Horace Yeamans

Cash's Creek Community Information
aka Cashes Creek & Cascius Creek

Matagorda County, Texas




1894 Cash's Creek School Census

1895 Cash's Creek School Census

Yeamans Family Cemetery

Yeamans Grave


Yeamans-Stallard Home

Bay View School on Cash's Creek
In the area where Cash's Creek and Tres Palacios Bay meet
Courtesy of Katie Hutto & City by the Sea Museum


Cash’s Creek Greetings

By Votri Ami

Miss Anderson, of Houston, is on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Tracy White.

Jimmie Bruce, of Matagorda, was on a visit to his uncle, H. M. Yeamans, recently.

John Moore and wife, who were the guests of H. M. Yeamans and wife, have returned to Stockdale.

The community have moved the school house from H. M. Yeaman’s pasture to James Phillips’s.

Wheeler & Bell were last week collecting fat cows bought of H. M. Yeamans, and are here again after a shipment of fat muttons.

Joe Phelp’s family, from Bay City, we are glad to state, have recovered. They came over for a change and have been very much benefited.

Mr. Davenport, of Bay City, has rented one of H. M. Yeamans’s farms, and Jesse Phelps has rented Mrs. E. M. Yeamans’s Cash’s Creek farm.

Scott Yeamans is on Cash’s Creek. Scott gives the girls all his spare time; so we must be content with just a gleam of the sunshine of his presence.

James Phillips left this morning for El Campo to get material to finish the school house. Mrs. H. M. Yeamans accompanied him to have some dental work done.

Henry Jennings has been engaged to teach this school and will begin on the first Monday in Nov. He and Ernest Dickert have engaged board with Mrs. H. M. Yeamans.

Russell Ward and Stockdale Mitchell, of Carancahua bay, have been guests of H. M. Yeamans and lady. Stockdale is a nephew of Hon. J. D. Mitchell, of Victoria, and Russell, the son of the much respected B. L. Ward. Russell was married recently to Miss Susie Mitchell and they are living at the ranch.

Matagorda County Tribune, October 29, 1899



Seeing no items from this, one of the best spots in the county, in your worthy paper, and feeling that it should be represented with our sister communities, I, though an unworthy contributor, will endeavor to represent our community.

T. J. Poole was in our community Saturday.

C. C. Smith was over from Bay City Sunday.

Messrs. Hughes, Phelps, and Le Compte are making hay this week.

B. F. Hodges went to repair J. E. Pierce's ginning machinery Monday.

Little Lillie Phillips, who was sick last week, we are happy to chronicle, has recovered.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans, B. A. Yeamans and Wm. Downer went to Hawley last week.

B. A. Yeamans, John Phelps, J. S., Phillips, B. F. Hodges and S. J. Hill are all busy picking cotton this week.

It has been stated that there will be preaching at the school house the first Sunday in every month after this.

Our school began Monday the 6th? with 14 pupils. It is expected that more will attend when crop gathering is over.

Of course we people read the Visitor and are glad to get it, for the columns are always full of the latest and best news.

S. J. Hill went to Ashby Saturday night to attend the meeting of the "New Idea Club." It seems that the club is getting very popular with some of our people.

Horace Yeamans has returned from B. Q. Ward's where he has been collecting cattle for shipment at Louise, and has gone to collect two-year-olds for Wiley Kuykendall. Mr. Kuykendall got $18 for his two-year-olds from Mr. Pickering.

One of our new "boys" in the act of assassinating an owl in the dead hours of midnight Friday, frightened our hogs and calves off the place and when they were last seen were going at break-neck speed toward the eastern horizon. Should anyone see two hogs and four head of calves going in that direction, kindly inform us.  J. D. MONROE

Weekly Visitor, November 16, 1899



John Phelps went to Hawley Wednesday.

H. L. Jennings went to Ashby Saturday night.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans went to Caranchua Wednesday.

Little May and William Downer have been sick this week.

Asa Yeamans has been sick this week with chills and fever.

Ernest Dickert went over in the Ashby neighborhood Monday.

B. A. Yeamans, S. J. Hill and Jno. Phelps went to Hawley to gin Saturday.

Uncle John Pybus has sold his sheep to Mr. Arthur and Crit Wheeler for $1.75 per head.

Orle Le Compte has purchased a house of Mr. J. P. Pierce and has been moving it this week.

J. S. Phillips has purchased a house of Albert Le Compte and is moving and erecting it this week.

Messrs. Phillips and White went to El Campo Friday to get lumber to make furniture for the school house.

To save the readers of the Visitor any further worry and trouble will say that our hogs have returned and our boy sleeps with the shotgun at his head patiently waiting for another owl.

