellent cream and cake and splendid coffee.

     At length, however the repast finished, the speakers for the evening one after another rose and graciously responded to calls and it was soon evident that not only had a feast to satisfy the inner man been planned, but a spiritual and intellectual one as well.

     A brief “resume” or history of the work accomplished by the class within the last year was given by Mr. Jack Eyers, master of ceremonies in an excellent and pointed manner unquestionably proving to the company present the great progress these workers are making. He then introduced the toastmaster, Mr. Irwin Glasser, who is the youthful president of the men’s class and the favorite of everyone, and many were the cheerful rounds of applause accorded him. Then came sincere and hearty greetings and good wishes expressed by Mrs. W. F. Dodge, president of the ladies’ class and her words were warmly appreciated.

     Each one called added more good things to the events of the evening, and while due solemnity prevailed, at times, there was also plenty of fun. Quite the merriest speech and one that made some splendid “hits” was that delivered by the popular member, Mrs. A. H. Yerxa. In her ever attractive style, she good-naturedly responded to her name, insisting that she had been previously instructed to roast the company individually and collectively, and not daring to look those she assailed in the eye, she “sought refuge behind her notes.” For an instant the audience, with bated breath, awaited what might come as the speaker unfurled a lengthy, voluminous yellow roll. But throughtout the attack, the company gave way to peals of merriment, as each ones dose was dealt, and all assured their kind peals of merriment, as each ones dose was severely burned—only well toasted, good and brown, on all sides.

     Another brief and telling speech of the evening was delivered by Mr. Gilbert Stagg “Dreams of the Future” and this active earnest member won a warm place in the hearts of his hearers.

     Miss Matie Brewer wittily responded when called upon to give her views on “Local Opportunities,” and some very excellent thoughts were well expressed on the subject. The toastmaster then introduced Mr. Qua, whose subject was “Live Wires” and who immediately proved by his able discourse to be one of the livest and livliest wires among the Sons of Honor and his speech was well received.

     A pleasing surprise was arranged by Mr. Spence for both classes during the evening when he presented the framed charters to be hung in the classrooms, and which were delivered to them with many kind words. Credit is also due Mr. Spence for the flourishing condition of the Sunday School, and owing to whose untiring efforts the banquet was such glorious success.

     Many greetings, sent by former members, were, read after which the guests repaired to the parlors where a musical program was rendered by the Misses Spence, Misses Hardman and Yerxa, Mr. and Mr. Dodge and others, the most prominent feature being a class song, written by Mr. Spence, sung by the Sons of Honor which was heartily encored.

     One disappointment in the program was Mrs. John LeTulle not being present to give the promised reading, having been called home before the evening was over.

     The banquet will be an annual institution.                                                            A NEW MEMBER



     Miss Jeannie Vineyard, who had been a guest of Miss Yerxa for two weeks, returned to her home in Houston last Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham of Beadle had as guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bagby of Citrusgrove and Miss Alice Holman and Miss Ninde of Bay City.

     Col. Simpson of Dallas shipped a new five-passenger Ford to his ranch at Beadle last week, for the use of his manager, Mr. L. E. Beadle.

     Miss Louise Coe and Mr. Herbert Coe came from Blessing Tuesday to be present at the first annual banquet given by the Bible classes of the Buckeye Sunday School that evening.

     The bridge over the ditch in the county road, near Markham, is completed, much to the relief of the public.

     Mr. Irving of Bay City returned to Buckeye to be a guest of the banquet Tuesday.

     Mr. James Lewis of Markham visited friends here Friday.

     Mrs. Cobb of Blessing was here between trains Monday on her way home from Collegeport.

     Col. John Pierce of Blessing was a guest at Hotel Plotner the first of the week.

     The L.B.T. Club will be guests of Miss Brewer Friday at the home of Miss Vera Powers.

     Miss Agnes Spence spent several days in Bay City last week as delegate to the Sunday School Convention.

     Mr. Irwin Glasser went to Bay City Tuesday on business.

     Mr. Jack Eyers was a business visitor last Saturday.

     Mr. W. K. Knowles left for a trip to Massachusetts Tuesday.

     Mrs. Hanna of Bay City, a former resident of Buckeye, arrived Tuesday to attend the re-union and banquet of the “Esther” and “Sons of Honor” classes.

     Messrs. Kenney and O’Brien visited at Bay City and Wadsworth last Friday.

     Misses Matie Brewer and Willie Mae Colbert visited in Bay City during the past week-end.

     Mrs. William Knowles received the sad news last week of the death of her mother, who was spending the winter with relatives in Panama, expecting to visit in Buckeye on the return trip this month to Massachusetts. Mrs. Knowles has the sympathy of the community.

     A regular norther struck this part of the country Tuesday night, and continued all day Wednesday, but is only a hint of what is experienced farther north in the land of real weather, with ice and snow.

     Miss Helen Beadle, who has been spending the past few weeks in Houston, returned to her home in Beadle the first of the week. Mrs. Beadle and Billy will remain in Houston for several weeks.

     Mr. Haley and Mr. Herick of Massachusetts were here last week to purchase some of Buckeye lands.

     The banquet given at Hotel Plotner by the Esther class and Sons of Honor Tuesday night was one of the most elaborate affairs given at Buckeye for some time, and was carried to the end of the program without a flaw. Besides the members of the two classes were several guests, in each case the husband or wife of members. The literary program as well as the banquet was excellent and the event will long be remembered by those who attended.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, March 13, 1914:



     ...It is ordered by the Commissioners Court that the following persons be appointed to hold elections for common school district trustees in their respective districts on the first Saturday in April, 1914, and it is also ordered that the same be appointed to hold the election in their respective districts for county trustees, the polling places to be as indicated below and for the number of trustees indicated.

     In District No. 14, at Spence and Sons’ Store, Buckeye; 2 trustees to be elected; officers, J. W. Spence, W. E. Widly, Allen Spoor.



     Mr. Vernon Russell was a business visitor to Bay City Monday.

     Messrs. Harrison and Kenney went to Ashby Sunday.

     The joint business meeting of the Esthers and Sons of Honor was held Monday evening.

     Mrs. Harry Milnor was a Bay City visitor the first of the week.

     Catholic services were held at the home of Mr. Power Monday, the priest coming from Port Lavaca.

     Mr. Liggett of Collegeport visited friends here Monday.

     Mr. A. H. Yerxa spent several days at Wadsworth and Bay City this week.

     A number of Buckeye people will go to Bay City Friday to see “The Leopard’s Spots.”

     Dr. Morton of Bay City was here on professional business Thursday.

     Miss Vera Powers visited at Bay City Tuesday.

     Messrs. Harrison and Yerxa motored to Wadsworth last Thursday.

     Harvey Foster and family were here from their home near Markham Saturday.

     Miss Adele Moore of Bay City was the guest of Miss Beadle at her home at Beadle last week.

     Miss Ruth Keller of Bay City was the guest of Miss Brewer at Hotel Plotner the past week-end.

     The L.B.T. Club met at the home of Miss Vera Powers Tuesday night and spent a very pleasant evening. Prizes were awarded Miss Colbert and Mr. Harrison for highest scores the past month. “Banana splits” and cake were served by the hostess at the conclusion of the game.

     Miss Leone Yerxa was the guest of Miss Frances Poole in Bay City last Tuesday.

