Caney Community Newspaper Columns and Articles


The farmers are all looking blue again. The rain Sunday and Monday having stopped cotton picking.

Mr. Frank Lawson, from the west side of the river, was in Caney Monday.

Mrs. John Rugeley, we are sorry to say, is very sick.

Frank, Alonso and Felix DeLeon, of Victoria , are in Caney with a drove of horses and mules for sale.

Mr. A. Currie was in Caney Monday from the lower part of the county.

We hear that those who are opposed to moving the county seat are gradually coming over on the safe side, and that by the 18th they will find how far in the dark they are and will be soul and body for the future great-- Bay City .

S. T. Matthews, of Caney, was in Matagorda Sunday, returning the same day.

Mr. E. S. Rugeley, Jr., and family, returned from Wharton Friday last.

Mr. Jesse Matthews returned Sunday from a tour over the county. He says he went to see the place where the court house is to be, and expresses himself as being highly pleased.

Everyone should go to the polls on the 18th and stick in a vote for his right. Matagorda County has as much right and is as able to support a town as any other county in the State, and why not have it? Let everybody go on that day and vote for Bay City .

Bay City Breeze, September 13, 1894


Messrs. A. Hamelin, Alvin Henderson and R. A. Mathis were on Caney Thursday.

Miss Florence Greene and brother, Elwood, went to Bay City last Friday.

Messrs. Henry Williams and Jno. Wendell passed through town Saturday en route to the beach.

Mr. A. Currie, of Lake Austin, accompanied by Master Ned Hawkins paid Caney a visit Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rugeley and Miss Florence Greene left Monday for a week or ten days sojourn on the beach.

Messrs. R. A. Wagner and Hauschild, of Victoria, were on Caney Monday in the interest of Hauschild Bros. Music Co., of Victoria.

Mr. R. V. Matthews is happy as a lark on account of the arrival of a new ten pound boy.

Bay City Breeze, August 15, 1895

Caney Cullings

Quite a crowd from Caney attended church at Bay City Sunday and report a nice time.

Mr. Vogelsang of the Breeze was on Caney Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Matthews made a flying visit across the river Friday last.

Mr. J. F. Holt, of Caney, visited Houston and other points this week.

Something over 200 bales of cotton have been ginned at the Matthews gin this fall.

Sheriff A. I. Rugeley was on Caney Monday on official business

News a little scarce.

Bay City Breeze, November 7, 1895


Your Caney correspondent is completely over his Christmas eggnog, for he had none this time.

News is scarce always on Caney hardly ever does anything happen to write about.

A. Currie, of Lake Austin was on Caney Saturday last and reports everything moving along nicely on the Lake.

W. G. Thompson, of Bay City, was on Caney Monday on business.

H. O. Gordon, a popular Night of the Grip, was doing Caney one day last week.

Frank Rugeley, of Hardeman, was down Monday.

E. S. Rugeley, Jr., visited Col. Hawkins first of week.

Jon. Rugeley had the road hands at work first of week.

Jas. W. Rugeley made a flying visit to Bay City first of week.

The addition being built to the store house of E. S. Rugeley & Co. is nearing completion.

When a young man of Caney buys a new buggy it looks as he was studying something else besides drugs.

E. L. Lawson went to Matagorda to-day with cotton for shipment.

Caney will try and come to the front from this time on, or the editor might think Christmas has come again.

Bay City Breeze, January 30, 1896

Caney Cullings

Corn that was planted early looks fine and is up to a very good stand in many places.

Conrad Franz, of Bay City, was on Caney yesterday.

Write Matthews and Jones when you need a telephone.

I think Dr. Simons will have to visit Matagorda again this week on legal business.

Ike Towell, of Bay City, was bear hunting on Caney last week.

A. Currie, of Lake Austin, was on Caney forepart of week.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews, we are sorry to note, is on the sick list this week.

Some cattle sales are reported this week, Mr. Holt buying a stock of Jesse Matthews, all parties are of Caney.

Jno. Serrill and Mr. Menifee, two rustling insurance agents, were doing Caney last week.

Bay City Breeze, March 1, 1896


 The picnic on Buckner's Prairie was certainly a grand success every way. Those whom were in charge certainly deserve great credit.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews, we are sorry to note, was on the sick list this week.

A. Currie was in Caney Monday enroute to Bay City.

Willie Bell had an exhibition at the picnic Friday - several stalks of corn over six feet high. Who can beat that for May!

V. L. LeTulle passed Caney Monday on his way to Bay City.

Rev. Hammond left Tuesday for Col. Hawkins after a weeks sojourn on Caney.

Menifee, the rustling insurance agent, went to Matagorda Tuesday.

Bay City Breeze, May 7, 1896

Caney Cullings

Cotton worms are plentiful.

More rain on Caney Monday which will set back cotton picking a day or so.

Mr. Menifee and wife were on Caney fore part of the week.

Mrs. Vogelsang, Mrs. Edgar Rugeley, and Miss Shirley Rugeley were on Caney Friday visiting friends.

Geo. B. Culver of Matagorda was among the Caney people Saturday and Sunday.

S. T. Matthews visited Bay City Saturday.

Irvin and Miss Annie Rugeley passed Caney last week on their way to Quintana.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews was visiting friends on the West Side last week.

Maj. Green of Quintana is looking after his interest on Caney this week.

Bay City Breeze, August 27, 1896

Caney Cullings

Crops are fine.

Corn needs rain very bad.

Cotton is growing very fast and is fruiting exceedingly fine.

Watermelons are ripening slowly but surely and will be plentiful in a few days.

John Matthews has been getting a supply of new machinery for his gin. He has sold his old press, engine and boiler and will replace them with new ones. We will have an excellent outfit for handling the Caney cotton the coming season.

W. A. Matthews returned Tuesday from Tennessee Centennial at Nashville. He reports having a fine time.

Rev. Callaway preached an excellent sermon for us Monday night the 4th. He was accompanied by his son, Oscar. They left Tuesday morning for Wharton to attend District Conference of the Houston district of the Texas Annual Conference.

C. C. McCormick attended District Conference last week returning Friday.

S. N. McCormick and wife went over to the west side Monday. He ways that it is as fine a country as he ever looked at.

Mr. Editor and readers of the Breeze, as I don't come very often I will not stay long this time. SAMANTHA

Bay City Breeze, July 1, 1897

Caney Cullings

Cotton picking has begun and the whistle of the gin is again heard in the land.

H. J. Labatt was making his regular rounds on Caney this week.

A. Currie of Lake Austin spent Sunday on Caney.

Oscar George passed here Wednesday going above after cotton seed.

Dr. Rugeley passed Caney Sunday on his way to LeTulle plantation to see a Negro boy who had cherries and a pistol the night before, you will know the rest.

Wm. P. Johnson was on Caney Tuesday selling pears.

E. L. Lawson visited the west side of the river this week.

N. M. Vogelsang and wife were on Caney Sunday.

Charbon is still spreading north of here but not so bad as a week ago.

The new gin outfit of John Matthews is nearly completed now and ready for work in a few days.

Bay City Breeze, August 7, 1897

Caney Cullings

No news on Caney, everything going quietly along.

The fleecy staple (cotton) is coming in right along to be ginned.

Ira Hobbs of Wharton was on Caney last week receiving cattle for the Wharton market, bought of Col. Holt.

Jesse Matthews was in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. S. T. Matthews left Monday for a visit to relatives in Columbus, she was accompanied as far as Wharton by S. T. and W. A. Matthews who went on business.

Dr. Simons is kept quite busy on Caney lately in his profession.

Ike Towell of Bay City was shaking hands with friends on Caney last week.

Cotton worms are reported on Caney in some places lately. John Elmore of Hardeman having poisoned about 25...

Quite a row occurred among two offspring of Ham last week on Caney for which they were tried in Bay City on Monday last.

Sid J. Bates of Richmond has been quite sick on Caney for several days, but is all O. K. again.

From present indications Cupid will put in its work before long on Caney.

Bay City Breeze, August 20, 1897

Caney Cullings

News a little scarce this week.

Jno. F. Holt is in Galveston a few days.

Mr. Beau McCamley passed Caney yesterday.

Sheriff Moore was on Caney last week, on official business.

There is a good deal of sickness on Caney; mostly colds.

Mrs. S. T. Matthews was visiting in Matagorda last week.

Mr. Geo. T. Kilbride, of Matagorda, is on Caney for a few days.

Mr. S. J. Bates and family, after spending the holidays on Caney, returned to their home in Brazoria, Monday. RUSTLER

Matagorda County Tribune, January 7, 1898

Caney Cullings
(Received too late for last week.)

Success to The Tribune.

Lots of cotton being damaged by rain.

Franz Huebner, of the Colorado, was on Caney Saturday.

Emmet Lawson and family visited Matagorda Saturday.

Sheriff Rugeley was attending to official business on Caney two days this week.

John Dennis has been quite sick for some time, but was improving at last accounts.

Green C. Duncan, of Wharton county, was looking after his plantation here a few days this week.

News on Caney is a little scarce, but I will try to interest the readers of The Tribune a little bit.

Messrs. Holt & Bruce are receiving from John McCrosky a large herd of beeves which they will feed this winter.

B. A. Ryman, the hustling stockman of Matagorda, passed down Caney, Monday, on his way home from Rosenberg; whence he shipped several cars of cattle. R.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 19, 1898

Caney Cullings

Sheriff Moore was on Caney this week.

Mrs. S. T. Matthews is quite ill this week.

Dr. J. E. Simons, of Bay City was on Caney Monday.

Mrs. Ed. Rugeley paid Matagorda a business visit Monday.

Messrs. E. S. Rugeley and J. C. Dennis, visited Bay City Monday.

Col. J. F. Holt is on the Peninsula this week looking after his cattle interest.

J. S. Adams, the well known carpenter of Caney died this week of pneumonia.

Mr. Jno. Matthews is gathering cattle this week, which he sold to Huebner Bros.

Mrs. Jimmie Hawkins, of Lake Austin, was on Caney this week "on-on-on-b-b-business."

Mr. Ike Towell was on Caney this week looking after the business end of The Tribune.

Aaron Drey, representing A. B. Frank & Co. of San Antonio, was talking to our merchants this week.

Mr. Will Showaker, of Cook's Island was shaking hands with his numerous friends here Thursday.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 3, 1898

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Dr. Foote seems very restless these days.

Mrs. Dr. Foote has gone to Wharton to spend the holidays.

Kirk Moore and Clif. Yeamans were on our creek Thursday, hunting jurymen.

W. D. Arnold of Matagorda, was on Caney this week, soliciting trade for his boat.

Jim Phillips and Geo. Serrill of Matagorda were on Caney Tuesday buying sheep.

J. A. Barnett passed back and forth between Caney and Bay City several times during the week.

Dan O'Connell and family and Simon Johnson have gone to Houston to take in the Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Festival.

Our young rustling young merchant and planter, J. G. Dennis, visited Columbia Monday and Bay City Wednesday. He is preparing to ship to market the hogs he has been feeding for some time.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 16, 1898

Caney Cullings

Jno. F. Holt visited Matagorda this week.

J. G. Dennis paid Bay City a business trip this week.

Mr. Richard Morris and brother were in Wharton this week.

Mrs. R. V. Matthews, of Caney visited Bay City, Wednesday.

John Elmore, of Hardeman, was down here the first of the week.

Everyone on Caney is preparing for Xmas. Hang up your sock.

C. E. Selvage, a knight of the grip was doing the town this week.

Geo. Kilbride was also a welcome visitor Wednesday, from Matagorda.

Wm. Dunbar, of Matagorda, is on Caney doing some work for J. F. Holt.

Mrs. Jessie Matthews and Mrs. Emmett Lawson visited Bay City Monday.

Mr. H. W. Bowie, one of Caney's prosperous planters, was here Wednesday.

Manly Sexton, of the Colorado is hauling cotton seed from Caney this week.

Green Stewart, of Matagorda, was on Caney Wednesday, buying cotton seed to feed cattle.

Messrs. Perry and Munson, of Brazoria, and Mr. Dorchester, general manager of the Velasco Terminal, were on Caney this week. R.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 24, 1898

Caney Cullings

News a little scarce this week.

Jno. F. Holt is in Galveston a few days.

Mr. Beau McCamley passed Caney yesterday.

Sheriff Moore was on Caney last week on official business.

There is a good deal of sickness on Caney; mostly colds.

Mrs. S. T. Matthews was visiting in Matagorda last week.

Mr. Geo T. Kilbride, of Matagorda, is on Caney for a few days.

Mr. S. J. Bates and family, after spending the holidays on Caney, returned to their home in Brazoria, Monday. RUSTLER

Matagorda County Tribune, January 7, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

The late northers are making the crops look sick.

Four of Wharton's business men were on Caney this week.

Jesse Matthews and family visited Matagorda, Saturday.

Holt & Bruce returned from the beach, this week, with another drove of cattle.

John McCrosky's cow crowd passed Caney on Saturday, enroute to the beach for cattle.

Edison's talking machine would sell well to our merchants--to entertain the drummers.

E. L. Lawson and W. A. Matthews were attending to business at the capital, Wednesday.

Caney will, in the next few days, be made a money order office, which will greatly add to the convenience of the people.

M. O'Connell, Sr., had nearly all of the material on the ground for his new residence, which, I am informed, will be a handsome five room cottage.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 8, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Dr. Foote visited Wharton on Thursday.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews is visiting relatives in Matagorda.

Emmet Lawson was in Wharton again last week, on business.

Wonder what some folks want to buy pet squirrels for, anyway.

Mrs. Annie Rugeley and family returned from Matagorda last week.

J. G. Dennis sent a wagon to Wharton on Thursday for some fine cotton seed.

Our rustling farmer, J. A. Barnett, passed Caney on Wednesday enroute to Bay City.

All the M. O. supplies have now arrived and Caney is a full-fledged domestic money order office.

Contractor Hatchett, of Bay City came over Monday morning and began work on the O'Connell residence.

S. T. Matthews is putting in pipes to a new well and doing general repair work on Ino. Hudgin's machinery.

J. J. and J. C. Mayes returned to Wharton, last week; but Jenks can't keep away from Caney, for he is here again.

M. and D. O'Connell and families and Walter Sojourner comprised Caney's attendants at the Bay City festivities, Saturday night.

Father McSorley held services at the residence of M. O'Connell, Jr., Tuesday morning and left for Wharton, accompanied by Dan O'Connell.

Rev. Callaway and daughter, of Matagorda were welcome visitors on Caney this week. He put out an appointment to preach here the fifth Sunday.

Albert Schoultz came out from Matagorda Monday night and brought the sad news of Mrs. Wadsworth's death. Col. J. F. Holt and family attended the funeral on Tuesday.

The dreaded horse disease has again made its appearance on Caney; E. S. Rugeley having a horse afflicted with it. Colic is also prevalent here. John Matthews and J. G. Dennis have each lost a mule from it, the result of over-feeding.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 15, 1899

Caney Culllings
By Rustler

E. S. Rugeley visited Bay City on Monday.

The mad dog scare is about over; but stray dogs stand no show at all.

S. J. Bates and daughters, of Brazoria, spent a few days in our midst, this week.

Col. Holt is now at home having about finished his cow driving for the present.

C. A. Mensing, one  of the gallant Knights of the Grip, was doing this town Wednesday.

Jesse Matthews visited Matagorda on Sunday, returning same day, bringing Mrs. Matthews back with him.

Commissioner P. M. Bowie, passed through town on Monday, enroute to Bay City to attend Commissioners Court.

Plenty of rain in this neck of the woods for awhile. Everybody busy--haven't got time to howl "hard times!" any more.

Messrs. J. G. Dennis, J. J. Mays and W. A. Matthews attended the dance at R. T. Chinn's, last week, and report having a fine time.

Jno. H. Berg, of Matagorda, has joined the Knights of the Grip and paid Caney his first visit in that capacity, last week. Good luck to him.

J. A. Barnett returned from Bay City, Wednesday, and says he has finished planting his Bay City crop and will now give his attention to his Caney crop, for awhile.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 4, 1899

Caney Cullings

News is hard to find this week.

Plowing is the order of the day on Caney.

J. S. Chriswell visited Wharton, this week on business.

Messrs. E. S. Rugeley and J. G. Dennis visited Bay City on business Wednesday.

No mail Wednesday--made several of our Caneyites feel blue, who were looking for letters from business folks.

Pete has quit the mule this week, and is now riding a horse, which is a great improvement in size, speed, and everything but flesh.  RUSTLER

Matagorda County Tribune, February 11, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Corn planting has begun on Caney.

J. C. Payne, of Wharton, is on Caney buying hides.

Billy Barber, of Bay City, was on Caney, Wednesday.

The "Schnapps" Tobacco drummer was doing Caney this week.

Jas. Mayfield, of Galveston, is visiting the family of Col. Holt, this week.

Dr. S. A. Foote returned from Wharton, Wednesday, after a week's stay.

Mr. Abel, of Wharton, passed through town this week, en route to Coulterville.

W. G. Thompson, of Cottonwood, was hauling seed from Caney, Wednesday.

Mrs. Bessie Kilbride and W. B. Wadsworth, of Matagorda, were on Caney this week.

S. T. Matthews and Hon. Jack Dietrich visited Bay City this week, and it looked like election time with Uncle Jack when they returned.

The Tribune should remember the way our mails are run sometimes. Your Caney correspondent always has his letter in the office on time for Thursday's mail, but Thursday's mail doesn't always go on Thursday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 4, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Corn planting has been the program this week.

Dr. Box of Coulterville, was here this week on business.

A. Currie, of Hawkinsville, was visiting here on Wednesday.

Mr. Meeks, the drummer, was talking to our merchants this week.

W. G. Thompson is hauling cotton seed from G. C. Duncan's plantation.

Billy Barber was on Caney, this week, buying seed for J. H. Selkirk, of Galveston.

Jeff Rogers, of Bay City, is hauling cotton seed from Caney for Green Savage.

C. E. Selvage, representing L. W. Levy & Co., of Galveston, was doing Caney this week.

J. F. Holt and wife and Bishop Kinsolving passed through Caney, Saturday, enroute to Matagorda.

We understand that Dr. Box and Mr. Caspar Bell are going to open a live stock commission house in Houston in the near future.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 11, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

La grippe is raging on Caney.

E. L. Lawson was in Matagorda this week.

Dr. Foote has gone to Wharton again this week.

Chas. Mensing, of Galveston, was doing Caney this week.

C. C. Gresham visited Bay City Wednesday on business.

Dr. and Mrs. Simons visited Bay City, Wednesday, on business.

Most farmers are rejoicing over a good stand of corn, but rain is badly needed.

A. Drey, representing, A. B. Frank & Co., of San Antonio, was talking to our merchants, Tuesday.

Col. J. F. Holt and wife went to Matagorda, Sunday. Mrs. Holt will visit in town while the Colonel is looking after his cattle on the peninsula.

H. Clements, the traveling photographer, accompanied by his family, and Mr. Riggs, the bed-spring man, have departed from our midst, after a stay of a couple of months.

Say! Mr. Editor, how big a lot has Co. Magill? Bay City must be growing indeed, if one residence lot furnishes room for a cottage and 160 acres of shrubbery. [It is an ordinary town lot, but the Colonel planted it ten layers deep.--ED.]

Our rustling farmer, J. A. Barnett, accompanied by J. W. Daniels, made a trip to Wharton this week, and came home with two new wagons loaded with supplies and farming implements. Mr. Barnett is sure a rustler and  your correspondent hopes to see him farming Caney lands for many years to come.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 25, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

The grippe is still raging on Caney.

Jesse Sisk, of Bay City, was hauling on Caney this week.

Assessor Culver was on Caney, this week, prying into other people's affairs.

Mr. Treadway, of the Barnett farm, has sold to Jno. Matthews a nice buggy horse.

The representative of the Wharton Commission Co. was doing Caney on Tuesday.

Dr. Foote, after several days at the bedside of his brother at Wharton, returned this week.

P. B. Caldwell, representing Rosenfield, of Galveston, was talking to Caney merchants this week.

E. L. Lawson went to Wharton on Wednesday, with cotton for one of our Caney merchants.

Mrs. W. C. Carpenter spent several days on Caney last week, the guest of Mrs. E. S. Rugeley, Jr.

Everything on Caney looks blue this week. The frost on Tuesday night is the cause. Several farmers had cotton to a stand but now it looks very bad.

Holt & Bruce returned from the beach, this week with about 1000 head of cattle, and have gone back after the remainder of their stock about a 1000 more.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 1, 1899

Caney Cullings

E. S. Rugeley visited Bay City, Wednesday.

E. L. Lawson visited the west side last week.

J. C. Mayes, of Wharton, was here this week.

C. D. Bruce of Matagorda, was on Caney Sunday.

Will Arnold of Matagorda was on Caney this week.

Jno. Lee, of Bay City, was over Monday, buying corn.

Geo. Kilbride returned to Matagorda Wednesday, after a week's stay here.

J. F. Holt, who was reported ill, the first of the week, is considerably better.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Matthews visited Matagorda Saturday, returning Sunday.

J. S. Mayfield left for Galveston Sunday, after a week's visit to his family at Tangle Wylde.

J. S. Criswell, of Hermoson, Texas, has rented land here and expects to have his family here next week.

All the creeks and sloughs were on a boom this week, the water being higher in Caney than for two years.

Farmers are looking very blue as there is so much water on the ground they can not even clean off the stalks.