J. S. Phillips has rented the "Bow and Arrow" ranch and will move there soon. We are very sorry to lose Mr. Phillips but we congratulate the people of Ashby for this addition to their community.  J. D. MONROE

Weekly Visitor, November 24, 1899




Asa Yeamans went to Hawley Saturday.

Jim Logan attended church (?) here Sunday.

Rev. Lively of El Campo preached at Hawley Sunday.

John Phelps took a bale of cotton to Hawley this week.

A nephew of Mr. Davenport has arrived from Alabama.

Lasson Jordan and son were over from Caranchua Thursday.

On account of the rain J. S. Phillips could not move this week.

Plenty of rain. The creek rose nearly as high as during the flood.

S. S. Phillips and Trace White have been building a house this week.

The rain has considerably damaged the potato crop in this community.

Horace Yeamans branded 54 calves at the Bow and Arrow ranch pens last Saturday.

Misses Minnie and Lizzie Phillips spent Sunday evening at Mrs. H. M. Yeamans.

Ye correspondent played truant last week. We hope to do better in the future.

It is rumored that a wedding is to take place in our community in the near future.

Mrs. Rebecca Williams, who has been spending Thanksgiving with Mr. B. A. Yeamans, returned home Tuesday.

Rev. Wm. Hodges preached at the school house last Sunday and will continue to preach every first Sunday in the month from now on.

Horace Yeamans is collecting cattle for Wylie Kuykendall this week. Mr. Kuykendall is shipping to Cuba, and we understand is going with the cattle himself.

Some hunters from Gonzales camped near the bridge and caught four full grown coons out of one tree out of which a fifth one escaped. It was not a good tree for coons either.

A wild cat has been committing depredations on the hen roosts in our community. Mrs. H. M. Yeamans is offering a reward of $1 for his scalp. She offers a reward of $5 for wolf scalps captured in the Bow and Arrow pasture.  J. D. MONROE

Weekly Visitor, December 15, 1899


(Too late for last week.)

Hurrah for the Boers.

S. J. Hill has sold his oxen to B. F. Hodges.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jordan a fine boy.

Peter Le Compte went to Trespalacios Saturday.

We hope that everybody has had plenty of rain.

Jeff Phelps has recently purchased a fine span of mules.

Some farmers are making preparations for another crop.

Uncle John Pybus has purchased a fine span of mules lately.

Here's to our new fellow correspondents, Lygia and Rosebud.

Daisy Downer has been quite sick during the past week with pneumonia.

B. A. Yeamans went to Matagorda the first of last week and returned home Thursday.

If Lygia only knew it, the girls of Ashby are not half as lonely as the boys are who left there.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans visited her niece, Miss Louise Logan, who has been quite sick, Saturday.

On account of high water we were cut off from our mail. We certainly missed the Visitor.

Eddie Yeamans has been tusseling with a case of la grippe for the past week, but we are happy to note now that he is much better.

J. S. Phillips has finished building a nice tenant house on his farm. He came over the middle of the week to move his hogs to his new home.

Our Hawley visitors Saturday were, Mrs. H. M. Yeamans, B. A. Yeamans, Dennis Hodges, Luke Coburn, E. C. Hughes and H. L. Jennings.

J. L. Pybus was in our neighborhood Sunday.

S. J. Hill went to Caranchua Monday last.

H. M. Yeamans went to Matagorda Thursday.

Looks like Lygia would know some things without asking.

Mrs. Trace White purchased a cow from H. M. Yeamans.

H. L. Jennings and E. S. Dickert went to Ashby Sunday.

J. J. Phelps went to Hawley with a bale of cotton Saturday.

Little Blanche Downer has been sick part of last week.
We folks over here charge you with forgetting us last week entirely.

S. J. Hill has bought a span of extraordinary fine mules from D. Dunbar.

Eddie Yeamans, who has been quite sick, we are glad to note has recovered.

The roads have been so muddy that it has been impossible for some to attend school.

H. M. Yeamans and J. P. Pierce made a trip to the peninsula this week on steamer Vaquero.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans is attending the bed-side of her niece, Miss Louise Logan, who is very sick.

J. J. Phelps and Tracy White went to the bay "one day this week" and brought back a fine load of fish.

Messrs. B. E. Hodges, S. J. Hill and Tracy White went to the bay Wednesday. They report poor luck.

Miss Mattie Anderson, the most popular young lady of Cash's Creek, attended church at Ashby Sunday night.

B. A. Yeamans and sons, Sam and Asa, and daughter Eunice, went to Ashby to attend church.

Mr. Blair, of Caranchua, passed through our community en route to the bay and came back with a load of fine oysters.

Weekly Visitor, January 26, 1900




Valentine day once more.

Ernest Dickert went to Hawley to church Sunday.