     The boys’ and girls’ flower clubs had a joint meeting at the school auditorium last Saturday evening.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa entertained a number of friends at Whist Saturday evening.

     Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Sig Brown of Markham motored to Buckeye Monday to buy green vegetables.

     Mr. John LeTulle was a visitor to the county seat Thursday.

     Messrs. McDonald and Lewis of Markham were here the last of the week.

     Messrs. Bigelow and Cookenboo motored to Buckeye Monday on the return trip to Bay City.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, March 20, 1914:



Buckeye Society.

     One of the most enjoyable social functions of the season was enjoyed by the L.B.T.’s and their friends on Friday evening at the pretty home of Miss Vera Powers on Plotner Avenue with Miss Matie Brewer as hostess.

     Promptly at eight o’clock dainty score cards were passed and soon all were very merrily engaged in progressive whist.

     Many beautiful musical selections were delightfully rendered by Messrs. O’Brien and Kenny. These young gentlemen having acquired their musical training in the Conservatory of Boston, and are indeed quite an addition to the social circle of Buckeye.

     Dainty and delicious refreshments, consisting of banana, cheese and pimento sandwiches, fruit and salad served on lettuce leaves, cherries, olives and hot chocolate were served.

     Only those so fortunate as to be present at this delightful affair know how charmingly Miss Brewer entertains and it was with much reluctance as the “wee sma’ hours” approached that each bade her “au re voir” and departed to their several homes.

     Miss Ruth Keller, one of Bay City’s most popular debutantes, was the guest of hornor.

     Those present were Misses Willie Mae Colbert, Agnes Hardman, Vera Powers, Leone and Lucy Yerxa and Ruth Keller of Bay City and Messrs. Eyers, Harrison, George and Dave Hardman, Kenny, O’Brien, James and Arthur Powers.



Buckeye Society.

     On Tuesday evening, March 10, the L.B.T. Club met with Miss Vera Powers in her cozy home on Plotner Avenue.

     After all members and guests had arrived and merry greetings were exchanged, pretty score cards were distributed, after this several games of progressive whist were enjoyed.

     This being the evening for the awarding of the prizes, the scores were counted and the “lucky young lady” was Miss Willie Mae Colbert, she winning high score for the month. She recieved as a prize a beautiful Buckeye souvenir spoon. Mr. Harrison ranked high among the young men for the month, and his prize was a very dainty gold initial tie-clasp. Last, but not least, came the awarding of the boobies which fell to the lot of Miss Vera Powers, a box of talcum, and Mr. O’Brien, a doll dressed in a very pretty dress of crochet.

     After this, Miss Powers, assisted by Mrs. Yerxa, served ice cream garnished with cherries, nuts and sliced bananas, and cut cake.

     Those attending were the Misses Matie Brewer, Willie Mae Colbert, Agnes Hardman, Leone and Lucy Yerxa and Mrs. Yerxa, and Messrs. Eyers, Harrison, Hardman, Kenny, O’Brien, Powers.



     Rev. L. E. Selfridge of Bay City will hold services at Buckeye Sunday, March 22, at the auditorium.

     Miss Frances Poole returned to Bay City Wednesday after a short visit with Leone Yerxa.

     Mrs. Walter Dodge and little Miss Hazel went to Bay City Monday.

     Among those who went to Bay City last Friday to see “The Leopard’s Spots,” were Misses Colbert, Brewer, and Messrs. Hodges and Brown.

     Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Swett spent Saturday at Bay City.

     Miss Ethel Spence of Collegeport spent the week-end at Buckeye with her parents.

     Mr. George Burke of Clemville visited friends here Tuesday.

     Mrs. Logan of Collegeport was the guest of friends here Saturday.

     Mr. Liggett of Collegeport visited with friends here Saturday.

     Mr. Fred Kenney was a Bay City visitor last Thursday.

     Miss Agnes and Miss Anna Spence are visiting in Houston this week.

     Miss Leone Yerxa entertained a number of friends at her home Tuesday evening with a juvenile party, and every guest entered heartily into the plan and came dressed as children. Little girls in French dresses with pretty sashes and fancy party dresses, all wearing their hair in curls, —big boys in Buster Brown suits, Norfolk coats and knee trousers—or fancy costumes of green,—made an interesting scene. Youthful games were indulged in until all the guests had arrived when shamrock score cards were passed for progressive bunco. Miss Brewer and Buster Brown Burke won the head prizes, a box of animal crackers, while little Irwin Glasser and little Miss Powers were consoled with a little pocket knife and toy snake. Prizes for the best costumes were awarded to “Miss” Sylvia Pankhurt Lewis of Markham and Master Freddie Kenney of Buckeye. Little Sylvia was the admiration of all beholders in a little red French dress with wig to match while dainty (?) slippers, sash, etc., completed “her” fetching costume. Master Freddie was dressed as the “Pied Piper” and as he is a helpless bachelor, made his own costume, which was complete in every detail, even to flaxen wig, and made a hit with the fair sex. Miss (?) Lizzie O’Brien also deserved honorable mention for the heroic manner in which she wore her costume. Though lacking somewhat in grace, her beautiful gown of brilliant green and picture hat added much to the scene. The living room was decorated with festoons of emerald green and shamrock in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, which was also Miss Leone’s natal day. Ice cream and little currant cakes bearing aloft tiny silk Irish flags and angel food were served, and in cutting the cake the ring fell to Master Burke, the silver dime to Miss Lucy Yerxa. The fortunate bachelor or maid finding the button refused to confess. The little folks present were Misses Powers, Hardman, Colbert, Poole, Lucy and Leone Yerxa and Brewer and Masters Hardman, Dave Hardman, Jimmy Lewis, Billy Burke, Freddie Kenney, Mikey O’Brien, Irwin Glasser, Joey Harrison, Johnny Eyers, Powers, McDonald, Spence and Spoor.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, March 27, 1914:



     Mrs. L. E. Beadle and Miss Helen and Master Bill returned from Houston Monday, where they have been for several weeks.

     Mrs. David Hardman and Mrs. Hardman, Sr. spent Monday at Bay City.

     Owing to illness, Rev. L. E. Selfridge was not able to preach last Sunday, but will be here March 29, if possible.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa motored to Wadsworth and Bay City Monday.

     Col. Simpson of Dallas was the guest of Mr. Yerxa Wednesday.

     Mr. C. E. Gilbert of Bay City paid Buckeye a business call a few days ago.

     The Misses Spence returned from Houston last week where Miss Anna went to consult Dr. Mullins, the occulist.

     A business meeting of the teachers and officers of Buckeye Sunday school was held Friday evening at the auditorium.

     Mr. Bud Spoor of Ashby was at Buckeye Wednesday to visit his son.

     Mr. Eugene Cookenboo of Bay City was here on business Tuesday.

     Chas. Tew motored from Bay City to transact business here Tuesday.

     Mr. Kaw of Houston came to Buckeye on business Tuesday.

     Master Edgar Scruggs returned from Houston Sunday where he spent the week, visiting his mother.

     Mrs. J. J. LeTulle went to Bay City Monday to spend the day.

     Mrs. Grogan and Miss Grogan of Boston, Mass., are among the recent arrivals who will make their home at Buckeye.

