1915 - 1919

Parties, showers, socials, etc.


Invitation and heart courtesy of Deean Griffith and Louis Kopnicky


The Sons Entertain the Veterans―Feasting The Old Year Out and The New In

As has been the custom here for several years, on the last night of the year the Sons of the Confederacy gave a banquet to the Veterans of the civil war, mainly to the Ex-Confederates, but inviting also those who wore the blue.

The banquet was spread in Stennett’s dining room, and two long tables seated about one hundred persons, the Sons, of course being largely in the majority; in fact there were about fifteen Veterans of the war, and nearly eighty of the Sons.

Judge G. B. Robertson acted as toastmaster and well he did it. The Judge began with a beautiful story of the earth’s formation centuries ago, and the discovery by scientists of coal in the bowels of the earth and under that coal tar, and in that aged substance they found the trees and plants of many centuries before, and even the perfumes and colors of the flowers, and yea, the brilliant plumage and songs of the birds―the moral of which was that nothing was wasted. This he applied to the war which was sometimes erroneously referred as the “Lost Cause,” and said that the contest had not been in vain, that lessons came from it which were valuable, and he sought to bring out additional thoughts along that line, during the enjoyment of the sumptuous repast spread before them. He proposed the toast, “The Spirit of the Confederacy Lives Today,” and called on Dr. Batt Smith to respond. The veteran surgeon of Forrest’s cavalry rose and began to speak, but, suffering with his throat asked to be excused, and said he would try to talk later. Judge Robertson then called on Capt. J. F. Lewis to respond to the toast, “The Spirit which Prompted the Action of the Men of the Confederacy Inspires the Sons of Today,” which the Captain did entertainingly. The toasts were many and interesting, enjoyed by both the veterans and Sons, including reminiscences, sentiment and humor from quite a number of speakers, breathing respect, love and veneration for the Confederate soldier, of whom we recall the following: Capt. Jones, Commandant of the Veterans, Capt. Carrington, Commandant of the Sons, Mr. Coston, Dr. C. H. Williams, Will Davant, T. M. Castleton, Charlie Jones, W. H. Vaughn, W. F. McLean, Louis Huebner, Geo. T. Southwell, C. E. Gilbert, R. W. Jeter, J. D. Moore and J. M. Miller of the G.A.R.

Judge Robertson in closing the exercises made another pretty speech in which he said that the old soldier now stands at parade rest waiting for the long roll which calls him to fall in line for a march to that bourn from which no traveler returns, and with many of them taps are beginning to sound and one by one the lights are going out; but bye and bye the reveille will sound calling them once more to stand together in the brighter realm above.

The following veterans were in attendance: Dr. C. H. Williams of Gainesmore, Chris Zipprian, of Matagorda; W. F. McLean, of Markham; Judge A. Currie, of Caney, and Dr. H. L. Rugeley, J. F. Lewis, Capt. J. A. Jones, Frank Rugeley, T. C. Dodd, J. P. Mason, Dr. Batt Smith, D. A. Coston and Capt. Pressley, of Bay City.

Matagorda County News & Midcoast Farmer, Tuesday, January 4, 1915


When Rev. J. F. Carter and his wife returned home Monday night at 12 o’clock, they were surprised to discover some one in their home. A thought of burglars caused Bro. Carter to move cautiously when he saw a figure gliding about in a dim light, but he was not to be frightened away from his own home, so on he went. Suddenly the light was turned on and friends came out of their hiding places and gave a most hearty welcome home. Then about the time the odor of good cooking begun to excite his olfactory nerves they were invited in to supper, and such a supper and such a welcome never greeted any other Methodist preacher, for it was the Bay City way. Bro. Carter and his good wife express the greatest pleasure at this generous treatment, but it only shows in some measure the esteem in which they are held by the membership.

Matagorda County News & Midcoast Farmer, January 8, 1915


Miss Helen Kilbride entertained with a delightful dance Friday evening from half after eight until half after one. Mr. Harry Wheeler of El Campo furnished the music for this delightful occasion.

Punch was served throughout the evening and a delicious salad course was served during the intermission. Thos enjoying this delightful affair were Misses Carrie Boney, Mildred Walker, Mary Terese and Katherine Moore, Mabel Sweeney, Eunice Baker, Nell and Louise Mayfield, Freda Klein, Julia Austin, Mary Perry of Perry’s Landing; Messrs. Earl Broughton, Dorian Andrews of Wharton, Claud Hamill, John Hill, Thornton Carr, William Holland, Ed and Austin Castleton, Percy Hamill, Dick Gaines, Clarence Woolsey, Clayton Abernathy.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, April 23, 1915


The editor of The Tribune was host to the E. S. Rugeley Camp of Confederate Veterans Saturday night with a banquet at Stinnett’s Café.