Messrs. M. and D. O'Connell have begun work on the lane fence through the pasture on the Caney-Bay City road.

Mrs. E. S. Rugeley, Sr., and grand son, Marshall Elmore, after several weeks in our county, return to Wharton, Wednesday.

E. S. Rugeley suffered quite a serious accident last week by catching his hand in some part of his machinery and badly cut his thumb.

J. G. Dennis visited Wharton, Monday, accompanied by J. C. Mayes. Mr. Dennis returned Thursday and says it was a business trip.

Pete and his mule have been furnishing the Caneyites with amusements and the U. S. Mail regularly, and the bad roads can't stop him. Rustler.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 22, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Don't forget church, tomorrow.

Drummers have been numerous, this week.

Uncle Jack is on the sick list, this week.

Dr. Foote returned fro Wharton, last week.

Geo. Kilbride, of the Robbins ranch was on Caney, Sunday.

A. Currie of Currieville, was a pleasant caller, the past week.

Farmers are again at work. Several had to replant cotton and corn.

E. S. Rugeley and J. G. Dennis visited Bay City, Tuesday evening.

H. O. Black, of Columbia, accompanied C. E. Savage on his trip over this territory, last week.

Quite a Caney crowd attended the circus at Bay City on Tuesday night, and pronounced it a Farce Comedy right.

Robt. Butter, of the Polaner settlement, was in the neighborhood, this week, soliciting subscriptions for improvements to be added to the Catholic church building in that community.

According to reports coming from that section, the hail storm the past week, did considerable damage on lower Caney, and a good deal of both cotton and corn will have to be replanted.

One of our Caneyites tried to end his weary life this week, by swallowing over two ounces of Laudanum, but by the skillful work of Dr. Foote with a stomach pump, he is again on his feet and ready for another dose.

Next Sunday being the first preaching day here in a "coon's age" it is hoped that all the young ones in the neighborhood will be run down and dressed early, so the old ones can go to church and enjoy a good sermon. Let everybody turn out.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 29, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

R. R. Talk is all we can hear, now.

Dr. Foote is in Wharton again, this week.

Dan O'Connell visited Wharton, this week.

Sheriff Moore was in town on official duties, Saturday.

Ed. Kilbride, of Matagorda, was in the city, the past week.

J. A. Barnett paid Wharton a business visit the first of the week.

A. Currie, of Hawkinsville, was a pleasant caller on Monday.

J. J. Mayes, of Wharton, was seen on our streets again, last week.

Dr. Simons and wife, of Bay City, were on Caney, Wednesday.

Dan and Mike O'Connell, Jr., made a business trip to Bay City on Tuesday.

Miss Mamie Kilbride, of Bay City, was visiting Miss Mamie Lou Rugeley, last week.

Dan Dickson, the V. G. shoe man, accompanied by a Mr. Lamroe, was here this week.

Carlysle Williams, of Rotherwood, was visiting friends in the neighborhood the first part of the week. Come again Carlysle.

Rev. Callaway delivered two interesting sermons to nice congregations on Caney last Sunday, and we trust we may have him with us again, soon.

J. H. Rainey, wife and mother and Miss Francis of Hardeman, and contractor Hatchett, of Bay City, attended divine services at Caney on Sunday.

W. A. Matthews and R. L. Bobo, two of Caney's promising young men, attended the circus in Bay City, Tuesday night and report having a glorious time and fine music.

D. W. Michaux, of Houston, and C. S. E. Holland, of Victoria, were with us part of two days, last week, loading up our farmers and merchants for the cotton worms and talking up the Houston Post.

A highly enjoyable and well attended dance was given at the new O'Connell mansion, last Friday night, Mr. Gregory excellently discoursed the music, and the merry party scientifically tripped the light fantastic until the wee sma' hours of the morning. Mr. Hatchett and his guitar were very much in evidence and helped to make the occasion one never-to-be-forgotten. A good many of the Bay Cityites were present.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 6, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Crops are looking fine.

Hurrah for the Bay City base-ball team!

Sid Bates, of Brazoria spent Sunday on Caney.

Most farmers are catching up with their work.

Ed. Kilbride was on Caney again, this week.

Don't forget church, again next Sunday, at 3 P. M.

Capt. Van Houten, of Wharton, was here, Wednesday.

C. A. Mensing was talking to our merchants, Tuesday.

Dr. Foote has gone to Wharton again, for a few days visit.

H. J. Labatt, of Jake Davis & Co., was in town on Wednesday.

Nurserymen Gibson and Lords were in the neighborhood, last week.

Schnapps Tobacco Stewart worked this part of his territory again, last week.

E. L. Lawson and family visited friends and relatives in Matagorda, Sunday.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews and Mrs. E. L. Lawson were shopping in Bay City, last week.

Gust Heye & Co.'s popular salesman, W. E. Harris, lodged in the city, Monday night.

W. A. Matthews was in Bay City, Sunday on business. Bob Bobo went also, visiting.

Messrs. Sherrer and Tobeck, of Buck Bayou, were on Caney, Tuesday, rustling children for the public school there.

P. M. Bowie, one of Caney's most prosperous merchants and planters, passed by en route to Bay City, Tuesday.

Mrs. E. S. Rugeley and Misses Mamie Lou and Helen attended the Sunday school picnic on the river, Tuesday.

Col. Shanghai Pierce's melodious voice was heard on our streets, Wednesday. The Col. was attending to business here.

The inquisitive G. B. Culver was in town, Wednesday, in the interest of the Matagorda and Wharton Counties Cattlemen's Protective Association.

Dawson Stapp, of Cedar Lake, passed through town Sunday enroute home from Hardeman, where he took his mother to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Rainey.

The fortune teller, Indian doctor, and the jewelry peddler have all been through here lately, looking at the crops to find out how much they can fleece the Caney residents out of next fall.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 13, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Crops are needing rain very much.

No excuse to offer for last week's absence.

V. L. LeTulle made Wharton a business visit, Tuesday.

W. A. Matthews made a business trip to lower Caney, the first of the week.

Green Stewart, of Matagorda, was buying yearlings on Caney, this week.

W. E. Bell, the rustling cow buyer, was on Caney, Monday, hustling for fat cattle.

S. J. Bates and little boys, of Brazoria county, spent a day or so on Caney this week.

Mrs. W. C. Morris was bitten on the arm by a snake of some kind, Sunday, but nothing serious resulted.

Farmers are looking blue, as the boll weevil is plentiful on several Caney farms. Jno. Matthews and J. G. Dennis both have some on exhibition.

Bro. Hensley, of Bay City, made a fine talk to the congregation, Sunday, concerning the Caney Sunday school. There is to be a meeting at 3 o'clock each Sunday evening at the church.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 27, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

W. A. Matthews was in Bay City on Sunday.

C. Franz, of Bay City, was on Caney, Tuesday.

J. R. Moberley visited Bay City on Wednesday.

J. J. Mayes was seen on our streets again, Tuesday.

C. E. Selvage, of Levy & Co., was in town, this week.

Dr. Simons and family were visiting on Caney, Tuesday.

Holt & Bruce began gathering their fed cattle, Tuesday.

M. O'Connell, Sr., paid Houston a brief visit, last week.

J. S. Criswell and little boys visited Bay City, this week.

Victor LeTulle, of lower Caney, was in town on Wednesday.

Rain is badly needed on Caney. Crops have begun to suffer.

J. A. Barnett and Mrs. Treadaway are in Wharton, this week.

The sewing machine agent was on Caney, again this week.

C. A. Mensing was rustling the grocery trade in town, Wednesday.

Mesdames Jno. and R. V. Matthews were shopping in Bay City, Friday.

Mrs. S. T. Matthews is on the sick list this week; nothing serious however.

P. McHugh, of Bay City, and J. F. Rainey, of Hardeman, were here on Sunday.

E. S. Rugeley and J. G. Dennis began cutting hay on Buckner's Prairie on Tuesday.

Mesdames Jesse Matthews and E. Lawson were shopping in Bay City on Wednesday.

John Matthews has been suffering for a day or so quite seriously with neuralgia in his face.

Mr. McKenzie, of Bonus, Wharton county, was visiting his brother-in-law, J. G. Andrews, this week.

Messrs. Harris Miller and Bartholomew were among the knights of the grip to visit here the past week.

Wm. Franz, deputy sheriff, was summoning jurymen and witnesses in our neighborhood, the fore part of the week.

Carlysle Williams, of Rotherwood, came in too late for church, Sunday, but seemed to be enjoying himself anyway, driving the sorrels.

Hon. A. D. Hensley and J. F. Payne, of Bay City, and Miss Sallie Gregory, of Hardeman, attended services at our church, last Sunday.

Messrs. LeTulle and Bell were shipping a car of fed beeves and a lot of mixed cattle to the St. Louis and Houston markets, last week.

The one and only J. W. Hanks, of Columbia, accompanied by A. Currie, of Lake Austin, was shaking hands with his Caney friends Tuesday.

Jesse and W. A. Mathews have been making war on the wolves, this week; having the scalps of 4 wolves and two dogs hung to their belts.

The Bay City Negroes gave a picnic on Buck's Bayou, Saturday, and took occasion to snub the Caney Negroes--only inviting a few of the select, so they say.

W. A. Daniel returned on Sunday from Bay City, where he has been working farmer Barnett's crop out. He reports fine prospects for corn in that section.

The first genuine cotton worm of the season has been discovered here. We now have the cotton worm, boll weevil, Spanish fly, third party fly, and now are ready to try any new insect or animal that comes this way.

G. A. Harrison, of Wharton, has rented the G pasture and has workmen engaged putting up a new wind mill and repairing the fence. The first lot of cattle, some 700 head, principally stock cattle, came in from Wharton, Monday.

Say! Clod Hopper, why didn't you come down to Sunday school? Study your lesson from John 19th chap. and come next Sunday. You'll have plenty of time to attend to any other business you may have at the county capital later in the evening.

A party of Caney boys loaded with a week's supply of anti-snake-bite and two or three fish hooks and lines spent Saturday night on Peyton's Creek. They returned on Sunday morning looking much fatigued, and reported no fish in the creek. What next?

Col. A. H. Pierce has contracted for an artesian well 1000 feet deep on his Duncan ranch, and work was commenced on same Monday: this is the first at...

Matagorda County Tribune, June 3, 1899

Caney Clartter

A. C. Turner, of Houston, was taking orders for hardware here the past week.

Sheriff Moore and deputy Franz came over Thursday and arrested Taylor Johnson, colored, on a charge of assault preferred by Arthur Robinson. Taylor is always in some scrape and its a pity the State can't get evidence enough to give him a few years employment in some of its public institution.

John Rugeley and mother, who have been visiting Mrs. C. H. Williams at Rotherwood, returned to Wharton Monday afternoon.

Mr. Underwood, of the Lummus Cotton Gin Co., was in town Saturday morning looking after the machinery trade and reported the sale of a suction elevator to E. S. Rugeley, to be put in for the fall ginning.

Notaries S. S. Weems and O. I. Doubek, of Cedar Lake and Hawkinsville, passed through Friday en route home from Bay City.

E. L. Lawson visited Wharton the past week.

Mrs. Jas. S. Mayfield, of Galveston is here on a visit to her parents, Col. and Mrs. J. F. Holt.

Messrs. V. L. LeTulle & Co. bought of Jno. Matthews a small bunch of mixed cattle the past week.

L. J. Gartrell, editor of the Visitor, was a visitor Saturday.

S. T. Matthews has been very sick for the past week but is improving at the present writing.

Misses Mellie and Eula Sims, Nellie Wallace and Florence Baxter and Mr. Hensley, of Bay City, Miss Gregory, and brothers and L. W. Brown, of Hardeman, and A. Currie, of Lake Austin, attended services at Caney Sunday afternoon.

Rev. J. Walker Morris and family of Alvin, are visiting relatives on Caney. Rev. Morris was formerly pastor in charge on this circuit and his friends here will be glad to have the pleasure of seeing him again.

R. V. Matthews and Ed. Bobo paid Columbia a brief visit Saturday. R. V. met with quite a misfortune last week, having his favorite horse hooked by an enraged bull, inflicting an ugly, though not dangerous wound.

J. R. Moberley is visiting his son on Matagorda Peninsula this week.

Next Sunday is regular church day on Caney. Rev. Payne will fill the pulpit.

Rev. Morris preached us an interesting sermon last Sunday from Luke 9th verse.

E. S. Rugeley was attending to business at the county capitol Monday.

Mrs. G. C. Duncan, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Bowie, of Lower Caney, for some weeks, accompanied by her two sons, and Miss Vance and Johnnie returned to their homes at Spanish Camp Tuesday.

J. Markowitz, representing the Galveston Shoe and Hat Co., was furnishing chin music for our merchants this week.

J. G. Anderson and family visited Bay City Tuesday.

J. S. Criswell and family will leave Thursday for a weeks outing at the mouth of Caney.

I. G. Lords called on us this week with the Turkish Bath Cabinet, however we didn't feel dirty enough to invest.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, June 9, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

E. L. Lawson is cutting hay, this week.

L. J. Gartrell, of Bay City, was on Caney during the week.

Rain is badly needed. Cotton and corn both are suffering on Caney.

Mrs. J. S. Mayfield, of Galveston, is visiting the home folks at Tanglewild.

Several drummers have been talking business to our merchants, this week.

The family of G. C. Duncan, from Spanish Camp, passed Caney on Tuesday.

Jno. Matthews sold to V. L. LeTulle & Co., last week, a nice drove of mixed cattle.

S. T. Matthews is on the sick list, this week, but at last report he was improving.

L. W. Brown, of Hardeman, was in attendance at our Sunday school. Come again, Walter.

Bro. Hensley, accompanied by four charming Bay City girls, attended Sunday school here last Sunday.

W. A. Matthews attended divine services in Bay City and on Caney both morning and evening, Sunday.

Rev. J. W. Morris preached a fine sermon at Caney church Sunday afternoon and went to Bay City on Monday to spend a few days before returning home.

Presiding Elder Hotchkiss and Rev. Murray, of Wharton, were pleasant callers, Tuesday, on their way to Wharton, from Matagorda, where they had been holding quarterly conference.

Rev. J. W. Morris, of Alvin, who was for several years in charge of the Methodist church in this county, and who is now chaplain for the legislature at Austin, accompanied by his estimable family, is spending a few days on Caney, visiting relatives and their many friends. Rev. Morris is still pointing sinners to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.

Matagorda County Tribune, June, 10, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Ike Towell, of Bay City, was on Caney this week.

Mesdames Jesse and John Matthews visited Bay City on Wednesday.

Several families from Wharton are camping on the beach this week.

S. T. Matthews, who has been on the sick list, is up again and able to attend to his work.

A. Currie, of Lake Austin, was on Caney Sunday and attended Sunday school while here.

After a visit of a week, Rev. J. W. Morris and family returned to their home at Alvin, Tuesday.

Gurard Harrison, of Wharton, was looking after his interest in Matagorda county during the week.

Mrs. J. W. Morris, of Alvin, and Mrs. R. V. Matthews, of Caney, were shopping in Bay City last week.

Misses Florence Baxter, Ethel Gipson, May Ladd, Stella Wallace, Eula Sims, and Mellie Sims, all of Bay City, were on Caney, Sunday, to attend Sunday school. They were accompanied by Hon. A. D. Hensley, who is a great help to our school

Matagorda County Tribune, June 11, 1899

Caney Cullings.
By Rustler.

R. M. Winston and son were on Caney, Monday.

Corn will not make half a crop. Rain is badly needed.

J. S. Mayfield of Galveston, is on Caney, visiting relatives.

Ed Kilbride and family, of Matagorda, are visiting at Col. Holt's.

John McCrosky has been buying yearlings on Caney, this week.

J. C. Dennis is on the sick list, this week. Nothing serious however.

The colored population are preparing for a grand 19th on Peyton's Creek.

J. A. Lawson is still on Caney, high water keeps him from getting home.

Geo. Kilbride, of Matagorda, has been on Caney during the past week.

Our Bay City friends were certainly missed at Sunday school last Sunday.

E. L. Lawson visited Matagorda today, after a load of lumber and freight.

Hon. Hensley and Bro. Payne attended our Sunday School, Sunday afternoon.

Cato Clay (colored) after several weeks of lingering illness died last week.

The Caney people were very much disappointed on Tuesday, by not having any mail at all.

Clod Hopper must have had extra business last Sunday, as he was not at Sunday school.

The boll weevil, so we are told, is ruining crops of cotton nearly everywhere on Caney.

Several drummers have been doing Caney, this week--among them was the jolly W. E. Harris.

A. Currie, after a week's stay on Caney and in Bay City, left on Monday for his home at Lake Austin.

Dr. Foote has treated himself to a new buggy. Look out and listen! Something is going to drop.

A. C. Moore, of Wharton, was on Caney, Saturday and Sunday, visiting his friends and relatives.

Dr. Box and lady passed Caney, this week, for their home in Houston, after spending several days in Bay City.

W. A. Matthews and A. Currie took in the dance at the court house, Friday night and report a most enjoyable time.

Quite a crowd of Bay City young folks spent a pleasant evening at the home of Jesse Matthews, Tuesday. But ye scribe failed to get the names.

John Matthews is having a well bored and will put up another wind mill in his pasture. The Dunbar & Shoultz Well Co., of Matagorda, have the contract.

Green Stewart and family passed Caney, Tuesday, en route to Wharton, where they take the train for Mineral Wells for the benefit of Mrs. Stewart's health.

Mrs. J. S. Mayfield is very sick at the home of her father, Col. Holt, but under the skillful treatment of Drs. Foote and Rugeley, we trust she will be up again in a few days.

J. C. Payne (the hide buyer), of Wharton, passed Caney on Sunday, en route to the beach to accompany his family home after spending a week or so in the salt sea breeze.

While scraping out a pond the team that was running the scraper became frightened and ran away, the scraper hitting one of the mules on the hind leg just at the joint and entirely severed the foot. Was the best mule owned by John Matthews.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 24, 1899

Caney Clatter

Rain a plenty, thank you.

Jas. S. Mayfield returned to his home in Galveston Monday.

Joe Bates, of Brazoria, came over Sunday evening, attended to business and returned Monday morning.

Col. Howe reports that the boll weevil are eating on the gate posts along the Bay City road probably they will let up on cheap cotton and sharpen the teeth upon something more expensive, if this report can be proven.

Potato slips are now in demand.

A. J. Ganaucheau, representing a New Orleans hardware house, worked the town last week.

Ike Towell was attending to business in this burg last Wednesday.

I. W. Spencer and Ed Wessendaeff of Richmond, passed through town last week with the remains of Mr. Spencer's father which they will place in the Richmond Cemetery.

Max Lemmons, of P. J. Willis & Bros., was rustling the grocery trade here the past week.

M. E. Gibson and daughter were in the city Saturday.

Daniel Howe was a visitor from Coulterville first of the week.

Chas. Mensing, the jolly Knight of the Grip, came in with storm Tuesday morning and spent a few hours in our midst.

Jesse and S. T. Matthews and their families, accompanied by Dr. Foote and Frank Smith, left Monday for a week's outing at the mouth of Caney.

R. L. Bobo attended services in Bay City Sunday evening.

G. T. Kilbride left for Wharton Monday.

G. A. Harrison came in Friday with plows, scrapers and teams to scrape out some ponds and put in a new wind mill in the G pasture, but had to give it up on account of the stormy weather and return home Tuesday. He also brought in 39 blooded bulls which were put in the G pasture.

Mr. and Mrs. Carr of Wharton, were visiting friends on Caney the past week.

John Matthews is having a 60 foot addition to his barn erected this week.   UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, June 30, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

J. S. Mayfield, of Galveston, is visiting on Caney.

News scarce, this week; but will do better next time.

Ike Towell, of The Tribune, was a pleasant visitor on Caney, last week.

Chas. Lunn and a Mr. Parker, of Wharton, passed Caney on Friday en route to the beach.

Girrard Harrison, of Wharton, was on Caney, Friday, looking after his cattle interests in our county.

W. A. and Jesse Matthews attended the meeting of the W. O. W. in Bay City, last Thursday night.

Everything is under water on Caney. Farmers are rejoicing. It will still be of great benefit to the corn crop.

Jesse Matthews and family, S. T. Matthews and family and others left on Monday for the mouth of Caney to enjoy a few days of the salt sea breeze.

A. Mr. Lemons representing Willis & Bro., was boring our merchants and giving away cigars on Caney, Friday. He reports having sold M. G. Klein his opening stock of groceries.

Our Sunday school was small last Sunday; but at any rate we kept it grinding and will endeavor to continue to do so. Bro. Hensley is sure true to the cause. He came alone and on horseback in order to help us.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 1,1899

Caney Cullings.

By Rustler.

Caney creek has been higher than since the '86 storm.

John Wheeler, of Matagorda, is on Caney, trying to buy cattle.

Dan O'Connell was down to the office on Wednesday, talking baseball to the boys.

Cotton and corn were both terribly damaged by the blow and rain. But it was fine for sweet potatoes.

Caney is soon to have a baseball team and the Bay City boys will have the first chance to whip them out.

The Dunbar-Shoultz Well Co. have about completed their well for John Matthews, and will leave in a day or two for Matagorda.

Davidson and Beaver, of Wharton, passed Caney on Wednesday, en route to the gulf after a wagon they had left there because of high water.

A party composed of W. A. Matthews, Bob Bobo, C. C. Cresham and Elbert Moberly visited Bay City on Sunday evening, and report the river as a sight to see.