     Mr. Millard of O’Brian and Mr. J. T. Harrison were Bay City visitors Tuesday.

     The Bashful Bachelors of Buckeye very delightfully entertained a number of young ladies last Saturday evening at the club rooms in the Riddle office building. The well-lighted rooms presented a very attractive appearance with pennant covered walls and oriental rugs, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Milnor chaperoned the pleasant gathering and four tables of progressive whist occupied most of the evening. The refreshments—fruit salad, sandwiches and chocolate—were prepared and served by the Bachelors who covered themselves with glory, and many were the compliments they received. There are few places of this size where the young men show their appreciation of courtesies extended to them to the extent of returning the compliment in this graceful manner, and their efforts were well received. The bachelors and maids present were Messrs. Harrison, Kenney, O’Brien, Eyers, Hardman, Steinecker and Powers and Misses Grogan, Leone and Lucy Yerxa, Colbert, Brewer and Powers.


Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer
, March 27, 1914:



New Road and Bridge Needed—Buckeye Canning

Factory—Ashby Farmers—New Subscribers 26

     Where is Buckeye? Well that depends. If you want to walk, it is straight west. If you take the Borwnsville, it is southwest-west. If you want to take advantage of the bright spring-like days and go in a buggy and talk with the farmers on the way (that’s us) then you go north, then west to Markham, then southeast (almost) to the place of beginning, as the field notes would say.

     Last week ye editor got in his buggy and started south, then west and was turned back north and northwest to get across the river. All of which means there OUGHT to be another bridge over the Colorado on a straight line toward Buckeye and Collegeport. In the meantime, a first class road from the west end of the present Colorado bridge down to Buckeye would relieve the situation. We hope our commissioners will take this view for the convenience of the people of that part of the county, Collegeport and Ashby settlement who want to drive to Bay City.

     At Buckeye the Collegeport prong of the Frisco branches off to the southwest of the main line. Fertile lands all around Buckeye suggest that someday every acre of it will be in productive gardens. A movement has already been made in that direction—last year when the land company erected a canning factory. It would have been running now, no doubt, but for the excessive wet weather and the flood in December.

     J. G. Harrison, representing the land company, says the factory is ready to begin operations just as soon as the tomato and other crops are on the market. The plant has a capacity of 10,000 cans a day, and there is a car load of cans on hand for the start. He informed the News-Farmer that Messrs. Hardeman, Kinney, Ayres, Sweat, Knowles, Riley and Witt are planting several acres each of tomatoes, beets, sweet potatoes, etc., and their surplus will be offered to the cannery. This enterpprise can be made a great aid to the farmers and to the truck industry, by paying profitable prices from the start and all the time. On the other hand, if the “squeeze” process is adopted to get the lowest possible prices this year, an abundant supply for the plant cannot be expected next year.

     A. H. Yerxa, representing the townsite company, and merchant and postmaster, is one of the leading spirits of the town. He is hopeful of a better movement in building and development in that section this year. He thinks the home-owner is the life of a country and is anxious to see men come in who can own their homes, even a small acreage. The land company sells five to fifty acres, and good truckers can make as much on five acres well tilled as some farmers on sixty acres.

     Jas. Powers, is merchant and farmer. He has a good home with many conveniences over and alongside his grocery store, and he and the boys are cultivating some potatoes and cabbage. Last year he lost corn and cabbage crops amounting to $2,500. But this year he is hopeful of better results.

     H. H. Foster, a farmer in the edge of the Colorado bottom just above Buckeye, has in crops of corn and cotton this year, and is pretty well up with farm work—corn all planted. He had seen the News-Farmer, and is now a subscriber.

     The hotel is a modern hostlery, electric lightted, and kept in up-to-date style by Mr. and Mrs. Milnor.

     D. C. Howard is the accommodating agent of the Frisco, telegraph operator, etc., and while six passenger trains and as many cabbage trains and numerous other freights keep him on the jump he has one of the best gardens in the county.

     W. T. Dodge and I. E. Doyen are young men with their families from Massachusetts, about a year, and with the weather discouragements are not overly well pleased with their first year in Texas; but they are men of grit and no doubt recall the fact that Lawrence has not been all sunshine and harmony the past year. Hope they will have good crops this year.

     Mr. O’Brien and his mother, Mrs. E. W. Gugen, and his sister, Miss Berle, are the latest arrivals from Boston, Massachusetts, this week moving temporarily into one of the company houses.

     The Spence Lumber Co. does the lumber and hardware business of the town. J. W. Spence is the courteous manager.

     W. H. Knowles is another Massachusetts man, was a member of the city council of Lawrence, but a farmer of many years experience in that state. Mr. Knowles says there is not only a vast difference in climate but as much difference in soils. In Massachusetts agriculture is limited to five months out door work, while here the climate admits of full twelve months (some rice and cotton farmers say they get in 13 months work). The soil of Massachusetts is rocky and sandy with a gravely subsoil, while here there are no rocks but a richer soil, and with a clay foundation there should be little trouble with drought, on proper cultivation. Mr. Knowles is not planting any rice or cotton, but is putting his land in fruits and truck, having planted over 500 fig trees, nearly as many dewberries, and other fruits. He believes in the satsuma orange and will plant some. He has ten acres in tomatoes, potatoes and other vegetables for the canning factory, which enterprise he thinks will prove a great aid to the farm development of that section. He says the cannery will be run on a co-operative basis, ten cents a dozen being charged as the cost of operation and Mr. Riddle acting as selling agent, assuring the growers the fullest returns for their produce. He thinks, once started, the cannery can be kept going all the year, even in winter, for most truck crops can be raised in six to eight weeks. Mrs. K. reminding him of a crop of beans which matured in five weeks. This recalls some of News-Farmer’s editorials a year ago urging the chief advantage of this country is the glorious climate which admits of four and five crops a year on the same piece of land. Mr. Knowles has not only a model truck and fruit farm in preparation but a lovely home in which the good wife dispenses cheerful New England hospitality we have read of but never before enjoyed.

     On the road we met A. G. Burgess, son of an old Dallas county friend and subscriber of 25 years ago, and of course Mr. B. will be henceforth a regular reader of the News-Farmer. He is just getting started farming in his new home north of Buckeye and this year will plant only 20 acres in cotton, 15 in corn and 5 in sorghum; but later in the year is going in for truck and winter garden, he agreeing that fall and early spring vegetable crops offer the largest profits in this country.

     Leaving Buckeye we traveled . . .



     Our County Commissioners Court would do a wise thing if it would take steps to secure right-of-way for new road to the Colorado and bids on a new iron bridge over the river on an airline to Buckeye, and have things in readiness to begin construction of this much needed road and bridge as soon as the second $100,000 of road bonds is available at the beginning of the second year, this spring. This would open up a direct road from Bay City to Buckeye, Collegeport, Ashby, Citrus Grove, Simpsonville and Palacios. The Collegeport, Citrus Grove and Ashby road districts will soon be building new roads, and should be encouraged to build their better roads to a connection with the shortest possible route into Bay City. This new bridge route would make the distance to Buckeye 6 miles instead of 14 as now, and shorten the distance from the other points named eight miles. Then, with this prospect of a so much better and shorter route, the road from Buckeye southwest could be straightened to the saving of two more miles, and the ten miles saved is just half the distance one has to tarvel now to get to Ashby. If time and teams, harness and wagons are worth saving, then it is certainly worth while to save the farmers of that quarter of the county one-half of cost of hauling to the best available market.