The veterans gathered at about eight o’clock and passed a couple of hours in enjoyable conversation and at the banquet boards, mingling conversation with stories about the war and otherwise and a few short talks over different periods of the life which has been passed by these noble old men.

Those present were Capt. Frank Rugeley, Judge A. Currie, D. O. Coston, Capt. J. A. Jones, C. P. Zipprian, Dr. Bat Smith, Capt. John Floyd Lewis, Dr. H. L. Rugeley, J. F. Pressley, comrade Mason, of the camp, and J. D. Moore, T. H. Castleton, W. H. Plagermann, Emmett Smith and the host.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, April 23, 1915


Mrs. A. H. Wadsworth entertained most delightfully with an informal dance Saturday evening from half after eight until half after eleven. Punch, sandwiches and mints were served throughout the evening. Thos participating in this delightful affair were Misses Thelma Moore, Mabel Sweeney, Carrie Boney, Nell Mayfield, Mildred Walker, Mary Tere Moore, Louise Mayfield, Julia Austin and Helen Kilbride; Messrs. Thornton Carr, Lane Holman, John Hill, Claude Hamill, Dorian Andrews of Wharton, Percy Hamill, Earl Broughton, Ellis Hamill, Clayton Abernathy, Dick Gaines, Austin Castleton; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Max Schill and Mrs. Peareson of Richmond.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, April 23, 1915


A very delightful dance was given at Hamilton Hall Tuesday evening. The music was furnished by the Bay City Orchestra, and punch was served throughout the evening. Those present were Misses Lillas Matthews of Wharton, Joe Sergeant of Matagorda, Lucile Ruckman of San Antonio, Charlotte Blesse of Eagle Pass, Erie May of Wharton, Rose Sterne of Matagorda, Cox, Janie and Elmore Hawkins, Helen Kilbride, Lois Moore, Eleanor Jones, Catherine Holland, Mary Rugeley, Thelma Moore, Carrie Boney, Nell, Cornelia and Louise Mayfield; Opal Boney, Ola Jackson, Annie Lee and Lottie May Cox, Orville Smith, Mildred Walker, Margaret Huebner, Arzilla Clark, Eloise Gillette; Messrs. Jim Lewis, Roland Rugeley, Carroll Gaines, Upchurch, Craig Cates, Dorian Andrews, Spence Clements, Braham Frazier of Eagle Lake, Leslie Duffy of Matagorda, Bond, Highnote, Sherman Baker, Raleigh Sanborn, Dick Gaines, William Holland, John Huebner, Reimann, Gaedcke, C. Lindley of Houston, Austin Castleton, Donald Moore, Wesley McKelvy, Clifton Cates, Duncan of Egypt, Victor LeTulle, Tew, Carroll Cookenboo.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, August 27, 1915


Palacios Beacon.

On last Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, Mrs. Jno. T. Price entertained at the Cates’ summer home, having as her guests her brother, Mr. Craig C. Cates of Tiptonville, Tenn., and his financee, Miss Helen Kilbride of Bay City, Texas.

As the guests arrived to congratulate this popular young couple and to wish them every happiness, they were greeted by the hostess, Mrs. Price, and Misses Kilbride and Williams. Not until they had registered with a definition of love, and had written a recipe for happiness and an acrostic telegram, using the word honeymoon, did they know that a pleasant surprise was in store. Not always are we aware of the fact that while we are in the presence of the known we are also in the presence of the unknown. Knowing that Mr. Cates and Miss Kilbride are to be married on August 26th, here was indeed surprise written on every face when Mrs. Price let-the-cat-out-of-the-bag. As the ribbon was untied the cat sprang out; about its neck was fastened a heart on which was engraved this message: “This is to announce the approaching marriage of Miss Lula Williams to Mr. Claud Allen Newton on September twenty-second.”

Miss Williams is one of Palacios’ most charming and accomplished young daughters. She has a host of admirers, both in and out of the city which speaks for her popularity.

Mr. Newton, while at present a resident of San Antonio, was formerly a resident of Palacios and enjoys a wide circle of friends who congratulate him on gaining this fair prize.

After the surprise had abated, a delicious two-course luncheon of salad and ice was served. Interspersed were toasts to “The Bride,” by Mrs. Jas. H. Pridgen, Jr., to “The Groom,” by Mrs. Chas. H. Trego and to “Those Left Behind,” by Mrs. Mary H. Elder.

The color scheme of green and white was observed throughout, from the beautiful palms and ferns to the table decorations and the little green and white arrow piercing two heart-cakes served with the green ice.

The hostess, Mrs. Jno. T. Price, who planned and so successfully carried out the surprise-announcement, was charmingly gowned in white.

Miss Kilbride, the soonest-to-be-wed, wore a trousseau gown of gray taffeta and looked the trophy Mr. Cates declares to have won.

Miss Williams, who made possible the surprise, was daintily gowned in a creation of white with touches of green.