The Singer Sewing Machine man and constable Baker, of Bay City, were collecting on Caney Wednesday and returned home with their collections on wheels.

The party of Caney folks who visited the beach last week, all returned on Friday, weather-beaten and tired. They came near meeting serious trouble with high water. Wharton people are still passing back after weeks of enjoyment.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 8, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Ike Towell, of The Tribune, was on Caney, Monday.

J. F. Holt visited Wharton, last week, returning on Sunday.

Another fine rain on Monday, which was of benefit to crops.

Caney's base ball team promises to be something hard to handle after awhile.

J. G. Dennis was seen to pass Caney on Sunday going towards the temple of justice.

A. Currie, of Lake Austin, was visiting his many friends and relatives on Caney, a few days this week.

The news of the death of H. F. Brown of Pledger, was received on Caney Sunday, with many regrets.

The five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Young, who live on the Williams place, died on Tuesday of congestion.

W. A. Matthews started to Bay City, Sunday evening, but the bad weather turned him back. Try try again!

Jesse Matthews and lady and daughter, Molly Bell, visited relatives and friends in Matagorda on Saturday, returning on Sunday.

A crowd of Wharton folks stayed over night on Caney on Monday night en route home, after a stay of several weeks on the coast.

Bro. Hensley came over on Sunday and took a great interest in our Sunday school. I don't know how we could get along without him.

The rustling farmers, merchants, and stockmen V. L. LeTulle & Co., of lower Caney, started to Wharton this week, with a carload of fed steers for shipment to northern markets, but  they heard at Caney that no trains were running and drove their cattle back home to wait a few days.

The rustling farmer, J. A. Barnett, broke down his buggy wheel while returning from Bay City, Saturday, with a load of supplies, and was compelled to borrow a saddle and ride home horseback. Mr. Barnett says the storm damaged him about 100 bales of cotton and something near half of his corn from present prospects.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 15, 1899

Caney Clatter

A. D. Hensley came over from Bay City again Sunday and played an important part in the election of Sunday school officers. Mr. Hensley's efforts in behalf of our Sunday school deserve the praise of the entire community.

W. W. Young is reported very sick at his home on the Barnett plantation.

E. L. Lawson paid Wharton a visit last week.

Contractor Hatchett of Bay City was on Caney Saturday last.

Jas. H. Rainey of Hardeman, passed through the burg Sunday en route home from the Bernard country and reports the water falling slowly.

Mrs. Annie Treadaway is visiting relatives in Bay City this week.

Simon Johnson and Peter McHugh of Bay City and Buck Johnson of Cook's Island spent Sunday in our neighborhood.

Cotton is opening right along and in another week some of our farmers will have to begin picking. We have a few boll weevil yet but they seem to be doing no serious damage at present.

C. C. Gresham was attending to business in the county capitol Tuesday.

Sewing machine agent McDougald was in the vicinity this week.

Our enterprising young stockmen, M. and D. O'Connell, have completed the lane through their pasture on the Bay City road, and will let the road overseer and hands do the rest.

H. J. Labatt representing a Galveston grocery house, lodged in the burg Monday night.

Ed Moore, one of Wharton's swells, has been spending the week in Caney and Bay City visiting relatives and--and--who?

Mrs. J. F. Holt accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Mayfield of Galveston, home the past week and will spend a few weeks in the Island City visiting.

Andrew Westall, of Brazoria, was on Caney Monday.

Messrs. John Serrill, Jesse Wallace, John Thompson and Will Baxter, all of Bay City, were mingling with the Caneyites the past week.

I. G. Lords, who was reported last week to be surrounded by high water, between the Brazos and Bernard Rivers, was on Caney Saturday delivering some bath cabinets which he sold here some time since.

Misses Vasser White and Lasta Doubek accompanied by P. M. Bowie of Bowieville, passed through town Sunday en route to Bay City.

We regret to note that Mrs. Criswell is on the sick list this week.

The Caney Sunday school elected John Matthews Supt., W. A. Matthews, Secty. and Mesdames Jesse and R. V. Matthews, Teachers.

Dr. W. W. Bouldin of Bay City, was called Tuesday to attend Mr. M. O'Connell Sr. who is reported quite ill.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, July 21, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

J. S. Chriswell is on the sick list.

Bro. Hensley was over again Sunday.

No mail Wednesday. Long faces on Caney.

E. L. Lawson visited Wharton on Friday.

Col. C. C. Grisham visited Bay City this week on business.

Ed. G. Moore, of Wharton, is on Caney visiting friends and relatives.

Jesse Matthews is out this week damming some creeks and the hands.

H. J. Labatt, the well-known knight of the grip, was doing Caney this week.

S. T. Matthews is preparing to build a barn for his stock this winter. Good idea.

What has become of Clod Hopper? We never see and seldom hear of him now.

W. E. Harris, the Gust Heye drummer, was talking to Caney merchants on Wednesday.

A. H. Elmore, the Hardeman merchant, was here on Wednesday, attending to business.

J. H. Rainey, of Hardeman, passed Caney on Sunday en route home from Brazoria Co. He reports water still high.

At the Sunday school last Sunday, Jno. Matthews was unanimously elected superintendent, and W. A. Matthews secretary; so the good work will go on.

Mrs. J. S. Mayfield has returned to her home in Galveston, after a visit of several weeks to her parents, here. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Holt, who goes for an extended visit.

Matagorda County Tribune, July 22, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

A great deal of sickness on Caney.

Ike Towell was on Caney, last Friday.

E. L. Lawson went to Wharton, Tuesday.

O'Connell Bros. have begun putting up hay.

J. G. Dennis, we are glad to note, is improving very fast.

A. C. Turner, a popular drummer, Sundayed at Caney.

Rustler was behind last week, but is on deck again, this week.

Mr. Lemons, a knight of the grip, was doing Caney, last Friday.

J. F. Holt is erecting a barn and cutting hay; preparing for winter.

John Matthews has moved some of his stock cattle to better ranges.

R. M. Winston was looking after stock in the G. pasture, last week.

Miss Maud Rugeley, of Bay City, visited Miss M. L. Rugeley, this week.

W. A. Matthews was attending to business across the bridge, Tuesday.

Misses Mamie Lou and Maud Rugeley passed through, Tuesday, accompanied by H. B. Duncan.

Hon. A. D. Hensley still helps our Sunday school along. We could hardly get along without him.

Holt & Bruce were branding cattle, last week. THey also bought a bunch of steers from John McCrosky.

Girrard Harrison and Pinckney Rowe, of Wharton, came down, Friday, and returned Sunday morning with a bunch of fat cattle for market.

The sad news of Mrs. C. H. Williams' death was received on Caney, Sunday. The entire community extends their sympathies to the loved ones left behind.

J. D. Moberly, of Caney, visited Matagorda on Tuesday, returning the same day. He was accompanied back by his father who has been spending the summer by the sea.

Will Bell and John Wheeler, two rustling cattle men, passed Caney, Friday, en route to Bay City. They had just delivered a bunch of stock cattle to LeTulle & Vaughan.

J. A. Lawson and lady, of Matagorda, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Jesse Matthews. They expected to meet Frank Lawson, of Houston, on Caney, but so far Frank has not arrived.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 5, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

J. G. Dennis visited Bay City, Monday.

E. L. Lawson was hauling from Matagorda this week.

P. M. Bowie passed Caney on Monday en route to Bay City.

J. A. Barnett was again passing back and forth this week to and from Bay City.

Sam A. Robbins and family, of Houston, are visiting relatives on Caney this week.

Miss Lula Ayres, of Kenner's Prairie, is visiting the family of J. S Criswell on Caney.

J. R. Moberly went to Bay City on Monday, where he will work for J. A. Barnett.

W. A. Matthews, Caney's accommodating P. M., is on the sick list. Nothing serious however.

W. E. Harris, of Gust Heye & Co., and a Mr. Morris, a tobacco drummer, were on Caney last week.

Mr. Elkins, of Wharton, representing Hudspeth Bros. was opening business Hudspeth Bros., was opening business for his house on Caney Friday.

Dr. Simons, of Bay City, was called to Caney professionally on Sunday. He was accompanied by his wife and child.

F. H. Lawson, of Houston, accompanied by Mrs. Walter Evans and Miss May Smith, of Ft. Worth, were visiting relatives in this county last week, returning home on Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 9, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

E. L. Lawson was in Matagorda this week.

J. F. Holt visited Matagorda this week.

Plenty of dry weather and hay on Caney this week.

Caney will gin her first bale of new cotton on Saturday.

Dan O'Connell and family are in Houston this week.

A. Currie, from Lake Austin, was shaking hands with Caney people, Tuesday.

The Marx & Blum shoe drummer was trying to shod Caney people this week.

Loo__ Luck, of Hardeman, was on Caney, Saturday en route to Lake Austin.

The Galveston dry goods drummer was talking to Caney merchants, this week.

John A. Lawson and wife, after a visit of several days, returned to Matagorda, Sunday.

Our rustling farmer, Barnett, was passing back and forth from Caney to Bay City all week.

V. L. LeTulle and wife and Miss Ella Bell, of Coulterville, visited Bay City, via Caney, Wednesday.

G. W. Baker, the Bay City constable, was trying to find some mischief-makers on Caney, this week.

E. Wadsworth, of Hardeman, was hauling cedar logs to his brother Wm. B. Wadsworth, Tuesday.

On the 9th of August, one Uncle Jack was 72 years old. He says he is a little disfigured but still in the ring.

We are indeed glad to have L. W. Brown with us at Sunday School. Walter proves a helping hand. Come again.

J. G. Dennis is spending the week in Wharton county. J. J. Mayes is holding down his place of business during his absence.

After Sunday school, Sunday evening, W. A. Matthews and Walter Brown headed straight for Bay City on business (private).

A. G. Moore and son, Ed. and Newt Dennis, of Wharton, passed Caney, first of the week, headed for the beach for a few days of rest.

Sunday school was very good, last Sunday, though we missed Bro. Hensley very much. Next Sunday we expect to have Bro. Callaway to preach for us.

We have heard of lots of things but this is the first time we have ever heard of a bull climbing house tops. Mr. Editor, he must have been down to the Bank Exchange.

Green Stewart and little daughter, Georgia, from Matagorda, and little nephew, Waldo Lawson, of Houston, visited relatives on Caney, Saturday, and returned to Matagorda on Sunday.

A. J. Bobo, one of Caney's best farmers, can't help blowing about his cotton crop. It would do lots of farmers good to look at his crop of cotton and ask him for his advice on raising cotton. He is almost assured of 25 bales.

Miss Vassar White, one of Caney's most charming young ladies, accompanied by H. B. Duncan, passed Caney on Saturday en route to Spanish Camp to visit her relatives, G. C. Duncan and family. It is useless to say some of our Caney boys are looking down-hearted.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 12, 1899

Caney Clatter

A. G. Moore and party returned from the beach Thursday. They report mosquitoes simply terrible, and they decided to return and try it again in October.

Among traveling men in town past week we noted J. Dreyfus, L. Silverburg, C. A. Mensing, W. E. Harris and "Tobacco" Morris.

L. W. Brown and Col. A. Currie attended church here Sunday.

Will Elkins and lady of Wharton, were in the berg Friday. Mr. Elkins is representing Hudspeth Bros., of Wharton, and says he proposes to make business lively with the Galveston drummers from now on.

Rev. Callaway preached a fine sermon to a large audience Sunday.

Dan O'Connell and wife, returned Saturday night from a visit to Houston, Galveston, San Antonio and other points. While gone Mr. O'Connell purchased his fall stock of goods, which is now arriving.

A. M. Hildebrandt M. S. of the Texas Stockman and Farmer was interviewing the cattlemen in the berg last week.

J. G. Dennis returned Saturday from his trip looking much improved.

Maj. R. T. Chinn passed through the city one day last week en route home from his stay in Bay City. The Major is looking as fresh and frolicsome as a spring colt. Nothing the matter with Bay City as a health resort.

S. A. Robbins and wife, of Houston, arrived in town Monday evening on a visit to relatives.

Miss Lou Ayers, of Kenner's Prairie is visiting Mrs. Criswell at this place and was an attendant on church Sunday.

J. J. Mayes and J. G. Dennis spent a day or so on the beach first of the week.

Frank Lawson of Houston accompanied by Mrs. Walter Evans and Miss May Smith of Fort Worth spent Saturday on Caney and left for Wharton Sunday to take the train for home.

Commissioner P. M. Bowie passed through town Monday en route to Bay City.

The Matthews Gin received six bales of cotton last week, the first of the season.

"Uncle Jack" has spent the fore part of the week tussling with the fever and is a little short on news, but will try to make up for it in the future.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, August 18, 1899

Caney Clatter

[The beginning was damaged.]

The ___ ___ was a welcome visitor, some hay was ruined, but not enough to amount to anything when compared with the good done potatoes and other late crops.

Jesse Matthews paid Coulterville a visit Friday on business.

Capt. P. N. Harris, our old G. B. and S. W. friend, was in town last week in the interest of Moody and Co. The Captain is talking cotton and money now, instead of railroad and no doubt has better success than formerly.

Constable Baker was seen on our streets Saturday.

Messrs. Sam Robbins and Green Stewart, accompanied by Mrs. Robbins, Mrs. Lawson and Miss Lela Evans came out from Matagorda Monday evening. Mr. Robbins and wife and Mrs. Lawson were on their way to Houston and Sour Lake and left early Tuesday morning for Wharton accompanied by Mr. Stewart while Miss Evans will spend a week, visiting relatives on Caney.

O. E. Hatchett was seen on our streets twice during the past week.

Sam Thompson of Cedar Lake, stopped at Mr. Criswell's Saturday night, en route to Hungerford on a visit to his parents.

The cotton worm and boll worm have made their appearance in the neighborhood and are helping the weevil gather the cotton crop.

J. A. Barnett is gathering his corn and hauling it to Bay City, to his home place.

Messrs. Gipson and Nelson, of Angleton, passed through the berg Monday en route home from Bay City and stopped long enough to say "howdy."

J. S. Criswell visited relatives in Kenner's Prairie Sunday returning same day.

J. G. Andrews paid the County Capital a visit first of the week.

Jim Rugeley was over from Bay City Tuesday.

Jno. F. Holt visited Matagorda a few days first of the week.

E. S. Rugeley has his wagons hauling wood from Peyton's Creek to Matagorda for W. B. Wadsworth this week.

"Menos" we don't know you under your nom-de-plume, but I'll bet six bits you're an old bachelor, else why would you want someone to keep off the "skeeters" while you scribe, can't you find some one else?

Messrs. Sinsheimer, McClure, Mozygemba, Heidenheimer, and League, have worked the town since our last letter.

The peddler is very much in evidence, since cotton picking commenced.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, August 25, 1899

Caney Clatter

As news is a little scarce this week, the Visitor man must overlook our short comings.

W. E. Harris, the most popular drummer that works this territory, called on us since last week's letter.

Mrs. Jno. Matthews accompanied by her little son, R. V., spent several days in Brazoria last week visiting relatives.

Col. J. F. Holt and wife visited relatives n Matagorda Saturday returning Monday.

Mr. Rogers of the cotton firm of Jno. D. Rogers & Co., of Galveston, was on Caney first of the week looking up cotton shipments.

Miss Mamie Lou and Master Warren Rugeley are attending school at R. M. Winston's, having left Caney last week for that purpose.

Messrs. Daniel, Seates, Martin & Co., erstwhile tenants on the farm of our enterprising friend and neighbor J. A. Barnett, have shaken the dust of Caney bottoms from their heels and are journeying to the promised land, leaving Mr. Barnett to gather the crops and attend to other little details. Our sympathy is extended neighbor.

Messrs. J. G. Dennis and E. L. Lawson are tussling with the fever again this week.

Your correspondent is pleased to note that Mr. M. O'Connell Sr., who was sick last week, is reported considerably better.

Col. A. Currie of the Lake Austin country, came up Sunday and has been spending the fore part of the week in Caney and Bay City, owing to the removal of Mr. Huebner's family, the Colonel will be compelled to keep "bach" for awhile, unless some one of the gentler sex will volunteer to do the cooking, washing and ironing. We expect to hear him call for volunteers soon.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, September 8, 1899

By Rustler.

Jesse Matthews is still a widower.

Rustler has again come to the front.

Mrs. John Matthews is on the sick list this week.

J. D. Rodgers, of Galveston, was on Caney Saturday.

The rain last Sunday prevented having Sunday School.

J. G. Dennis is ailing again this week - chills and fever.

W. E. Harris, the drummer was talking to our merchants this week.

E. L. Lawson is on the sick list this week. Nothing serious, however.

A. Currie, of Curryville, Sundayed with Caney people and visited Bay City on Monday.

I've good excuses for missing my two last letters but am not going to tell you what they are.

A little colored child died on the Joe Matthews plantation Tuesday, She was subject to spasms and died in one.

Mrs. John Matthews accompanied by her son, Jube, spent two or three days in Brazoria this week, visiting relatives.

Jesse and W. A. Matthews were out early Sunday morning making it hot for Bruin. Only a few killed though on this trip.

E. L. Lawson visited Bay City on Monday and he was taken worse on his return and had to send to Bay City for medicine Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 9, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

J. H. Rainey, of Hardeman, was on Caney Monday on business.

P. M. Bowie passed Caney twice last week going to and returning from Bay City.

E. L. Lawson, we are glad to note, is recovering from his spell of fever and chills.

Rustler has got a sore finger this week and if there are any mistakes look over them.

Grandma Rainey, accompanied by six grandchildren, attended Sabbath school on Caney Sunday.

J. S. Mayfield and wife, after spending a week or so on Caney, expect to leave Thursday for their home in Galveston.

Dr. Simons, of Bay City, was called to Caney Friday on business. He was accompanied by his estimable wife and little babe.

J. S. Criswell visited Wharton Friday, returning Sunday, bringing with him Miss Kain, of Fayette county, who will reside with his family in the future.

Caney Sunday school was very much disappointed Sunday at not having Bro. Callaway or Payne to preach for us, and trust they will not disappoint us in the future.

Wash Wallace of Bay City passed Caney Monday and said Bay City was having a "Hot time in the old town" when he left--"Spec" Wash was running, too.

Rev. Callaway came by Caney Tuesday on his way home from Bay City accompanied by his sweet little daughter, Mable. Everyone on Caney is always glad to have him call and we only regret that his calls are so seldom and short.

C. E. Selvage and Dave Heidenheimer, two prominent drummers, of Galveston, who have been on a deer hunt on lower Caney for several days, spent Monday night at Caney P. O. en route home. They report having had a glorious time.

Now didn't Dr. Foote do a nice trick? Told us he had to go to Wharton on business Wednesday and left early, telling us nothing else. But on Thursday he returned and brought Mrs. Foote with him. May their lives be as smooth as a window pane and troubles few and far between.

Jesse Matthews visited Wharton on Friday where he went to meet his wife and daughter and mother-in-law, Mrs. Lawson, who have been seeking health at Sour Lake for a week or so. All returned much improved in health on Saturday. Mrs. Lawson went on to her home in Matagorda Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. Matthews and daughter who will return to their home on Caney Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 16, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Mrs. Jesse Matthews was shopping in Bay City Monday.

E. S. Rugeley and D. Howe went to Bay City Monday.

P. M. Bowie passed Caney Monday en route to Bay City

Dr. Foote has been kept quite busy for a week or so, professionally.

I. G. Lords, of Bay City, was hauling cottonseed from Caney on Tuesday.

Ed. Kilbride and family, of Matagorda, were visiting on Caney this week.

Miss Millie Wadsworth, of Matagorda, is visiting friends and relatives on Caney this week.

Up to Monday night the steam gin of John Matthews had turned out 48 bales of the fleecy staple.

Mrs. Ella Talbot and two sweet little girls of Matagorda, are visiting friends and relatives on Caney.

Corn pulling is all the rage on Caney. The yield is good per acre, but lots has rotten on account of so much rain.

J. S. Mayfield and lady of Galveston, after spending some time on Caney visiting relatives, returned home last week.

C. A. Mensing and A. C. Turner, two Knights of the grip, were praising their houses among Caney merchants last week.

The bad weather last Sunday prevented a full attendance Sunday school, but we kept the mill grinding just the same.

A railroad crowd, of an adjoining county, were making propositions to Caneyites Friday. The prospects for a railroad is brighter than ever before.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 23, 1899

Caney Clatter

This community was treated to a first class rain Monday night and Tuesday to the delight of the fall gardener and the sorrow of the cotton picker.

Mr. Underwood of Columbia was on Caney Monday trying to buy cotton seed for the oil mills.

R. L. Vaughn the popular manager of Judge Thompson's plantation, called on us Monday on his way home from the county capital. Glad to see you "Dick," call again!

Constable Baker was seen on our streets several times the past week.

A party of Bay Cityites were on Caney the past week, hunting deer?

Geo. B. Johnson of Bay City is hauling cotton to Wharton for Jno. Matthews this week.

J. S. Criswell made a business trip to Wharton last week.

Mesdames Sims and Vogelsang of Bay City visited Mrs. Jesse Matthews last week.

Dr. Foote spent Friday of last week, in Wharton.

L. Silverburg, selling tops and bottoms for the Galveston Shoe and Hat Co. was giving our merchants some chin music Thursday.

Mrs. Green Stewart accompanied by Miss Phillips of Matagorda, was visiting friends and relatives in the burg Saturday and Sunday.

