Buckeye News Columns


Courtesy of Shirley L. Brown

Buckeye Information


The Matagorda County Tribune, January 14, 1916:



            While playing “fireplace” with a bunch of children Sunday, Mignon, the three-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. LeTulle, of Buckeye, was severely burned about the neck and shoulders and is now in a local hospital.

            A smoldering fire had been left in a large furnace on the premises and unknown to the mother, the children were playing with it. Mignon had stepped to the door to look in just as one of her brothers threw a stick of burning wood from the fire. A shower of red-hot embers fell from the stick upon the little girl’s neck and shoulders. Hearing the screams Mrs. LeTulle rushed out and found the child’s clothing on fire. One large coal had adhered to the hair and burned a long and ugly burn. This was removed by the other children just as the mother reached them.

            The child was hurried to the city, medical attention administered and she is resting as well as possible today.



The Matagorda County Tribune, February 4, 1916:



            Rev. L. E. Selfridge, of Bay City, filled his appointment here Sunday afternoon.

            H. C. Hunt was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

            Miss Myrtle Benedict, one of the teachers in our school, visited with her sister in Citrus Grove Saturday and Sunday.

            Mr. Chas. Yeamans, who is teaching at El Maton, in this district, passed through here Saturday, en route home to spend the week-end.

            Mr. J. A. Brown was a passenger to the county seat Monday of this week.

            Mrs. L. E. Leggitt came up from Collegeport Tuesday for a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Spence and family.

            The school was honored with the presence of our county superintendent, Mr. W. C. Gray, last week, and who paid some very high compliments upon the work being done, and the interest of the pupils.

            Mr. Glover has been loading the old iron from the warehouse and elevator which was consumed by fire some years ago, and is having it sent to the market. He expects to have two or three carloads of it.

            Farm work is being pushed aggressively in this community at present.

            A party of the young folks of the community met at the home of the Misses Spence Friday evening where they enjoyed music and songs.

            A live Christian Endeavor is one of the many good things of the community, where everyone is more than willing to do their part in making it interesting and instructive.



The Daily Tribune, February 9, 1916:



Store of Plotner & Stoddard Entered by Robber

But Loot Obtained Was Small

            Plotner & Stoddard’s store at Buckeye was burglarized last night, the robber effecting an entrance by unlocking the back door. The cash drawer was opened and a small amount of change amounting to only about two dollars was extracted. Other drawers were opened and ransacked and nothing of value was disturbed; the intruder evidently wanting money only.

            The burglar first entered the residence of Mr. J. A. Barnes, the manager of the store, and going into his bedroom obtained the keys from Mr. Barnes trousers pocket. With the aid of these he entered the store.

            Mr. Barnes was in town today to buy a new lock as the burglar was not considerate enough to leave the keys behind him.



The Matagorda County Tribune, February 11, 1916:



            Miss Myrtle Benedict was a Bay City visitor Saturday of last week.

            Rev. M. A. Travis of Collegeport passed through here Saturday en route Bay City.

            Mr. Francis Spence left Monday morning by auto to Markham, thence to Sugarland where he will spend a few days on business.

            Prof. J. R. Laslie, of the Collegeport schools, was on the train Saturday en route Bay City on business. He returned home the same day.

            Mr. Amos Lee of Bay City was down a few days the first of this week, taking the annual property assessments for this district.

            Miss Etta Hodges and brother, Ernest, went to Bay City Saturday on the “Collegeport.”

            Mr. H. A. Clapp of Collegeport was a visitor to our schools Friday and gave a very interesting talk to the children on the work of the Texas Industrial Congress, and inspiring them to take up the work of school gardens, and the baby beef club work and compete for the prizes offered. Much interest was shown and much good will be forthcoming. Mr. Clapp is doing a fine work for the upbuilding of our State. He stated that the week previous he had talked to 1300 school children.

            Mrs. J. W. Spence spent Monday in Bay City shopping, returning home the same day.