The out-of-town guests were Miss Helen Kilbride of Bay City, Texas, Mrs. A. B. Pierce and Mrs. A. O. Yeager of Blessing, Miss Jo Sargent of Matagorda, Texas, and Mr. Craig C. Cates of Tiptonville, Tenn.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, August 27, 1915


From Friday’s Daily.

Master Weldon Smith entertained a number of his young friends last night with a lawn party. Refreshments consisting of cream and cake were served, and all present enjoyed themselves as only care-free young folks can.

Present were the following: Misses Ethel Darby, Margaret Thompson, Paulin Thompson, Marian Gaines, Louise Holman, Gladys Smith, Mildred Smith, Dorris Phillips, Larry Phillips and Willie McCamley.

Masters Ira Broughton, Emmett McMahan, Fred Meece, Lester Mersfelder, James Castleton, Lawrence Selfridge, Frank Carr, Frank Gartrell, Arthur Moore, Thurman Darby, Harry Clark, Weldon Smith and Carey Smith, Jr.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 3, 1915


From Friday’s Daily

Mrs. M. J. Murphy entertained for the first time in her new home on Sixth Street, the members of the Bridge Club and a number of additional guests, yesterday afternoon.

The interior of the cozy home was decorated with ferns and dainty covers of cretonne were used on the tables–while the tallies used in scoring pictured quaint Dutch figures.

The afternoon’s pleasures were concluded with a tempting salad course with iced tea.

Mrs. Murphy’s guests included Mesdames Hy. Rugeley, J. P. Keller, A. H. Wadsworth, S. J. Thompson, S. S. Taylor, F. Bates, Jas. Mayfield, A. B. Von Dohlen, W. D. Wilson, E. L. Hawkins, Jno. Crawford; Misses Thelma Couch of Oklahoma, Cornelia Mayfield, Janie and Elmore Matthews of Wharton.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, September 3, 1915


Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mayfield entertained with a farewell dance Saturday evening for their daughters, Misses Nell and Louise, who will enter St. Mark’s Hall in San Antonio for the winter.

Delicious refreshments consisting of iced fruit punch, sandwiches and mints were served during the intermission.

Those participating in this delightful affair were Misses Catherine Holland, Marguerite Holman, Eunice Baker, Thelma Moore, Carrie Boney, Julia Austin, Lillas Matthews of Wharton, Loula Belle Salley of Matagorda, Opal Boney, Cornelia Mayfield, Ellinor Jones, Nell and Louise Mayfield; Messrs. Earl Broughton, Rugeley Serrill, Dick Gaines, Ellis Hamill, William Holland, Merlin Vogelsang, Clarence Woolsey, Ed. Castleton, Percy Hamill, Claud Hamill, Austin Castleton; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mayfield, Mrs. Albert Wadsworth, Mrs. S. R. Sholars, Mr. Weston Mayfield.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, September 17, 1915


 A very delightful surprise party was tendered Miss Carrie Boney by her sister, Mrs. J. Alvin Williams, Wednesday evening in the form of a porch party.

Bunco was the diversion of the evening and after this interesting game five tables were formed. Prizes for success in the game were awarded to Miss Beulah Andrus of Richmond and the consolation prizes fell to Miss Nell Mayfield and Thornton Carr.

Delicious refreshments were served at the conclusion of the game.

The participants included Misses Marguerite Huebner, Mary Rugeley, Thelma Moore, Catherine Holland, Beulah Andrus of Richmond, Nell Mayfield, Mildred Walker, Laurille Moore, Lotte Poole and Carrie Boney; Messrs. Clarence Woolsey, Thornton Carr, John Hill, Charlie Tew, Claud Hamill, John Huebner, Austin Castleton, Percy Hamill and Merlin Vogelsang.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, September 17, 1915


Yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Martin Thompson the Methodist Missionary Society and choir gave a Japanese reception in honor of Mrs. Matchett.

The house was beautifully decorated in Japanese fashion. The reception room and throne room was resplendent in Japanese lanterns, poinsettas and chrysanthemums, while the dining room was equally beautiful in Japanese cushions.

The guests were delightfully entertained with a long musical program which lasted until Mrs. Matchett arrived. Immediately after she came in a trip around the world was proposed. The passports were in sealed envelopes, the destination being indicated by characters on the passports: for instance, if one had a few leaves of tea her destination was Ceylon, or a grain of coffee, Brazil. The honoree’s passport contained the “red Geisha,” which, of course, called for Japan. As soon as she arrived at her destination she was crowned empress of Japan and seated on a beautiful Japanese throne which was beautifully decorated in chrysanthemums and the green foliage, the background being in tan. As soon as she was seated a Japanese umbrella, which formed the canopy of the throne, overflowed into her lap and she was deluged with beautiful gifts.

After the shower Mrs. Carter made a beautiful talk on “Faithfulness” and ended with especial reference to Mrs. Matchett’s faithfulness to her church.