H. M. Yeamans went to Trespalacios Wednesday.

News is a scare article on Cash's Creek this week.

H. M. Yeamans attended church at Hawley Sunday.

Mrs. B. F. Hodges has been quite sick the past week.

Ed McKown and sister, Miss Rosa, were at B. A. Yeamans.

Some of our boys spent Saturday night hunting coons but had poor luck.

Gus Simpson and family spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. B. A. Yeamans.

B. F. Hodges has been hauling wood from Mrs. Duffy's pasture the past week.

T. W. Blair of Carancahua, was in our neighborhood Wednesday in search of seed corn.

The young men of the west side are organizing a Young Men's Literary Club to hold meetings at Hawley.

Our Hawley visitors Saturday were J. A. and J. J. Phelps, Luke Coburn, B. A. Eddie, Sam Yeamans, H. L. Jennings and Wm. Downer.

Weekly Visitor, February 11, 1900


Cash’s Creek

Sam Yeamans went to Bay City last week.

Mrs. B. A. Yeamans is on the sick list this week.

B. F. Hodges was in the Ashby neighborhood Thursday.

Mrs. B. F. Hodges who was quite sick last week has recovered.

Wm. Harris and son Emmet came over from Carancahua last Wednesday.

Our public school closes in three weeks, but school will continue by subscription.

We regret very much to note that Mrs. McKown has been very sick and at last report has not improved.

Farmers in this community have their land all prepared for next year’s crop and began planting this week.

It requires a great effort for ye correspondent to thaw himself and his pencil out enough to write this week.

J. W. Blair and family of Carancahua, and S. J. White and family of Cash’s Creek went to the bay last week and reported a splendid time.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans and Ernest Dickert went to Louise Thursday. From there Mrs. Yeamans visited her mother at Edna, while Ernest worked on some improvements to Mrs. Yeamans ranch up there.

J. D. Monroe

Weekly Visitor, February 23, 1900



Wm. Downer and son went to Hawley Saturday.

J. L. Phelps went to Caranchua for wood Thursday.

J. E. Pierce and Carl Wolf were in our neighborhood Saturday.

Ernest Dickert spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks at Ashby.

Mrs. McKown , who has been very sick, we are glad to note, has recovered.

Orle Le Compte brought Capt. Keller's boat, Empress, up the creek this week.

Two weddings are billed to occur at Cash's Creek real soon, and ye correspondent is fixing his mouth for cake.

J. J. Van Cleave has moved his ditching camp in the lower Pierce pasture and will work there now for some time.

Uncle John Pybus has predicted that we are to have a long drouth now, and he warns the farmers to prepare for it.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans, after arriving at Edna, found her mother very low and on that account will not come back for some time.

Cash's Creek has the finest set of farmers in the world. They have all taken advantage of the pretty weather and have their corn planted and cotton ground all ready for planting.

Our jolly tax assessor was around last week. One young man thought that by being absent at the time he missed his poll tax, when to his utter astonishment he found his papa had provided for that.  J. D. MONROE

Weekly Visitor, March 2, 1900




Miss Mattie Anderson has been on the sick list the past week.

Bro. Hodges filled his regular appointment here last Sunday.

J. S. Phillips and two daughters from Ashby attended church here Sunday.

The little daughter of S. J. Hill, who has been quite sick, has now recovered.

Nelson Hilberg moved Mr. Van Cleave's tools across the bay in his boat, Battlewhack, last week.

J. H. Van Cleave has gone back on the east side of Trespalacios again and will build a dam for Mr. Pierce.

Quite a number of Cash's Creek folks enjoyed themselves singing at Mr. S. T. White's Sunday afternoon.

A fishing party composed of B. F. Hodges and son, S. T. White and S. J. Hill had a splendid time on the bay last Saturday but didn’t have much luck.

Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday, Feb. 28th, August Duffy to Miss Rosa Fondren; Rev. Powell officiating. Ye pencil pusher wishes them a long and happy life.

We are very sorry to have to chronicle a very sad accident. While trying to recover a skiff last Tuesday evening, little Jimmy Le Compte was drowned. The body was not recovered until Wednesday morning. It was interred in the family cemetery at Mr. Le Compte's. The sympathies of the entire community are with the bereaved parents.  J. D. MONROE

Weekly Visitor, March 9, 1900


Cash’s Creek

School closed Saturday.

Asa Yeamans went to El Campo Sunday.

August Duffy and lady visited at Hawley last week.

Ernest Dickeret went to Ashby ___day.

Little Blanche Downer has been on the sick list during the past week.

__ S. Phillips of Ashby, was over doing some work on his place the last week.

Mrs. McKown has been very low the past week, but at last report is improving.

Orle and John LeCompte have been planting cotton and have almost all their crop planted.