     Besides the general public convenience, the business interests of Bay City (which pays a very large part of the tax on the road and bridge bonds) would be vastly benefitted by this direct route and a good road into the city from the southwest.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, April 3, 1914:



     Miss Lucy Yerxa was a hostess for the L.B.T. Club last Wednesday evening.

     Messrs. Wolf and Williams motored from Bay City Thursday to attend some business here.

     Mr. Irwin Glasser returned from Houston Friday where he went to have his eyes examined.

     Mrs. Grogan spent a few days at Houston last week.

     Misses Brewer and Grogan and Mr. O’Brien spent Saturday in Bay City.

     Mr. Mitchell of Bay City conducted church services here morning and evening last Sunday.

     Col. John N. Simpson of Dallas and Mr. L. E. Beadle and Miss Helen Beadle motored from Beadle last Friday.

     Miss Anna Spence spent the week-end at Collegeport, returning Monday.

     Mr. Allan Spoor went to Galveston Sunday where his father is undergoing medical treatment.

     Mr. Bud Spoor came up from Ashby Saturday to go to Galveston.

     Mr. J. A. Brown went to Markham Sunday.

     Mr. Eberi Doyen, who spent the winter at Buckeye in the interests of his health, returned home in Massachusetts last Monday, much improved. Mr. Doyen, who is 81, and has visited many countries, has an unusual personality and made many warm friends during his stay who look forward to his return next winter.

     Mrs. Eugene Littlefield and Mrs. Vernon Russell left the first of the week for an extended visit in Massachusetts. Mr. Littlefield accompanied them to Houston.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson and A. M. Jr., with Mr. and Mrs. Sig Brown, of Markham, motored to Buckeye Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa.

     Some of the young people are giving a dance at Plotner Hotel Friday evening where there are a number of guests.

     The Sunday dinners provided by Mrs. Milnor at Hotel Plotner are becoming deservingly popular nowadays, and Buckeye residents, as well as tourists, are not slow in taking advantage of this opportunity.

     Riding parties are popular with the young people at Buckeye, a number being excellent equestrians.

     Mr. Charles Knowles returned from Massachusetts last week where he spent several weeks.

     A number of wide-awake Buckeye farmers have recently put in fruit orchards, consisting of plums, peaches, grapes and blackberries, and all are putting on a green appearance which speaks well for future prosperity.

     Mr. A. H. Yerxa motored to Wadsworth Wednesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Ira Doyen, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dodge, entertained a number of guests Saturday night in honor of Mr. Doyen’s father, Mr. Eberi Doyen. A very pleasant evening was spent in conversation and music. Chocolate with marshmallow cream was served. The invited guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Littlefield, Hardman, Isham, Rathburn, Qua, Spence and Yerxa; Messrs. C. E. Rathburn and Powers, and Mrs. Hardman, Sr.

     Mrs. Harry Milnor went to Bay City Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Foster of Markham were here Sunday.

     Misses Yerxa and Grogan and Messrs. Kenney and Harrison were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isham Sunday at Beadle.

     Commissioner J. W. Bowers and Representative Roach of Blessing visited at Buckeye Wednesday.

     Mr. Jack Eyers will present a little play entitled “Tompkin’s Hired Man,” at the auditorium Saturday night, April 4, the proceeds to be used for putting in a permanent platform in the building. The following young people are in the cast: Mrs. Tompkins, Agnes Spence; Mr. Tompkins, Francis Spence; Dixie, Jack Eyers; Louise, Leone Yerxa; Julia, Vera Powers; John Remington, Irwin Glasser; Jerry, Vernon Russell; Ruth, Agnes Spence.


Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer
, April 10, 1914:



Sheriff Rugeley On Monday Finished Up Work of Last Term of District Court

     On Monday morning Sheriff Rugeley did a lively business in selling some property levied upon to satisfy claims which had been placed in judgment by the district court. The sales were as follows:

     [One of the sales listed:] Plottner & Stoddard vs Clifford Lamson, to satisfy judgment for $610.50, lot 5 in Block 125, of Buckeye Irrigation Farm was sold to A. B. Pierce Trustee for $500.


The Matagorda County Tribune, April 17, 1914:



     Miss Agnes Hardman entertained the Whist Club at her home last Thursday evening, a very pleasant evening was reported.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle went to Bay City Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Grover Moore, who have returned from their wedding trip.

     Miss Leone Yerxa went to Bay City Wednesday where she was the guest of friends for the dance given to Theta Alpha Sigma.

     Master Arthur Yerxa went to Bay City Saturday to attend an Easter party given by little Miss Lucille Gaines.

     An unusually interesting Easter program was given by the Buckeye Sunday school Sunday with a very good attendance. The auditorium was beautifully decorated with flowers and there were many visitors.

     An egg hunt and picnic was held Friday afternoon by the school children, assisted by Misses Colbert and Brewer.

     Mr. Bud Spoor returned from Galveston Sunday, where he had been for medical treatment, and went to his home at Ashby.

     Mr. J. B. Middlecoff of Houston was a Buckeye visitor the first of the week.

     Miss Vera Powers is spending a couple of weeks at Markham.

     Mr. Irwin Glasser was a visitor to Bay City last Thursday.

     Mrs. Harry Milnor is enjoying a visit from Mrs. Espacio MacGregor of Tennessee, who will remain a couple of weeks.

     Two new school trustees were elected last week—Mr. Eugene Littlefield and Mr. W. K. Knowles.

     Mr. Harry Foster of Markham visited friends here Sunday.

     Mr. Frank Bond of Ashby visited Buckeye friends Sunday.

     Miss Ethel Spence of Collegeport spent the week-end here with her parents.

     Miss Lena Corse of Bay City was the guest of the Misses Spence Sunday.

     Miss Muir of Houston, with a couple of girl friends, spent the Easter vacation with Mrs. Muir at Buckeye.

     Rev. L. E. Selfridge of Bay City came to Buckeye last Sunday afternoon and preached an Easter sermon to an appreciative audience in the auditorium.

     A number of Buckeye businessmen met the Houston Booster’s train Tuesday afternoon.

     A number of Buckeye people attended Easter services at Bay City last Sunday morning.

     Mrs. A. H. Yerxa assisted by Miss Leone and Miss Lucy, entertained a number of neighbors last Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. MacGregor of Tennessee, who is the house guest of Mrs. Milnor. A guessing contest was the feature of the afternoon. Mrs. John LeTulle was the fortunate winner of the prize, a souvenir spoon. Refreshments were served at five o’clock. Those present were Mesdames MacGregor of Nashville, Milnor, Qua, Irving, Howard, Dodge, Doyen, Rathburn, Hardman, Knowles, Pauls and Swett, Beadle of Beadle and Isham of Beadle.



     Albert P. York and wife to Orlando J. Davis, W. D., consideration $900; lot 24 in the subdivision of lands in Matagorda County, known as the Buckeye Irrigation Farm, containing ten acres land.

     Clifford Lamson to A. B. Pierce, sheriff’s deed; consideration $500; lot 5, block 125, in the subdivision of certain land in Matagorda County, known as the Buckeye Irrigation Farms.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, April 24, 1914:



     Thos. H. Lewis of Bay City was at Buckeye Sunday.