Immediately afterwards the guests were taken in charge by two Japanese ladies, Misses Bettie McLendon and Ruth Keller, and escorted to the dining room where they were seated Jap fashion. Lunch was served in Japanese napkins and tea in Jap fashion and as one of the guests expressed it: “The louder we sipped the more we enjoyed our lunch.”

Following the Japanese luncheon another musical program was enjoyed and then punch and cake were served in the throne room.

Those enjoying this merry affair were Mesdames Matchett, Carter, LeTulle, Lee, Tew, Bert and Frank Carr, Vogelsang, Persons, Norvell, Ack and Crawford Barnett, J. D. Moore, Mersfelder, Plagermann, Urban, Collins, Smith, Dantzler, Thompson, Davis, G. A. Moore, Keller and Lewis; Misses Ruth Keller, Wynne and Bettie McLendon.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, October 8, 1915


A very pleasant evening was spent at the Moose Hall last evening. The following young ladies and gentlemen enjoyed an informal dance, given by the young men: Misses Rena West, Eunice Baker, Cornalia Mayfield, Carrie and Opal Boney, Lottie Mae Cox, Julia Austin, Myrtle Darby, Mabel Sweeney, Thelma Moore, Mildred Walker; Mesdames Sholars, Mayfield and Wadsworth; Messrs. Ellis Hamill, Walter Winston, Claude Hamill, John Hill, Merlin Vogelsang, Donald Moore, Clarence Woolsey, Thornton Carr, Charlie and Ory Tew and Winnie Eidman.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, October 8, 1915


The following ladies and gentlemen enjoyed a jolly riding party last evening. They left town about 8 o’clock and rode to the river where they enjoyed a delicious supper.

Those participating in this jolly affair were Mesdames R. R. Lewis and Lettie Himel; Misses Dell Moore, Mildred Floyd and Annie Lee Cox; Messrs. Caroll Cookenboo and Harold Carter.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, October 8, 1915


Prof. and Mrs. R. E. Scott entertained in honor of the graduating class, the High School faculty and the band boys the past week. The guests assembled on the lawn where electric lights were hung and tables placed. The band boys favored the guests with many beautiful selections during the entire evening. At a late hour tables were spread for a delicious repart of roast pig, pickles, olives, salad, bread, iced tomatoes, iced tea, cream and cake.

Those honored by this hospitality were: Misses Mary McLendon, Helen Norvell, Abbie Lee McMahan, Louise Linn, Kathryn Linn, Virginia O’Neal, Olga Grote; Messrs. Bon H. Smith, R. F. Anderson, A. A. Aldrich, T. L. Smith, Percy Hamill, James Preddy, Charlie Watkins, Marvin Watkins, Jason Humber, Albert Lewis, Lawrence Selfridge, Austin Castleton, E. W. Martin, T. C. Cash, Charlie Davidson and Earl Broughton.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, May 26, 1916


An enjoyable lawn party was given at the home of Capt. and Mrs. John Floyd Lewis last night, with Mrs. Lettie Himel as hostess.

The personnel of the party was Misses Norma Autrey of Houston, Ray Peden of Houston, Catherine Steele of Houston, Adele and Lois Moore, Nannie May Brooks of Wharton; Mrs. C. B. Fisher of Markham, Mrs. Fred Carleton of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Eidman and Messsrs. Carroll and Pierce Gaines, Rowland Rugeley, George Gautreaux, Weston Mayfield, E. B. Wells and J. C. Lewis.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 30, 1916


The gaieties of the week were ushered in on Monday evening by a dinner in honor of Miss Furman Hare of Temple, the guest of Miss Eleanor Jones, with Mrs. James Mayfield and her daughter, Miss Cornelia, as hostesses. Sixteen merry young folks made the complement surrounding the attractive board, where the Shasta daisy, emblematic of freshness and wholesome joy, held sway. Partners in the dining room were determined by place cards in the form of dainty slippers for the boys, who like the prince in the fairy tale, matched his lady, in this instance the buckle giving the clue as well as a broken quotation of apt meaning. The circle of guests was composed of Misses Furman Hare, Eleanor Jones, Cornelia and Nellie Mayfield, Jo Sargent, Rose Sterne and Marguerite Hamilton, of Matagorda; May Perry of Freeport; Messrs. Ummie Eidman, Claude Hamill, Earl Broughton and Austin Castleton; Tass Thornhill, Jacob Smith, Warner Stewart and Pierce Hamilton of Matagorda. The party was joined by additional couples for the dance which continued through the fleeting moonlight hours, when Tanglewild is fairyland indeed. These were Misses Marguerite Huebner, Carrie Boney, Opal Boney, Louise Mayfield, Mary Rugeley,  her guest, Miss Mary Hart of Austin, and Miss Laura Brooks of Wharton; Messrs. Percy and Ellis Hamill, John Hill, John Huebner and Dorian Andrews of Wharton.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, June 30, 1916


Little Miss Elizabeth Austin Linn entertained a large number of her friends on Friday afternoon, the occasion being her birthday. During the earlier part of the afternoon indoor games and music were enjoyed and later the little guests repaired to the spacious lawns where all sorts of outdoor games were played.