J. G. Dennis was buying hogs from Simon Johnson Friday.

R. M. Winston was on our streets several times during the past week.

Ben Lewis, colored, of Bay City was selling oysters in the burg Friday, for Mr. J. H. Berg.

Col. Ned Wadsworth was a caller again Friday.

Mrs. W. C. Carpenter, of Bay City is visiting her friend, Mrs. Annie Rugeley this week.

Ike Towell was on Caney Sunday.

Col. A. Currie continues to improve, and in a few days will be out among the boys his same old self again.

Miss Mamie Lou and Master Warren Rugeley, spent Sunday with the home folks.

F. S. Sherrer, of Bucks Bayou was at the gin Saturday.

J. A. Green of Matagorda, has purchased land from N. J. Morris and will move his family out in a short time, so as to be near the railroad.

No preacher again Sunday disappointed a small congregation at the church; guess they think we are all saints or else beyond human aid.

Jesse Matthews and Emmett Lawson claim the medal as the champion chicken hunters of the season.

L. W. Brown and Peter McHugh of Hardeman, attended the races first of the week.

Frank Smith, one of the hands employed by Mr. John Matthews informed his room mate that he was going out to hunt a "crap" game one night last week and said he would return about 11 o'clock, but failed to state what day, month or year he intended the 11 o'clock to be in, and as he hasn't turned up yet and has about twenty dollars the best end of the bargain it is supposed he skipped the country. So long Frank!

Deputy Sheriff Keller was attending to business on Caney the past week.

J. A. Barnett visited Hardeman Sunday.

Conrad Franz and George Williams were in the burg one day last week.

E. J. Kilbride and family, of the seaside city, were visiting on Caney again first of the week.

Weekly Visitors, October 13, 1899

Caney Clatter

E. L. Lawson paid Matagorda a business visit first of week.

Joshua Fisher of Bay City was shopping in town last week.

W. G. Thompson of Cottonwood was attending to business here last week.

Father G. M. Magill of county seat fame, was on Caney last week in the interest of his town.

Jno. Thompson and Will Baxter were on Caney several times during the week.

O. E. Hatchett, who is building the residence of A. G. Hilliard on Live Oak, came up last Friday, on a hunt for a tent and says Live Oak has fewer? mosquitoes than any place in the county.

Dr. Jas. E. Simons of Bay City came over Sunday and spent the day in town chatting with old friends and incidentally vaccinating a few of us and inquiring into the price of residence lots in the new town.

Willie Wallace and Till and Oscar Bond were hauling corn from Caney Monday.

Among the drummers in the burg the past week we noted the following, J. Dreyfus, H. J. Labatt, A. M. Jacobs and Keller of Galveston.

Col. A. Currie accompanied Dr. Simons to Bay City Sunday for a few days stay.

Dr. Bouldin was seen on our streets Monday.

High Sheriff S. S. Moore passed through town Wednesday morning en route to Coulterville collecting taxes.

There was no Sunday School last Sunday on account of the death of Mr. Andrews.

Caney turned out a weak force at the election Tuesday, in fact about half of the Caney voters didn't know there was an election going on, it seems as though the opposition didn't make a good canvas of their territory, maybe they'll make up for it next time.

Sam Thompson of Hawkinsville passed through the burg Wednesday en route home from Wharton.

Col. Holt is branding his fall crop of calves this week.

It was reported in town the past week on what is considered reliable authority, that an understanding has for some time existed between the Town Co., and purchasers of Bay City property, to the effect that an election would be ordered at the expiration of the first five years, in order to anchor the court house, and this comes direct from a purchaser, too. How's that?

Jesse Matthews was attending to business at Coulterville Tuesday evening.

Jno. LeTulle passed through Wednesday en route to Bay City.

Any one wanting a remedy for lazy horses should call on or write Dr. Foote.

Died Sunday morning at his residence on Caney, Joseph G. Andrews, in the fifty-fourth years of his age. Diseased had been in bad health for several years, but succumbed to an attack of Pneumonia contracted the week before his death. He leaves a wife and four children, by whom his loss will be keenly felt.


Weekly Visitor, October 27, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

John Rugeley of Wharton, was seen on Caney Sunday.

Richard Vaughan of Coulterville was at Caney Monday.

J. A. Barnett passed Caney Wednesday en route to Bay City.

E. S. Rugeley and lady passed Caney Tuesday on their return home.

Mr. Bell, from the LeTulle plantation, was a pleasant caller Wednesday.

John Matthews has about wound up corn pulling and finds his crop short.

Prominent citizens of Wharton were on Caney last week on R. R. business.

W. E. Harris the well-known knight of the grip was doing Caney last week.

Scarlet fever is reported on the Thompson plantation 10 miles south of Caney.

Ed. Kilbride and family, of Matagorda, are visiting at the home of Col. Holt this week.

E. L. Lawson returned from Matagorda Tuesday and went across the river Wednesday.

Hon. Ed. Wadsworth and Judge Barbee, of Hardeman and Wharton, were at Caney Wednesday.

A. C. Turner, the hardware drummer of Galveston, was talking to Caney merchants Wednesday.

E. L. Lawson and two sons, accompanied by A. Currie, are visiting in Matagorda this week.

Five young men from Cedar, Austin county, passed Caney en route to the gulf for a few days fishing.

Mrs. S. T. Matthews of Caney, has been very ill for the last week, but at this writing is improving some.

Caney's Sunday school was brightened last Sunday by the appearance of J. D. Moberley and R. L. Bobo.

Say, Jimplecute: Rest easy! We will all come together on the day of the election. (Wanted--hands to clean off a new county site.)

Guess Caney had better come to the front again, as ye scribe has had a rounding up from the boss. News is a little scarce though.

J. W. Rugeley passed Caney Monday with a fine lot of timber for the Peyton's creek bridge. It was sawed out by T. H. Brown, of Hardeman.

The rains are damaging the cotton crop considerably and we fear the sweet potatoes will all ruin; but there is one blessing--it holds the drummers back.

Ed. Wadsworth, of Hardeman, is raising hogs and says he will have something like 60 or 70 to kill and will furnish his own bacon from this on, instead of buying from Galveston.

J. G. Dennis has the finest pen of hogs on Caney. Some of them weighing 500 pounds. He is feeding them and about January will ship them to market. He also has several acres of fine cane which he will plant another year. There ought to be more men like him in the county.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 31, 1899

Caney Clatter

O. E. Hatchett was seen on our streets again the past week.

E. S. Rugeley visited Matagorda on business the latter part of the last week.

Col. A. Currie came up from the ranch again Sunday and spent the day in the burg.

Henry Rugeley and lady and Lud. Rugeley and Miss LeTulle were calling in town Sunday afternoon.

Cal. Watts of Wharton, passed through town Tuesday en route to Velasco.

Drs. Simons and Bouldin were called in consultation with Dr. Foote Sunday to see Moton Bell of Coulterville, who is suffering an attack of appendicitis.

Quite a number of Caneyites attended Prof. Coston's minstrel and dance at Bay City Monday night and report a fine time "at the dance."

The sweet potato crop is in much better condition than was expected and some fine specimens are being exhibited here now. One brought in Monday tipped the beam at 8 1/4 pounds.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, November 17, 1899

Caney Clatter

John Rugeley was up from Rotherwood first of the week.

George Kilbride was a welcome visitor in town Monday.

Dr. Foote reports continued improvement in Motie Bell.

Messrs. Whelihan and Terry of Wharton were on Caney Tuesday.

R. L. Vaughn was up from the plantation for a few hours Monday.

Jesse Matthews and family spent Sunday in Matagorda visiting relatives.

Jesse Matthews and Dan O'Connell paid Bay City a business visit Monday.

Mr. Murphy of Angleton, passed through town Saturday en route to ____.

Charles, Dick and W. C. Morris spent a couple of days on the beach ____ week.

Steinmeyer of the Bucks bayou country was attending to business on Tuesday.

____ Rugeley of Richmond, was visiting with old friends on Caney ___day last week.

J. S. Criswell is selling out his household goods and preparing to move to New Mexico.

A.. C. Turner, the rustling hardware drummer, lodged in town Friday and Monday nights.

Green C. Duncan was on Caney ___ week looking after his plantation interests here. Manager Dennis informed him that their hogs will be ready for market in about two weeks.

S. T. Matthews and Dan [O'Connell?] accompanied by their families and Miss Huck, spent Saturday night on Peyton's creek fishing and report splendid (?) success.

Mr. Jno. Matthews has finished harvesting his immense potato crop, and surprised the natives last week by exhibiting some first class roasting ears raised from Mexican June corn planted about September 1st.

A merry surprise party from Bay City, composed of Misses Alice and Ada Rugeley and Miss Burke, accompanied by Messrs. Bo McCamley and Jas. Keller, spent a very pleasant evening at Jesse Matthews' last Saturday evening.

Capt. Ben Crone, one of Caney's former residents, but for the past two weeks a resident of Wharton, was in town several days last week making arrangements to return and buy bones and hides this winter, which he will hold and await the building of the Caney Valley before shipping. Come on Captain, there's lots of room here for you, bones, railroad and all.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, November 24, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Dr. Bouldin was on Caney Tuesday.

G. T. Kilbride was on Caney this week.

Dr. Foote reports his patient still improving.

Mr. Bond of Bay City was on Caney Tuesday.

E. S. and John Rugeley visited Bay City Sunday.

J. S. Criswell of Caney is preparing to move to north Texas.

W. A. Matthews and R. L. Bobo visited Bay City Sunday even.

Heidenheimer, (drummer) of Galveston, was on Caney Wednesday.

Jno. Matthews has finished harvesting his potato crop, which is enormous.

Dr. C. H. Williams passed Caney Wednesday morning enroute to Bay City.

Dr. and Mrs. Foote visited at Mr. LeTulle's Saturday, returning Sunday eve.

Hon. G. C. Duncan of Wharton Co., was looking after his Caney interests this week.

W. E. Harris, representing Gust Heye & Co. of Galveston, was on Caney Wednesday.

A. C. Turner, the hardware drummer, was talking business to our merchants last week.

Attendance at Sunday school Sunday was quite small, but we kept it grinding just the same.

Jesse Matthews and family went to Matagorda to spend Sunday with the old folks at home.

A crowd of Caney young people went to Peyton's creek Saturday night fishing. They returned Sunday but had no fish.

Messrs. Foster and Shannon, representing the Mutual Insurance Co., were on Caney Wednesday talking in the interest of their company.

Capt. Crone, of Wharton, was on Caney a few days last week and intends spending the winter here. He is interested in the S. P. and wants to get here ahead of the road, which he says is coming fast.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 25, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

News scarce, but rain a plenty.

No Sunday school last Sunday; the weather was too bad.

Jesse Matthews is having a new chimney built to his dwelling.

Will Elmore finished setting the Telephone posts to Caney Monday.

Ned Wadsworth and Mr. Jones, R. R. men, were on Caney Tuesday last.

Capt. Crone is at home for the winter on Caney, having arrived last week.

Irvin Rugeley, of Bay City, is on Caney, vaccinating everybody that comes along.

Uncle Jack Dietrich is on the sick list this week, but at this writing is improving some.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mayfield of Brownsville, are spending the winter at the home of Col. Holt.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 7, 1899

 Caney Clatter

Irvin Rugeley was on Caney this week.

L. A. Hammett Sundayed with the home folks.

Dick Morris returned Sunday from East Bernard.

W. P. Johnson was seen on our streets Saturday.

Messrs. Currie and Eastland were up from the ranch first of week.

S. J. Bates and family of Brazoria, will move back to Caney shortly.

Geo. Kilbride left Sunday to take up his duties on the Robbins ranch.

J. S. Mayfield and family are visiting the home folks at Tangle Wylde.

John Culver of Matagorda, was transacting business in the burg on Monday.

Say, Mr. Editor, who are the lucky individuals that cupid has fastened upon for 1900?

J. E. Brune of New Orleans, spent Thursday night of last week at the hotel de Matthews.

Capt. Crone arrived in town from Wharton Saturday and is ready to buy all the bones in the country.

Good for you, Chingachgook, hit the old bachelors as hard as you can, they need it and ought to be able to stand it.

Will Elmore was in the burg Tuesday with his telephone crew. The poles are all up now and we are informed the wire will follow immediately.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, December 8, 1899

Caney Clatter

S. J. Bates and family have moved over from Brazoria.

Jas. S. Mayfield left Tuesday for a short visit to Galveston.

Corporal Jack Dietrich is out again after a few days sickness.

E. S. Rugeley paid Matagorda a business visit first of the week.

L. A. Hammett completed his brick work for Jesse Matthews last week.

Newton Dennis of Wharton spent several days in town returning Tuesday.

J. G. Dennis and Dr. Foote were attending to business in the county capital Wednesday.

Mesdames S. A. Foote and S. T. Matthews visited relatives and friends in Wharton this week.

Jno. Phillips and George Serrill, two of Matagorda's young gents, were in the burg first of the week buying sheep.

J. G. Dennis visited Columbia Monday and ordered the cars to ship his hogs in, and will have them over in a few days.

A party composed of Dan O'Connell and family and Simon and Matt Johnson left Tuesday morning for Houston to attend the F. F. and V. festival.

Bishop G. H. Kinsolving reached Caney on his regular rounds over this diocese last week but owing to high water was unable to visit Matagorda and returned to Wharton Monday.

E. J. Kilbride and wife,  S. T. Matthews and wife, M. O'Connell Jr. and wife, Mrs. J. F. Holt, Miss Huck, Dan O'Connell, Simon Johnson and W. A. Matthews attended the concert in Bay City Monday night.

W. D. Arnold, owner of the schooner Nettie which is now plying the water between Port Lavaca and Matagorda, was in town Monday drumming up trade for his line. She's the wrong kind of schooner Will, if you'll get the other kind we'll patronize you more frequently.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, December 15, 1899

Caney Clatter

Jno. Thompson was transacting business on Caney Saturday last.

E. L. Lawson paid Matagorda a business visit first of the week.

Mr. McDougal was rustling the machine business here Saturday.

Dan O'Connell and family and Matt and Simon Johnson returned from Houston first of the week.

Several of our fellow townsmen are serving their country at the rate of $2 per diem in the temple of justice this week.

Maj. R. T. Chinn passed through the burg Saturday en route to Bay City and spent several hours chatting with his many friends.

Miss Mamie Lou and Master Warren Rugeley are spending their holiday vacation on Caney, the guests of Col. and Mrs. J. F. Holt of Tangle Wylde.

Col. Currie was up from the ranch Saturday and again Wednesday. From the way the Col. was buying plow gear and furniture it looks as if "something was gwine ter drap."

Capt. Crone left for Wharton Monday, where he intends engaging in the mercantile business, as after spending a couple of weeks here, he decided there was no bones to buy.

Jesse Matthews and family, S. T. Matthews and family, E. J. Kilbride and family, Miss Mamie Lou Rugeley, Warren Rugeley, Simon Johnson, E. S. Rugeley, J. G. Dennis and W. A. Matthews were among the Caneyites who attended the concert and dance at the court house Monday night.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, December 22, 1899

Caney Clatter

Dan Treadway visited Caney twice this week.

A small shower visited this section Wednesday.

S. J. Bates visited Bay City Monday evening.

Jas. S. Mayfield returned from Galveston Friday.

Jno. LeTulle was seen on our streets Wednesday.

Earnest Calhoun spent the week with Bay City relatives.

F. Huebner was hauling cotton seed from Caney Wednesday.

R. T. Chinn passed through the burg Tuesday en route home from Bay City.

J. A. Barnett returned to the city Tuesday, after spending a few days on the farm.

Santa Claus completely ignored our old sox and that's why we are disconsolate.

Will Young was attending to business in Bay City for J. A. Barnett first of the week.

Col. Ed. Wadsworth passed through the burg Sunday en route to Matagorda to spend the holidays.

Jesse Matthews, Emmet Lawson and their families spent Christmas day in Matagorda with relatives.

W. G. Thompson and son, John, were buying thoroughbred poultry from Jesse Matthews one day this week.

S. T. Matthews and family and M. and D. O'Connell and their families attended the dance at W. P. Johnson's Monday night.

A merry Christmas and a happy new year to the Visitor. Here's to you Sport, may you continue the good work far into the future.

Ed Kilbride and family and Misses Mamie Lou Rugeley and Sallie Gregory, accompanied by Col. Holt, went to Matagorda Tuesday to spend a few days and be present at the ball Wednesday night.

The road from Caney to Bay City is almost impassable now, or at least that portion of it in the black hog wallow land west of Buck's Bayou, with a little grading this could be made the best piece of road in the county, and our commissioners should certainly buy a road machine and put it to work on the roads leading from the county seat. Can't you help us kick Mr. Editor?  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, December 29, 1899

Caney Cullings
By Rustler

Dr. Foote has returned from a visit of several days to Wharton.

Christmas was rather dull on Caney. Only a little red-eye livened things up a little.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bates have moved to their Caney home where they will reside in future.

W. G. Thompson and son were on Caney Wednesday, buying improved pigs and chickens.

Jesse Matthews and E. L. Lawson and their families spent the holidays with relatives in Matagorda.

E. J. Kilbride and family, Jno. F. Holt, and Miss Mamie L. Rugeley visited Matagorda this week.

F. Huebner from the Colorado, had two teams here Wednesday, hauling cotton seed to the Huebner Bros. ranch.

R. T. Chinn passed Caney Tuesday en route home from Bay City, where he spent Xmas. Dick says Cupid will have to be mighty sharp to tangle him up with matrimony.

W. A. Matthews made a flying visit to Bay City Sunday morning hunting some mail. As he returned in great glee about 11 o'clock, I speck he found what he was looking for.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 30, 1899


Dr. Foote paid Bay City a visit Sunday morning.

Ernest Calhoun visited Bay City on business Saturday.

Jim Phillips was out from Matagorda again Saturday.

W. A. Matthews attended the dance at Bay City Monday night.

E. L. Lawson paid Matagorda a business visit first of the week.

J. B. Dugar of Coulterville passed through town first of the week.

Chas. and Dick Morris were attending to business in Wharton Tuesday.

Jno. Matthews is improving his warehouse with a new roof this week.

E. J. Kilbride and J. S. Mayfield spent a few days at Kilbride's ranch this week.

Simon Johnson and Dan O'Connell attended a social hop at George Johnson's Monday night.

Green Stewart and family returned to Matagorda Tuesday from a visit to Jesse Matthews and family.

Geo. Kilbride came over from the Robbins ranch Friday and spent a few days with friends on Caney. Wonder what George is buying buggies and chickens for?      UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, January 5, 1900

Caney Clatter

J. S. Mayfield left last week for Galveston.

Ex-Sheriff Rich of Wharton, was on Caney Wednesday.

E. S. Rugeley and J. G. Dennis paid Bay City a visit Tuesday.

J. A. Barnett was hauling cotton to the Matthews gin first of the week.

The new shafting for the Matthews gin has arrived and will be put in this week.

A. Currie came up from the ranch Tuesday evening and spent the night in town.

J. G. Dennis left Wednesday for a short business visit to Galveston and other points.

Col. Holt accompanied Miss Mollie Wadsworth to Matagorda Friday, returning Sunday.

Caney farmers are busy clearing land and preparing another struggle with the boll weevil.

A. J. Ganucheau, representing Stauffer, Eshlemann & Co., of New Orleans, was in town Wednesday.

John Matthews', E. S. Rugeley's and J. G. Dennis' wagons have been hauling cotton to Matagorda this week.

John Elmore was in the burg Tuesday morning en route to Matagorda with three loads of cotton for shipment by schooner.

Encouraging news from the Caney Valley reached us this week. The grading outfit is reported at work on the Lovern place, this side of the county line and pushing ahead rapidly. You Bay City fellows had better get a hustle on the Cane Belt or we'll beat you!

The many Caney friends of Major and Mrs. L. M. Green of Tyler, were pained to learn of the death of their daughter, Miss Birdie, which occurred on the 22nd of December. Miss Birdie was and favorably known to a large circle of admiring friends on Caney, who will deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones in their bereavement.

Neighbor Easterling, of the Currie ranch, was in the burg early Wednesday morning gathering up a load of poultry, etc. for Col. Currie. We Caneyites can't see why it is that as popular a society gent as the Colonel should keep batch and raise poultry and when we saw that load of poultry it kinder set us to thinking. What's up Colonel?  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, January 26, 1900

Caney Clatter

E. S. Rugeley visited the county capital Wednesday.

J. G. Dennis returned from Galveston Friday evening.

Master Robt. Winston was on Caney one day this week.

E. J. Kilbride and lady spent a day or two on the ranch this week.

S. J. Bates was attending to business in Bay City Monday evening.

A good number of fine porkers have "bit the dust" here this week.

Jno. W. Gaines and son were attending to legal business were Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Simons were visiting friends in the burg Wednesday.

Wm. Miller was over from the Boggy neighborhood Tuesday morning.

Overseer Dennis has called out the road hands for three days work this week.

Col. J. F. Holt visited Pierce station Monday and Matagorda Wednesday.

Messrs. Huebner and Russell were hauling cotton seed from the Matthews gin Tuesday.

Jesse Matthews paid Bay City a visit Tuesday and paid taxes for a number of Caneyites.

M. E. Gipson was a Caney last Friday and Saturday showing the American computing scale and taking orders.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, February 2, 1900

Caney Clatter

It's hello, Bay City, now.

Crown Prince Golla was buying corn here Tuesday.

A. H. Elmore was attending to business here Thursday.

R. L. Vaughn has been seen on our streets several times this week.

E. S. Rugeley and J. G. Dennis visited the county capital Tuesday.

Capt. White of Hardeman, was here with the telephone crew Monday.