Scott Yeamans was down from Hawley Sunday bidding the homefolks good-bye. We all will miss Scott very much and regret to see him leave.

Mrs. H. M. Yeamans has returned from Edna, after an absence of three weeks she reports her mother no better. While there her little boys, Charlie and Victor, were sick for some time with measles.

The people of Cash’s Creek met Sunday and organized Sunday school, and the following officers: S. J. ___, Supt., Miss Mattie Anderson, secretary, and B. A. Yeamans teacher of Bible class, other classes and teachers will be arranged later.

J. D. Monroe

Weekly Visitor, March 16, 1900

Cashes Creek Cullings
[Too late for last week.]

Corn is looking well. Messrs. ___ and Hill have plowed their corn for the first time.

J. L. Pybus was over on Cash’s Creek Sunday night—something not uncommon for J. L. to be guilty of.

Mrs. Eliza Yeamans is preparing to move her cattle from the Bow and Arrow pasture to the Carancahua ranch.

I want to tell the people what makes our farmers look so cheerful. It is the fine rains we have had the past few days.

We are sorry to learn of the illness of two of B. F. Hodges’ little children. We hope to see the little fellows up soon attending to their childish duties.

Cotton planting is the order of the day which is more than half planted. There will be planted by four of Cash’s Creek farmers a total of 210 acres.

Mr. White bought a fine mutton, this week, from Mr. Yeamans. We hope that he will have something to eat for a day or two as he is always saying that he is starving to death.

We would like to know what it was that so closely pursued our friend S. J. Hill, of Cash’s Creek, one day last week that it required the utmost speed of his pony to save him from an ignominious death.

Mrs. McKown has been quite sick for some time but at this time, owing to the skillful and careful treatment of Dr. Clay Moore, we are glad to say that she is improving fast and will be up in a short time.

K. K. K.

Weekly Visitor, April 6, 1900


(Too late for last week.)

Mr. Moore, owner of the Bow and Arrow pasture, is stocking it again.

The corn on our creek looks yellow--but our farmers claim to have planted the yellow variety.

We are sorry to learn of the quite severe illness of B. F. Hodges' baby girl and hope for her early recovery.

Mr. White says that he will not be deprived of his night's rest for awhile--Lacy has the measles. "The fawn has spots but once."

William Harris was on Cash's Creek Sunday night. We do not think William was coon hunting either--at least he brought no dogs with him.

Mr. White has set out a good lot of sweet potatoes. On being asked why so early, he says that it will not be long before the candidates will be around and he will have to feed them on potatoes and buttermilk, which he says is fine campaign material.

Fishey but true. S. T. White and several friends went fishing last Wednesday and caught ten fish the least weighed 35 pounds and the largest 100. The ten weighed 450 pounds. Besides these were caught 300 small fish, such as trout, red fish and etc. The writer saw some of the largest and helped eat of them.  K. K. K.

Weekly Visitor, April 27, 1900




(Too late for last week.)

We are sorry to chronicle the illness of two of Mrs. S. J. Hill's children but hope for the speedy recovery of the little fellows.

Mrs. B. A. Yeamans and daughter Eunice have just returned from Edna where they have been visiting friends for several days.

B. F. Hodges has just returned from a trip to the Navidad country and reports the crop prospects very poor but returned, as we are glad to say for once, a satisfied appetite for dewberries.

Owing to high water and the irregularity of the mails the outside world has no doubt come to the conclusion that our little neighborhood has suffered as a second Pompeii, but we have not by molten lava but by black mud.

Wm. Harris of the Caranchua, was on Cash's creek Sunday evening again and did not bring his dogs this time so he cannot claim coon hunting any more. I think we are onto Will's little game for he knows that L_____ has the measles.

Our friend S. J. Hill spent a few hours with your correspondent last Sunday who noticed that Sid had a peculiar twitching of the eyes and lips. We said nothing but know from the symptoms that Sid has been eating too many eels lately.

Any one wishing information relative to the dewberry crop on the Colorado will do well and save trouble by conferring with either B. F. Hodges or S. T. White as they are posted and their wives have some knowledge of the same that may prove to be of benefit to their friends.

Monday morning 1:30 a.m. rather an early hour for your correspondent to be up but it uped him, that is the hail that fell. The quantity all was that saved both stock and crops from utter destruction, had it have fell thick enough nothing could have survived it. Your correspondent measured one which measured 3 in. in length, 2 1/2 inches in diameter, being equal to 1 1/2 inches in circumference. As you may know that while such donicks of ice was falling he had no time to carefully determine as to which was the largest until under shelter. There could have been gathered about one bushel to the 1000 feet, none smaller than a small hen egg.  K. K. K.

Weekly Visitor, May 11, 1900



Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jun. 8, 2007
Feb. 28, 2014