            Mr. Erwin Glasser, who has been employed in Del Rio for the past few months, stopped over Sunday here to visit friends, while on his way home to Collegeport. He went on down Monday.

            H. C. Hunt spent Monday in Bay City on business.

            Misses Ethel and Anna Spence shopped in Bay City Saturday.



            Mr. and Mrs. Rosell Fenner of Buckeye are preparing to issue among their friends here and in the northern states cards announcing the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. The couple will not celebrate with any formal event but will quietly observe the occasion at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Fenner were married on February 22, 1866, and after a half century of marital felicity they are still very active and bid fair to live several years longer. The Tribune congratulates them upon the attainment of their golden anniversary and wishes for them a continuance of domestic happiness.



Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, March 24, 1916:


            Mr. C. W. Qua, of Buckeye, advertises in this paper a good supply of slips of a fine quality of yam sweet potatoes, at the low price of $1.25 a 1,000. That is just about 75 cts less than most growers sell them at, and for his liberal low price we hope he will have a demand for all he can grow between this and latest planting time. Sweet potatoes will pay more money at less outlay and work than corn, cotton or rice, and we believe with more certainty.


Now Ready

Golden Bunch Yam potato slips

$1.25 per thousand f.o.b. Buckeye.

C. W. QUA,
Buckeye, Texas



The Matagorda County Tribune, April 14, 1916:



            Mr. Fred Varencamp of Citrus Grove spent a day here, in route Tivoli, to visit homefolks.

            Mr. J. A. Brown was a business visitor to Bay City this week.

            Mrs. H. C. Hunt returned home Saturday from Palacios, where she was called on account of sickness of relatives.

            E. R. Hunt was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

            Mrs. J. M. Spence returned home Monday after a few days’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. L.E. Leggitt of Collegeport.

            Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barnes left for North Dakota Wednesday.

            Mr. F. J. Spence took charge this week as the local representative of the Plotner & Stoddard interests here in place of Mr. J. A. Barnes, resigned.

            Miss Myrtle Benedict went to Tivoli to visit her parents on her father’s birthday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Fred Varenkamp of Citrus Grove.

            Jno. F. Perry, district clerk, and little daughter, Jennie Fern, of Bay City, came down Wednesday afternoon to visit H. C. Hunt and family.

            Irwin Glasser was up from Collegeport Monday.

            Mrs. H. C. Hunt taught the primary grades Thursday and Friday in the absence of Miss Benedict.

            Misses Ethel Spence and Myrtle Benedict were Bay City visitors Saturday.



The Matagorda County Tribune, May 12, 1916:



            Mrs. E. H. Robertson and children of Groveton, who have been visiting relatives in Palacios, stopped over in Buckeye Thursday to visit Mrs. H. C. Hunt, en route home.

            H. C. Hunt has taken his departure for Michigan to spend the summer with his daughter, Mrs. C. S. Churchill of Potterville, Mich.

            E. R. Hunt attended the precinct democratic convention in Bay City Saturday.

            Mrs. L. E. Leggitt, of Collegeport, came up Saturday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spence.

            Messrs. Creech and Walter Littlefield, of Beadle box factory, spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City.

            Miss Myrtle Benedict was a Bay City visitor last Saturday.

            Mrs. Jno. F. Perry, of Bay City, visited relatives here Thursday and Friday.

            Dave Brown went to Blessing Sunday to play baseball.

            Mrs. Bachelor, of Citrus Grove, was a visitor Wednesday with friends in our midst.

            Mr. and Mrs. Jno. J. LeTulle motored to Bay City Saturday.

            Miss Marguerite Thompson, of El Maton, and a student in the Buckeye school, spent Saturday in the county seat.

            Mr. Littlefield was a passenger to Bay City Saturday.



Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 30, 1916:



            Mr. C. A. Qua came in from Buckeye yesterday afternoon with some pigs for market and several crates of as fine tomatoes as were ever grown anywhere. He sold the pigs to the meat market at the top price, and the tomatoes to C. J. Green the grocer, and at a good price. Mr. Qua says he has only about half acre, but Mr. Persons says it is the finest tomato patch in the county. Asked how he came out with his onions (which we noted as so fine a few weeks ago) he said he sold them as fast as he could get them in and at good prices, at the rate of say $250 an acre. While onions sometimes bring more, that is very good. Mr. Qua says he tries to diversify, so as to have something coming on the market all the time–that there is hardly a week in the year that he has not something for the market. As to the market, he was in engaging his onions when we met him, with his “sample cage.” That is the idea; engage them by sample before digging, and in the case of tomatoes, too, they can be engaged in advance of their ripening.



The Matagorda County Tribune, July 7, 1916:



            Mr. J. A. Brown was a visitor to Bay City Friday, taking vegetables and truck from his farm and finding a ready sale in the county capital market. Mr. Brown received an order for one hundred dozen cans of tomatoes. He says “eliminating the waste is the only way to make truck farming pay.” He is a strong advocate of the home and school canning plant and is demonstrating its utility.

            Mr. Irwin Glasser of Collegeport spent Sunday with friends here.

            Dr. A. A. Plotner is enjoying his stay here, away from the city life of Dayton, Ohio, while looking after his interests.

            Mr. H. B. Julian went to Bay City Friday and returned the same day.

            Mr. H. C. Hunt returned from Charlotte, Michigan, to enter upon his duties as manger of the A. A. Plotner interests in and around Buckeye.

            Miss Ethel Spence left Saturday afternoon for Nebraska where she will visit with relatives and friends at several points, during the summer, returning in time to take up her duties as teacher in our schools the first of September. She spent Monday and the Fourth in Houston and Galveston with friends.

            Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spence and daughter, Miss Anna, excursioned to Galveston Monday and spent the Fourth in Houston.



The Matagorda County Tribune, September 1, 1916:



            Miss Louise Muir returned to Houston Monday morning after a visit of a few days with her mother.

            Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Patton of San Antonio visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patton, south of town, the past week.

            Mr. Irwin Glasser, bookkeeper at the box factory at Matagorda, visited friends here Friday night, returning to his work Saturday morning.

            Mrs. Sweffington and two sons, Earl and Richard, left Friday afternoon for Boston, Mass., via Galveston.

            Mrs. J. M. Spence, Mrs. C. W. Qua and Miss Beatrice Qua were visitors to Bay City the latter part of last week, shopping.

            George Pahls spent the week-end with his family this week, returning to his work at Matagorda Monday.

            Prof. Chas. Yeamans, who will teach the Pledger school, was a visitor here, between trains, from Citrus Grove and El Maton, Monday.

            Mr. J. E. Patton and wife of Freeport visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patton, returning Monday morning.

            Miss Francis Benedict of Tivoli visited friends here Monday between trains.



The Matagorda County Tribune, September 8, 1916:



            Miss Ethel Spence, who has been spending the summer with relatives and old friends in Nebraska, returned home, in time to take up her duties as teacher this year. She reports a pleasant vacation.

            Mr. Reuben Brown of Company G spent a couple of days visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown.

            Miss Myrtle Benedict of Tivola and one of the teachers in our schools came in Thursday after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Varencamp of Citrus Grove. She took some examinations before the county examiners board last Friday.

            Miss Bessie Thompson from El Maton visited with Miss Maggie Brown Sunday.

            The teachers of the Buckeye schools as all other teachers of the common schools of the county are spending a week of profit and enjoyment at institute this week.

            Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hunt were called to Palacios Friday following the death of Mr. S. F. Perry Thursday.

            Miss Miriam Glasser of Collegeport returned home Friday afternoon, after a pleasant visit with Miss Anna Spence.

            Miss Lorena Grace, formerly of Palacios, is now staying a week at home, west of Palacios, before school begins.