     Miss Anna Spence returned from Bay City Saturday.

     Mrs. L. W. Matteson of Texas City was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa this week.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borden, with Mrs. Collins and daughter, motored from Pierce Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Isham on the Borden Estate at Beadle.

     The little grandson of Mr. Witz, who has been very ill, is reported some better.

     A meeting of the Dramatic Club was held at the home of the Misses Spence Thursday evening to read a new play and discuss business.

     Mr. and Mrs. Qua, who came here from Massachusetts this winter in the interest of their health, went at once to work setting out strawberry plants, etc., and are now selling berries by the crate, and incidentally are much improved in health and enjoy the country life and this climate.

     Mr. W. F. Smith and family were here from Markham Sunday, visiting friends.

     Mrs. D. C. Howard visited at Bay City last Saturday.

     Miss Willa Mae Colbert was the guest of Mrs. W. F. Smith at Markham Saturday and Sunday.

     Mr. Jack Eyers was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

     Mrs. Espacio McGregor, who has been visiting Mrs. Milnor on her way home from California, left for her home in Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday. During her forthnight stay in Buckeye she made many friends and was guest of honor on several occasions.

     Messrs. John Roach and Ray Bigelow motored over from Bay City Wednesday evening to visit friends.

     Mr. Coe of Blessing was a business visitor the first of the week.

     Mrs. Harry Milnor entertained a number of ladies at Hotel Plotner San Jacinto Day from 3 to 5:30. The guests of honor were Mrs. Espacio McGregor of Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs. L. Matteson of Texas City. Music and conversation made the time pass very quickly. Refreshments, consisting of fruit ice-cream, assorted cakes and mints were served, and the afternoon was a very pleasant one. Those present were Mesdames McGregor, Matteson, Knowles, Muir, Sheriff, Howard, Yerxa, Qua, Swett, Irving, Doyen, Spence, Rathburn and Hardman.

     Miss Vera Powers returned from Markham Saturday where she spent the past two weeks.

     Rev. Selfridge of Bay City will hold services in the auditorium next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. Everyone will be welcome.

     Miss Brewer of Bay City was the week-end guest of her sister, Miss Matie, at Hotel Plotner Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Gustafson of Bay City were guests at Hotel Plotner Sunday.

     Judge Holman and Master Andy Holman of Bay City were the guests of friends here Monday.

     Miss Matie Brewer entertained the L. B. T. Club at the Riddle office building last Tuesday evening. Decorations and favors were appropriate for San Jacinto Day, and ice cream and cake were served. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. L. W. Matteson of Texas City. Those present were Misses Powers, Hardman, Grogan, Yerxa, Lucy Yerxa, Colbert and Brewer and Messrs. Powers, Hardman, O’Brien, Kenney, Harrison and Eyers.





     At the request of the various candidates and at the request of the people of the following localities, I herewith appoint and create voting boxes to be held at the White Man’s Union primary election on the 2d of May, 1914, at Buckeye, which shall be numbered 18; Chalmers which shall be numbered 19 and Cedar Lane which shall be numbered 20.

     These voting boxes are appointed and created for the convenience of the citizens and members of the White Man’s Union Association in their respective localities, and the presiding officers at said boxes will conform to the law of the general election laws of the State of Texas and to the constitution of the White Man’s Union Association in holding said election and all voters are admonished to have a full and fair expression of the people of their localities and will guard the integrity of the ballot accordingly.

Given under my hand and official signature, this the 9th day of April, 1914.

     G. B. Culver, President of White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Tex.

Attest: Rowland Rugeley, Secretary of White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Tex.




     By the authority vested in me, as president of the White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Texas, I herewith appoint the following named citizens and members of the White Man’s Union Association as presiding officers of their respective voting boxes to hold said election and as precinct chairmen of their respective precincts.

     [The 20 precincts were named along with precinct chairman.]

     Election Precinct No. 18, voting box at Buckeye, A. H. Yerxa.

     All of aforsaid named persons are requested to report to Rowland Rugeley, secretary of the White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Texas, for election blanks or information which may be desired in holding said election. The polls will be open at 8 o’clock a.m. and closed at 7 p.m., and said election must be held according to the general election laws of the State of Texas and constitution of the White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Texas.

     Given under my hand and by the authority vested in me as president of the White Man’s Union Association, this the 9th day of April, 1914.

G. B. Culver, President of White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Tex.

Attest: Rowland Rugeley, Secretary of White Man’s Union Association of Matagorda County, Tex.


Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer
, May 1, 1914:



     The Commissioners Court convened Saturday, the 18th, full court present, and canvassed the returns of the election on the 7th for trustees in common school districts of the county, showing results as follows:

     [Results included:] Buckeye, No. 14 – E. N. Littlefield and W. H. Knowles.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 8, 1914:



 [How Buckeye voted:]

     Judge: R. R. Lewis – 8, T. H. Lewis – 3, Duncan Ruthven – 0, W. S. Holman – 13

     County Atty: G. B. Robertson – 9, W. E. Davant – 4, Gordon Lawson – 4, Jim Perry – 6

     Sheriff: Bert Carr – 8, C. M. Steger – 1, W. S. Terry – 14

     Assessor: J. A. Williams – 1, J. D. Moore – 21, Geo. B. Truitt – 0

     Treasurer: Geo. E. Serrill – 20

     Tax Collector: T. H. Castleton – 23

     County Clerk: Jno. T. Bond – 13, A. A. Moore – 10

     Surveyor: E. N. Gustafson – 21

     County Supt.: W. C. Gray – 4, W. H. Smith – 2, J. L. Ladd – 17

     District Clerk: Jno. F. Perry – 21

     Comm. Pre. No. 4: J. W. Bowers – 19

     J. of P. Pre. No. 8: Barnett – 19



     Messrs. Swansy, Harrison, Yerxa and Kenney went to Bay City Saturday night to learn the election returns, returning on the late train.

     Mrs. Cook spent Monday in Bay City.

     Mrs. James Spence and Miss Agnes Spence were Bay City visitors Monday.

     Mrs. L. E. Beadle returned from Houston Saturday where she was under the care of a physician.

     Miss Yerxa returned from Bay City Wednesday where she was the guest of Miss Poole.

     An unusual interest was taken in the county election here last week, notwithstanding a number of newcomers were not able to vote.

     Misses Agnes and Anna Spence went to visit their sister at Collegeport Friday and attended the minstrel show.

     Messrs. W. H. Furber and James Lewis of Markham were at Buckeye Thursday, visiting friends.

     Mr. and Mrs. Grover Moore came from Bay City Thursday to visit Mr. Beadle.

     Allan Spoor went to Ashby Thursday to visit his parents.

     Mr. Irwin Glasser went to Collegeport Friday to attend the minstrel show given by Collegeport home-talent.

     Mrs. John LeTulle and children went to Bay City Wednesday to visit friends.

     Miss Lucy Yerxa was hostess to the L. B. T. Club Wednesday night.

     Miss Vera Powers was a Bay City visitor the first of the week.

     The Buckeye school pupils are rehearsing for entertainment to be given in a couple of weeks.

     Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Foster and children and their guest, Miss Ryman, came from their home, near Markham, to attend the evening meeting Sunday.

     Mr. Wilson of Boston arrived the first of the week and purchased a farm while here.