Constable Baker was on Caney first of week, attending to legal business.

Fred Vogg and W. C. Morris were buying corn and cotton seed on Caney Friday.

John Thompson was buying some Jerusalem artichokes from John Matthews Tuesday.

The rain Sunday night was beginning to be needed all over the neighborhood as some land was getting too dry and hard to play.

Henry Rugeley and Mr. Sharp came over Tuesday and brought the telephones and the line has been kept going nearly ever since.

Invitations were received here Wednesday to a dance at the court house Friday night, given by Bay City band boys. Caney promises a good attendance.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, February 16, 1900

Caney Clatter

A small shower visited this section Tuesday.

Jas. Brodie was in the burg again last week.

E. L. Lawson is suffering with a lame foot this week.

Dan O'Connell was attending to business in Bay City Monday.

Col. J. F. Holt received a load of corn from Matagorda Tuesday.

Chas. Mensing was hustling for the Caney grocery orders first of the week.

Charles Morris is at work near Bay City this week breaking up his rice lane.

J. Silverburg, representing this Galveston Shoe and Hat Co., was here Friday.

Dan Treadaway was hauling freight from Wharton for Jno. Matthews first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Connell Jr. attended the Conundrum supper in Bay City Tuesday night.

Jesse Matthews' wagon was hauling cotton to Matagorda for Jno. Matthews and hay for J. A. Lawson first of the week.

J. H. McClure, the well known clothing and furnishing goods drummer was shaking hands with old friends here last week.

Mr. Green, of the Whitsitt farm, was on Caney Wednesday trying to buy corn, but found it to be rather a scarce article in these parts.

Some corn has been planted in this neighborhood during the past week; our farmers are all busy and a good many of them are nearly through breaking up.

Jno. Matthews butchered twenty-five porkers last week, this makes about forty head he has killed this winter, and look something like hog raising in this country was a success, when properly conducted.

A feminine voice was heard over the phone Saturday, asking one of Caney's young society gents to a dance at the courthouse that night, but we shan't give any names for fear the busom of our breeches might need repairing.

A. Currie was up from the ranch again last week shopping, we tried to prevail on him to spend the night with us, but he said he was compelled to go home to take care of his chickens and pup. By the way, the Colonel has rented out his farm for this year and reserved the house and garden, what does this mean, you reckon. UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, February 23, 1900

Caney Cullings

By Rustler

Dr. Foote visited Mr. LeTulle this week.

S. P. Johnson, Jr. was at Caney P. O. Thursday.

J. B. Cookenboo, insurance agent, was on Caney Thursday.

Jno. F. Holt was hauling corn from Matagorda this week.

E. L. Lawson is still on the cripple list but is improving a little.

Farmers are pretty well up with their plowing and some are planting corn.

The telephone is a great convenience of Caney and it is kept a little busy.

J. G. Dennis was out at the P. O. Wednesday talking to someone in Wharton Co.

J. Rosenfield's Notion House of Galveston, had its drummer talking to Caney merchants Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 24, 1900

Caney Clatter

W. A. Matthews spent Sunday afternoon in Bay City.

E. L. Lawson paid Matagorda a visit first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holt visited Matagorda Friday returning Sunday.

Mrs. Sallie Matthews is suffering an attack of tonsillitis this week.

Jim Gibson and George Williams were on Caney Monday selling fruit trees.

Jesse Sisk was hauling cotton from Caney to Wharton for J. A. Barnett Monday.

Manly Sexton was buying cotton seed from some of the Caney farmers Tuesday.

A. Drey, the dry goods drummer spent Thursday night of last week in the burg.

Judge Hamilton and M. Sims were transacting business on Caney the past week.

M. and D. O'Connell and families attended the minstrel at Bay City Saturday night.

Several Caneyites attended the dance at Bay City Friday night and report having a fine time.

This section was visited by a heavy shower Tuesday night, accompanied by some hail and high wind.

Miss Mamie Lou Rugeley spent the past week with relatives at Rotherwood, the hospitable home of Dr. Williams.

Dr. Bouldin was called Tuesday morning to see Mrs. M. O'Connell, who was quite ill, but we are pleased to note is improving.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, March 2, 1900

Caney Clatter

Ernest Calhoun was a pleasant caller Saturday.

Dr. Foote made a flying trip to Bay City Sunday.

Another norther and some rain again Wednesday.

Dan O'Connell was attending to business in Bay City Monday.

Ben H. Matthews, the dry goods drummer, spent Sunday on Caney.

J. G. Dennis and E. S. Rugeley visited the county capital Wednesday.

Messrs. O'Connell were hauling cotton to Wharton first of the week.

Louis Sinsheimer was looking after the grocery trade here during the week.

Ed. Mozygemba, representing L. Frank and Co. of San Antonio, worked the town last week.

Ike Towell passed through the burg Friday and Saturday en route to and from lower Caney.

The smallpox has broken out again with renewed energy, several new cases are reported on the O'Connell plantation.

A cow belonging to John Matthews showed unmistakable signs of hydrophobia last week and had to be shot. Cause not known.

W. E. Harris accompanied by Jim Semple, the Schnapp's Tobacco drummer, lodged at the Hotel de Matthews one night during the past week.

Dan Howe, who left here last fall and went to Louisiana in quest of work, has reached Wharton on his way back to Home, Sweet Home.

Capt. Crone came in Monday from Wharton, and proposes to buy and gather up all the bones in the country and hold them until the railroad gets here.

Ed. Kilbride delivered some Bronze Turkeys here last week, they are scarcely a year old, but are as large as a two year old of ordinary breeds, and are certainly beauties.

Jesse Matthews is playing havoc with yellow dogs and other egg loving animals by means of poisoned eggs placed in the nest. He has successfully bagged one dog and several skunks this week and still the good work goes on.

Col. Holt had a fine bull yearling killed by wolves last week, he poisoned the carcass and scattered a few baits and succeeded in bagging three gray wolves--the biggest of which measured five feet nine inches from tip to tip.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, March 9, 1900

Caney Clatter

Jno. and Ed. Rugeley visited Bay City Sunday.

Dan O'Connell visited the capital city Saturday.

R. L. Vaughn was collecting taxes on Caney Saturday.

Rev. Z. Payne has an appointment to preach here next Sunday at 3 p. m.

Mrs. Jno. Rugeley is visiting the family of E. S. Rugeley this week.

Mrs. V. L. LeTulle and brother, Motie Bell, attended church here Sunday.

Miss Ozella Morris left last week to spend the summer with relatives in Tennessee.

R. V. Matthews was fishing on Peyton's creek Saturday night and reports good luck, as usual.

Messrs. Heidenheimer, Bonney, Bryan and Selvage worked the town after our letter was sent in last week.

A number of Caneyites attended the concert at Bay City Friday night and report the same a complete success.

S. J. Bates and R. H. Hunt visited the Bernard country first of the week in quest of the Boll Weevil proof cotton seed.

Simon Johnson was in Bay City Friday and Saturday night and again Sunday eve. Must be some attraction for him over there.

Rev. Callaway, accompanied by his Uncle, came over from Bay City Sunday afternoon and delivered a fine sermon at the church here.

Mr. Dumbeck of the Velasco Marble Works, passed through Sunday having in charge the W. O. W. monument to be erected in memory of their late brother, Allen McNabb.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, March 16, 1900

Caney Clatter

Rain, Rain, Rain, give us a rest.

Matt Johnson was over from Bay City Sunday.

Col. A. Currie was up from the ranch again Saturday.

Mrs. Jno. Rugeley visited Mrs. E. S. Rugeley last week.

Ike Towell was attending to business here Wednesday.

Ed. Kilbride made a trip to the ranch again Wednesday.

Rev. Dr. Birckhead spent the first of the week, visiting on Caney.

Ernest Calhoun attended the social hop at E. S. Rugeley's last week.

Rev. E. P. Rugeley was on Caney one or two days during the past week.

Fish are numerous since the recent rains, several have been found in the roads.

Tax Assessor Culver passed through Sunday en route to Bay City from Lower Caney.

Jno. Matthews is having some fencing done this week while it is too wet for farm work.

Miss Nellie Wallace returned to Bay City Sunday, from a week's visit to Miss Mamie Lou Rugeley.

Miss Lasta Doubek left Sunday for a short visit to Mrs. LeTulle before returning to the K. O. Ranch.

R. L. Vaughn spent several days here last week looking after the Duncan farm in Mr. Dennis' absence.

Capt. Crone is spending the week at the Currie ranch, gathering bones and helping feed the chickens and pups.

Messrs. Harris, Bartholomew and Marshall, selling groceries, snuff and tobacco worked the town the past week.

The colored schools on Caney are all closed this week, as the children cannot attend on account of high water.

Dr. Foote is receiving 100 barrels of corn this week, purchased of Taylor Bros. Mr. Dennis' wagons are delivering same.

The wire bridge across Peyton's Creek was under water again Tuesday, and several of the Caney bridges are out of sight again.

Everything is looking fresh and green since the rain, even some of the young men in these parts partake of the emerald hue.

The mail carrier reported the bridge across Bucks bayou under water Saturday morning and returned to Bay City. We had to send a "special" after the mail Saturday evening.

J. G. Dennis shipped a car load of stock from Wharton Saturday, consisting of 60 head of hogs and four steers. This is the last of Mr. Dennis' bunch of corn fed hogs and were sent to the Galveston market.

R. H. Darst of Richmond and Geo. Sargent passed through Saturday with 900 head of stock cattle belonging to Mr. Darst and others, which Geo. Sargent has been pasturing on the peninsula during the winter.

The Postmaster of Caney is in receipt of a letter from Chicago parties, sending for information regarding the culture of rice in this county, price of the lands, transpiration facilities, and as to the advisability of erecting ___ or $100,000 Rice cleaning Mill in this section. UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, March 30, 1900

Caney Clutter

Hello, here we are again!

W. P. Johnson was down from the Island Monday.

Col. J. F. Holt paid Matagorda a visit first of the week.

Warren Rugeley is suffering from an attack of ear ache.

S. J. Bates is on the sick list. Nothing serious, however.

W. A. Matthews attended church in Bay City Sunday night.

John Matthews and son, Jesse, attended court in Bay City Monday.

J. A. Shirley, of the west side, was enjoying the drive on Caney Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Simons were visiting friends on Caney Wednesday.

Louis Pullen of Brazoria, passed through Saturday en route to Wharton.

G. W. Baker was transacting official business here one or two days last week.

H. Huck and F. S. Sherrer were over from Buck's bayou during the week.

Mort Perry of Brazoria, was shaking hands with his Caney friends last Friday.

A. Hameline was chasing the wimble hardware orders in the burg this week.

E. S. Rugeley and J. G. Dennis paid the county capital a business visit first of week.

V. L. LeTulle and wife passed through town Tuesday en route to and from Bay City.

Miss Sallie Gregory returned to Hardeman Sunday after an extended visit at "The Willow."

Uncle Jack Dietrich blew into Bay City Monday and had a pleasant chat with some of his old friends.

A good many Bay Cityites and Caneyites have enjoyed fishing in Buck's bayou lately and report fine luck.

S. T. Matthews was attending to business in Bay City and receiving freight from Capt. White's barge Tuesday.

Capt. Crone came up from the Currie ranch Tuesday returning Wednesday. He reports Mr. Currie under the weather from an attack of malaria.

The Caney farmers are getting down to work again this week, a good many of them are having to replant, as the heavy rains rotted the seed which was in the ground.

Mr. and Mrs. Beaty, Mrs. Andrews, R. H. Hunt and sisters, Misses Nellie and Lou, and Joe and Joe Andrews were contesting the right of ownership to certain property of the late J. G. Andrews estate, before 'Squire Traylor Monday.

Caney is assured of a round bale gin for next season. L. W. Waller, of Brookshire, was here in the interest of the American Cotton Co. Tuesday and signed a contract with John Matthews to put in the press at his present stand. The machinery will be shipped out from the factory in a short time in order to be in readiness for the fall crop.

Two cases diphtheria made its appearance in a Negro family on John Matthews' plantation last week. One of them, a child eighteen months old, died Friday night and the other one, a child four years old, is not expected to live. The house has been flagged and the community warned to keep away. Dr. Foote has the cases in charge and it is thought the disease can be kept from spreading.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, April 6, 1900

Caney Clatter

Grin and beat it--'69 is chestnutty.

Several Caneyites are on the sick list this week.

Dr. Foote and wife paid Bay City a visit Friday last.

R. L. Vaughn was on Caney Thursday of last week.

Messrs. Loos and Henke were over from the Bucks bayou country Friday

H. Huck was buying farm implements from Jno. Matthews Saturday.

Chas. Morris visited Bay City first of the week to look after his rice land.

Jno. W. Gaines was attending to business in this section a few days ago.

Ripe dewberries made their appearance on our market first of the week.

No mail Monday on account of Bucks bayou bridge being under water.

Col. A. Currie came up from the ranch Saturday and spent the night in the burg.

M. O'Connell and Simon Johnson were attending to business in Bay City Monday.

Col. Frank Hawkins stopped over for dinner in the burg Monday en route to Bay City from Lake Austin.

C. D. Bruce and cow crowd returned to Matagorda Tuesday having completed vaccinating the Holt and Bruce cattle, some 1700 head.

Messrs. Jno. and Geo. T. Sargent drove their second herd of cattle through to the Bailey pasture this week making a total of 2000 head they have put there within the past...

Weekly Visitor, April 20, 1900

Caney Clatter

News is scarce this week.

Corn chopping is now the order of the day.

Ed. Kilbride paid the ranch a visit Saturday.

S. T. Matthes is up from an attack of malaria.

G. B. Johnson was hauling wood from Caney Monday.

John Cookenboo was writing insurance here Monday.

Tax Assessor Culver was chasing after the boys here Tuesday.

Dr. Foote is confined to  his room with a severe attack of 'grip.

R. M. Winston was driving cattle in the G pasture Wednesday.

Simon Johnson and W. A. Matthews visited Bay City Sunday.

E. L. Lawson made a business trip to Matagorda latter part of the week.

W. P. Johnson was hauling freight from Wharton for John Matthews first of week.

O. E. Hatchett and W. P. Franz were attending to business in the burg Friday.

B. A. Ryman was looking out for a cow trade in this neck of the woods Wednesday.

Miss Mamie Lou and Master Warren Rugeley are now attending school at J. H. Rainey's.

The sloop Nomad, Dan O'Connell master, now floats at anchor in the dam on Bucks bayou.

Col. Holt and B. A. Ryman captured some young wolves in the G pasture while driving there this week.

Weekly Visitor, April 27, 1900

Caney Clatter

J. G. Dennis returned from Houston last Saturday.

Deputy Sheriff Vaughan was on Caney Saturday.

J. H. Randolph was attending to business on Caney Saturday.

Say Sawyer, what does Walter Brown intend doing with house blocks.

Dan O'Connell left Sunday for Houston, Galveston and other points on a business trip.

V. L. LeTulle and Frank Vaughn were buying cattle from J. G. Dennis on Caney Monday.

Fred Walker, the Bay City blacksmith, passed through our town Saturday enroute to Rugeley's plantation.

Ike Towell passed through Caney Wednesday enroute to Mr. LeTulle's. I guess Mr. Towell was out on a hunt as he had his dog, gun and horse.

R. V. Matthews has a very large potato patch this spring. He plants out 400 potato slips every morning before breakfast and says they are growing nicely.

A. Currie was up last Tuesday form his ranch and spent a few hours with us. Mr. Currie says the hail storm did not hurt him any only broke out his window glass; but lots of hail as large as hen eggs.  UNCLE JACK

Weekly Visitor, May 11, 1900


Caney Cullings
By Rustler.

Dr. Parker of Bay City was seen on Caney last week.

Mr. Isaacs passed Caney Tuesday enroute to Bay City.

Quite  a crowd of Bay City’s nimrods were “goat” hunting on Caney last week.

W. A. Matthews left Wednesday morning for Victoria, where he goes on railroad business.

Judge Matthews of Bay City spent Tuesday and part of Wednesday on Caney, visiting the old folks at home.

Misses Fannie and Bertha Wallace and Mrs. Jessie Carrington were visiting friends  and relatives on Caney, Friday last.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 5, 1905

Caney Siftings

We are making the most of this bright warm weather.

Our oyster supper was a decided success. Despite the rainy evening we netted a neat little sum which is to be expended on our school building.

Mr. Will Shoemaker of Van Vleck made a business visit to Caney Wednesday evening.

Messrs. Willie Culver, Will and Deeter Milner of Bay City and Calvin Rainey of Van Vleck were mingling with Caney friends Sunday.

Miss Margaret Matthews escorted a bevy of little children to the Bay City show Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hoden of Oklahoma, are spending the week on the beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ziegenhals of Bay City visited relatives on Caney Sunday evening.

Mr. Edward Pile has secured carpenter work in Bay City.

Misses Mary L. Bates, Margaret, Gertie and Madge Matthews attended the dance at Van Vleck Tuesday evening.

A number of Caney people attended league at Van Vleck Sunday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, January 24, 1911

Caney Siftings

The farmers of this section are now busy preparing their land for planting. All complain of dry weather.

J. R. Willis of Bay City and Mack Faickney of Van Vleck, two prominent business men, were visiting on Caney Tuesday.

Louis Hersch, a prominent knight of the grip from Houston, was doing Caney merchants Monday.

Mrs. Benedict and daughter of Bay City were visiting the family of W. A. Matthews Tuesday.

Judge Currie of Van Dorn ranch spent several days on Caney the past week.

A jolly crowd of hay riders from Caney attended League at Van Vleck Sunday night.

Merchant Payne and Mr. Hill of Bay City were attending to business on Caney one day last week.

Horace and Frank Craft of Eagle Lake are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Craft.

Bob Bluhm of Roanville visited old friends on Caney last Sunday. Bob says the Caney girls are as pretty as ever.

Little Misses Elouise and Stella Matthews spent last Saturday and Sunday in town visiting  their aunt, Mrs. Arthur Collins.

Mrs. W. I. Wallace of Bay City is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Matthews.

J. H. Pile, one of our leading citizens, visited Bay City Monday.

The young people of Caney enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews last week.

Will Showaker of Van Vleck was seen on the streets of Caney Tuesday. He also thinks Caney girls are pretty.

Mrs. Sadie Kilbride is reported sick. We hope for a speedy recovery.

Tom and Archie Rainey visited Caney Saturday evening. It was a Rainey time, despite the drouth.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, February 10, 1911


A good rain has fallen here in the last few days which is much appreciated by the farmers.

Mr. J. O. Springer, the village smithy of Van Vleck, was seen on Caney last week.

Postmaster Shelton of Van Vleck was a pleasant caller at Caney on Thursday. He was accompanied by Mr. Faickney, the popular Van Vleckmerchant.

Last Friday night quite a crowd of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Craft of our city and enjoyed a candy pull until the midnight alarm sounded. All report a fine time and say there is but one candy maker--Mr. Craft.

Miss Madge Matthews entertained a few friends Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews. They were Misses Nannie Hackney and Mary Love Bates; Messrs. Horace and Frank Craft and John Kiley, the handsome counter hopper for one of Caney's merchants. All enjoyed the evening very much.

Mrs. Oscar Ziegenhals, Misses Bertha Wallace and Katie Mae Gillette, accompanied by Mr. Stanley Gillette and Master Hamilton Wallace, of Bay City, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews one evening last week.

Mr. G. R. Keller, the Caney planter of Bay City, was a pleasant caller at Caney postoffice several times last week.

Mr. W. O. Boney, Mr. Mose Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurley of Bay City passed through Caney last Thursday.

Mr. John Branch, a well known rice farmer of the Sexton community, was buying corn from one of the Caney farmers last Thursday.

Mr. H. P. Werkman, the popular rice planter, visited Caney Saturday evening.

Messrs. Hubert Bowie and H. W. Bowie of Cedar Lake passed thru our burg last week.

Mr. Roserfield, traveling salesman for a Galveston notion house, was doing Caney merchants Thursday.

Mr. Lem Blair of Rowanville was dear hunting on Caney last week.

Mr. Walter Thomasson of Van Vleck made a business trip to Caney one day last week.

Carpenters work on Caney must be nearly completed, as our merchants do not sell as many nails as here-to-fore.

A flash from a northern letter tells us rabbit hunting is the latest. WE are prepared to say the fad is becoming quite popular on Caney.


Matagorda County Tribune, February 17, 1911


We have been enjoying the cold weather, or rather, the spare ribs and sausage which the cold weather has made possible.

Messrs. W. L. McCamly of Bay City and Sam Stern of San Antonio were business visitors on Caney last week.

Mr. Amber of the Amour Packing Co. of Houston, was seeing our Caney merchants last week.

W. C. Hamilton of Caney purchased fifty head of fine swine from S. Cleveland of Bay City.

After a week of courting in Bay City, Judge Currie is again among his Caney friends.

Mr. Reeves, a rice and cotton planter of Collegeport, was buying corn from Caney farmers last Saturday.

Mr. W. R. Frantz and son Archie of Bay City were buying corn from Mr. John Matthews the oldest merchant and planter in the county.

Messrs. Frank Gregory of Port Lavaca and Walter Thomasson of Van Vleck mingled with old friends on Caney last week.

Mr. S. J. Bates has been ill for the past few days.

The young people of Caney and Van Vleck enjoyed a forty-two party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews last Thursday evening.