            Irwin Glasser of Matagorda was in Buckeye between trains Monday.

            Miss Margarette Thompson spent Friday in Bay City, returning to El Maton in the afternoon.

            The school board, composed of Messrs. W.  H. Knowles, J. A. Brown and J. E. Dawdy, held a meeting with the teachers on Friday night at the school house and laid plans for a more successful school year. All were enthusiastic over the prospects.

            Miss Ruth Glasser of Collegeport spent a few days with the Spence family this week.

            Syrup making seems to be taking the attention of our farmers now. Messrs. Brown and Sherrill are turning out many barrels at present.

            “Boss” Jno. Mills of the railroad construction forces was a business visitor to Houston Saturday.

            “Foreman” Wertz of the Buckeye section of the Brownsville railroad has moved in from Rosenberg with his family. Three children will enter the school.

            Mrs. H. C. Hunt returned home from Palacios via Bay City Monday noon.



Two traction engines in excellent condition for sale.

See or write Plotner & Stoddard, Buckeye, Texas.



The Matagorda County Tribune, September 22, 1916:



The School.

            The Buckeye school opened Monday, September 11, with an excellent enrolment the first day, considering this to be a rural community, where so much farm work to do at this time. Several of the pupils have not started yet, owing to cotton picking. The trustees are Messrs. W. H. Knowles, president of the board; J. A. Brown, secretary, and J. E. Dawdy. The teachers are the same as last year, being Miss Ethel Spence, Buckeye; Miss Myrtle Benedict, Tivoli; and E. R. Hunt, Buckeye. Miss Spence and Miss Benedict have the school for the third term and Mr. Hunt for the second term. The school is doing the full four-year high school course of study as outlined by the department of education. Four new pupils from Citrus Grove, one from Beadle, two from Ashby, one from Palacios, and two from Rosenberg have enrolled. There are two members in the 11th grade or senior class. The school is well equipped with library, maps, etc., for the accomplishment of the desired ends. The school building is the latest approved model and has four rooms. The upstairs is used as an auditorium for chapel services, Sunday school and Christian Endeavor meetings. The school bids fair to have a most successful term for 1916-17.

Social Event.

            An enjoyable time was spent Friday evening at the Spence home, when about seventy-five of the young folks and parents responded to a cordial invitation. The large, roomy house and moonlit lawn was turned over to the merry-makers. The time was pleasantly spent in vocal and instrumental music games and guessing contests. At the “psychological moment” refreshments were served in the form of delicious ice cream and cake. That all enjoyed themselves was evidenced by exclamations conveying this thought.

Community Club Organized.

            The teachers, who had spent a profitable week at institute last week at Bay City “caught a vision” of great things from the inspiring talks and experiences given there, and more especially the profit and service that a community club would be to Buckeye. The question was discussed Friday night at the gathering at Mr. J. M. Spence’s at which time Miss Ethel Spence explained it in detail. Mr. Hunt was elected temporary chairman and Miss Benedict as temporary secretary. A permanent organization was effected in which Mr. J. A. Brown was elected as president and Miss Anna Spence as secretary for a term of three months. The meetings are to be held at the school-house on the second Saturday night in each month, at which time the most important agricultural and other local problems are to be taken on by prepared papers and bulletins from the A. and M. College and the department of agriculture. Outside speakers will be called on from time to time.


            Prof. Chas. Heisey passed through Saturday on his way to Citrus Grove.

            Misses Thelma, Irene, and Joyce  and brother, Cecil, Batcheldor of Citrus Grove have moved into the district that they may take advantage of our excellent school.

            The old school building has been moved to a more central position in town and is being used for private purposes.

            Mr. Haywood Long of Simpsonville attended the social Friday night.

            W. H. Knowles was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

            Miss Maggie Brown visited in Bay City Saturday, returning Sunday at noon.



Copyright 2011 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

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