At 6 o’clock the guests filed in a long line and had a “grand march,” led by little Norma Elizabeth Scott, into the dining room they went, keeping time to a fitting march. A lovely sight met their eyes. In the center of the table stood a crystal punch bowl surrounded by a flower embankment, and at each place lay a choice blossom―the flower of the occasion. At the head of the table, the honoree’s place, stood a beautiful white cake ablaze with candles. Each of the guests had a turn at blowing out the candles―emblems of departed years. Delicious refreshments of fruit punch, home-made cake and candies were served. At a late hour the little ones departed, having declared that they had “the time of their lives.”

The personnel of the party was: Misses Martha Langham, Clara Barber, Willie Barber, Marian Gaines, Helen Woods, Louise Leckie, Margaret Leckie, Myrtle Scott, Lula Jones, Maud Moreland, Kathleen Taulbee, Marian Taulbee, Clara Mae Cash, Mildred Swick, Norma Elizabeth Scott; Messrs. Wilbur Woods, Bryan Simons, Wathon Simons. Earl Hester Scott.

The Matagorda County Tribune, June 30, 1916


Mrs. John W. Gaines entertained last evening with hearts, complimentary to her guest, Miss Rachel Peden of Houston.

The beautiful home, noted for its gracious hospitality, was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns, and Misses Willie McCamley and Marian Gaines passed dainty tally cards for the ever enteresting game of hearts.

Tables were arranged on the wide porches and in the library. At the conclusion of the games, prizes were awarded to the honoree, Miss Peden, Miss Nannie Mae Brooks of Wharton and Dr. A. S. Morton, who held highest scores.

Delicious refreshments of cream and angel food cake were served and at a late hour the guest reluctantly departed.

Enjoying the hospitality of the Gaines’ home on this delightful occasion were:

Misses Meta Hawkins, Janie Hawkins, Shirley Carter, Kathryn Poole, Adele Moore, Lois Moore, Mable Kenedy, Pauline Huebner, Pearl Morton, Nannie Mae Brooks, Kathryn Steele, Norman Autrey, Rachel Peden, Mrs. Himel.

Messrs. and Mesdames H. B. Eidman, Clifton Carter.

Messrs. C. Eidman, Harold Carter, Jim Lewis, E. B. Wells, Donald Poole, Ray Bigelow, W. Mayfield, Carroll Gaines, W. B. Bates, G. Gautreaux, _______ Matthews, Pierce Gaines, F. Lewis, Dr. S. A. Morton.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, July 7, 1916


One of the most delightful dances of the season was given last evening by the young men at Hamilton Hall.

Mr. Frazier of El Campo furnished the music and after a late hour of dancing, refreshments were served at Stinnett’s.

Those enjoying this delightful affair were: Misses Winnie Arnett of San Antonio, Jo Sargent of Matagorda, Mary Therese Moore and Katherine Moore of Houston, Elinor Jones, Cornelia Mayfield, Lois Moore, Rachel Peden of Houston, Carrie Boney, Louise Mayfield, Eunice Baker, Myrtle Darby, Nell Mayfield, Mildred Walker, Arizilla Clark, Opal Boney, Mary Rugeley; Messrs. Warner Stewart, Pierce Hamilton and Jacob Smith of Matagorda, Walter Davidson, Henry Gaedcke, Dorian Andrews, U. S. Eidman, Merlin Vogelsang, Austin Castleton, Ellis Hamill, John Hill, Earl Broughton, Claude Hamill, Frank Shaw Taylor, Percy Hamill, Bates, Pierce Gaines, Dick Gaines; Mrs. J. W. Mayfield, Mrs. Darst, Mrs. Boney.

The Matagorda County Tribune, July 7, 1916


Miss Eunice Baker was the delightful hostess to a beautifully appointed dinner dance, on the roof garden of the Baker hotel Saturday evening, complimentary to her many friends in and out of the city.

Beautiful Shasta daisies adorned each table and the place-cards and tallies carried out the color scheme of gold and white.

Dancing and hearts were indulged in between courses and Miss Julia Austin was the recipient of a box of chocolates for her skill in playing hearts. The hostess was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Raymond Cookenboo, and Miss Pearl Morton.

Those participating in this delightful affair were: Misses Opal Boney, Thelma Moore, Lottie May Cox, Julia Austin, Katherine Moore, Louise Mayfield; Messrs. Walter Davidson, Dick Gaines, Marvin Scott, Percy Hamill, Austin Castleton.

