Bucks Bayou Community Information

Matagorda County, Texas

1894 Bucks Bayou School Census

1895 Bucks Bayou School Census

Reinke-Tobeck Cemetery

Mary B. Ingram, Shirley L. Brown

The September 3, 1898, issue of the Bay City Breeze reports: “The Buck’s Bayou community has just completed a nice little schoolhouse thanks to the efforts of Mr. Henry Tobeck.”

In the Matagorda County Tribune dated May 20, 1899, an article reads, “The good people of the German settlement of Buck Bayou propose to organize a Sunday school at their new school house, some three miles southeast of Bay City.”

The schoolhouse was torn down in the late 1930’s.  There are some headstones still standing at the cemetery situated along the creek behind the site of the old school.

In the 1920’s Lutheran services were held once a month in the home of Louis and Karolina Arnold.  A Negro church was established also along the creek.

The present Bucks Bayou Road from Bay City carries one through rich farming area where cotton, grass, milo, and rice are grown and cattle graze. 

Typed by Faye Cunningham

Buck's Bayou Has New Lodge

A new sister lodge of the O. D. H. S. has been installed on Buck's Bayou at the school house of that vicinity having been organized Saturday, August 9.

Grand Secretary John Windlinger of San Antonio performed the duties of the lodge

The new lodge goes under the name of Anna Elizabeth Lodge, No. 139 and the following officer were elected: Miss Elsie Midaelis, president; Mrs. Ida Loss, ex-president; Mrs. Elizabeth Sherrer, vice-president; Mrs. Johanna Behmer, secretary; Mrs. Ella Wildie, treasurer; Mrs. Dora Sherrer, collector; Mrs. Emma Rother, escort; Mrs. Anna Culver, inner watch; Mrs. Maggie Houghs, outer watch.

There was also a nice dinner served at Mr. Steinmeyer's home, near the school house of Buck's Bayou and everybody enjoyed the well-filled table and after dinner dancing began on a platform built for that purpose. Old as well as young participated in this affair and music was furnished by Misses Mary and Lanie and brother, Willie Steinmeyer.

Everybody departed at 12 p. m. with a gay heart, after having had such a jolly time.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 22, 1913

Plant Sweet Potatoes.

Mrs. W. A. Early of the Buck's Bayou country came in Saturday to do some shopping, and while here called to place an advertisement that she has sweet potato slips for sale at $1.50 per 1,000. There should be takers for every one of them. The price pays for pulling, and will pay any farmer big on his investment. There should be 500 acres of potatoes planted in Matagorda county this season. We will guarantee to furnish a competent man to sell them in the black-land towns of central Texas for any two or three farmers who will have as much as twenty or thirty acres; so plant potatoes.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, May 29, 1914


Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jun. 8, 2007
Jun. 8, 2007