     Mr. Arthur Powers of Bay City Sundayed in Buckeye.

     The Esther Class and the Sons of Honor met at the auditorium Monday night and after the business session the young ladies invited the men’s class to the Spence home where dainty refreshments were served all. The long table was decorated with class colors, red and white, and was appropriate for the month, a miniature May pole in the center, with ribbons extending from it to each plate and hand-painted place cards added a dainty touch, as did the handsome bouquets of flowers at each end of the table. After the guests had done justice to the ambrosia, cheese straws, marguerites and pineappleade, President Glasser rose and, in behalf of the Sons of Honor, thanked the ladies for the pleasant surprise. Later a musical program was rendered and the delightful evening came to an end all too soon. The mens class had entertained the Esthers with an oyster supper some time ago and the ladies took this way of returning the compliment.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 15, 1914:



     Mr. J. T. Harrison returned from Houston Saturday where he went to meet Mrs. Harrison and little Frances, who arrived from Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Harrison, as well as their winsome little daughter, is a very welcome addition to Buckeye society and Mr. Joe’s smile has become permanent.

     Prof. Persons of Bay City and Entomologist Scholl of Austin were business visitors here last Thursday, and were guests of Mr. A. H. Yerxa.

     School will close next week until September.

     Mrs. D. C. Howard left Saturday for Kentucky, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Robinett, for several weeks.

     Master Edgar Scruggs went to Houston to spend several weeks with his mother.

     Owing to the storm and the unusual heavy rainfall last Tuesday night, the L. B. T. Club did not have their meeting with Miss Colbert, the date being postponed.

     Mrs. Gillespie of Houston was a guest at Hotel Plotner the first of the week.

     Miss Warren of Collegeport, was at Buckeye Monday in the interest of the Girls’ Canning Club.

     Mr. Frank Bond of Ashby was the guest of friends here Sunday.

     Mr. Lester E. Liggett of Collegeport motored to Buckeye and spent the week-end with friends.

     Mr. Francis Spence was a week-end guest at Hotel Collegeport, where he visited his sister.

     Mrs. John LeTulle and children went to Bay City Friday where they visited friends.

     Misses Beryl Grogan and Matie Brewer were visitors to Markham Saturday evening.

     Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker of Markham motored to Buckeye Sunday to visit freinds.

     A meeting was held at the Riddle office building last Thursday evening by the farmers of this vicinity to discuss business pertaining to their crops.

     The pupils of the school, assisted by Miss Colbert and Miss Brewer, will give an entertainment at the auditorium Saturday night, May 16, the proceeds to be devoted to purchasing library books and pictures for the school, and a good attendance should encourage this praise-worthy undertaking.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 15, 1914:


     [See Badouh Bros. Ad]


The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 22, 1914:



     Mr. Davis was made happy last Saturday by the arrival of his wife and daughter, having preceded them several months ago.

     Mr. Daley representing the D. M. Ferry Seed Company, was here from New Orleans Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dixon were here Saturday to attend the school play.

     Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Swett were visitors to Bay City last Thursday.

     Mrs. Anderson of Collegeport was the guest of Mrs. James Spence Friday.

     Miss Ruth Glasser, who visited at Buckeye a few days, returned to her home at Collegeport Thursday.

     Miss Anna Spence went to Collegeport Thursday to attend the shower given for Miss Fay Leach.

     Mr. Rudolph Krauss went to Houston for a few days last week.

     Miss Leone and Lucy Yerxa returned from Bay City Saturday where they were guests of Miss Frances Poole for an announcement party, when Miss Poole’s approaching marriage to Mr. George Burke was made known to a number of interested friends.

     The entertainment given by the pupils of the Buckeye school, under the direction of Miss Colbert, was a very pleasant surprise to their friends. The one-act play, “How a Woman Keeps a Secret,” by the older girls, was excellent, and Messrs. Walter Littlefield, Reuben Brown and Lewis Swett called for much applause during their play entitled, “The Little Red Mare.” The small girls gave a pretty little fan drill, dressed in blue and pink costumes, and eight small boys gave a recitation in concert.

     Mrs. Walter Dodge, with little Miss Hazel, were Bay City visitors Monday.

     Mr. Harry Milnor was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa entertained a number of friends at their home last Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harrison. In spite of the inclement weather, about forty were present. The Misses Spence and Miss Beatrice Qua served punch and cakes in the dining room during the evening. Music and conversation made the time pass quickly and the younger people found amusement in dancing. Everyone seemed to enjoy a pleasant evening.

     Miss Willie Mae Colbert entertained the L. B. T. Club last Wednesday evening. After the whist games, the prizes for the month were awarded, Miss Vera Powers winning the ladies’ head prize, a handsome Buckeye souvenir spoon. Mr. Fred Kenney was found to have the highest score among the men, receiving a gold scarf pin. Refreshments were served late in the evening. Besides the club members, there were several invited guests, including Mr. and Mrs. Milnor, Mrs. J. T. Harrison, Miss Beryl Grogan and Mr. Steinicker.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 12, 1914:



     Prof. R. W. Persons of Bay City was here last Friday on business.

     Mr. David Hardman was a visitor to Bay City Saturday.

     Mr. Frank Bond of Ashby visited friends at Buckeye Sunday.

     Mr. Ray Bigelow of Bay City transacted business at Buckeye last Thursday.

     Miss Marguerite Holsworth of Collegeport spent the week-end with friends here.

     Mr. Harvey Foster was here Saturday from his home near Markham.

     The Misses Yerxa went to Blessing the first of the week to be guests at Roach home a few days and to participate in the Roach-Wallworth wedding festivities.

     The children of the Buckeye Sunday school are preparing a program for Children’s Day.

     Mrs. Swansy and children spent Tuesday at Bay City with relatives.

     Miss Ethel Spence, who has been teaching the higher grade pupils at Collegeport the past year, returned home to Buckeye Saturday, to spend the summer vacation.

     Mrs. Alice Scruggs returned to Houston last week after spending a couple of weeks at Buckeye.

     Messrs. A. M. Anderson and W. E. Furber of Markham were here last Friday on their way to Houston.

     Mayor Sutherland of Bay City was here last Friday to transact business.

     Mrs. Theodore Smith of Collegeport was the guest of friends Wednesday morning, going to Blessing at noon to be present at the Roach-Wallworth wedding.

     Mr. Allan Spoor spent Sunday at Ashby with his parents.

     Mr. Kaw, representing W. D. Cleveland Co., was here from Houston last week.

     Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa and A. H., Jr., went to Blessing Wednesday to be present at the wedding of Miss Vivian Roach and Mr. Paul Wallworth.

     Miss Warren of Collegeport was the guest of Mrs. James Spence Tuesday.

     Contractors arrived from Houston the first of the week and began work at once on the Wilson bungalow.

     Mrs. J. E. Harrison and Little Miss Frances, who have spent the past month with Mr. Harrison left for Duluth last Friday, and will return in August. Mr. Harrison accompanied them to Houston, where they visited a few days.



     A. A. Plottner et al by agent and attorney to J. A. Brown; W. D.; consideration $750; lot 7, east of the townsite of Buckeye and west of block 117, in the subdivision of certain lands in Matagorda County, Texas, known as the Buckeye Irrigation Farms, located in the John C. Keller league 4, G. B. M. Cotton league 5, C. G. Cox league 6, Humphrey Barnett half league and the J. C. Partain league; said lot containing 10 acres of land.