Those joining them for the dance were: Misses Carrie Boney, Mary Terese Moore, Annie Lee Cox, Babeen Hamilton; Messrs. Earl Broughton, Sherman Baker, Clarence Woolsey.

The Matagorda County Tribune, July 7, 1916


Mrs. Raymond Cookenboo delightfully entertained the little folks with a watermelon party Friday afternoon in honor of her little guests, Misses Sophie May and Blanche Gray Lewis of Houston. Those present were as follows: Melba Collins, Martha Moore, Lucile Gaines, Katherine Brooks, Virginia Smith, Savannah Hawkins, Frances Taylor, Elaine Brunner, Esther Lea Ditch, Esther Dienst, Helen Wood, Inez Moore, Ludwina Millican, Elouise Branch, Hattie Louise Branch, Walcott Rugeley, Glennon Moore, Victor Collins, Nicholas Vogelsang.

The Matagorda County Tribune, July 14, 1916


Miss Thelma Moore entertained with a dance Saturday evening at her home complimenting Miss Mae Perry of Freeport.

The rooms were gay with Christmas adornment of holly, moss and mistletoe. Sixteen numbers and many extras being dance and as many horns, whistles, caps being distributed among the dancers by Misses Eugenia Crawford and Martha Moore.

During intermission a salad course was served.

The participants included the honoree, Miss Perry and Misses Laughlin Foote, Carie Boney, Opal Boney, Cornelia Mayfield, Neal Mayfield, Louise Mayfield, Mary Rugeley, Mabel Hamill, Shirley Carter, Arzilla Clark, Myrtle Darby; Messrs. Claude Hamill, Percy Hamill, Merlin Vogelsang, John Hill, Gilbert Gaedcke, Dick Gaines, Cottrell Brooks, William Holman, Earl Broughton, Ryman of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cates.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, January 1, 1918


Tuesday evening the Brooks home was the scene of merriment and happiness, Mr. Cottrell Brooks inviting his many friends for the pleasure of dancing.

The dancing and living rooms were utilized for this chief diversion which was danced to by inspiring Victrola music.

At a late hour delicious refreshments were served to Misses Julia Austin, Thelma Moore, Mabel Hamill, Dot Brooks, Opal Boney, Arzilla Clark, Stella Ezra, Katherine Brooks; Messrs. Austin Castleton, John Hill, Ed. Castleton, Tom Brooks, Merlin Vogelsang, Earl Broughton, Harry Clark, James Preddy.

The Matagorda County Tribune
, Friday, January 1, 1918


The annual New Year’s Eve dance of the season took place Monday evening at the armory.

The decorations, which were confined to the ball room, were beautiful with adornment of moss and holly intermingled with Christmas colors.

A string orchestra poured forth entrancing music for 20 numbers and many extras. The personnel consisted of Misses Thelma Moore, Opal Boney, Neal Mayfield, Myrtle Darby, Louise Mayfield, Arzilla Clark, Julia Austin, Annie Lee Cox, Lottie Mae Cox, Carrie Boney, Mae Perry of Freeport, Rose Sterne of Matagorda, Cottie Savage of Matagorda, Willie Gottschalk of Matagorda, Marguerite Hamilton of Matagorda, Bell Smith of Matagorda; Messrs. Claude Hamill, Percy Hamill, William Holman, Ed. Castleton, Austin Castleton, Kenneth Carter, Jimmie Castleton, Earl Broughton, James Preddy, Cottrell Brooks, Cecil Inglehart of Matagorda, Milton Morehead, Tom Lee, Gilbert Gaedcke, Guy Eidman, Sambo Rugeley of Matagorda, Rugeley Serrill of Matagorda, Guy Smith of Matagorda, Jake Smith of Matagorda, Pierce Hamilton of Matagorda, Dinsmore Williams of Matagorda, Craig Cates.

And Mr. and Mrs. Tony Carr, Mrs. J. S. Mayfield, Mrs. W. S. Holman, Mrs. John W. Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. J. Settagast of Houston, Mr. Goodwin Sterne of Matagorda, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCully, Mrs. J. Alvin Williams.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, January 1, 1918


Last evening Mr. John Henry Mullen of San Antonio, the house guest of Miss Mabel Hamill, was tendered a dance by Mrs. T. C. Brooks, given at her home.

A program of 16 numbers was tripped to entrancing music and the dancers made merry until past the midnight hour, when a buffet supper was served.

Those participating in the delightful affair were: Misses Annie Lee Cox, Myrtle Darby, Arzilla Clark, Julia Austin, Carrie Boney, Thelma Moore, Mabel Hamill, Stella Esry, Dorothy Brooks, Ethel Hamill; Messrs. John Hill, Max Cabaniss of Sealy, Mit Morehead, Earl Broughton, Merlin Vogelsang, Harry Clark, Kenneth Carter, Jimmy Carr.