Misses Nannie Hackney and Madge Matthews accompanied by the handsome Rodney Matthews, Jr., were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Joe Andres was a caller on Caney several times during the week.

The Messes. Craft are still sojourning on Caney. The young men have made many friends who will be sorry to see them leave.

Mr. J. H. Pile was a Bay City visitor Monday evening.

Little Miss Girtie Matthews had the misfortune to lose one of her fine chickens; however, she trapped the thief last night. Gertie is an industrious little girl who prides herself on her chicken raising.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, February 24, 1911


News on Caney is as scarce as greenbacks.

Mr. Fore, the genial drummer for the Schumaker Grocery Co. of Houston was on Caney Tuesday.

Rev. McMahon, the Methodist divine, and son Westley were visiting Caney Tuesday.

Mr. Stateney and another gentleman from Citrusgrove were buying corn on Caney Monday.

The jovial Mack Faickney of Van Vleck was a pleasant caller at Caney Tuesday.

Miss Bertha Wallace and Mrs. F. Hurley of Bay City visited Mrs. W. A. Matthews last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews last Monday.

Judge Currie departed for the lower regions last week.

Messrs. Lem Blair, Cal Rainey and Bob Bluhm of Rowanville were rabbit hunting on Caney Sunday.

Miss Gussie Thomasson and her brother of Van Vleck were guests of Miss Mary Love Bates Sunday.

Messrs. Elliott Johnson and Will Showaker of Van Vleck attended services at this place Sunday.

The young people of Caney were royally entertained at the home of Mrs. Sadie Kilbride last Wednesday evening. Games were played until all were tired, then dainty refreshments were served. All agree that Mrs. Kilbride is a charming hostess.

Messrs. Willie Craft of Eagle Lake and Oscar Holly of Wharton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craft.

From all indications, Caney school will have another pupil or two, but as they are over age they will have to pay their tuition.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 3, 1911


A good rain fell here Saturday night and once more the farmers are wearing smiles instead of frowns.

Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Benedict of Bay City were guests at the home of Mrs. W. A. Matthews one day last week.

Mr. W. L. Blair, who has been attending business in Houston, returned last Friday.

Mr. Fred Blair returned to Palacios Saturday afternoon after a week's visit with his parents.

Mrs. Sadie Kilbride, Misses Nannie Hackney, Margaret, Gertie and Madge Matthews were shopping in Bay City last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile were visitors in Bay City Monday.

Mr. Jule Matthews is ill at the present writing, but we hope that he will soon recover.

Mr. John A. Johnston, representing Ben Bum & Co. of Galveston was doing Caney merchants Tuesday.

F. W. Sherrer of Bucks Bayou was a pleasant caller at Caney postoffice Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Berry of Bay City were out Monday buying eggs of Mr. John Matthews, who has the fine buff Wyandotts.

Mr. Claud Blair of Rowanville was rabbit hunting on Caney Sunday.

Mr. Elmo Haralson of Bay City spent Sunday afternoon on Caney.

W. S. Hamilton visited Bay City on business Tuesday.

A party of young people, including Nellie and Willie Blair, Nannie Hackney, Margaret, Gertie and Madge Matthews, Wyman Craft and their chaperone, Mrs. R. V. Matthews, Messrs. Elmo Haralson and Roy Blake of Bay City, Albert Blake, Fred Blair, Frank Craft, Oscar Holley, Rodney and Jas. Matthews and Clarence Pile, gave Miss Rella Blake a surprise party last Friday evening. Though much surprised, the young lady met the occasion with her usual gracious tact. The uninvited guests were soon enjoying the game of forty-two, after which dainty refreshments were served. All left at the stroke of 12, saying much in praise of their sweet and gracious hostess.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 24, 1911


Another good rain fell here last night.

Mr. W. A. Matthews visited Bay City last Monday on business.

Mr. Jas. Rugeley and a Gaar-Scott agent were business visitors on Caney Tuesday.

Messrs. Tom and Cal Rainey visited Caney Sunday.

Mr. Elmo Haralson was seen driving on the streets of Caney Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Robert Blair of Houston and Sam Blair of Rowanville are home for a few days visit.

Mr. J. H. Rainey passed through Caney last Monday.

Mr. Joe Freeman of Coulterville was seen on Caney yesterday.

Mrs. Will Haynes and children of Eagle Lake, accompanied by her brother, Will Craft, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Craft.

Mrs. John Matthews has been suffering with a severe cold the last few days.

Mrs. J. H. Pile is reported sick at this writing.

Mr. A. Currie passed through Caney on his way to Bay City Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 7, 1911


The farmers are making use of the fine weather we are now having. Some have replanting to do.

Mr. Currie, after courting in Bay City for a few days has returned to his ranch.

Mr. Will Milner of Bay City was prospecting on Caney last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews were given another surprise party last Tuesday evening. All reported a good time.

Mrs. Oscar Ziegenhals, Misses Bertha Wallace and Katie Mae Gillette, accompanied by Mr. Stanley Gillett, all of Bay City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews last Wednesday evening.

Mr. Calvin Rainey of Van Vleck made a business trip to Caney Monday afternoon.

The Caney school was given a picnic last Friday. The day was fine and many well filled baskets were taken altogether making it an enjoyable occasion.

Mr. Roy Blake and Miss Willie Blair were Bay City visitors last Thursday.

Mr. John Matthews has been ill for the last few days, but we are glad to say that he is improving.

Mr. Walter Thomasson of Van Vleck passed through Caney last Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Harris Bowie of Bay City was also seen on Caney this week.

A crowd of Caney young people enjoyed a hay ride to Van Vleck last Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile were shopping in Bay City last Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 14, 1911


As more rain makes more rest, the farmers of this section will be idle for a few days. A heavy rain having fallen here last Monday.

Mr. John Matthews is having a yearling round-up on his ranch this week, with an eye to selling. The yearlings are in good order and should bring a fancy price.

A certain young man of Houston is rabbit hunting on Caney this week. Even Houston has recognized Caney as being a fine and dandy hutting ground.

Mrs. W. I. Wallace and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Collins, of Bay City visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews last Thursday.

Judge A. Currie of the lower regions was a pleasant caller on Caney last Friday.

Mr. James Miller, a prominent young man of Bay City, was seen on the streets of Caney last Monday.

Mr. Chas. M. Munger of the Ninde plantation visited Bay City Thursday.

Drummer Louis Hirsch, representing Theo. Keller of Houston, interviewed Caney merchants Tuesday.

Messrs. Tom and Cal Rainey of Van Vleck were buying corn of Caney farmers last week.

Mr. Max Kraatz of Houston is visiting on Caney this week. What can the attraction be?

The young people of Caney enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the wood last Sunday afternoon. Many eggs, all colors were found, much to the delight of the children. A few Van Vleck friends participated in the fun among whom were; Miss Gussie Thomasson, Messrs. Cal Rainey, Walter Thomasson, Eliot Johnson and Wil Showacker.

Messrs. Bob Sweeney and Elmo Haralson of Bay City were seen on Caney one evening last week. Whether they were out looking for rabbits or merely enjoying the scenery we are unable to say.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 14, 1911

Caney Siftings

We are inclined to believe that May is a fickle as April--sunshine one day and rain the next. It is our opinion that if the Tribune editor is wise he will invest his money in a boat instead of shoes, as it seems the days of Noah are to be repeated.

Caney school will close rather late, second of June. The attendance is good.

Messrs. Tom, Cal and Archie Rainey of Van Vleck visited Caney one evening last week. Of all rainy times that evening was the most Rainey.

Mesdames R. V. Matthews and Sadie Kilbride, Misses Margaret and Gertie Matthews were shopping in Bay City last Saturday.

Messrs. Joe Graves of Hawkinsville and Roy Blake of Bay City were seen on Caney last Sunday.

Mr. Arthur Matthes has been seeing some eronous snakes lately. We make no comment.

Mr. Badouh and wife, of Bay City, passed through Caney last Sunday.

Drummers Lennon, representing a dry goods firm of Galveston, and Bowen of Houston interviewed Caney merchants again this week.

Deputy J. H. Pile pleads not guilty to the charge brought against him in last week's letter. He says that he was only hunting the deer hunters and a pain-cure.

Mr. John Matthews has a new improvement on fly traps in the form of his pet chicken, Tim, which keeps his office cleared of flies.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, April 28, 1911

Caney Siftings

Farmers of this section are rejoicing over the bright weather. The last rains damaged crops considerably.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Mary L. Bates were Bay City visitors last Wednesday.

Mr. McCullough of Bay City accompanied by several ladies were berry hunting on Caney Tuesday afternoon.

Dr. Simons and family and Miss Campbell of Bay City were out initiating the Dr.'s new car last Saturday.

Huebner Bros. and Mrs. John Thompson of Bay City were gathering cattle on Caney Tuesday.

Mrs. E. L. Lawson of Matagorda is the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews this week.

The young people of Caney and Van Vleck enjoyed a party last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews. Mr. Tom Rainey was seen rabbit hunting the same evening.

Mrs. I. T. Blake is visiting relatives and friends in Houston.

Mr. Horace Craft of Eagle Lake was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Craft, a few days last week.

Miss Willie Blair and Mr. Roy Blake visited Bay City last Friday.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, May 12, 1911

Caney Siftings

We are enjoying the bright weather and the farmers are busy with their crops.

Mr. Currie, Misses Mary L. Bates, Margaret and Madge Matthews returned from Little Rock last Saturday, tired and sleepy, but feeling that they had had a pleasant and profitable trip.

Messrs. Will Showaker and Calvin Rainey visited Caney Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Arthur Collins...[paper damaged]

Drummer Fore interviewed Caney merchants Tuesday.

Mr. Elmo Haralson was seen on the streets of Caney Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Lem Blair visited his parents one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ziegenhals, Mrs. Arthur Collins and Mrs. Wallace of Bay City were guests of Mrs. W. A. Matthews last Tuesday evening.

Mr. Sam Lawson of Matagorda is visiting relatives on Caney this week.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, May 26, 1911

Caney Sifting

Our city is improving wonderfully. Mr. W. A. Matthews is not having a handsome building erected.

A party of Caney people, including Judge A. Currie, Misses Mary Love Bates, Madge and Margaret Matthews, left last Sunday for Little Rock, Ark., where they will attend the Confederate reunion. They will stop at Houston a few days on their return.

Drummers Johnson, of Houston and W. C. Stowers, of Bay City, called on our Caney merchants this week.

Messrs. English, Keller and W. A. Matthews are harvesting potatoes these sunny days.

Mr. Dave England, of Houston, visited his uncle, Mr. W. S. Craft, last week.

Deputy J. H. Pile is too busy these days to even look for deer tracks.

Mesdames R. V. Matthes, Sadie Kilbride and Miss Nannie Hackney were in Bay City last Saturday.

Mr. Jube Matthews and daughter, Gertie, visited Van Vleck last Saturday.

Messrs. Felix Grantham and O. J. Howard of Bay City made a business trip to Caney Tuesday.

Mrs. Arthur Collins and children, of Bay City, visited Mrs. W. A. Matthews one day last week.

Mr. Sidney Bates spent Tuesday evening in Van Vleck,

Mr. Cal Rainey, of Van Vleck, enjoys the distinction of being the only rabbit hunter on Caney last Sunday. SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, May 26, 1911

Caney Siftings

The unusually hot days make us appreciate the shade. Our thermometers have registered 103 the last two days.

A number of Caney people went to Palacios on the excursion the 25th.

Supt. Thos. H. Lewis visited Caney last Friday.

Deputy J. H. Pile was seen hunting at Van Vleck one evening last week--but whether for rabbit or deer we are unable to say.

Several drummers visited Caney last week.

Judge Currie after a weeks of court, in Bay City, is with his Caney friends once more.

Mrs. O. Ziegenhals and Miss Bertha Wallace came out to enjoy an entertainment given the young people by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs.. Chasley Tew, of Bay City mingled with Caney friends Wednesday.

Messrs. Will Milner and Willie Culver of Bay City attended the entertainment on Caney Tuesday evening.

Messrs. Tom, Cal and Archie Rainey of Van Vleck were seen on Caney Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 2, 1911

Caney Siftings

Mr. Currie returned to his home at Van Dorn Ranch Monday after a month's absence.

Mr. Will Pile and daughter, Miss Hettie, of Bay City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile last Sunday.

Mr. W. A. Matthews and family visited relatives in Bay City Sunday.

Dr. Simons and family and Mrs. Sam Montgomery of Palacios were seen on Caney Monday afternoon.

Miss Nannie Hackney, Caney's charming teacher, closed her school last Friday and returned to her home at Port Lavaca Saturday. Miss Hackney made many friends while at Caney, who regretted very much to see her leave, and we hope she will return in the fall.

An entertainment was given the young people of Caney last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews.

Mr. W. L. Blair and daughter, Miss Willie, were Bay City visitors last Saturday.

Mr. Fore, the jovial representative of the Schuhmacher company, was doing Caney merchants Tuesday.

Mr. Chas Cochran of Angleton was on Caney Tuesday.

The dusky sons of Ham engaged in a free-for-all right Sunday night, and the consequences are Lestin Hannoms is in bed with several ugly knife wounds and Joe Collins is boarding with the sheriff.

Misses Mary L. Bates and Madge Matthews, accompanied by Mr. Sam Lawson of Matagorda, autoed over to Buck's Bayou shopping Tuesday evening.

Dr. Parker of Bay City passed through Caney Tuesday afternoon.

Messrs. Will Showaker, Elliot Johnson and Cal Rainey were rabbit hunting on Caney Sunday evening.

Mr. J. E. Anderson of Houston has accepted a position with Mr. John Matthews and will be seen behind the counter in the future.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 16, 1911

Caney Siftings

Mr. Sam A. Lawson returned from Caney friends and relatives for a few days.

Messrs. Cal and Archie Rainey of Van Vleck and Bob Sweeney of Bay City visited Caney Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Pile of Bay City were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile last Sunday.

Quite a crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews Sunday where a very pleasant afternoon was spent.

Attorneys Gaines and Corbett accompanied by their families autoed over to Caney one day last week.

Rodney Matthews, Jr. had the misfortune of losing his only saddle horse Monday. He ran against a banister which was hanging loose on a bridge, sticking it through him. The horse was a gift from his uncle, Judge Matthews of Glen Flora.

W. C. Hamilton is on the sick list this week.

Mr. G. R. Keller, Caney's rustling farmer has several acres of the finest beans ever grown. They are now in full bloom and are very pretty. Mr. Keller raised a fine crop of potatoes on the same land. This shows what Caney land will do.

Mesdames Sadie Kilbride and W. A. Matthews and Miss Margaret Matthews were guests of Mrs. A. S. Collins of Bay City Saturday afternoon.

Rev. McMahon filled his regular appointment at Caney Sunday. All report of having enjoyed his sermon very much.

Misses Margaret and Madge Matthews visited Bay City Wednesday afternoon.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, July 7, 1911

Caney Siftings

Judge Jesse Matthews stopped over with home folks on his return from Brownsville last Sunday, returning to Glen Flora Monday.

Mrs. Sadie Kilbride left last Sunday for Dallas where she will enter a telegraph school.

Mr. W. A. Matthews and family were Bay City visitors last Sunday, Mrs. Matthews going on to Matagorda with little Misses Gertie and Elouise Matthews, returning that afternoon.

Mr. E. L. Pile, of Berlin, Okla., is the guest of his brother, J. H. Pile.

Mr. Johnie Smith of Bay City was a business visitor at Caney post office last week.

Mr. and Misses Blair of Lane City, are visiting their cousins, Misses Nellie and Willie Blair this week.

Mr. Will Milner of Bay City, was a Caney visitor Sunday.

Mr. Emil Grote, of Hawkinsville, passed through Caney Monday even en route home from Bay City, where he has been serving a week as juryman.

Messrs. John and Joe Andrews were Bay City visitors last Saturday.

Messrs. Cal Rainey and Bob Sweeny passed through Caney Sunday afternoon en route to Brazoria.

Judge Currie came up from his home on lower Caney last Friday returning the same day.

Mrs. W. A Matthews had the misfortune of sticking a rusty nail thru her finger last week, causing an ugly and painful wound, but at the time is much improved.

The Caney grist mill ground some new corn last Saturday, the first of this season.

The last rains are making the cotton shed its young growth very badly, however, it is well loaded with larger bolls.  SIFTER

Matagorda County Tribune, July 17, 1911

Caney Siftings

Caney has been visited by a few light showers lately, but we are still in need of a good rain.

Miss Minnie Hackney of Port Lavaca is again employed as teacher of our school. Miss Hackney has many friends to welcome her.

Deputy J. H. Pile was in Bay City last Saturday looking for dear tracks.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Mary Love Bates were Bay City visitors Monday.

Messrs. Calvin Rainey and Kenan Gregory of Van Vleck were Caney visitors Tuesday.

Mr. W. A. Matthews was a business visitor to Bay City Tuesday.

Messrs. Harry and Sam Lawson of Matagorda visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews last week.

Mr. Fore representing Schumaker Grocery Co interviewed our Caney merchants Tuesday.

Mr. John Matthews has had his store and residence painted which adds much to the appearance of our little burg.

Mr. Ed Pile visited his grandparents on Caney Sunday.

The rabbit season is dull. Not much hunting on Caney lately.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 29, 1911

Caney Siftings

While our cold weather has been very bracing, it has given many severe colds in this section.

W. A. Matthews has his machinery again at work, threshing rice for H. P. Werkman.

Tom and Cal Rainey of Van Vleck were on Caney Tuesday hunting a threshing machine.

A jolly crowd of picnicers from Bay City passed through our city last Saturday.

W. A. Matthews, Caney's P. M., visited Van Vleck last week.

R. T. Chinn, a prominent rice and cotton farmer near Bay City, was on Caney Monday.

Ed Gibson of Van Vleck was seen on Caney Wednesday.

Bob Senne and two other gentlemen selling photos were Caney visitors one day lately.

Drummer Fore, representing Schumcher Grocery Co., of Houston was interviewing Caney merchants Tuesday.

A merry party of Caneyites mostly Matthews, went pecaning Monday, they gathered two or three bushels of the nuts.

Mrs. Jno. Matthews is on the sick list.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 27, 1911


Mr. Charley Tew and three other knights of the grip autoed out from Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. Wm. Belcher, county commissioner of this precinct was seen on Caney last Saturday.

Mr. A. Currie, after several weeks' absence, was again with Caney friends Sunday.

Miss Mary Stapleton and her mother of Placedo, Texas, are guests at the home of their cousins, J. H. and J. G. Andrews, for the winter months.

J. H. Pile was a Caney visitor twice last week.

Messrs. D. Jones and Merrill have been engaged during the past week erecting some tenant houses for Mr. John Matthews.

W. A. Matthews and family autoed to Bay City Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Everett had the sad misfortune of losing their infant son last Monday.

W. C. Hamilton of Cedar Lane was a Caney visitor Sunday.

Mr. Morris Bates is now employed as "counter jumper" for John Matthews' general store.

Mr. W. G. Jones, after a pleasant visit with relatives in Columbus, Texas, has returned home.

Messrs. R. G. Matthews and Clarence Pile attended church in Bay City Sunday evening.

Mr. Robert Blair is on the sick list this week.

Mr. Parker, who has recently moved on the Currie ranch, passed through Caney en route to Bay City Tuesday. He was accompanied by Judge Currie who expects to remain in Bay City for several days.

Mr. Walters of Bay City was a business visitor on Caney Tuesday.

Dr. M. M. Gough of Van Vleck made a professional visit to Caney Monday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Rosena Montier visited Bay City last Saturday.

Mrs. J. Hamilton of Cedar Lane is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Tom Hamilton.

The Matagorda County Tribune, January 17, 1912


L. Z. Moreland, Capt. White and other drummers visited our Caney merchants last week.

Mr. W. A. Matthews made a business trip to Bay City last Saturday.

Col. Stephenson and nephew of Bay City were business visitors on Caney last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collins and Mr. V. L. LeTulle of Bay City autoed to Caney Sunday evening. Mrs. Sadie Kilbride returned last week from San Benito where she has been working for the Texas Oil Company.

Little Misses Pauline and Lila Thornhill of Matagorda were guests of their cousin, Mrs. W. L. Blair for a few days last week.

Messrs. W. L. Blair and R. B. Blair were business visitors in Bay City Saturday.

Surveyor Carrington of Bay City passed through Caney one day last week.

Messrs. Carroll Ryman and Leonard Blair of Matagorda autoed to Caney Saturday afternoon.

Mr. C. C. Gresham of Wadsworth visited friends on Caney Saturday and Sunday.

Caneyites were sorry indeed to hear of Mr. John Serrill's death. He is known by all the old time Caney settlers.

Mr. R. V. Matthews and little son, Jim, made a business trip to Caney Tuesday.

We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. Tom Hamilton. We hope however she will be much improved by the next writing.

Quite a few Caneyites went on the excursion to Matagorda Friday night.

Misses Willie Blair and Pauline Thornhill visited Bay City Monday.

Mrs. J. H. Pile made a flying trip to Bay City Tuesday.

Judge Currie passed through Caney en route to his ranch home on lower Caney Friday last.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 6, 1912


Messrs. Chas. and John Cookenboo were Caney visitors Thursday.

Mr. Fox Patton of Van Vleck was on Caney one day last week transacting business.

Mr. Stephenson of Bay City was on Caney Friday night.

Mr. W. A. Matthews was a business visitor in Bay City Friday.