The Daily Tribune
, June 18, 1914:



     Mrs. Grogan left Saturday for Boston, Mass., where she went to attend to some business matters, and will return in a couple of weeks.

     Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haney, nee Leach, were here last Wednesday from Collegeport to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Spence, and left for their future home in Kansas.

     Mr. Claud Nails of Blessing was here on business a few days last week.

     Mr. Fred Kenney was a business visitor to Bay City Monday.

     Miss Ethel Spence left the first of the week for Houston and Port Arthur, where she will attend the convention.

     Mr. Lester E. Liggett visited friends here Tuesday and Wednesday.

     Mr. David Osborne, auditor, spent a couple of days at Buckeye on business for Plotner & Stoddard.

     The Misses Yerxa spent last Friday and Saturday at Bay City, guests of the Misses Hawkins at a tea given for Miss Poole, and attending the miscellaneous shower at the Magill home, which was given by Mesdames Selfridge, Lloyd and Magill for Miss Poole.

     Messrs. James Lewis and Hayden McDonald visited with friends at Buckeye Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Will Freeman of Minneapolis, who are guests of T. J. Poole of Bay City, for the Burke-Poole wedding, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa Monday and Tuesday, being old acquaintances.

     Miss Anna Spence is visiting friends at Citrus Grove.

     Dr. E. E. Scott of Bay City was here Tuesday on professional business.

     Mr. Jim Powers spent Tuesday at Bay City, transacting business.

     Mr. William Riley went to Kansas Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beadle and Master Bill of Beadle motored to Bay City the first of the week.

     Mr. Powers, Sr., was very ill the first of the week, with acute indigestion.

     Miss Leone Yerxa, assisted by Miss Lucy, entertained at her home in Lucialeone Park Monday evening in honor of Miss Frances Poole, the twenty-four guests including the Poole house party and their friends who motored from Bay City late in the afternoon. A picnic supper was spread on the lawn at sunset. Place cards attached to “old maids” (otherwise ginnias [sic]) were at each guest’s plate on the flower decked table, except Miss Poole’s, whose place aside Mr. Burke was betokened by a white rose. After spending the twilight playing on the lawn and sauntering along the hedge-lined paths the young folks entertained themselves with music in the living room. Owing to the numerous festivities planned for the next few days, the guests departed about nine o’clock. Miss Leone and Miss Lucy accompanied them back to Bay City to join the house party at the Poole home...after the Burke-Poole wedding.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 26, 1914:



     Miss Ethel Spence returned from Port Arthur where she went as a delegate from Collegeport to the Y. P. S. C. E. convention, and gave a very interesting talk at the Christian Endeavor meeting at Buckeye last Sunday evening.

     Mr. Jim Wilson returned last Wednesday from a business trip to Houston.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa went to Bay City last Wednesday where they were the guests of Mr. George Burke for the Burke-Poole wedding.

     A group of the children of the Union Sunday School gave an enjoyable Children’s Day program last Sunday morning, the room being beautifully decorated with flowers and esparagus vines.

     Mr. Rudolph Krauss spent a couple of days in Bay City this week.

     Miss Beryl Grogan very pleasantly entertained the L. B. T. Club Wednesday evening.

     Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Burke motored over from Bay City last Wednesday night after the wedding to board the Brownsville train for Houston, their departure causing much sorrow among their devoted friends.

     The handsome little bungalow which is being put up for Mr. Wilson is nearing completion, and will be ready for occupancy by the time the new furniture arrives.

     Mr. and Mrs. Poole and family, with their house guests, Mrs. Edwin Lunn, Miss Dagmar Lunn and Mr. Edwin, Jr. of Houston, motored over from Bay City last Friday afternoon and were guests for the evening at the Yerxa home.

     Messrs. John Gore and Bill Schwindler were here on business from Markham last Thursday.

     Mr. Lester E. Liggett, of Collegeport, spent the week-end at the Spence home.

     Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Littlefield and family spent the day at Palacios last Friday.

     Mr. Frank Bond of Ashby spent Sunday at Buckeye.

     Mr. James Spence was a visitor to Bay City Monday.

     Mrs. Harry Milnor and Miss Beryl Grogan went to Bay City Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. John LeTulle and family motored to Bay City Sunday.

     Mrs. Hayden Swett and Master Lewis Swett went to Markham Sunday.

     Mrs. Grover Moore of Bay City returned home Monday after visiting her mother, Mrs. L. E. Beadle, at Beadle.



September - December 1914

Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown

Matagorda County News & Midcoast Farmer
, September 5, 1914:


     Mr. A. H. Yerxa was in from Buckeye Monday and from him we learn that the crops are fair in that section. There is little or no rice in that community, but cotton and feed crops will show up well, cotton acreage being better than last year. That is an ideal truck section, and with the up-to-date cannery already constructed, Mr. Yerxa believes that the time will come yet, when the lands there will nearly all be devoted to raising vegetables.


Matagorda County News & Midcoast Farmer
, September 8, 1914:


     Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa from Buckeye have taken up their home in Collegeport, where Mr. Yerxa will engage in the mercantile business. His deal with D. H. Morris fell through but Mr. Yerxa says that he will put in a new stock.


Matagorda County News & Midcoast Farmer
, October 9, 1914:



     Mr. J. A. Barnes now of Buckeye was in the city Tuesday and is as chipper as when he was boosting Wadsworth. He tells us that arrangements are being made to utilize the canning factory there. There is the finest kind of vegetable soil about Buckeye, and the $10,000 canning factory ought by all means to be utilized for the encouragement and the aid of their farmers. The factory could be made to pay a profitable price for vegetables grown there, which would make good business for farmer and factory. The idea of sending to Baltimore and California for so much of the stuff is–all wrong. Barnes will do his best to right it.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 13, 1914



     The Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa spent Sunday with the Spence family.

     Mr. Glasser and daughters of Collegeport came over to attend the home-talent play Saturday night.

     Mr. Allen Spoor spent Saturday night and Sunday in Buckeye.

     Mr. Isham, wife and daughter came over for the play Saturday night. Miss Viola remained over Sunday, the guest of Mrs. Milnor.

     Mr. Liggett was a Buckeye visitor Saturday night and Sunday.

     Mr. Bond spent Sunday in Buckeye.

     Mrs. Von Dohlen spent Sunday in Buckeye.

     Messrs. Jack Eyers and George Hardiman have been shipping tomatoes for the past two weeks.

     The farmers of Buckeye are rejoicing over their fine sweet potato crop. This is fine soil for sweet potatoes.

     There is much credit due the young people of Buckeye for the excellent entertainment which they gave the people last Saturday evening in the way of a home talent play entitled, “Mr. Bob.” It seemed that each one did his part so well under the difficulties of putting on a play in just a plain school house, that if they were given a chance in a real opera house, their talents along this line would be classed with the best. And the people of Buckeye are very grateful for their untiring efforts in working up this splendid entertainment. Come again.

     The Esther class of the Buckeye Sunday school met with Mrs. Barnes Tuesday afternoon. The ladies have taken up the study of the revised normal lessons. Miss Anna Spence was teacher for the occasion and a very profitable evening was spent.