The Matagorda County Tribune, February 1, 1918


A very enjoyable ice cream supper was given at Stinnett’s Café Wednesday evening by the Wolf Patrol Troop No. 1. The supper was given as a farewell to Miss Virginia O’Neal and members of the patrol who are leaving for the summer. After the supper a nice auto ride was indulged in by all, after which the merry party adjourned.

Those participating were: Patrol leader, Edward Shoultz; Miss Virginia O’Neal, Ralph Jordan, Rugeley McCamly, Henry Phillips, Pierson Keller, Berkeley Holman, Buton Livengood and Misses Marion Gaines, Annie Lou Gartrell, Margaret Poage, and Leona Green.

The Matagorda County Tribune, May 24, 1918

Bay City Celebrates the End of the Great War

Notable Parade and Addresses Mark This Notable Event in World History

No more noteworthy expression of patriotic life and spirit ever occurred in Bay City than the celebration of the signing of the armistice in Europe by Germany the day before.

The long tension, which has gripped the world in the terrors of this unprecedented war for four years, was universally relieved yesterday morning when the terms of he entente allies and the United States were officially announced to have been accepted in full. The fine patriotic spirit of our citizens manifested in every appeal of the government, whether for soldier, war workers, war funds and charities, need no extended preparations for a victory celebration.

Mr. Martin Thompson, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mayor John Sutherland, chairman of the public welfare department, upon first receipt of telegraphic news, promptly effected a program of organization for a victory parade to include all civic organizations, institutions, industries and participating citizens.

Lt.-Col. W. S. Holman was named as marshal-of-the-day. He selected as his aides Mr. Henry Eidelbach, Mr. Frank Carr and Mr. J. W. Elliott. The public telephone service, under the direction of Mr. J. L. Walters, was placed at the disposal of those in charge of the celebration and notification was sent to every home within a radius of miles.

Prior to the formation of the parade the entire town was bedecked with flags and banners and the whole community gave itself up to marching in groups, cheering, flag waving, and noisy patriotism. All business was suspended at noon and the citizens gave themselves over to public rejoicing which meant not only that the nation had obtained the greatest victory of all times, but that the soldiers of America, who had won unfading laurels in the Old World, would be soon coming come again when their tasks shall have been finished.

The parade which was formed under the direction of Marshal Holman and his aides was an evidence of the organizing ability of this distinguished citizen who has attained high military honors. The procession formed at the First Baptist Church and was preceded by a band of 20 pieces under the leadership of Edwin Zedler.

In the first car were the reviewing party, Mayor Sutherland, Rev. O. T. Hotchkiss, Mrs. C. A. Erickson, G. A. Moore and Dr. C. W. Kelly. Lt.-Col. Holman rode at the head of the procession.

Two cars, beautifully decorated with Red Cross emblems and filled with representative workers of that organization, followed next in line.

An immense truck, gaily bannered, was packed to the full with Boy Scout companies which have had such a distinguished part in the furtherance of all war measures.

Veterans of the war of the sixties, feeble in years, but blazing with the fires of undying patriotism, were assigned the next place in line.

The officers of Matagorda County and the Court of Commissioners followed next. Then in succession came members of the various liberty loan, war finance and united war work committees, whose sustaining efforts have had a large share in the victory of the present hour.

Members of the school board occupied the next car and immediately preceded the teachers and pupils from the city schools. This procession was led by Profs. D. R. Hibbetts and B. F. Phelps, each of whom carried beautiful silk flags, extended three blocks, and was one of the finest demonstrations of its kind ever witnessed in this vicinity. The parade was terminated by a representation of the colored schools which was assigned a place in the lines of honor as a tribute to the splendid work and support to the war contributed by colored citizens.

After the procession had followed its outlined itinerary, it passed in review before the speakers’ stand at the southwest corner of the court house square.

Here the great mass of public citizens assembled themselves where a brief program was presented. Following the playing of patriotic airs by the band and community singing, Mayor John Sutherland called upon Rev. O. T. Hotchkiss of the First Methodist Church, who led in a fervent and grateful invocation.

Lt.-Col. Holman was then introduced and gave an eloquent and forceful address which was continuously interrupted by popular applause. He in turn introduced Dr. C. W. Kelly, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, who had returned to Bay City from San Antonio for the occasion. Dr. Kelly laid stress upon the three outstanding facts of peace. He declared that the greatest crime since the Crucifixion had been avenged; that the greatest war of all history, both in forces involved and results obtained, had been brought to an end; and that the re-discovery of America, both to itself and to the world, as the foremost nation of mankind, had been abundantly established and certified.

A special appreciation of the work of our colored citizens was given by Lt.-Col. Holman, together with an urgent request that all Christmas presents for the soldiers should be immediately prepared for forwarding in accord with public regulations. Mrs. F. H. Jones is chairman of our local committee which has this work in charge.