Mrs. R. H. Hunt has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Georgia.

Judge Currie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews Sunday.

Rev. Morrison of Bay City delivered a very interesting sermon to the Caney people last Sunday. Bro. Morrison is always a very welcome visitor on Caney.

Misses Pauline and Lila Thornhill have returned to their home in Matagorda after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blair.

Mr. Ed Gunsallas returned last Thursday from Louisiana where he had been with his sick wife and baby.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. A. S. Collins, of Bay City Saturday last.

Misses Nell and Willie Blair were shoppers in Bay City one day last week.

Messrs. Rodney Matthews and Clarence Pile were Bay City visitors Sunday.

Mr. R. V. Matthews is on the sick list this week.

The Matagorda County Tribune, September 12, 1912

Caney Siftings

Mrs. A. S. Collins and children of Bay City were guests of Mrs. W. A. Matthes Saturday last.

Mr. Ed Gunsaullus returned last week from an extended visit with his wife and little son who are in Louisiana.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Blair of Matagorda visited at the home of Mr. Blair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blair last week.

Mr. J. E. Bernard and little daughter left for some points in the North this week. They expect to be gone about three weeks.

Mr. B. E. Norvell of Bay City passed through Caney Monday.

Mrs. W. I. Wallace is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Matthews, this week.

Mrs. Willie L. Blair returned last week from a visit with Mrs. W. G. Thornhill of Matagorda.

Messrs. Clarence Pile and Harold Smith were callers on Caney Saturday evening.

There was quite a lot of excitement on Caney among the colored population last Saturday night when one of their sports pulled his gun and held the crowd at bay. He pocketed what money there was in the crowd and hasn't been heard of since.

Messrs. Blum and Sheeford, two knights of the grip, were doing Caney merchants last week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews were Bay City visitors Tuesday.

Mrs. S. M. Kilbride, Misses Mary L. Bates and Margaret Matthews were Bay City callers Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 25, 1912


Mr. John Cookenboo and son of Bay City were on Caney Friday last.

Mr. W. L. Blair was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Miss Nellie Blair returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Matagorda.

Mr. W. A. Matthews and family accompanied by Mrs. W. I. Wallace and Miss Rosena Montier autoed to Bay City Sunday.

Mrs. S. M. Kilbride and Misses Margaret, Gertie and Madge Matthews were shopping in Bay City Saturday.

Misses Willie and Dona Blair were Bay City visitors Saturday last also.

Mr. Will Showaker passed through Caney one day last week en route for Kenner Prairie.

Mr. Guy Jones visited Bay City Saturday.

Mr. John Andrews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

The election was held at Caney post office Tuesday with R. V. Matthews as presiding officer.

Mr. A. Currie was up from his ranch home on lower Caney Wednesday.

Messrs. W. L. and R. B. Blair left Wednesday for Richmond to attend court.

Miss Mary L. Bates and Mr. Guy Jones were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bates Sunday.

Mr. S. J. Bates made a business trip to Bay City Wednesday.

Several drummers were doing our Caney merchants the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews were Bay City visitor Monday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 8, 1912

Caney Siftings

Miss Nellie Blair is visiting Mrs. W. G. Thornhill of Matagorda.

Mr. Chas. Tew and Miss Susie Payne of Bay City were Caney visitors Saturday last.

W. E. Edwards of Bay City was on Caney Tuesday trying to get a threshing machine to thresh his rice crop.

Messrs. O. J. Springer and Cain or Van Vleck were on Caney Monday trying to purchase prairie land to farm cotton on next year.

Mrs. N. M. Vogelsang and children of Bay City autoed to ____ Saturday last.

[paper damages]

C. C. again located on Caney...

W. A. Matthews...fine touring car of...only one in the county.

Miss Rosena Montier...Bertha Harriss at Midfield.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and...were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mrs. W. I. Wallace of Bay City is on Caney for an indefinite visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ziegenhals and Hamilton Wallace of Bay City were visitors on Caney last Sunday.

Misses Mary L. Bates and M. Matthews visited Bay City Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 8, 1912

Caney Siftings

Mr. J. H. Rainey of Van Vleck was a business visitor on Caney one day last week.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Rosena Montier were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mr. Morton Curtis of Midfield was the guest of Miss Rosena Montier Sunday.

Messrs. W. L. and Robert Blair have returned from Richmond where they attended court the past week.

Mrs. Ed Gunsuallas and baby have returned from Crowley, La., where they have visited indefinitely.

Mr. W. A. Matthews and children autoed to Van Vleck Sunday morning. Little Miss Emily Rainey returned with them and was the guest of Misses Eloise and Stella Matthews that day.

Mr. H. D. Jones, one of Caney's prosperous cotton and corn planters, has just completed gathering his cotton crop. From a field of forty acres he gathered and ginned thirty bales, each bale weighing considerably over 500 pounds. Besides this, Mr. Jones has raised plenty of feedstuff for his stock. He and his brother doing all the work until harvest time.

Messrs. Alvin Williams and Gene Cookenboo autoed to Caney Saturday.

Judge Currie spent Sunday with Caney friends.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 15, 1912

Caney Siftings

Mr. and Mrs. Barnard were Bay City visitors Saturday.

W. A. Matthews and family accompanied by Miss Montier and Mr. J. E. Anderson autoed to Matagorda Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lawson.

Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Matthews chaperoned a crowd of young people on a hay ride Sunday night. They attended League at Van Vleck.

Mr. A. Currie spent Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews.

The W. A. Matthews threshing outfit is threshing rice for Marti Loos this week.

Mr. J. E. Anderson, who has been with the John Matthews general merchandise store for some time, handed in his resignation and left for Houston Tuesday.

Mrs. S. M. Kilbride is the guest of Mrs. S. A. Foote of Bay City this week.

Misses Margaret and Gertie and Madge Matthews, accompanied by Mrs. S. M. Kilbride, visited Bay City Saturday.

Messrs. D. Jones, S. J. Morris and John Bates formed a camping party on Lynnville Saturday night in search for bruin or mountain sheep, but report nothing doing.

Rodney and Tom Matthews visited Bay City Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 22, 1912

Caney Siftings

J. A. Blaise of Cedar Lane was on Caney Monday.

Mr. J. E. Barnard returned Tuesday from a business trip to Collegeport.

Mr. Cal. Rainey of Van Vleck was a Caney visitor Wednesday eve.

Messrs. Chas. Tew and Louis Williams, two grocery drummers, were doing our Caney merchants Wednesday.

Misses Mary L. Bates and Margaret Matthews were Bay City visitors Sunday.

Miss Stella Blair of Alvarado, Texas, who has been the guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. W. L. Blair and family, left Tuesday for Sugarland where she will visit for a few days.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Rosena Montier were Bay City visitors last Saturday.

Mrs. S. M. Kilbride returned Saturday from a pleasant visit with Mrs. S. A. Foote of Bay City.

Misses Mary L. Bates and M. Matthews visited Bay City Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 29, 1912

Caney Siftings

Mr. John Cookenboo of Bay City,  knight of the grip, was a caller at Caney one day last week. Mr. Cookenboo had dinner with the family of John Matthews, and said it was twenty-two years since he ate dinner there last.

W. A. Matthews and family autoed to Bay City Sunday.

J. H. Andrews was a caller at Caney postoffice several times last week.

Mr. J. E. Barnard left for Houston Wednesday.

Mr. Merrill of Arkansas has moved to Caney and will engage in farming cotton and corn.

Mr. W. G. Jones, one of Caney's young men, left Tuesday for Columbus, Texas. Perhaps he will return ere long.

Miss Mollie Belle Matthews of Glen Flora was the week end guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews.

Mr. Cal Rainey of Van Vleck was a Caney visitor Wednesday afternoon.

It will only be a few days until Caney will be connected with Bay City by telephone.

Mr. Draper Jones was a Bay City visitor Thursday last.

Mr. R. B. Blair is moving his rice machinery from Caney to his lower farm near Wadsworth.

Mr. W. L. Blair and daughter, Miss Willie, were Bay City visitors Monday last.

Mr. A. Currie has returned from Beaumont where he attended a meeting of the Confederate veterans.

Messrs. Morris Bates and Rodney Matthews were attending service in Bay City Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, December 6, 1912


Mr. W. A. Matthews autoed to Bay City Tuesday last.

Miss Eloise Matthews is visiting Miss Edna Mae Parker at the Currie ranch this week.

Mrs. J. H. Rainey was the week end guest of Mrs. W. A. Matthews last week.

Drummers have been numerous this week on Caney.

Mr. Hubert Bowie of Bowieville passed through Caney Tuesday en route to Bay City.

Mrs. J. G. Parker and son. Willie, were guests at the home of Mr. Henry Lewis Sunday.

Quite an interesting sermon was delivered here at the Methodist Church Sunday by Rev. Carter and Prof. Scott of Bay City. Owing to the bad weather there was but a small crowd out.

Messrs. Morris Bates and Rodney Matthews were Bay City visitors Sunday.

Mr. John W. Bates has been suffering dreadfully with a poisoned foot, but is reported better at this writing.

Mrs. Sadie Kilbride left Saturday for Houston.

Miss Madge Matthews returned last Thursday from Lake Austin, where she has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blair. Miss Willie and Fred accompanied her home, returning the same evening to Lake Austin.

Mr. Tom Hunt has been quite sick again, but is reported better at this writing.

Mr. Ed Badouh and Mr. Baker of Bay City were Caney visitors last Sunday.

Messrs. John and Joe Andrews were Bay City visitors Tuesday.

Miss Margaret Matthews visited Bay City Tuesday.

The Matagorda County Tribune, August 29, 1913


As Caney failed last week to send in the items, will try to do better this time, although news is as scarce as can be. The rains have stopped cotton picking, rice threshing and road working, however, with a few days of sunshine like Sunday, everything can again start to work.

Messrs. Woolsey and Curtis of Bay City were pleasant callers Sunday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Montier visited Bay City Saturday last.

Rev. Carter filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey and Valvin of Van Vleck, were at church Sunday.

Mr. John Matthews has been on the sick list this week, but is improving at this writing.

Misses Mary Love Bates and Madge Matthews were out enjoying a horseback ride Tuesday evening, but they did not have they same experience they did before.

Mr. Tom Hunt is on the sick list this week--nothing serious, however.

Messrs. Johnie and Joe Andrews have been to the office several times during the week.

Dr. Isaac was out from his plantation Tuesday. He says the wet weather has about finished up the cotton crop.

Mr. J. G. Parker was up from the Currie ranch Tuesday and says they have had plenty rain and mosquitoes down there.

Messrs. John Bates and Fred Blair were Bay City visitors Tuesday evening.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 3, 1913


Rev. Carter preached to a nice congregation Sunday, this being his last sermon until after conference meets.

Dr. J. E. Simons and family were Caney visitors Saturday evening.

There have been several drummers doing Caney merchants this week and every one has a special bargain.

Mrs. E. L. Lawson of Matagorda is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthews, this week.

Misses Madge Bowers, Mary Love Bates and Madge Matthews were out enjoying a horseback ride Tuesday morning and report a nice time. From their looks when they returned, they had been running cattle. Uncle Dot and his niece, Mrs. Mary Lawson, were also out riding Tuesday, but they took a horse and buggy.

Robert Harrison of Bay City was a Caney cattle buyer last week.

Misses Montier and Madge Bowers spent Tuesday night with Miss Madge Matthews and all report a nice time.

M. S. Borders and family will leave Thursday for their old home in Kentucky.

Mr. H. W. Bowie of Bay City, an old time cotton and corn planter of Caney, passed this morning on his way to his plantation on lower Caney.

Mr. J. G. Parker went to Bay City Saturday to meet his friend, Captain Bradford of Louisiana, who will spend some time on Caney fishing and hunting. They will have headquarters at Judge Currie's

Misses Madge Bowers and Mary Love Bates were Bay City visitors Monday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Lawson.

Mr. Mack Faickney was on Caney Saturday buying cattle for his market.

Judge Currie spent Wednesday night with Caney friends and relatives.

Uncle Dot and Mary Lawson were out enjoying a buggy ride Thursday morning, but owing to the rain, they were run home.

Matagorda County Tribune, November 28, 1913

Old and New Caney

Mr. Hubert W. Bowie of the Old Caney country was in the city a few days ago and while here subscribed for the News-Farmer. Mr. Bowie lives on the east bank of the Caney, in the midst of that section which used to be denominated the "cradle of Texas aristocracy." of the days when Old Caney planters had their palatial homes in Matagorda, and semi-liveried coachmen drove their fine carriage teams. Barges of cotton and hogsheads of sugar went down Caney to Matagorda to ships and the young Caneyites were educated in Virginia and the Carolinas. That is fine farming country yet, but under different conditions. Delivered from the political rule of the ex-slaves and emerging from the semi-isolation of the past decade, a new era is dawning, new people are going in there, and the big plantations of the 60's are being cut up into small farms and cultivated by white men from the north as well as the south. Good roads are being demanded and are being built. The fine climate and fertile valley is attracting attention from all the country. Mr. Bowie tells us that farmers are well up with their preparations for planting, and prospects are very bright.

Matagorda News & Midcoast Farmer, Matagorda, Texas, Friday, February 27, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. Rodney Matthews visited Caney Switch Sunday afternoon.

The service Sunday was well attended.

Mr. J. M. Ellison was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry, who have been visiting relatives here, returned to their home in Bay City this week.

Dr. Bouldin of Bay City passed through Caney Monday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 20, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. L. L. O'Neal was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

Mr. Walter Thompson of Van Vleck was on Caney Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Wesley Lewis of Bay City was on Caney Friday and Saturday, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis.

Our teacher, Miss Iszora Toups, spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City with homefolks.

Mr. C. Rainey of Van Vleck was on Caney Monday afternoon.

Mr. Arthur Matthews and Jim Piles made a business trip to Caney Switch Monday.

Mr. L. L. O'Neal was in Bay City Tuesday.

The service at the Barnard schoolhouse, Monday night, was well attended.

We are sorry to say that Mrs. Gibson is still ill at this writing.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 27, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. and Mrs.. Will Henry have returned to their home in Bay City.

Caney was visited by a heavy rain Thursday afternoon and evening.

Hon. Thos. H. Lewis was on Caney Wednesday.

Mr. Henry paid our school a visit Friday afternoon which we all appreciated very much. We would be glad to have others visit our school and see the efforts we are putting forth to accomplish something by our year's work.

Misses Jessie and Effie May Henry spent Saturday in Bay City visiting friends.

Misses Annie and Crecy Lewis spent Sunday at Caney, the guests of Miss Matthews.

Mr. Louis Tucker of El Campo is visiting Mr. Glenn and family.

Mrs. Franklin of Louisiana, who is visiting her mother on Buckner's Prairie, spent Tuesday at Caney Switch, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lewis.

Mr. Kenny spent Tuesday at Caney Switch, visiting friends.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 3, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. Tom Matthews was at Caney Switch Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. L. L. O'Neal spent Wednesday at the county seat.

Misses Matthews and Bates spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Lewis. The afternoon was enjoyed by a fishing trip, and each one returned satisfied with their success.

Mr. Henry and son, Ernest, spent Thursday at Bay City.

Mr. Barnard was on Caney between trains Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller have returned to their home.

Mr. Cain was at the county seat Saturday.

Mrs. M. E. Toups and her little daughter, Nora, of Bay City, were at Caney Switch Friday afternoon, and were accompanied by Miss Toups.

Mr. Rodney Matthews of Caney joined us in our singing Sunday evening, at the Bernard school house.

Mr. and Mrs.. Maddin and Mr. and Mrs. Hermon were at Caney Switch Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry of Bay City spent Sunday here with relatives.

Mr. J. E. Barnard of Bay City paid us a visit Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Alvie Lewis and Jessie Henry spent Tuesday afternoon at Caney.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 10, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. J. H. Pile was at Caney Switch Wednesday afternoon, and he also paid our school a visit, taking a look at our new school desks.

Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry, all of Bay City, spent the day Wednesday with Mr. Henry and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, of Bay City, spent Sunday with relatives at this place.

Mrs. Henry Lewis and little Misses Cordia, Maud and Master J. H. spent Saturday and Sunday at the Currie ranch visiting Mrs. J. G. Parker.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Williams spent Monday in Bay City.

We had the pleasure to enjoy another fine service at the Barnard school house Sunday.

Misses Reed of Van Vleck spent Tuesday at Caney Switch, visiting friends.

Mr. Clarence Pile paid us a visit Monday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 17, 1914

Caney Switch

The pupils of the Caney Switch school are rejoicing over their new school desks which have just arrived and are now in use.

Mr. J. H. Piles paid us a visit Thursday afternoon.

Mr. L. L. O'Neal spent Friday and Saturday at Palacios.

The Caney Switch school had as its visitors Friday afternoon Miss Alvie Teus, Mrs. Deason and Mrs. Barnard of Bay City.

We, as pupils attending the Caney Switch school, are glad to say we shall always remember this Easter as a pleasant and social day. Between noon hour Friday, accompanied by our teacher, we took our lunches and spread them on the banks of Old Caney where everyone enjoyed a fine picnic dinner. In the afternoon we had a program after which we marched to the grounds where an Easter egg hunt took place. There we all took part in the fun. A prize was offered to the one finding the largest number of eggs. Miss Myrtle Gibson was the lucky one, with fourteen eggs, and won a box of candy. As night approached, we departed, each being satisfied with our pleasure for the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellison and their little son, August, spent Saturday at Bay City.

Mr. Ernest Henry has returned home after a week's stay in Bay City.

Mrs. O'Neal has as her guests Friday night, Misses Lewis and Toups and Messrs. Rodney and Tom Matthews of Caney.

Misses Pearl and Fannie Glenn and Tena Whitley and Mr. Carley Glenn spent Friday and Saturday with relatives in El Campo.

Caney Switch was visited by a fine rain Sunday night.

Mrs. Halfin is spending the week in El Campo.

Mr. Gibson and family have left for Markham where they will make their future home.

Mr. L. L. O'Neal spent Tuesday in Bay City.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 17, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. L. L. O'Neal was in Bay City Tuesday.

Mr. Whitley was at the county seat Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn spent Monday in Bay City. Miss Aline Lewis paid our school a visit Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Henry and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City. Mr. Ernest Henry returned home Friday afternoon from Bay City.

Mr. Ernest Henry returned home Friday afternoon from Bay City.

Miss Iszora Toups spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks in Bay City.

Mr. J. E. Barnard and little son, Bradley, were at Caney switch Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry of Bay City came out TUesday afternoon to visit Mr. Henry's father.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 8, 1914

Caney Switch

Mr. J. H. Piles was at Caney Switch Wednesday afternoon.

Dr. T. C. Brooks of Bay City passed through Caney Switch Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Elizabeth Barnard came out Thursday to pay our school a visit.

The service Sunday night at the Barnard school house was well attended.

Mr. Henry Lewis spent Monday at Bay City.

Miss Toups spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks at Bay City.

Mr. Ellison spent Tuesday in Bay City.

Mr. Ed Gibson has returned home after a visit at Caney Switch.

Matagorda County Tribune, June 26, 1914

Caney Locals

Mr. W. A. Matthews was a business visitor to Bay City Monday and Tuesday.

Hon. James H. Pile was at Caney Postoffice Wednesday.

Mesdames James Franklin and Robert Wingate of Leesville, La., passed through Caney Tuesday enroute to Currieville to visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Parker.

Messrs. Foster Milner and Willie Culver were visitors at the R. V. Matthews home Sunday.

Mr. H. S. Rainey was in Bay City Tuesday.

Harry Lawson of Matagorda is spending the week with his grandmother, Mrs. John Matthews.

Judge Jesse Matthews of Glen Flora, returned home Sunday after spending a week at Caney.

Mr. W. A. Thomasson of Van Vleck was transacting business at Caney Tuesday.

Mr. C. F. Lukefahr was at Caney postoffice Thursday.

Mrs. H. S. Rainey spent Thursday at Van Vleck visiting relatives and attending church.

Messrs. Morris Bates and Rodney Matthews were Bay City visitors Thursday. Something up. Wonder what it is?

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, July 17, 1914

Caney Locals

Mrs. Arthur Matthews and children visited in Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Cal Rainey was a Caney visitor Thursday.

Mr. R. W. Persons and Dr. Presley paid Caney a brief visit Thursday.

Miss Ellen McCorquodale and Estella Matthews were in Bay City for a few hours Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Franklin spent the weekend with Miss Madge Matthews.

Mr. H. S. Rainey has been ill during the past week.

Rev. Kemp and mother Mrs. Kemp are guests of Grandmother Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey and little son Hugh Douglas, Mr. Cal Rainey, Miss Ellen McCorquodale and Mrs. Arthur Matthews drove up to Van Vleck Monday afternoon.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, August 28, 1914


Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck was on Caney last Tuesday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews visited Van Vleck friends Thursday.

Mr. J. G. Parker of Currie ranch passed through Caney Friday en route Bay City.

Miss Mary Love Bates has been quite ill the past several days, though she is better at this writing.

Miss Christine Lawrence returned Tuesday after a few days' visit in Bay City.

Miss Gertrude Matthews and Edna Mae Parker, accompanied by Master James Matthews, spent Saturday in Bay City.

Mr. Harold Smith of Bay City was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pile Sunday.

Miss Edna Mae Parker returned to her home Sunday after a few days with Caney friends.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 16, 1915


Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey and little son of Van Vleck were guests at the home of Mrs. W. A. Matthews last Wednesday evening.