School Notes

     Pupils neither tardy or absent for month of October were Edgar Scruggs, Lewis Swett, Elizabeth Littlefield, Annie Irving and Davis Irving.


     There will be a combination of the Wadsworth farmers’ short course held at the school building at Buckeye at 8 o’clock p.m. Saturday, November 4. We will have with us as speakers Dr. L. O. Morgan of the A. & M. College, who will talk on the subject of “Crop Rotation; the Use and Abuse of Commercial Fertilizer;” Miss Bernice Carter of U. S. Department of Agriculture, who will talk to the ladies on “Canning and Preserving of Fruits and Vegetables.” Miss Carter will also talk on “Poultry Raising and Breeding.” The people of Buckeye will defray the expenses of these people and we ask the neighboring towns and communities to come and enjoy these valuable lectures with us. It will cost you nothing. There will be a display of poultry and farm products and everybody is asked to bring anything they have to help out with the display. Bring your products in the afternoon.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 20, 1914:



     The ladies of the Esther class were pleasantly entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spence at Kensington. A delightful luncheon was served, after which favors were passed to each guest in the shape of large white bells tied with a tiny bow of green ribbon, which signified wedding bells and announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Agnes Spence to Mr. Lester Emmerson Leggett of Collegeport to take place on December 2nd, 1914. The color scheme of green and white was beautifully carried out in the way of flowers and other decorations. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Isham and daughter, Miss Viola of Beadle, Mrs. Yerxa and daughters, Misses Leone and Lucy, of Collegeport, Mrs. Ed. Holsworth of Collegeport.

     Mrs. H. S. Grimes of Johnson, Nebr., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barnes.

     The Esther class met with Mrs. Littlefield Tuesday evening. They began the reading of the book, “Mrs. Red Pepper,” by Grace Richmond.

     Mr. Yennel, who has been sojourning in Buckeye for some time, left for his home in Tulsa, Okla., last Sunday.

     Mr. John Gore of Markham has a force of men at work on the Plotner & Stoddard protection levee.

     Ayers & Hardiman are still shipping tomatoes.

     We have been having just about enough rain in this part of the country this fall.

     Mr. Cook lost a fine Jersey cow last week, caused by eating too many sweet potatoes.



     Mesdames Holsworth and Yerxa went to Buckeye last Thursday where they were guests of Mrs. James Spence for two days.

     Mrs. James M. Spence, with her daughter, was hostess of a pleasant gathering of friends at her home in Buckeye last Wednesday afternoon. After spending the afternoon in conversation, dainty refreshments were served, and small bells in green and white were passed, bearing the names “Agnes Elizabeth Spence and Lester Emerson Liggett” with the date “December second” inscribed on the clapper, in this ingenuous manner announcing the approaching wedding of her eldest daughter. Miss Spence is one of the most popular young ladies in this part of the country, and there is scarcely a home in Buckeye that cannot testify to some generous act on her part. She has always been deeply interested in church and Sunday school work, and will be greatly missed when she leaves. Mr. Liggett is one of the leading young men of Collegeport, and has a number of business interests here. Among the guests present at this interesting announcement were Mesdames Doyen, Milnor, Qua, Knowles, Littlefield, Hardman, Barnes, Irving and Swett of Buckeye, Mrs. Isham of Beadle, Mrs. Yerxa and Mrs. Holsworth of Collegeport, Misses Agnes, Ethel and Anna Spence, Vera Powers, Agnes Hardman and Myrtle Benedict, Miss Isham of Beadle, and Misses Leone and Lucy Yerxa of Collegeport.


Collegeport New Era, November 26, 1914:


     A slight wreck happened here last week on the St. L. B. & M. The train ran into the section foreman’s motor car and about demolished it. However, the engine of the motor car was not injured. The damage to the iron work was repaired by A. G. Hunt and A. F. Johnson helped repair the woodwork in time for the foreman to get back to Buckeye in the evening.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, November 27, 1914:



     Mr. and Mrs. Qua visited Bay City Wednesday.

     Mr. Francis Spence transacted business at the county seat Wednesday.

     J. A. Barnes transacted business for Plotner & Stoddard at Wadsworth a couple of days last week.

     Mr. Wilson has added a great deal to the beauty of his fine home, by setting out trees and shrubbery.

     Mr. Spence and daughter, Miss Ethel, were Bay City visitors this week.

     Mrs. Doan was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

     Our primary teacher, Miss Benedict, has gone to spend Thanksgiving with homefolks.

     Mrs. J. A. Barnes entertained the ladies Federated Clubs of Buckeye Friday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Grimes.

     We have had rains in the vicinity often enough this fall to keep the automobiles idle most of the fall.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, December 4, 1914:



     The marriage of Mr. L. E. Liggett and Miss Agnes Spence was celebrated at the home of the bride’s parents at Buckeye at 10:30 o’clock a.m. Wednesday, December 2nd. A few invited guests witnessed this happy event.

     The bride and bridegroom took their departure on the southbound Brownsville train for a trip to San Antonio and will be at home after December 15th at Collegeport.

     The Tribune joins their many friends in extending hardy congratulations and well wishes.


The Matagorda County Tribune
, December 11, 1914:



     A very pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spence, in Buckeye, at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning, December 2nd. when their oldest daughter, Agnes Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Lester Emerson Liggett, of Collegeport, by Rev. L. E. Selfridge of Bay City.

     Just a few minutes before the wedding march was played Miss Leone Yerxa sang “At Dawning,” after which she played Lohengrin’s wedding march.

     At the strains of the wedding march Rev. Selfridge entered the living room, followed by the groom, the best man and groomsman. Then came the maid of honor, Miss Ethel Spence, followed by the bridesmaid, Miss Anna Spence, after whom came the bride, gowned in white embroidered chiffon, over white charmeuse, leaning on the arm of her father.

     The beautiful double ring service was used, the bride’s father giving her away. The bride’s bouquet consisted of brides’ roses and lilies of the valley. The bouquets of the maid of honor and bridesmaid were pink and white carnations.

     The house was decorated in white chrysanthemums, white roses, and ferns, green and white being the color scheme. The living room contained a large arch covered with roses, in the middle of which was a large pale green wedding bell.

     After the ceremony was over and congratulations were tendered the newly wedded couple, the guests entered the dining room where a very sumptuous four-course breakfast was served.

     Immediately after breakfast the bride and groom left for San Antonio, amid a heavy shower of rice and old shoes.

     Only a few of the friends of the family and contracting parties were guests at the ceremony and consisted of the following persons: I. M. Glasser and daughters, Misses Mariam and Ruth, Mrs. E. A. Holsworth, Miss Margaret and Jack Holsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Tower, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yerxa and daughters, Misses Leone and Lucy.

     The bride formerly lived here with her parents, and is a very estimable young lady who is quite well known and has a host of friends in this locality, and the groom is one of the energetic and industrious young pioneers of Collegeport, and well known by everyone in this vicinity, and we but voice the community in extending our congratulations and assuring them a hearty welcome when they return to make their home here, after a short visit in the interior of the state.—Collegeport New Era.


The Daily Tribune
, December 15, 1914:



District No. 14

     Miss Ethel Spence, Principal, Buckeye                     Miss Myrtle Benedict, Buckeye



Copyright 2008 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 12, 2008
Dec. 12, 2008