On the whole as a spontaneous outburst of patriotic feeling and the expression of public sentiment the entire occasion will be perpetuated in the memory of all participants and it is confidently believed that no community, large or small, acquitted itself with greater credit than did our Bay City yesterday afternoon. About two thousand people took part in the parade and public demonstration.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, November 15, 1918

Box Supper at El Maton

Last Friday night a box supper was given by the El Maton school. In spite of black mud and occasional sprinkles of rain, the noise of the Ford was heard in the land, as the friends and patrons made their way to the school house. After a short program the selling of the boxes was the order of the hour. Mr. Foster, one of the patrons, acted as auctioneer. The entire amount realized was $45, all of which is to be used in establishing a school library.

After the contents of the boxes had been safely disposed of, a social hour was enjoyed by all. The teachers, Misses Edith Armstrong and Elda Jacobson, were much gratified with the results of the entertainment, and the interest shown by the patrons.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, December 6, 1918

Christmas Ball.

The young men entertained with the annual Christmas ball of 1918 last Friday evening.

The ballroom was festive in its adornment of Christmas greens and red berries.

Engagements for the dances which were enjoyed to inspiring Jazz music were listed within daintiest of program booklets.

A delicious course of sandwiches, individual cakes and coffee was served.

Those enjoying this charming hospitality were:

Hallie Kelley of Wharton
Julia Austin
Thelma Moore
Louise Mayfield
Opal Boney
Carrie Boney
Laura Brooks of Wharton
Marion Gaines
Mabel Fraley of Wharton
Myrtle Darby
Annie Lee Cox
Mary Rugeley
Arzilla Clark
Eunice Baker
Cele Newel of Richmond
Irene Burkhart of Matagorda
Lottie Mae Cox
Freda Klein
Mazie Ramsey
Laflin Foote
Violet Hobbs of Wharton
Nine Neal of Wharton
Rosa Brooks of Wharton
Mabel Hamill
Elma Hamilton of Houston
Martha Fitzgerald of Eagle Lake
Helen Chew of Eagle Lake
Cottie Savage of Matagorda

Ed Castleton
Jimmie Castleton
John Huebner
Kenneth Carter
Bryan Stratton of New Mexico
T. C. Cash
James Preddy
L. Gilbert Gaedcke
Fred Law
Claude Hamill
Percy Hamill
Mitt Morehead
Brooks Gary of Wharton
Vernon Matthews of Eagle Lake
Fred Broch of Angleton
Rugeley Serrill of Matagorda
Austin Savage of Matagorda
John Hill
Charlie Davidson
Jim McKelvy
Wesley McKelvy
Knox Stapleton of Wharton
Bill Eason of Wharton

Lt. and Mrs. C. M. O'Brian, Ayer, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kilbride
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Highley
Mrs. George Serrill
Mrs. V. Doubek
Mrs. John Castleton
Mrs. Tom Castleton

Matagorda County Tribune, January 10, 1919


Little Marie McCain entertained quite a few of her little friends Saturday afternoon with a Christmas party. The house was beautiful throughout in its Christmas decorations, holly and greens being used in profusion. Outdoor games were played until a late hour, when a delicious repast of cream and birthday cake was served.

Those enjoying this delightful hospitality were: Lenora Dodd, Leroa Dodd, Madeline Simons, Helen Ditch, Ruth Ditch, Esther Leah Ditch, Estell Overstreet, Helen Woods, Francis Bentley, Irby Stinnett, Iona Stinnett, Elaine Brunner, Francis Taylor, Bonnie Crawford, Savannah Hawkins, Jane Rugeley, Beulah Erickson, Lucile White, Katherine Vaughn, La Verne Secrest, P. G. Seccrest Jr., Elsie Brown, Virginia Verser, Lucille Harper, Marjorie Barber, Katherine Klein,  Gladys Broughton, John Sutherland Creeech, Nicholas Vogelsang, Harry Hibbetts, Adolph Beadle Moore, William Grover Moore.

The Matagorda County Tribune, Friday, December 12, 1919


Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Liggett entertained with a four-course dinner on Dec. 2 in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary. The table was beautifully decorated in green and white, the bride’s colors of the wedding. The place cards were made of wood shavings held by little green birds which perched upon the tumblers. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spence, Miss Ethel Spence, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Glasser Jr. of Buckeye; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Holsworth, Mr. Mason S. Holsworth, Mr. I. M. Glasser, Miss Mirium Glasser, Miss Janie Yeatts and Miss Margaret Holsworth of Collegeport. Mr. and Mrs. Liggett received some very pretty wooden gifts.

The Matagorda County Tribune, December 19, 1919

1912 - 1914          1915 - 1919          1920s          1930 - 1932          1933          1934 - 1944


Copyright 2008 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 7, 2008
Oct. 25, 2009