Misses Mary L. Bates and Edna Mae Parker visited Bay City last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ziegenhals and Miss Eloise Matthews of Bay City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews last Thursday evening.

Mr. R. V. Matthews visited Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. I. W. Wallace and Miss Eloise Matthews of Bay City were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews.

Miss Christine Lawrence was a Bay City visitor Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. J. H. Pile was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Misses Mary L. Bates, Gertrude Matthews and Edna Mae Parker were Bay City visitors Monday.

Judge A Currie was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Messrs. S. J. and J. W. Bates were in Bay City Monday.

Miss Edna Mae Parker returned to her home at Currie ranch Sunday, after a visit of ten days with Miss Gertrude Matthews.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 19, 1915


R. V. Matthews and daughter Madge, visited Bay City Friday.

Morris Bates was a Van Vleck visitor Friday.

Miss Willie Blair of Bay City spent several days on Caney with friends the past week.

Hon. A. Currie was a Bay City visitor Sunday.

W. A. Matthews had the misfortune of getting his ankle fractured last week and has been on crutches since.

S. J. Bates was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Miss Christine Lawrence spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Persons, of Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey of of Van Vleck was at Caney Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ziegenhals of Bay City spent Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews.

Misses Madge Matthews, Edna May Parker and Mary L. Bates, were Bay City visitors Thursday.

R. V. Matthews was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, February 19, 1915


Mr. R. V. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Miss Christine Lawrence and little Stella Matthews spend Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Bay City.

Rev. L. F. Hardy filled his regular appointments at Caney Saturday night and Sunday morning, going to Van Vleck Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Morris Bates was a Bay City visitor Sunday afternoon.

Mr. E. L. Lawson of Matagorda is at Caney for a few days this week.

Hon. Jas. H. Pile was a business caller at Caney Tuesday morning.

Mrs. J. G. Parker of Currie Ranch was the guest of her sister Mrs. Henry Lewis Sunday and Monday.

Miss Madge Matthews was the guest of her grandmother Mrs. I. A. Matthews Monday afternoon and night.

Miss Jessie Bates spent Wednesday night with Miss Gertrude Matthews.

Mr. Fred Blair of Lake Austin was Caney visitor Saturday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, March 5, 1915


Miss Mary Love Bates visited Van Vleck Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. R. W. Persons of Bay City made a short visit to Caney Saturday afternoon.

Miss Christine Lawrence visited in Bay City Saturday and Sunday.

Mesdames Wallace, Collins and Ziegenhals of Bay City were guests of Mrs. W. A. Matthews the latter part of last week.

Mr. S. J. Bates visited Bay City Monday.

Mr. E. L. Lawson of Matagorda was a Caney visitor the first part of this week.

Miss Mary L. Bates and M. Matthews visited Mrs. J. G. Parker at Curryville Saturday.

A crowd of Caney's young people attended a school entertainment last Friday evening at the Lukefahr School. It was a perfect success and was immensely enjoyed by a very nice little crowd.

Mr. H. D. Jones visited Bay City.

Mr. John Bates was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 2, 1915


Mr. Henry Lewis visited Freeport a few days last week.

Mr. S. J. Bates was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Mr. R. V. Matthews visited Bay City Friday.

Mr. A. Currie came up from his ranch Saturday and remained until Monday. He spent Sunday in Bay City.

Mr. Rodney Matthews was a Bay City visitor one day last week.

Mr. W. C. Hamilton of Cedar Lane passed through Caney en route Bay City Friday.

Mr. John Bates was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Mr. J. H. Pile left Saturday for Mexico and returned Monday.

Mr. Walter Harriss of Gainesmore passed through Caney one day last week.

Mr. Robert Sweeney of Bay City was a business visitor on Caney last Wednesday.

An egg hunt was very much enjoyed by a number of young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bates Sunday afternoon.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 9, 1915

Caney News

Messrs. R. V. and R. G. Matthews were Bay City visitors Friday.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews and daughter Millie Belle of Glen Flora were the guests of Mrs. I. A. Matthews Wednesday night and Thursday of last week.

S. J. and J. W. Bates were Bay City visitors Friday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Lawrence were in Bay City Saturday.

Hon. James H. Pile made a flying visit to Mexico last week.

Mr. A. Currie of Currieville was visiting friends at Caney Saturday and Sunday.

Quite a crowd of young folks enjoyed an egg rolling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bates Sunday afternoon.

Mr. H. D. Jane was at Matthews store Saturday afternoon.

James and Thomas Matthews attended church at the Barnard school house Sunday morning.

Mr. Fred Blair of Lake Austin, was visiting in Caney several days this week.

Mesdames M. and D. O'Connell, Mrs. Cora Stewart and Miss Abbie Johnson of Van Vleck were guests of Mrs. I. A. Matthews Friday afternoon.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 9, 1915

Caney News

W. A. Matthews was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

M. S. Bates was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Judge Jesse Matthews of Glen Flora is spending this week on Caney.

Mr. Sam Lawson of Matagorda came to Caney Monday to join the cow drivers here.

Judge A. Currie and Miss Edna May Parker of Currie Ranch were Caney visitors Tuesday.

Mr. S. J. Bates was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Mr. R. G. Matthews returned Monday from Freeport after spending a few days there inspecting the Sulphur Fields.

Mr. Tom returned Monday from Houston after a few days' visit to his mother and sister.

W. C. Hamilton of Cedar Lane passed through Caney Monday en route to Bay City.

Mr. Jas. H. Pile was a Caney visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews had as their guests Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wallace of El Campo, Mr. and Mrs. Ziegenhals, Postmaster Collins and family of Bay City.

Miss Gertrude and Master Sylvain Matthews were guests of Miss Jessie Bates Friday and Saturday of last week.

Miss Madge Matthews was the guest of her grandmother Mrs. I. A. Matthews TUesday night.

Miss Bernice Milner of Bay City was the week-end guest of Elouise Matthews.

Mr. J. M. Ellison of the Barnard place was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 16, 1915

Caney News

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Christine Lawrence were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mrs. Sam Lawson returned to Matagorda Sunday after spending the week cow driving.

Judge Currie and Miss Edna May Parker are visiting Caney and Bay City friends this week.

Mrs. R. V. Matthews and daughter Gertrude was Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mrs. W. I. Wallace and Mrs. O. W. Ziegenhals of Bay City were Caney visitors Tuesday.

Mr. Weston Mayfield of Bay City was a Caney visitor Thursday.

Mr. S. J. Bates and daughter, Jessie, were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck was the guest of Mrs. W. A. Matthews Sunday.

Miss Crecy Lewis has returned home from Freeport.

Judge Matthews returned to Glen Flora Tuesday after a week's stay on Caney.

Miss Madge Matthews was a Van Vleck visitor Tuesday eve.

M. S. Bates was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

Miss Gertrude Matthews and Edna May Parker were Bay City visitors Wednesday.

Mr. John H. Andrews was a Van Vleck visitor Tuesday.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, April 27, 1915


Mr. Evans of Van Vleck was a business visitor on Caney one day last week.

Mr. W. C. Hamilton of Cedar Lane was a business visitor on Caney Friday and Saturday.

Mr. R. V. Matthews visited Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Jesse Matthews of Glen Flora is on Caney this week vaccinating cattle.

Miss Mary Love Bates and M. Matthews visited Mrs. M. O'Connell Thursday.

Mr. Sam Lawson of Matagorda arrived Monday and is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Matthews.

Miss Christine Lawrence visited Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck Sunday.

Mr. A. Currie visited Bay City Monday and returned to his home Tuesday.

Misses M. L. Bates and Gertrude and M. Matthews were guests of Miss Lera Cloar of Bay City Sunday evening.

Mrs. Henry Lewis visited her sister, Mrs. J. G. Parker, at the Currie ranch Saturday.

Miss Crecy Lewis returned to Freeport Thursday, after a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 7, 1915

Caney News

Caney's new school house is almost completed, the carpenters having finished their work and now the painter is finishing his.

Mrs. J. A. Matthews spent Sunday with W. A. Matthews and family.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collins of Bay City were Caney visitors Sunday.

Misses Bernice Milner and Selma Jones were the guests of Miss Elouise Matthes Thursday.

Sylvain and James Matthews returned to Caney Monday after a week's visit to relatives in Houston.

Mr. James H. Pile was called to Ganado Saturday. His father is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck spent Sunday on Caney, guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews.

R. V. Matthews and daughter Gertrude were Bay City visitors Monday.

W. A. Matthews was a business visitor to Bay City Monday.

Miss Thelma McCorquodale of Beaumont was a guest of  Misses Elouise and Stella Matthews Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ziegenhals of Bay City were Caney visitors Monday afternoon.

Miss Madge Matthews is visiting relatives in Houston this week.

Messrs. Geo. Sargent and Rucks Moberly of Matagorda were business visitors at Caney this week.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, June 18, 1915


Mr. W. A. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mr. S. A. Lawson and Miss M. L. Bates visited in Matagorda from Saturday until Monday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and children were Bay City visitors Friday.

Miss M. L. Bates visited Bay City Friday.

Mr. A. Currie visited Bay City Wednesday.

Miss Edna Mae Parker visited Miss Helen Parker of Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. R. V. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mr. Roy Pile has returned from Liverpool where he has been at work the past month.

Mrs. Andy Patterson is visiting at Gainesmore.

Mr. S. J. Bates made a business trip to Houston this week.

Matagorda County Tribune, July, 1915


Mrs. W. I. Wallace of Bay City is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Matthews this week.

Messrs. R. G. Matthews and Morris Bates were Bay City visitors Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Draper Jones have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their baby, Eugene Draper, who died Saturday morning after a short illness.

Miss Mary Love Bates departed Monday for Epworth where she will visit for several days.

Mrs. S. J. Bates has been ill the past few days, but is better at this writing.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 6, 1915


Mr. H. O. Jones was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mr. H. O. Parker of Freeport arrived last Friday for a visit with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker.

Mr. R. V. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and children were Bay City visitors Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews Sunday evening.

Miss Mary L. Bates returned last Tuesday from Corpus Christi.

Mr. W. A. Matthews visited Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. Rodney Matthews was a Van Vleck visitor Tuesday.

Messrs. R. V. and W. A. Matthews were Van Vleck visitors Sunday.

Mr. R. V. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mr. J. H. Pile was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, August 27, 1915


Mr. Jesse Matthews of Glen Flora is a Caney visitor this week.

Mr. Henry Merrill and family of Rio Hondo, Texas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.. Draper Jones.

Messrs. Joe and W. O. Parker of Currie ranch were guests of Mr. Hy. Lewis and family last Friday.

Mr. R. G. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Miss Gertrude Matthews left last Wednesday for Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck were Caney visitors Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. S. J. Bates was a business visitor in Bay City Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, September 3, 1915

Caney Locals

Mr. W. A. Matthews was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

The Caney school opened Monday morning with Miss Belle McGlothlin as teacher.

R. V. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Sunday carrying Elouise over to attend school there.

Mrs. H. S. Rainey of Van Vleck was a visitor on Caney Thursday.

Mr. Chas. True, representing Winnie, Stern & Krause of Bay City, was on Caney Saturday.

S. J. and J. W. Bates were Bay City visitors Monday.

Misses Annis and Martha Gregerson were the guest of Miss Jessie Bates Sunday.

Mrs. Jas. H. Pile visited Mrs. I. A. Matthews Thursday.

Mr. C. H. Lukefahr of Orangedale was a Caney visitor Saturday.

Mr. Ray Biglow, representing Swift & Company, was a business caller at this place Thursday.

Mr. E. L. Lawson of Matagorda is spending the week on Caney, building fence and improving his place here.

Matagorda County News and Midcoast Farmer, September 21, 1915


Mr. W. A. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Judge Jesse Matthews of Glen Flora arrived Monday for a few days' visit with his mother Mrs. I. A. Matthews.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and children, accompanied by Misses Belle McGlothlin and Mary Love Bates and Mr. J. J. Perritt, were Bay City visitors Sunday.

Mr. Fred Blair of Lake Austin visited friends on Caney Sunday.

Mr. Sam Lawson of Matagorda spent several days on Caney last week.

Mr. Morris Bates left Sunday for Liverpool.

Mr. A. Currie is visiting Caney friends this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lewis of Freeport visited Mr. Henry Lewis and family Sunday.

Mr. S. J. Bates was a business visitor in Bay City Tuesday.

R. G. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 15, 1915


Mr. S. J. Bates visited Houston one day last week. He was accompanied going over by his son, Morris, who has accepted a position in the Bayou City, and on his return he was accompanied by Mr. Robt. Blair, who has been in Galveston for some time doing contract work.

Mr. Sam Lawson of Matagorda came out to Caney Monday to see his father, E. L. Lawson, who is busy breaking land, preparatory for a large crop this season.

Miss Madge and Mrs. Zula Matthews visited Van Vleck one day last week.

Mr. Walter Thomason of Van Vleck passed Caney twice Tuesday, going down and then up again.

Judge Currie came up from his ranch home Saturday, went over to Bay City Sunday returned to Caney Monday, spent the night and returned to his ranch home Tuesday evening. Come again judge as you know we are all always glad to see you and especially when you come loaded like you were the last time (not for bear).

Caney had a little excitement Monday morning when they found that Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews had been robbed some time during the night of their loose change which was a small amount, however, and W. A. was minus his two rings of keys and a nickel's worth of chewing tobacco. The burglar was very thoughtful, however, as he left the keys on the store gallery and were easily found Monday morning tagged with a large glass button.

Messrs. Ed and Joe Clark motored to Bay City one day last week.

Mrs. R. V. Matthews spent Sunday evening with Mrs. John Matthews at the old home while Misses Madge and Stella Matthews and Mr. Perritt went out for a drive.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 11, 1916


Everyone is rejoicing over the sunshine, which we hope will last for a long time.

Miss Jessie Bates has been confined to the house for the past week, entertaining the measles.

Judge Jesse Matthews and nephew, Master Wallace Matthews, visited Bay City Saturday.

Mr. A. Currie is spending the week in Matagorda among old friends.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews were in Bay City Wednesday.

Miss Ola Fondren returned to Van Vleck Wednesday, after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. R. G. Matthews.

Mr. M. Patterson was a caller at the Matthews store Monday.

Messrs. A. P. and Joe Clark were Bay City visitors Wednesday.

Mr. Eaton Grisham of Wadsworth visited friends on Caney Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. J. T. Hamilton was a business visitor to Bay City Saturday.

Mr. J. H. Andrews went to Blessing Friday and brought his wife and babies home after visiting Mrs. Chas. Williams.

Mrs. R. V. and Miss Gertrude Mathews visited Van Vleck Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews entertained the young folks Tuesday night with a party in honor of Miss Ola Fondren, a sister of Mrs. Matthews. After playing, refreshments of cake, coffee and chocolate were served, everyone declaring they had the best time of their lives. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Andrews, Mesdames R. V. Matthews, and W. A. Matthews, Misses Madge, Gertrude and Willie Matthews, Thelma and Violet Grisham, Emma Penticost, Hattie and Pearl Patterson, May and Ethel Grimes, Ola Fondren, Anne Pointer and Mary L. Bates; Messrs. L. E. J. Eaton, Earle and Grayson Grisham, James Matthews, Sam Holland, John Patterson, Earle Grimes, Stevens, Wallace Matthews and Harold Grisham.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 15, 1919


Judge Jesse Matthews returned from Houston Tuesday.

Mrs. S. A. Bates was a Bay City visitor Wednesday.

Messrs. Joe and Edd. Clark were in Bay City Wednesday.

Mr. C. Z. Stapleton visited Bay City Saturday.

Mr. Guy Jones was a Bay City visitor Thursday.

Messrs. W. A. Thomasson and J. H. Rainey of Van Vleck passed through Caney Thursday en route Bay City.

County Commissioner J. H. Pyle was inspecting roads on Caney Thursday.

Misses Madge and Gertrude Matthews visited Mrs. I. A. Matthews Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bates visited at Mrs. I. A. Matthews' Thursday.

Mr. A. Currie is spending the week at Hawkinsville among old friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark was in Bay City Friday.

Mr. Archie Harrison of Bay City was a business visitor on Caney Tuesday.

Judge Matthews was a Bay City visitor Sunday.

Mesdames S. A. Bates and Belle Kimball visited Mrs. Jno. Matthews Sunday.

Miss Anna Pointer spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Ashwood.

J. W. Bates and L. Z. Stapleton were Bay City visitors Monday.

Mr. Jas. F. Day passed through Caney Tuesday en route Bay City .

R. G. Matthews was in Bay City Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, February 28, 1919


Mr. A. Currie returned Thursday from a week's visit at Hawkinsville.

Mr. Hubert Bowie of Bowieville was at Caney Thursday.

Mr. Price of Cedar Lane passed through Caney Saturday en route Bay City .

Mr. Guy Jones was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Judge Jesse Mathews visited in Bay City Sunday.

Messrs. Eaton and Earl Grisham visited friends on Caney Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews were Bay City visitors Thursday.

Miss Madge Matthews visited Mrs. Jno. Matthews Sunday.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Pointer attended church at Van Vleck Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McCoy were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark were Bay City visitors Monday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 7, 1919


Mr. A. Currie returned to Caney Saturday after a week in Bay City.

Judge Matthews visited Bay City Thursday.

Miss Madge Matthews and Mrs. W. A. Matthews were Bay City visitors Thursday.

Messrs. Price and Ratliff of Cedar Lane passed through Caney Friday en route Bay City.

Mr. Eaton Grisham visited friends on Caney Sunday.

Miss Stella Matthews spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.

Mrs. Andy Patterson of Cedar Lane visited Mr. R. G.  Matthews Sunday.

Mrs. R. H. Hunt left for Georgia Friday, to be with a sister who is very sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark were Bay City visitors Friday.

Mr. W. C. Jones received a message Monday telling him of the death of his mother. He left immediately for Natalia, their home.

Daily Tribune, March 14, 1919


Mr. W. Downer visited Palacios Saturday.

Mr. Joe Clark was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mrs. S. A. Bates was in Bay City Saturday.

Messrs. Joe Freeman and W. A. Matthews were in West Columbia Monday.

Messrs. J. H. Rainey and J. A. Blaze of Van Vleck were on Caney Sunday.

Mr. Guy Jones was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark were Bay City visitors Saturday.

R. G. Matthews visited Bay City Monday.

Miss Madge Matthews visited Mrs. I. A. Matthews Wednesday.

Mr. E. G. Ratliff of Cedar Lane was at Caney Wednesday.

Miss Pearl Patterson and Mrs. Kelley were at Caney Wednesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 28, 1919


Mr. A. Currie is spending the week in Bay City .

Judge Jessie Matthews visited Bay City Thursday.

Mrs. A. S. Collins visited on Caney Thursday.

Mr. W. Downer was in Bay City Thursday.

Mr. Eaton Grisham of Wadsworth spent several days on Caney the past week.

Mr. Willie Parker of Freeport visited friends on Caney Sunday. He has just returned home from Washington, D. C. having served his country in the marines during the war.

Mrs. Jessie Matthews is spending a few days on Caney.

Mr. W. G. Jones has been on the sick list for the past few days.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews and Miss Pointer visited Bay City Saturday.

Mrs. S. A. Bates and Miss Jessie and J. W. Bates and John Grimes were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Master Victor Collins is visiting Wallace Matthews this week.

Matagorda County Tribune, March 28, 1919


Miss Elouise Matthews of Southwestern University , Georgetown , Texas , visited home folks a few days the past week.

Mrs. Jesse Matthews returned to Bay City Saturday, after a week's visit on Caney.

Miss Madge Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews visited in Bay City Sunday.

R. G. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Friday.

Messrs. Eaton and Earl Grisham were Caney visitors Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews were in Van Vleck Tuesday.

Mr. Price of Cedar Lane was at Caney Tuesday.

Miss Anna Pointer spent the weekend in Bay City , the guest of Miss Parker.

Mr. R. H. Hunt visited Bay City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark were Bay City visitors Monday.

Jas. S. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 11, 1919


Miss Anna Pointer, teacher of the Caney school, finished the term Friday and returned to her home at Pierce Saturday.

Judge Jesse Matthews was a Bay City visitor Saturday.

Mrs. W. L. Penny visited on Caney Thursday.

Mr. W. A. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Sunday.

Mr. Eaton Grisham visited on Caney Saturday and Sunday.

Judge Currie spent Saturday and Sunday in Bay City .

Mr. M. Patterson was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Messrs. R. G. Matthews and Guy Jones visited Bay City Wednesday.

Mrs. S. A. Bates was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark was in Bay City Monday.

Miss Jessie Bates and Mrs. Belle Kimball have been on the sick list for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Patterson visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Matthews Sunday.

Matagorda County Tribune, April 11, 1919


Miss Madge Matthews returned home Sunday after a visit of three weeks with relatives in Houston.

R. G. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Misses Madge and Gertrude Matthews visited Mrs. L. E. J. Girsham at Wadsworth Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. R. V. Matthews spent Sunday with Mrs. I. A. Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mrs. S. A. Bates and daughter, Jessie, were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Mr. Guy Jones was a Bay City visitor Monday.

Mr. Eaton Grisham visited friends on Caney Sunday afternoon and night.

Mrs. W. A. Matthews was a Bay City visitor Tuesday.

Misses Madge and Gertrude Matthews visited Mrs. I. A. Matthews TUesday.

Matagorda County Tribune, May 16, 1919


Copyright 2005 - Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 25, 2005
Sep. 3, 2012